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Le présent document dresse le bilan de la qualité sanitaire de l’ensemble des gisements naturels suivis par l’ARS Bretagne et l’Ifremer dans les départements des Côtes d’Armor et d’Ille-et-Vilaine, sur la période 2013-2015. Ce rapport s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet RESP²ONsable, mené par l’Ifremer et l’ARS Bretagne depuis 2013 sur la communication des risques sanitaires de la pêche à pied récréative. Son support principal est un site internet mettant à disposition du public une information complète et actualisée, à l’échelle de la Bretagne.
Le présent document dresse le bilan de la qualité sanitaire de l’ensemble des gisements naturels suivis par l’ARS Bretagne et l’Ifremer dans le département du Morbihan, sur la période 2013-2015. Ce rapport s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet RESP²ONsable, mené par l’Ifremer et l’ARS Bretagne depuis 2013 sur la communication des risques sanitaires de la pêche à pied récréative. Son support principal est un site internet mettant à disposition du public une information complète et actualisée, à l’échelle de la Bretagne.
Le présent document dresse le bilan de la qualité sanitaire de l’ensemble des gisements naturels suivis par l’ARS Bretagne et l’Ifremer dans le département du Morbihan, sur la période 2013-2015. Ce rapport s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet RESP²ONsable, mené par l’Ifremer et l’ARS Bretagne depuis 2013 sur la communication des risques sanitaires de la pêche à pied récréative. Son support principal est un site internet mettant à disposition du public une information complète et actualisée, à l’échelle de la Bretagne.
The publication draws up a balance sheet about the natural marine assets of New Caledonia by distinguishing the coast and the intertidal zones, the coral reefs and lagoons, the open sea or "deep blue". A set of assets relative to the living and mineral natural resources, to the characteristics of the shallow and deep marine biodiversity, to the potential marine energy resources are discussed. This publication, edited in a Consumer directed free magazine, draws up a set of perspectives relative to a blue economy to be built in a country still very centred on its ground resources, essentially the nickel mining industry.
This work presents interactions between quantitative and qualitative river freshwater inputs and the shellfish farming (oyster and mussel) in the Pertuis Charentais. The quantity of freshwater (i.e. salinity) seems to have a weak influence on the shellfish farming contrarily to its quality determined by particulate and dissolved matters contained in the water. In autumn and winter, large precipitations have a "globally positive" effect amending the coastal ecosystem. Associated dissolved nutriments and the organic matter largely determine the quality of the coming spring growth for bred shellfish, itself controlling in turn the annual yield efficiencies. However, in winter their effects are postponed because of strong mineral load, low luminosity and temperature, then limiting the primary production. The spring contributions, directly linked to territorial practices, agriculture and tourism are more variable in quantity and quality from one year to another. They often correspond to high-risk inflows since numerous substances from anthropogenic watersheds can be found diluted in the coastal zone as in the Pertuis Charentais. Their impacts on in situ estuarine ecosystems are still poorly known since these substances are mainly studied and estimated in laboratory in controlled conditions. Several studies showed anthropogenic contaminations (i.e. cadmium, pesticides) could have significant direct or indirect effects on shellfish farming. For instance, the "summer" mortalities between 1990 and 2000 in the South of the Marennes-Oléron bay (MOB), that induced environmental and physiological oyster disorders, could be linked to pesticide effects, measured during consecutive years on the oyster bed of Ronce Perquis in the South of the MOB. The weak results from the spring larval rearing of the IFREMER experimental hatchery in the South of the bay, and chromosomal abnormalities measured on the stocks of wild oysters of the Pertuis could confirm a high-risk spring environment for the shellfish farming. In summer terrestrial inputs are reduced by low precipitations, anthropogenic water removals (drinking water, irrigation) and by plant evapotranspiration. Consequently certain years, a significant salinity increase in water masses of the Pertuis Charentais is observed. However, based on long-term observations, the significant interannual variability noticed in freshwater contributions constitutes one of the most important facts of these last years. When contributions are weak (i.e. 1991 and 2011), the mean annual salinity is 34.5 in the MOB. To the contrary, other years (i.e. 1977, 1981, 1983 and 1988), the mean salinity reduced to 30.5 shows the significant freshwater contributions to the bay. Elsewhere, particularly in the mediterranean region, oyster breeding water conditions characterized by high salinity values show the freshwater does not seem to be necessary for biological functions of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Indeed, the oyster embryonic life in particular is well adapted to high salinity values as long as trophic resources are substantial and temperatures remain high. These two factors firstly condition the embryonic survival before the water salinity. Besides, in the Pertuis Charentais, wind conditions and the geographical bloodstock position rather determine the success of the larvae capture than seawater physic-chemical conditions. Finally, a misunderstanding still remains on summer freshwater contributions to the oyster larvae food supply.
