153 resultados para FERNÁNDEZ DE TINOCO, MARÍA
[eus] Adimen gaitasun handiko nesken egoera oso berezia da. Adimen gaitasun handi gisa, oso neska gutxi daude identifikatuta. Horren arrazoia, besteak beste nesken ezaugarriak, portaerak, jasotzen duten hezkuntza eta inguratzen dituen gizartea dira. Hori dela eta, irakasleen lana arlo honetan oso garrantzitsua da. Horrexegatik, lan honen helburua, irakasleei eta familiei laguntzeko ekarpen didaktikoak sortzea izan da. Alde batetik, neska hauen ezaugarriak eta hauei laguntzeko zenbait prozedura azaltzen dituen bideoa sortu da, bestetik, neska hauek identifikatzeko eta laguntzeko behaketa-tresna proposatu da.
[ES] Damos a conocer la forma y el texto completos de la inscripción de referencia con descubrimiento de tres nuevas líneas de texto y elementos decorativos astrales en cabecera semicircular. En estas líneas se encuentran dos "cognomina" indígenas de la zona de los verrones, uno muy abundante ("Arco") y el otro menos frecuente ("Taginus").
nterruptions in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) compromise defibrillation success. However, CPR must be interrupted to analyze the rhythm because although current methods for rhythm analysis during CPR have high sensitivity for shockable rhythms, the specificity for nonshockable rhythms is still too low. This paper introduces a new approach to rhythm analysis during CPR that combines two strategies: a state-of-the-art CPR artifact suppression filter and a shock advice algorithm (SAA) designed to optimally classify the filtered signal. Emphasis is on designing an algorithm with high specificity. The SAA includes a detector for low electrical activity rhythms to increase the specificity, and a shock/no-shock decision algorithm based on a support vector machine classifier using slope and frequency features. For this study, 1185 shockable and 6482 nonshockable 9-s segments corrupted by CPR artifacts were obtained from 247 patients suffering out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. The segments were split into a training and a test set. For the test set, the sensitivity and specificity for rhythm analysis during CPR were 91.0% and 96.6%, respectively. This new approach shows an important increase in specificity without compromising the sensitivity when compared to previous studies.
El presente trabajo se propone analizar desde una perspectiva internacionalista el recorrido del principio de justicia universal en nuestro ordenamiento: inicialmente configurado como un principio de carácter absoluto y cuyo alcance se ha visto drásticamente reducido tras las reformas llevadas a cabo por el legistlador en la última década, especialmente la última de ellas realizada en 2014, hasta el punto de acabar con la misma esencia de esta figura. Expuesto lo anterior, se abordan también las consecuencias que ha traído esta última modificación y las reacciones que la misma ha provocado. Para terminar, trataremos de esclarecer cuáles son las posibles vías de actuación dado el escenario actual.
Comunicación (Poster) en panel del congreso: Designing New Heterogeneous Catalysts, Faraday Discussion, 4–6 April 2016. London, United Kingdom.
Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is a rare lung-metastasizing neoplasm caused by the proliferation of smooth muscle-like cells that commonly carry loss-of-function mutations in either the tuberous sclerosis complex 1 or 2 (TSC1 or TSC2) genes. While allosteric inhibition of the mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) has shown substantial clinical benefit, complementary therapies are required to improve response and/or to treat specific patients. However, there is a lack of LAM biomarkers that could potentially be used to monitor the disease and to develop other targeted therapies. We hypothesized that the mediators of cancer metastasis to lung, particularly in breast cancer, also play a relevant role in LAM. Analyses across independent breast cancer datasets revealed associations between low TSC1/2 expression, altered mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1) pathway signaling, and metastasis to lung. Subsequently, immunohistochemical analyses of 23 LAM lesions revealed positivity in all cases for the lung metastasis mediators fascin 1 (FSCN1) and inhibitor of DNA binding 1 (ID1). Moreover, assessment of breast cancer stem or luminal progenitor cell biomarkers showed positivity in most LAM tissue for the aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 (ALDH1), integrin-beta 3 (ITGB3/CD61), and/or the sex-determining region Y-box 9 (SOX9) proteins. The immunohistochemical analyses also provided evidence of heterogeneity between and within LAM cases. The analysis of Tsc2-deficient cells revealed relative over-expression of FSCN1 and ID1; however, Tsc2-deficient cells did not show higher sensitivity to ID1-based cancer inhibitors. Collectively, the results of this study reveal novel LAM biomarkers linked to breast cancer metastasis to lung and to cell stemness, which in turn might guide the assessment of additional or complementary therapeutic opportunities for LAM.
Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1 or Steinert's disease) and type 2 (DM2) are multisystem disorders of genetic origin. Progressive muscular weakness, atrophy and myotonia are the most prominent neuromuscular features of these diseases, while other clinical manifestations such as cardiomyopathy, insulin resistance and cataracts are also common. From a clinical perspective, most DM symptoms are interpreted as a result of an accelerated aging (cataracts, muscular weakness and atrophy, cognitive decline, metabolic dysfunction, etc.), including an increased risk of developing tumors. From this point of view, DM1 could be described as a progeroid syndrome since a notable age dependent dysfunction of all systems occurs. The underlying molecular disorder in DM1 consists of the existence of a pathological (CTG) triplet expansion in the 3' untranslated region (UTR) of the Dystrophia ll/Iyotonica Protein Kinase (DMPK) gene, whereas (CCTG)n repeats in the first intron of the Cellular Nucleic acid Binding Protein/Zinc Finger Protein 9 (CNBP/ZNF9) gene cause DM2. The expansions are transcribed into (CUG)n and (CCUG)n-containing RNA, respectively, which form secondary structures and sequester RNA binding proteins, such as the splicing factor muscleblind-like protein (MBNL), forming nuclear aggregates known as foci. Other splicing factors, such as CUGBP, are also disrupted, leading to a spliceopathy of a large number of downstream genes linked to the clinical features of these diseases. Skeletal muscle regeneration relies on muscle progenitor cells, known as satellite cells, which are activated after muscle damage, and which proliferate and differentiate to muscle cells, thus regenerating the damaged tissue. Satellite cell dysfunction seems to be a common feature of both age-dependent muscle degeneration (sarcopenia) and muscle wasting in DM and other muscle degenerative diseases. This review aims to describe the cellular, molecular and macrostructural processes involved in the muscular degeneration seen in DM patients, highlighting the similarities found with muscle aging.
Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) algorithms face two main difficulties: the curse of dimensionality, and environment non-stationarity due to the independent learning processes carried out by the agents concurrently. In this paper we formalize and prove the convergence of a Distributed Round Robin Q-learning (D-RR-QL) algorithm for cooperative systems. The computational complexity of this algorithm increases linearly with the number of agents. Moreover, it eliminates environment non sta tionarity by carrying a round-robin scheduling of the action selection and execution. That this learning scheme allows the implementation of Modular State-Action Vetoes (MSAV) in cooperative multi-agent systems, which speeds up learning convergence in over-constrained systems by vetoing state-action pairs which lead to undesired termination states (UTS) in the relevant state-action subspace. Each agent's local state-action value function learning is an independent process, including the MSAV policies. Coordination of locally optimal policies to obtain the global optimal joint policy is achieved by a greedy selection procedure using message passing. We show that D-RR-QL improves over state-of-the-art approaches, such as Distributed Q-Learning, Team Q-Learning and Coordinated Reinforcement Learning in a paradigmatic Linked Multi-Component Robotic System (L-MCRS) control problem: the hose transportation task. L-MCRS are over-constrained systems with many UTS induced by the interaction of the passive linking element and the active mobile robots.
