18 resultados para 6-Hydroxydopamine


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[eus] Proiektu honen bidez, Lehen Hezkuntzako lehenengo zikloan bertsogintza eta koplagintza lantzea posible dela erakutsi nahian, eguneroko errutinetan eta ipuin baten sekuentzializazioan bertsoak eta koplak txertatu ditut. Horretarako, hizkuntza lantzea izan da nire helbururik nagusiena, taldea motibatuz eta bertsoekiko zaletasuna bultzatuz. Ebaluaketa egiterakoan, metodo kualitatiboan oinarritu naiz ikasleen garapenaz ohartzeko. Azkenik, emaitzak eta ondorioak plazaratu ditut.


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Fecha : 10 de agosto de 1937. Unidad de instalación, Carpeta Rectorado G-11. 2 hojas mecanografiadas


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Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 6E has recently been described, but its long-term epidemiology is not well known. From 1981-2013, 704 serogroup 6 clinical isolates were obtained in Gipuzkoa, Basque Country, Spain. All invasive and one in four non-invasive isolates were included. Overall, 75, 97, 51 and 45 serotypes 6A, 6B, 6C and 6E isolates, respectively, were detected. No serotype 6D isolates were identified. The prevalence of serotypes 6E and 6B, but not that of serotypes 6A and 6C, declined after the introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines. Serotype 6E isolates showed the highest resistance rate. Most serotype 6E isolates were ST90.