138 resultados para Juan María Songel
[EUS] Lan honetan harreman beharrizanen inguruko diagnostiko bat aurkezten da: prozedura etnografikoak erabiliz, Granadako eskola batean edukiak ikasi eta irakasteko antolatzen den gizarte- elkarrekintzan harreman beharrizanek zein toki duten eta nola hartzen diren aztertu da. Diagnostikoaren oinarri teorikoan orientabide soziokulturala duen ikuspegi konstruktibista dago eta baita garapen sozio afektiboari buruzko ekarpenak ere. Lan honekin azpimarratu nahi izan da gizarte-elkarrekintzak duen garrantzia irakaste eta ikaste prozesuetan eskolan, alde akademikoaz gain alde afektiboa ere mahai gainean jarriz. Diagnostikoan harreman beharrizanak batzuetan ez direla asetzen agertzen da eta asetzeari begira erabilgarriak izan daitezkeen ildo batzuk proposatzen dira.
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo estudiar las propiedades estructurales y magnéticas de diferentes películas delgadas anisótropas de permalloy. Algunas de las muestras a estudiar han sido depositadas con diferentes velocidades de deposición, y otras de ellas se han depositado sobre diferentes capas de base sobre el sustrato. Todas ellas han sido producidas mediante pulverización catódica.
Proiektu honetan hainbat simulazio garatu egin dira Easy Java Simulations programaren bidez fisikaren irakaskuntzara bideratuak (tiro parabolikoa, pendulu sinplea, Eguzki Sistema eta Atwood-en makina kulunkatzailea). Proiektuaren hizkuntza euskara da.
565 p.
Fecha: 15-3-1935 (>1970 reproducción) / Unidad de instalación: Carpeta 25 - Expediente 23-2 / Nº de pág.: 1 (mecanografiada)
This work analyzes a managerial delegation model in which firms can choose between a flexible production technology which allows them to produce two different products and a dedicated production technology which limits production to only one product. We analyze whether the incentives to adopt the flexible technology are smaller or greater in a managerial delegation model than under strict profit maximization. We obtain that the asymmetric equilibrium in which only one firm adopts the flexible technology can be sustained under strategic delegation but not under strict profit maximization when products are substitutes. We extend the analysis to consider welfare implications.
This work analyzes a managerial delegation model in which firms that produce a differentiated good can choose between two production technologies: a low marginal cost technology and a high marginal cost technology. For the former to be adopted more investment is needed than for the latter. By giving managers of firms an incentive scheme based on a linear combination of profit and sales revenue, we find that Bertrand competition provides a stronger incentive to adopt the cost-saving technology than the strict profit maximization case. However, the results may be reversed under Cournot competition. We show that if the degree of product substitutability is sufficiently low (high), the incentive to adopt the cost-saving technology is larger under strict profit maximization (strategic delegation).
Fecha: 20-4-1943 (>1970 reproducción) / Unidad de instalación: Carpeta 25 - Expediente 23-3 / Nº de pág.: 1 (mecanografiada)
Fecha: >1970 / Unidad de instalación: Carpeta 32 - Expediente 1 / Nº de pág.: 30 (manuscritas) / Signatura: BIB-54
This paper uses a structural approach based on the indirect inference principle to estimate a standard version of the new Keynesian monetary (NKM) model augmented with term structure using both revised and real-time data. The estimation results show that the term spread and policy inertia are both important determinants of the U.S. estimated monetary policy rule whereas the persistence of shocks plays a small but significant role when revised and real-time data of output and inflation are both considered. More importantly, the relative importance of term spread and persistent shocks in the policy rule and the shock transmission mechanism drastically change when it is taken into account that real-time data are not well behaved.
Fecha: 27-12-1937 (>1970 reproducción) / Unidad de instalación: Carpeta 45 - Expediente 1-2 / Nº de pág.: 1 (mecanografiada)
Fecha: 15/23-10-1937 (>1970 reproducción) / Unidad de instalación: Carpeta 45 - Expediente 1-7 / Nº de pág.: 5 (mecanografiadas)
Fecha: 10-10-1937 (>1970 reproducción) / Unidad de instalación: Carpeta 45 - Expediente 1-8 / Nº de pág.: 4 (mecanografiadas)