17 resultados para Calcium Receptor
Kv7.2 (KCNQ2) is the principal molecular component of the slow voltage gated M-channel, which strongly influences neuronal excitability. Calmodulin (CaM) binds to two intracellular C-terminal segments of Kv7.2 channels, helices A and B, and it is required for exit from the endoplasmic reticulum. However, the molecular mechanisms by which CaM controls channel trafficking are currently unknown. Here we used two complementary approaches to explore the molecular events underlying the association between CaM and Kv7.2 and their regulation by Ca2+. First, we performed a fluorometric assay using dansylated calmodulin (D-CaM) to characterize the interaction of its individual lobes to the Kv7.2 CaM binding site (Q2AB). Second, we explored the association of Q2AB with CaM by NMR spectroscopy, using N-15-labeled CaM as a reporter. The combined data highlight the interdependency of the N- and C-lobes of CaM in the interaction with Q2AB, suggesting that when CaM binds Ca2+ the binding interface pivots between the N-lobe whose interactions are dominated by helix B and the C-lobe where the predominant interaction is with helix A. In addition, Ca2+ makes CaM binding to Q2AB more difficult and, reciprocally, the channel weakens the association of CaM with Ca2+.
El cáncer se ha considerado una enfermedad definida y dirigida por la inestabilidad genómica, las alteraciones cromosómicas y las mutaciones genéticas. Sin embargo, en la actualidad, la influencia de las células estromales no malignas del microambiente tumoral está claramente establecida. Los tumores son tejidos complejos, compuestos no sólo por las células malignas, sino también, por células estromales genéticamente estables, incluyendo a fibroblastos y macrófagos además de la matriz extracelular que producen. Al igual que en órganos sanos, estos compartimentos del microambiente no son meros espectadores, sino que regulan críticamente la iniciación tumoral, la progresión maligna y la metástasis. Más aún, los diferentes tipos estromales en diferentes contextos pueden exhibir capacidades promotoras u opuestas al tumor.