7 resultados para olio RTIL voltammetria ciclica microelettrodo platino frodi alimentari
em Universita di Parma
Nel presente lavoro di tesi sono stati studiati diversi aspetti riguardanti micotossine regolate ed emergenti al fine di fornire informazioni circa la loro mitigazione dal campo al prodotto finito, focalizzando l’attenzione sul potenziale impatto del processo tecnologico. Successivamente, il loro ruolo tossicologico, ancora in discussione, è stato indagato attraverso l’applicazione di modelli gastrointestinali. In particolare, lo studio è stato rivolto a DON, micotossina più comune nel grano, DON-3-Glc, che rappresenta la sua principale forma modificata, e alla micotossina ENN B, maggiore rappresentante tra il gruppo delle cosiddette micotossine “emergenti”. Questo studio è stato quindi suddiviso in tre sezioni. La prima è stata rivolta allo sviluppo di esperimenti in serra effettuati su diversi genotipi di grano duro al fine di comprendere meglio il meccanismo di detossificazione dal DON e la resistenza delle diverse varietà ad una delle malattie più gravi che colpiscono questa specie (fusariosi della spiga). La seconda sezione ha riguardato lo studio del reale impatto di alcune filiere di produzione strategiche sul contenuto finale in micotossine. Inoltre, una strategia di mitigazione è stata messa a punto tenendo conto del possibile sviluppo di altri contaminanti legati al processo stesso e ottenendo un prodotto finito adeguato per il consumatore. Nell'ultima sezione di questo lavoro sono invece state effettuate delle indagini circa i possibili risvolti tossicologici di questi composti, valutando il loro destino durante la digestione umana.
La richiesta di allergeni puri è in continuo aumento per scopi diagnostici, come standard per metodi di rilevamento e di quantificazione, per l'immunoterapia e per lo studio a livello molecolare dei meccanismi delle reazioni allergiche, al fine di facilitare lo sviluppo di possibili cure. In questa tesi di dottorato sono descritte diverse strategie per l’ottenimento di forme pure di non-specific Lipid Transfer Proteins (nsLTPs), le quali sono state riconosciute essere rilevanti allergeni alimentari in molti frutti e verdure comunemente consumati e sono state definite come modello di veri allergeni alimentari. Una LTP potenzialmente allergenica, non nota in precedenza, è stata isolata dalle mandorle, mentre una LTP dall’allergenicità nota contenuta nelle noci è stata prodotta mediante tecniche di DNA ricombinante. Oltre a questi approcci classici, metodi per la sintesi chimica totale di proteine sono stati applicati per la prima volta alla produzione di un allergene, utilizzando Pru p 3, la LTP prototipica e principale allergene della pesca nell'area mediterranea, come modello. La sintesi chimica totale di proteinepermette di controllarne completamente la sequenza e di studiare la loro funzione a livello atomico. La sua applicazione alla produzione di allergeni costituisce perciò un importante passo avanti nel campo della ricerca sulle allergie alimentari. La proteina Pru p 3 è stata prodotta nella sua intera lunghezza e sono necessari solo due passaggi finali di deprotezione per ottenere il target nella sua forma nativa. Le condizioni sperimentali per tali deprotezioni sono state messe a punto durante la produzione dei peptidi sPru p 3 (1-37) e sPru p 3 (38-91), componenti insieme l'intera proteina. Tecniche avanzate di spettrometria di massa sono state usate per caratterizzare tutti i composti ottenuti, mentre la loro allergenicità è stata studiata attraverso test immunologici o approcci in silico.
This research deals with the production of pectic oligosaccharides (POS) from agro-industrial residues, with specific focus on development of continuous cross flow enzyme membrane reactor. Pectic oligosaccharides have recently gained attention due to their prebiotic activity. Lack of information on the continuous production of POS from agro-industrial residues formed the basis for the present study. Four residues i.e sugar beet pulp, onion hulls, pressed pumpkin cake and berry pomace were taken to study their pectin content. Based on the presence of higher galacturonic acid and arabinose (both homogalacturonan and rhamnogalacturonan) in sugar beet pulp and galacturonic acid (only homogalacturonan) in onion hulls, further optimization of different extraction methods of pectin (causing minimum damage to pectic chain) from these residues were done. The most suitable extractant for sugar beet pulp and onion hulls were nitric acid and sodium hexametaphosphate respectively. Further the experiments on the continuous production of POS from sugar beet pulp in an enzyme membrane reactor was initiated. Several optimization experiments indicated the optimum enzyme (Viscozyme) as well as feed concentration (25 g/L) to be used for producing POS from sugar beet pulp in an enzyme membrane reactor. The results highlighted that steady state POS production with volumetric and specific productivity of 22g/L/h and 11 g/gE/h respectively could be achieved by continuous cross flow filtration of sugar beet pulp pectic extract over 10 kDa membrane at residence time of 20 min. The POS yield of about 80% could be achieved using above conditions. Also, in this thesis preliminary experiments on the production and characterization of POS from onion hulls were conducted. The results revelaed that the most suitable enzyme for POS production from onion hulls is endo-polygalacturonase M2. The POS produced from onion hulls were present in the form of DP1 -DP10 in substituted as well as unsubstituted forms. This study clearly demonstrates that continuous production of POS from pectin rich sources can be achieved by using cross flow continuous enzyme membrane reactor.