Tissue engineering is a real challenge for the treatment of cartilage pathologies. In this field, biomimetic hydrogels based on natural polymers are among the most commonly used matrices. A hydrogel made of silanized hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC-Si) is especially promising because it can be injected in cartilaginous lesions by minimally invasive surgery. However, the current synthesis of HPMC-Si is limited by the insolubility of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC). This thesis work was focused on finding new synthesis conditions for the design of HPMC-Si hydrogel. In order to obtain a complete solubilization of HPMC and to improve its functionalization by the (3-glycidyloxypropyl) trimethoxysilane (GPTMS), the use of ionic liquids (IL), which are excellent solvents for polysaccharides, was undertaken. The beginning of this study was first devoted to the selection of an IL and then to the development of new reaction conditions. With these new conditions, higher silicon rates were obtained for HPMC modified in ionic liquid medium, however no hydrogel could be formed. The second part was therefore devoted to the synthesis of GPTMS 13C. Indeed, thanks to this radiolabeling, a structural characterization by 13C NMR of the HPMC-Si could be achieved. Finally, the reactivity in organic solvents of three organosilanes, including the GPTMS, was investigated toward nucleophiles representing the common functions found in natural polymers (e.g. -NH2, -OH, -SH). The results of this thesis have provided insights into the GPTMS reactivity in organic medium and thus paves the way to new conditions for the silanization of polysaccharides.
Les travaux menés au LCPL depuis plusieurs année sur l'engraissement contrôlé de l'huître creuse Crassostrea gigas ont permis, à l'échelle expérimentale de définir les différents paramètres d'élevage: Température: 14°C ration alimentaire: 2.109 cell/ind/j de la diatomée Skeletonema costatum indice AFNOR initial sans incidence débit d'eau: 3 lIind/h eau de mer ou eau salée souterraine Dans ces conditions et après 30 jours d'engraissement, le poids total des huîtres a progressé de 10%, le poids sec de 230%, l'indice AFNOR de 80% et la concentration en glycogène de 450%. Le travail réalisé ici a pour but de transposer de l'échelle expérimentale à une échelle significative pour les professionnels, la technique d'engraissement contrôlé en utilisant l'eau salée souterraine pour la production de phytoplancton d'une part et comme vecteur de régulation thermique d'autre part. En effet, un des intérêts de l'utilisation de l'eau salée souterraine réside dans sa température constante de 14°C permettant un engraissement des huîtres en toute saison sans risque de déclenchement de la gamétogenèse. Afin de vérifier cette possibilité, l'étude a été réalisée au cours de deux saisons: printemps et automne. Pour l'eassai automnal, trois bassins de 8 m2 ont été utilisés, alimentés respectivement en eau de mer naturelle, eau de mer régulé en température par échange thermique avec de l'eau salée souterraine et eau salée souterraine traitée. Dans chaque bassin, 330 kg d'huîtres ont été disposées en 7 ruches de 4 clayettes. Pour l'essai printanier, seuls deux bassins ont été utilisés, alimentés en eau de mer thermorégulée à deux débits différents: 0.61/h et 3 lIh. L'étude a été conduite pour chaque saison sur une période de 35 jours. En automne 2000, l'indice de qualité de chair de 8.2 initialement, a atteint 12.5 en eau salée souterraine, 13.8 en eau de mer thermorégulée et 14.2 en eau de mer naturelle. Le poids de chair sèche passe de 0.9 g initialement à respectivement 2.32g, 2.39g et 2.37g. Les dosages de Pb, Cd, Hg, Mn et As ne montent pas d'évolution entre le début et la fin de l'élevage, par contre le Fe augmente sensiblement dans les huîtres sur eau salée souterraine traitée. En fin d'élevage, une période de stockage de 4 semaines des huîtres sans nourriture, n'a pas montré de perte de qualité. Au printemps 2001, un deuxième essai sera conduit pour vérifier les résultats obtenus à l'automne 2000, confirmer le choix du milieu d'élevage et proposer les éléments permettant d'approcher les coûts de production.
Within the European water framework directive (WFD), the status assessment of littoral waters is based both on the chemical quality and on the ecological quality of each water body. Quality elements enabling to assess the ecological status of a water body are, among other things, biological quality elements (phytoplankton, macroalgae, angiosperms, benthic invertebrates, fish), for each of which the member states have developed quantitative indicators. This document is one of the deliverables of a multi-annual study intended to characterize the sensitivity of these biological indicators towards the various anthropogenic pressures exerted on the French Atlantic and Channel coast: ultimately, the goal is to establish a quantitative and predictive relationship, statistically robust, between the WFD indicators used along the French channel and Atlantic coastline, and various anthropogenic pressures acting on these coasts. The aim of the WFD is indeed to restore or maintain a good chemical and biological quality of coastal waters, and thus to limit the impact of human activities potentially responsible for the degradation of ecosystems. This understanding of the linkages and interactions existing between anthropogenic pressures and ecological status of water bodies is therefore essential to identify priorities for action (challenges, substances ...), prioritize actions to implement within restoration programs (technical, fiscal, financial), but also to be able to communicate constructively and persuasively in talks between managers and the various stakeholders of coastal regions. Using the DPSIR methodology, this literature analysis has permitted to identify, for each WFD biological quality element (except fish), which pressures (or pressure types) are potentially relevant in the light of their impact on the indicators of the ecological status of water bodies. Some metrics and indicators of anthropogenic pressures used in the literature to characterize the sensitivity of the biological quality elements, within quantitative approaches, were also identified. It is also clear from this review that the biological quality elements can be particularly sensitive to intrinsic environmental conditions, and therefore to certain changes related to natural phenomena occurring at large scales (e.g. climate change, paroxysmal climate episode...). Therefore, when one is interested in the sensitivity of biological indicators to different anthropogenic pressures, two factors can complicate the analysis and are likely to weaken the resulting statistical relationships: on the one hand, the variability of biological responses depending on the natural context and, on the other hand, interactions (so called synergistic effects) between different types of anthropogenic pressures and the alterations they can generate.
