4 resultados para internal environmental quality
em Archimer: Archive de l'Institut francais de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer
The Water Framework Directive (WFD) establishes Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) in marine water for 34 priority substances. Among these substances, 25 are hydrophobic and bioaccumulable (2 metals and 23 organic compounds). For these 25 substances, monitoring in water matrix is not appropriate and an alternative matrix should be developed. Bivalve mollusks, particularly mussels (Mytilus edulis, Mytilus galloprovincialis), are used by Ifremer as a quantitative biological indicator since 1979 in France, to assess the marine water quality. This study has been carried out in order to determine thresholds in mussels at least as protective as EQS in marine water laid down by the WFD. Three steps are defined: - Provide an overview of knowledges about the relations between the concentrations of contaminants in the marine water and mussels through bioaccumulation factor (BAF) and bioconcentration factor (BCF). This allows to examine how a BCF or a BAF can be determined: BCF can be determined experimentally (according to US EPA or ASTM standards), or by Quantitative Activity-Structure Relationship models (QSAR): four equations can be used for mussels. BAF can be determined by field experiment; but none standards exists. It could be determined by using QSAR but this method is considered as invalid for mussels, or by using existing model: Dynamic Budget Model, but this is complex to use. - Collect concentrations data in marine water (Cwater) in bibliography for those 25 substances; and compare them with concentration in mussels (Cmussels) obtained through French monitoring network of chemicals contaminants (ROCCH) and biological integrator network RINBIO. According to available data, this leads to determine the BAF or the BCF (Cmussels /Cwater) with field data. - Compare BAF and BCF values (when available) obtained with various methods for these substances: BCF (stemming from the bibliography, using experimental process), BCF calculated by QSAR and BAF determined using field data. This study points out that experimental BCF data are available for 3 substances (Chlorpyrifos, HCH, Pentachlorobenzene). BCF by QSAR can be calculated for 20 substances. The use of field data allows to evaluate 4 BAF for organic compounds and 2 BAF for metals. Using these BAF or BCF value, thresholds in shellfish can be determined as an alternative to EQS in marine water.
This paper, based on the outcome of discussions at a NORMAN Network-supported workshop in Lyon (France) in November 2014 aims to provide a common position of passive sampling community experts regarding concrete actions required to foster the use of passive sampling techniques in support of contaminant risk assessment and management and for routine monitoring of contaminants in aquatic systems. The brief roadmap presented here focusses on the identification of robust passive sampling methodology, technology that requires further development or that has yet to be developed, our current knowledge of the evaluation of uncertainties when calculating a freely dissolved concentration, the relationship between data from PS and that obtained through biomonitoring. A tiered approach to identifying areas of potential environmental quality standard (EQS) exceedances is also shown. Finally, we propose a list of recommended actions to improve the acceptance of passive sampling by policy-makers. These include the drafting of guidelines, quality assurance and control procedures, developing demonstration projects where biomonitoring and passive sampling are undertaken alongside, organising proficiency testing schemes and interlaboratory comparison and, finally, establishing passive sampler-based assessment criteria in relation to existing EQS.
The European shellfish industry enjoys a privileged position on the global scene. Its social dimension is essential, as it employs a high number of people in more than 8000 companies, mostly micro-companies. Shellfish production in Europe is little diversified and mainly relies on the industrially produced mussels, oysters and clams. Over the recent years, this sector has grown more slowly than other fish farming sectors, notably because it depends a great deal on the environmental quality and the emergence of diseases. Mortality events, linked to pathogen organisms such as viruses, bacteria and parasites (protozoa), tend to weaken the production’s sustainability. In this context, the European project VIVALDI (PreVenting and mItigating farmed biVALve DIseases) aims at increasing the sustainability and competitiveness of the shellfish industry in Europe, developing tools and approaches with a view to better preventing and controlling marine bivalve diseases. VIVALDI is a 4-years European Horizon 2020 project coordinated by Ifremer (2016-2020): 21 mostly European, public and private partners are involved, representing the diversity of the European shellfish industry landscape
Seasonal pathologies reduce the profitability and sustainability of the shrimp-farming industry in New Caledonia. A study was therefore conducted to estimate the effects of polyculture of blue shrimp with goldline rabbitfish or mullet on production performance and environmental quality. The fish did not affect shrimp production, and the combined shrimp/fish yields were significantly greater than the yield from shrimp monoculture. Changes in environmental quality in all treatments were few and minor throughout the culture period.