In the last decades, increasing scientific evidence has correlated the regular consumption of (poly)phenol-rich foods to a potential reduction of chronic disease incidence and mortality. However, epidemiological evidence on the role of (poly)phenol intake against the risk of some chronic diseases is promising, but not conclusive. In this framework a proper approach to (poly)phenol research is requested, using a step by step strategy. The plant kingdom produces an overwhelming array of structurally diverse secondary metabolites, among which flavonoids and related phenolic and (poly)phenolic compounds constitute one of the most numerous and widely distributed group of natural products. To date, more than 8000 structures have been classified as members of the phytochemical class of (poly)phenol, and among them over 4000 flavonoids have been identified. For this reason, a detailed food (poly)phenolic characterization is essential to identify the compounds that will likely enter the human body upon consumption, to predict the metabolites that will be generated and to unravel the potential effects of phenolic rich food sources on human health. In the first part of this work the attention was focused on the phenolic characterization of fruit and vegetable supplements, considering the increasing attention recently addressed to the so called "nutraceuticals", and on the main coffee industry by-product, namely coffee silverskin. The interest oriented toward (poly)phenols is then extended to their metabolism within the human body, paramount in the framework of their putative health promoting effects. Like all nutrients and non-nutrients, once introduced through the diet, (poly)phenols are subjected to an intense metabolism, able to convert the native compounds into similar conjugated, as well as smaller and deeply modified molecules, which in turn could be further conjugated. Although great strides have been made in the last decades, some steps of the (poly)phenol metabolism remain unclear and are interesting points of research. In the second part of this work the research was focused on a specific bran fraction, namely aleurone, added in feed pellets and in bread to investigate the absorption, metabolism and bioavailability of its phenolic compounds in animal and humans, with a preliminary in vitro step to determine their potential bioaccesibility. This part outlines the best approaches to assess the bioavailability of specific phenolics in several experimental models. The physiological mechanisms explaining the epidemiological and observational data on phenolics and health, are still far from being unraveled or understood in full. Many published results on phenolic actions at cell levels are biased by the fact that aglycones or native compounds have been used, not considering the previously mentioned chemical and biological transformations. In the last part of this thesis work, a new approach in (poly)phenol bioactivity investigation is proposed, consisting of a medium-long term treatment of animals with a (poly)phenol source, in this specific case resveratrol, the detection of its metabolites to determine their possible specific tissue accumulation, and the evaluation of specific parameters and/or mechanism of action at target tissue level. To conclude, this PhD work has contributed to advancing the field, as novel sources of (poly)phenols have been described, the bioavailability of (poly)phenols contained in a novel specific bran fraction used as ingredient has been evaluated in animal and in humans, and, finally, the tissue accumulation of specific (poly)phenol metabolites and the evaluation of specific parameters and/or mechanism of action has been carried out. For these reasons, this PhD work should be considered an example of adequate approach to the investigation of (poly)phenols and of their bioactivity, unavoidable in the process of unequivocally defining their effects on human health.
Ready to eat pasta meals are an important segment of convenience food, but these products are subjected to significant changes in physico-chemical properties during storage, which reduce their acceptability at the time of consumption. A deep understanding of the properties of the single phases, their dependence upon formulation, and the changes they undergo during storage is very important to intelligently intervene on products properties to improve their quality at the time of consumer’s consumption. This work has focused on the effect of formulation on physico-chemical properties of pasta and tomato sauce with a special focus on mechanical/rheological attributes and water status. Variable considered in pasta formulation were gluten, glycerol and moisture content and their effect was studied in both freshly cooked or shelf-stable cooked pasta. The effect of multiple hydrocolloids (at different levels) was considered in the case of tomato sauce. In the case of pasta, it was found that water content was indeed a very important variable in defying pasta mechanical properties and water status. Higher moisture contents in pasta resulted in softer samples and reduced the changes in physico-chemical parameters during storage. Glycerol was found to favor water uptake and to soften the pasta matrix, acting as plasticizer and increasing molecular mobility. The addition of gluten hardened pasta but did not affect the water status. The combination of higher amount of gluten (15%, g gluten / 100 g product) with higher moisture content (59-65%, g water / 100 g product) were found to minimize the physico-chemical changes occurring in RTE pasta meals during storage, improving quality at longer storage times. Hydrocolloids added into tomato sauce modulated its mechanical attributes and water status in very different manner, depending on hydrocolloid type and concentration. This may allow to produce tomato sauce for different applications and that are expected to have different performance if placed in contact with pasta in a RTE meal. Future work should include an investigation of how the interaction between the two phases (pasta and sauce) can be modulated and controlled by controlling the properties of the single phases with the goal of obtaining highly acceptable products also at longer storage times.
