224 resultados para Claudio Sánchez Albornoz


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How can networking affect the turnout in an election? We present a simple model to explain turnout as a result of a dynamic process of formation of the intention to vote within Erdös-Renyi random networks. Citizens have fixed preferences for one of two parties and are embedded in a given social network. They decide whether or not to vote on the basis of the attitude of their immediate contacts. They may simply follow the behavior of the majority (followers) or make an adaptive local calculus of voting (Downsian behavior). So they either have the intention of voting when the majority of their neighbors are willing to vote too, or they vote when they perceive in their social neighborhood that elections are "close". We study the long run average turnout, interpreted as the actual turnout observed in an election. Depending on the combination of values of the two key parameters, the average connectivity and the probability of behaving as a follower or in a Downsian fashion, the system exhibits monostability (zero turnout), bistability (zero turnout and either moderate or high turnout) or tristability (zero, moderate and high turnout). This means, in particular, that for a wide range of values of both parameters, we obtain realistic turnout rates, i.e. between 50% and 90%.


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This paper analyzes the debate between Ohlin and Keynes on the question as to whether Germany was able to make the payments specified in the Dawes Plan. Keynes argued that Germany was able to collect the money but unable to transfer it to the victors because there existed an insurmountable “transfer problem”. Ohlin replied that such a “transfer problem” did not exist and, therefore, that Germany was able to make the payments stipulated by the Dawes Committee. This paper analyzes the positions of the two contenders and argues that the problems are not correctly delimited and that the theoretical bases of the contenders show serious deficiencies. It also brings to light some interesting theoretical and practical paradoxes that neither Keynes nor Ohlin dealt with.


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This paper was presented at the 11th Annual Conference of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought (ESHET).


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This paper was presented at the Seminars of the Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis I, University of the Basque Country in September 2004.


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I contrast the theoretical foundation of profit maximization of Mas-Colell, Whinston and Green’s “Microeconomics” against that provided by Scitovsky in a paper of 1943. Whereas Mas-Colell, Whinston and Green try to show that profit maximization can be derived from utility maximization, Scitovsky categorically states the contrary view. I argue, first, that the foundation provided by Mas-Colell, Whinston and Green is not sound and, secondly, that Scitovsky’s line of reasoning opens a better way to model business behavior.


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In this paper, I examine Varian’s treatment of rent in his textbook on Microeconomics. I argue that he holds contradictory conceptions: sometimes rent is defined as surplus over cost whereas sometimes it is defined as cost, as the opportunity cost of fixed factors. I start by arguing that the distinction between fixed and variable factors is not the key for the definition of rent; ultimately, it is monopoly. Varian’s conception of rent is, essentially, Ricardo’s: rent is extraordinary profit turned rent. On the basis of a selfinconsistent notion of opportunity cost, Varian introduces the idea that rent is the opportunity cost of land, when what he actually defines is the opportunity cost of not renting the land. I also critically examine the related notion of “producer’s surplus”, and show that Varian’s treatment repeats the same contradiction as in rent.


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In this paper, I examine the treatment of competitive profit of professor Varian in his textbook on Microeconomics, as a representative of the “modern” post-Marxian view on competitive profit. I show how, on the one hand, Varian defines profit as the surplus of revenues over cost and, thus, as a part of the value of commodities that is not any cost. On the other hand, however, Varian defines profit as a cost, namely, as the opportunity cost of capital, so that, in competitive conditions, the profit or income of capital is determined by the opportunity cost of capital. I argue that this second definition contradicts the first and that it is based on an incoherent conception of opportunity cost.


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On the analysis of Varian’s textbook on Microeconomics, which I take to be a representative of the standard view, I argue that Varian provides two contrary notions of profit, namely, profit as surplus over cost and profit as cost. Varian starts by defining profit as the surplus of revenues over cost and, thus, as the part of the value of commodities that is not any cost; however, he provides a second definition of profit as a cost, namely, as the opportunity cost of capital. I also argue that the definition of competitive profit as the opportunity cost of capital involves a self-contradictory notion of opportunity cost.


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[ES] Actualmente, el sistema sanitario público en España se encuentra en una etapa de modernización, marcadamente orientada hacia los destinatarios de sus servicios, es decir, el conjunto de los ciudadanos. Entre el amplio conjunto de acciones que se están implementando, destaca la implantación de nuevas fórmulas organizativas, la instalación de tecnologías avanzadas en información y comunicación, la gestión estratágica de los recursos humanos o la aplicación de técnicas de calidad total.


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[ES] Identificar el origen de la competitividad, a pesar de ser un tema controvertido, es algo a lo que investigadores, consultores y directivos dedican grandes esfuerzos. El hecho de que la mayoría de los estudios dirijan su atención hacia niveles macroeconómicos o se centren en la gran empresa nos lleva en este trabajo a identificar, basándonos en la literatura, los factores de éxito competitivo específicos de las pyme. A continuación, tras analizar cómo medir el éxito competitivo, se realiza un estudio empírico con una muestra de 473 pyme de la Región de Murcia para determinar cuáles son los factores explicativos de su éxito. Los resultados del estudio confirman parcialmente los recogidos en la literatura. Del trabajo se extraen interesantes conclusiones tanto relativas a cuáles son los factores explicativos del éxito en las pyme como de cara a la realización de nuevas investigaciones sobre este tema.


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[ES] En el presente trabajo llevamos a cabo una delimitación del constructo implicación, para lo que nos introducimos en los siguientes aspectos: a) conocer el origen de su estudio, así como los diferentes marcos conceptuales de abordaje; b) eliminar posibles confusiones con otros conceptos (por ejemplo, entre la implicación y la motivación); c) conocer sus determinantes, dimensiones y consecuencias; d) abordar el debate existente en torno a su conceptualización así como la posible unión entre diferentes posturas.


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[ES] La mayor parte de enfoques teóricos de internacionalización han surgido en el marco del sector industrial y, por tanto, algunas explicaciones podrían no ser generalizables al sector servicios en su globalidad. Por ello, las características sectoriales deben ser tenidas en cuenta en el análisis de los modos de entrada de las empresas de servicios, ya que es posible encontrar patrones de comportamiento muy diferentes no sólo con respecto a las empresas industriales sino también entre las propias empresas de servicios.