Age of onset (AO) of Huntington disease (HD) is mainly determined by the length of the CAG repeat expansion (CAGexp) in exon 1 of the HTT gene. Additional genetic variation has been suggested to contribute to AO, although the mechanism by which it could affect AO is presently unknown. The aim of this study is to explore the contribution of candidate genetic factors to HD AO in order to gain insight into the pathogenic mechanisms underlying this disorder. For that purpose, two AO definitions were used: the earliest age with unequivocal signs of HD (earliest AO or eAO), and the first motor symptoms age (motor AO or mAO). Multiple linear regression analyses were performed between genetic variation within 20 candidate genes and eAO or mAO, using DNA and clinical information of 253 HD patients from REGISTRY project. Gene expression analyses were carried out by RT-qPCR with an independent sample of 35 HD patients from Basque Country Hospitals. We found suggestive association signals between HD eAO and/or mAO and genetic variation within the E2F2, ATF7IP, GRIN2A, GRIN2B, LINC01559, HIP1 and GRIK2 genes. Among them, the most significant was the association between eAO and rs2742976, mapping to the promoter region of E2F2 transcription factor. Furthermore, rs2742976 T allele patient carriers exhibited significantly lower lymphocyte E2F2 gene expression, suggesting a possible implication of E2F2-dependent transcriptional activity in HD pathogenesis. Thus, E2F2 emerges as a new potential HD AO modifier factor.
426 p.
335 p. + anexos
La producción de hidrógeno a partir de residuos plásticos es un proceso interesante y viable, teniendo en cuenta el aumento significativo del actual consumo de hidrógeno. Sustituyendo así, la producción a partir de fuentes fósiles las cuales emiten grandes cantidades de CO2. El interés principal de este proyecto es avanzar en la valorización del plástico, HDPE, a través de la pirólisis y posterior reformado con vapor en línea para la obtención de hidrógeno, producto de alto valor añadido. Para ello se ha propuesto una primera etapa de pirólisis en un reactor spouted bed cónico y una segunda etapa catalítica de reformado con vapor en un lecho fluidizado en línea. Partiendo de unas condiciones de operación óptimas para el proceso, se pretende conocer cómo afecta la desactivación del catalizador al proceso a medida que la reacción avanza.
El objetivo del trabajo es caracterizar distintos tipos de plásticos (poliestireno, polibutadieno, silicona, ABS virgen y reciclado, PVC virgen y reciclado, bisfenol A y residuos móviles) mediante diferentes técnicas (cromatografía de permeación en gel, termogravimetría, espectroscopia infrarroja y calorimetría diferencia de barrido), de las cuales se obtendrá diferente información sobre la composición de las muestras. Entre estos plásticos, se diferencian los plásticos vírgenes y reciclados. Los plásticos vírgenes utilizados provienen de distintas empresas químicas. Por otro lado los materiales reciclados, suministrados por la empresa Gaiker, han sido sometidos a una separación selectiva de residuos plásticos. Estas muestras de plásticos han sido sometidas a diferentes técnicas de caracterización. Tras realizar estas pruebas, el objetivo era comparar entre los plásticos vírgenes y reciclados, para observar las similitudes y diferencias que hay entre unos y otros. Con esta caracterización, es posible observar cómo cambian las matrices o composiciones de los materiales una vez han sido reciclados, ya que siendo el mismo material, sufren cambios que hacen que no sea igual al 100%.
[EUS] Gradu bukaerako lan honetan, euskokantauriar arroko hareen fase kristalinoak aztertzen dira XRD bidez. Munduko beste hareekin aldaratu egingo dira, aipatutako metodoa erabiliz, fase bereizgarriak dituzten ala ez zehazteko.
Los bioensayos con plantas son una herramienta indispensable para la evaluación de la toxicidad de los suelos. Gran parte de la variabilidad que dificulta su generalización y la interpretación de resultados radica en la falta de un protocolo estandarizado y común que elimine las variables asociadas a las condiciones experimentales, al germoplasma vegetal y a los bioindicadores relevantes de toxicidad que existen entre los bioensayos tradicionales con plantas. En nuestro estudio proponemos un bioensayo que permite de una forma sencilla, barata y efectiva cuantificar el efecto fitotóxico de los contaminantes en suelo y agua. La estandarización del material vegetal, las condiciones del ensayo y el análisis de imagen permiten mayor fiabilidad y una economía de tiempo y esfuerzo en estos bioensayos. En este estudio se presentan los resultados de toxicidad de Zn, Cd y Pb en disolución y suelos mineros mediante marcadores de biométricos, fisiológicos y génicos de Cucumis sativus.