3 resultados para régime matrimonial
em Archimer: Archive de l'Institut francais de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer
En Guyane française , le vivaneau rouge (Lutjanus purpureus) est capturé par 3 flottilles, les ligneurs vénézuéliens, les caseyeurs antillais et les chalutiers crevettiers guyanais. Pour les crevettiers, il s'agit d'une capture accessoire inévitable, mais qui ne semble pas sans conséquences, puisque, si l'on tient compte de l'effectif total de la flottille, c'est 1 million à 1.5 millions de juvéniles qui sont pêchés (et souvent rejetés à la mer) annuellement par les crevettiers. Pour les ligneurs vénézuéliens qui pêchent 1200 tonnes, les individus de petite taille sont devenus prépondérants dans leurs captures. Ainsi dans la gamme de taille 20-30cm (125-425 grammes), on est passé, entre 1990 et 1998, de 37 000 poissons débarqués (6% de la capture) à 616 500 poissons (56% de la capture). La taille moyenne du vivaneau rouge débarqué est passée de 45 à 35 cm et son poids moyen de 1600 grammes à 700 grammes. Pour les caseyeurs, seuls deux armements (un du Larivot, l'autre du Robert), nous ont fourni quelques renseignements sur les activités et les débarquements de leurs navires. Les premières observations montrent que la composition de leurs captures en vivaneaux rouges ressemble à celle des ligneurs avec une tendance vers les petites tailles. Cependant cette tendance n'est pas aussi systématique que veulent bien le dire les détracteurs de la nasse à poissons. Leurs débarquements sont composés en nombre, pour moitié, de "vivaneaux tête ronde" (Rhomboplites aurorubens). On notera également que les caseyeurs rentabilisent leurs captures accessoires de mérous sur le marché antillais, alors que les ligneurs les rapatrient vers le Venezuela. Il existe une troisième espèce de vivaneau, le vivaneau rayé, Lutjanus synagris, capturé surtout par les chalutiers.
Otoliths are calcified structures located in Osteichthyes’ inner ear that are involved in audition and balance. Their morphology is used as an indicator of various ecological processes or properties. This application requires identifying the endogenous and exogenous factors that act simultaneously as sources of shape variation. This thesis aims at detecting and quantifying the relative contributions of directional asymmetry and diet to otolith shape variation at the intra-population level. Directional asymmetry between left and right otoliths was found in flat-fishes, the blind-side otolith being always longer and larger, whereas it was negligible in round-fishes. However, asymmetry amplitude never exceeded 18 %, which suggests evolutionary canalization of otolith shape symmetry. A correlation between global diet and otolith was detected in 4 species studied in situ. Diet composition contributed more than food amount to morphological variation and affected otolith shape both globally and locally. An experimental study on sea bass (Dicentrarchus larbrax) showed that diet composition in terms of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids at larval stage affects otolith morphogenesis during juvenile stage without impacting on individuals’ somatic growth. This result suggests a direct effect of diet on otolith shape and not an indirect one through the somatic-otolith growth relationship. This effect disappeared at later stages, morphogenetic trajectories converging back to a similar shape, which suggests ontogenetic canalization of otolith shape.
Dietary studies of marine species constitute an important key to improve the understanding of its biology and of its role in the ecosystem. Thus, prey-predator relationships structure and determine population dynamics and the trophic network at the ecosystem scale. Among the major study sites, the marine ecosystem is submitted to natural and anthropogenic constraints. In the North-Eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean, the Bay of Biscay is a large open area surrounded South by Spain and East by France. This bay is an historic place of intense fishery activities for which the main small pelagic species targeted are the pilchard, Sardina pilchardus and the anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus. The aim of this work is to analyze the trophic ecology of these two small pelagic fish in spring in the Bay of Biscay. To do this, a first section is devoted to their prey composed by the mesozooplanktonic compartment, through a two-fold approach: the characterization of their spatio-temporal dynamics during the decade 2003-2013 and the measurement of their energetic content in spring. For this season, it appears that all prey types are not worth energetically and that the Bay of Biscay represents a mosaic of dietary habitat. Moreover, the spring mesozooplankton community presents a strong spatial structuration, a temporal evolution marked by a major change in abundance and a control by the microphytoplankton biomass. The second section of this work is relative to a methodological approach of the trophic ecology of S. pilchardus and E. encrasicolus. Three different trophic tracers have been used: isotopic ratios of carbon and nitrogen, parasitological fauna and mercury contamination levels. To improve the use of the first of these trophic tracers, an experimental approach has been conducted with S. pilchardus to determine a trophic discrimination factor. Finally, it appears that the use of these three trophic tracers has always been permitted to highlight a temporal variability of the relative trophic ecology of these fish. However, no spatial dynamics could be identified through these three trophic tracers.