Within the European water framework directive (WFD), the status assessment of littoral waters is based both on the chemical quality and on the ecological quality of each water body. Quality elements enabling to assess the ecological status of a water body are, among other things, biological quality elements (phytoplankton, macroalgae, angiosperms, benthic invertebrates, fish), for each of which member states have developed quantitative indicators. This document compiles three deliverables of a multi-annual study intended to characterize the sensitivity of these biological indicators regarding the various anthropogenic pressures exerted on the French Atlantic and Channel coast: ultimately, the goal is to establish a quantitative and predictive relationship, statistically robust, between the WFD indicators used along the French channel and Atlantic coastline, and various anthropogenic pressures acting on these coasts. These three deliverables are the following : - The reports of various interviews performed with French national referents for the biological quality elements used within the littoral part of the WFD in Channel and Atlantic (phytoplankton, subtidal and intertidal macroalgae, opportunistic blooming macroalgae, angiosperms and benthic invertebrates). These interviews aimed to specify, for each metric constitutive of the BQE indicator (if multi-metric), the "relevant" pressures, as well as the trend of this impact, - Sheets describing the "pressure" and "environment" data available, in order to characterize spatially and quantitatively these "relevant" anthropogenic pressures acting on French Channel and Atlantic coast, - A progress report dealing with the development of a database tool, for archiving quantitative data characterizing "relevant" littoral anthropogenic pressures.
Dietary studies of marine species constitute an important key to improve the understanding of its biology and of its role in the ecosystem. Thus, prey-predator relationships structure and determine population dynamics and the trophic network at the ecosystem scale. Among the major study sites, the marine ecosystem is submitted to natural and anthropogenic constraints. In the North-Eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean, the Bay of Biscay is a large open area surrounded South by Spain and East by France. This bay is an historic place of intense fishery activities for which the main small pelagic species targeted are the pilchard, Sardina pilchardus and the anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus. The aim of this work is to analyze the trophic ecology of these two small pelagic fish in spring in the Bay of Biscay. To do this, a first section is devoted to their prey composed by the mesozooplanktonic compartment, through a two-fold approach: the characterization of their spatio-temporal dynamics during the decade 2003-2013 and the measurement of their energetic content in spring. For this season, it appears that all prey types are not worth energetically and that the Bay of Biscay represents a mosaic of dietary habitat. Moreover, the spring mesozooplankton community presents a strong spatial structuration, a temporal evolution marked by a major change in abundance and a control by the microphytoplankton biomass. The second section of this work is relative to a methodological approach of the trophic ecology of S. pilchardus and E. encrasicolus. Three different trophic tracers have been used: isotopic ratios of carbon and nitrogen, parasitological fauna and mercury contamination levels. To improve the use of the first of these trophic tracers, an experimental approach has been conducted with S. pilchardus to determine a trophic discrimination factor. Finally, it appears that the use of these three trophic tracers has always been permitted to highlight a temporal variability of the relative trophic ecology of these fish. However, no spatial dynamics could be identified through these three trophic tracers.
During storage of smoke-dried fish, various biochemical reactions can occur; they will result in product acceptability or rejection. To determine these changes, pH and humidity were measured and molds were counted on smoke-dried fish stored for 6 months. A sensory analysis was also conducted to assess the quality of the products. Infestations and losses linked to it have been estimated by counting the insects and weighing of fish batches over time. The variability in the quality of smoke-dried fish depending on the time of purchase and storage was also integrated with our study. Biochemical reactions are mainly oxidation phenomena which result in a decrease of pH and release of spoilage odors such as rancid odor (> 1.5/ 3) or sulfur, acid and moldy odors. The growth of mold (1- 36 CFU / g) due to the reabsorption of water by fish contributes to this olfactory and visual spoilage. Beyond 90 days of storage, smoke-dried fish bought in the dry season begins to be rejected (> 2/3), while the fish bought in the wet season is at the limit of acceptability (2/3) even at the beginning of storage. During the first 90 days of storage, the insect infestation generates between 10 and 60 % of losses. A salt content of 8 % appears to be effective against the infestation but contributes to the deterioration of the product when stored in rooms with higher than 65 % relative humidity.