3 resultados para Communautés

em Archimer: Archive de l'Institut francais de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer


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The aim of this report is to provide biomass estimates (AFDW, g.m-2 ) of the four main components of the benthic food web in the southern part of the Bay of St-Brieuc: suspension-feeders, deposit-feeders, herbivores and carnivores. Patterns in the environmental data (i.e., sedimentary characters) are first analysed, and then related to the spatial distribution of communities ; both approaches use classical ordination techniques (PCA, correspondence analysis). A second typology, based on a review of published litterature concerning coastal macrozoobenthos feeding, ascribes each taxonomic unit to a trophic group. Finally, quantitative results are thus given per biota ; suspension-feeders appear to dominate (in terms of biomass) most of fine-sand habitats of the studied area.


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L'accélération des changements dans tous les domaines, qu'il s'agisse d'environnement, de technologies ou de la vie des sociétés humaines, est une donnée majeure de notre temps. Jusqu'au XIXe siècle, les hommes gardaient une relative maîtrise des révolutions, qu'elles soient techniques (la vapeur, l'électricité, l'atome, ... ) ou sociales (la démocratie, le communisme, etc). A la fin du XXe siècle, la complexité des sociétés humaines, le foisonnement des découvertes scientifiques rapidement exploitées par l'industrie à des fins économiques et l'interdépendance croissante de toutes les activités dans des écosystèmes fragilisés ont conduit les communautés humaines à davantage subir les révolutions: mondialisation d'une économie de plus en plus immatérielle, explosion de l'informatique dans tous les secteurs, évolution du climat, bouleversement des modes de vie et de la vie même (actions sur les génomes animaux, voire humains) ... Aussi, cette accélération des changements rend d'autant plus indispensable une capacité d'anticiper les tendances et les enjeux qui déterminent l'avenir afin de disposer d'une liberté de réflexion et d'action indépendante de la stricte contrainte des évènements.


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During recent decades, works on rocky shore biodiversity have been multiplied in the southern part of the Bay of Biscay and more precisely on intertidal and subtidal area were communities present a great interest. Necessity of conservation of coastal habitats and their communities and a growing pressure on coastal environments explain awareness of services provided by these ecosystems. Those communities are very sensitive to water quality change. Moreover, since the beginning of the XXI century various European directives require a good ecological status of coastal waters and conservation of their communities : Water Framework Directive (WFD), Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and conservation of habitats with Directive Habitat Fauna and Flora (DHFF).... Integrated environmental status assessment approach is needed for this requirement in front of specific component at the regional scale of the Bay of Biscay. This analyze, at this regional scale, bring a particular interest to follow some biological groups in front of their ecological sensitivity. Among them, some example are listed like algae, invertebrate as species of mollusc opistobranch and fishes of the family blennidae are targets of interest for future monitoring. The biogeographic specificity of species of these groups is to present strong ecological requirements, in a trophic point of view for example, as well as boundary in local distribution in the southern part of the Bay of Biscay. Thus, monitoring of their distribution and abundance should be a relevant indicator of environmental change. If the presence of individuals is relatively easy to implement, monitoring in terms of abundance are more complex to develop to obtain representative data in coastal areas. The mobile character of the individual and their high location variability based on fluctuating environmental conditions is a challenge that needs to be considered. Interest concerns both the development of their number and their migration to the north for species in northern limit, and/or disappearance for species in southern distribution limits. Moreover, acquisition of knowledge on the taxonomy of local species is a way to improve biodiversity knowledge and assessment of global change as climatic change.