Hop (Humulus lupulus L.) is a dioecius perennial plant. The cultivation is specific for female plants, used mainly for brewing and pharmacology. Female inflorescence, known as cone or strobili, contains bitter acids, essential oil and polyphenols. Commercial hop cultivation provides better results in regions between 45 and 55 degrees north or south in latitude, an area that also includes the northern part of Italy, where hop is endemic. Despite several studies have been conducted on the characterization of wild hops biodiversity in the U.S.A. and Europe, a lack in literature concerning the description of Italian wild hops genetic variability is still present. The increasing request of hop varieties improved in important traits, like diseases, resistance and valuable aroma profile, is bringing the hop industry. Moreover, Italian agricultural sector needs new impulse to be competitive in the market. In this view, Italian wild hop biodiversity is a resource, useful for the obtaining of Italian hop varieties, characterized by peculiar aromatic traits and more adaptable to Mediterranean climate, making their cultivation more sustainable. Based on this consideration, the present Ph.D. thesis deals with the evaluation of the Italian hop biodiversity, through the characterization of the wild samples under different point of view. The project started with the recovery of wild hop samples in different areas of north of Italy to consitue a collection field, where 11 commercial cultivars of US and European origin were grown, to have a complete vision of the hop panorama. Ph.D. project followed different research lines, the results of each one contributed to completly characterize the northern Italian hop wild biodiversity: • the morphological description showed a high phenological variability (Study 1); • the genetic characterization confirmed the rich biodiversity of the Italian population and showed a significant genetic distance between Italian genotypes and the commercial cultivars, taken in consideration (Study 2); • the need of an early sex discrimination method leads to an improvement of a genetic marker, developing a more efficient marker (Study 3); • a complete morphologic, genetic and chemical analysis of plants gave results to select the most promising genotypes (Study 4); • the comparison between the performance of wild hops and commercial cultivars in the same collection field indicated that some wild genotypes had a higher environment adaptability (Study 5); • the evaluation of the terroir, obtained comparing commercial cultivars in the collection field and the same genotypes purchased in the market, showed the influence of the northern Italian environment on the aromatic profile (Study 5); • a new analytical method for the revelation of bioactive metabolites and a simple extraction procedure were developed (Study 6). In conclusion, the Ph.D. thesis, contains the first characterization of Italian wild hop, made under field condition. The present study: i) permits to obtain a complete and significative description of the genotypes; ii) allows the identification of the most promising wild Italian genotypes; iii) allows the identification of commercial cultivars more adaptable the northern Italian climate.
L'obiettivo principale della politica di sicurezza alimentare è quello di garantire la salute dei consumatori attraverso regole e protocolli di sicurezza specifici. Al fine di rispondere ai requisiti di sicurezza alimentare e standardizzazione della qualità, nel 2002 il Parlamento Europeo e il Consiglio dell'UE (Regolamento (CE) 178/2002 (CE, 2002)), hanno cercato di uniformare concetti, principi e procedure in modo da fornire una base comune in materia di disciplina degli alimenti e mangimi provenienti da Stati membri a livello comunitario. La formalizzazione di regole e protocolli di standardizzazione dovrebbe però passare attraverso una più dettagliata e accurata comprensione ed armonizzazione delle proprietà globali (macroscopiche), pseudo-locali (mesoscopiche), ed eventualmente, locali (microscopiche) dei prodotti alimentari. L'obiettivo principale di questa tesi di dottorato è di illustrare come le tecniche computazionali possano rappresentare un valido supporto per l'analisi e ciò tramite (i) l’applicazione di protocolli e (ii) miglioramento delle tecniche ampiamente applicate. Una dimostrazione diretta delle potenzialità già offerte dagli approcci computazionali viene offerta nel primo lavoro in cui un virtual screening basato su docking è stato applicato al fine di valutare la preliminare xeno-androgenicità di alcuni contaminanti alimentari. Il secondo e terzo lavoro riguardano lo sviluppo e la convalida di nuovi descrittori chimico-fisici in un contesto 3D-QSAR. Denominata HyPhar (Hydrophobic Pharmacophore), la nuova metodologia così messa a punto è stata usata per esplorare il tema della selettività tra bersagli molecolari strutturalmente correlati e ha così dimostrato di possedere i necessari requisiti di applicabilità e adattabilità in un contesto alimentare. Nel complesso, i risultati ci permettono di essere fiduciosi nel potenziale impatto che le tecniche in silico potranno avere nella identificazione e chiarificazione di eventi molecolari implicati negli aspetti tossicologici e nutrizionali degli alimenti.