22 resultados para Eau souterraine
Le réseau national Mytilobs est implanté dans les principales régions mytilicoles du littoral atlantique : Normandie, Bretagne Nord, Bretagne Sud, Pays de Loire et Poitou-Charentes. Les sites d’Agon (Ouest Cotentin), du Vivier (baie du Mont Saint-Michel), de Pont Mahé (baie de Vilaine), de l’Aiguillon et des Roulières (pertuis Breton), d’Yves et de Boyard (pertuis d’Antioche) représentent l'élevage sur bouchot du Nord au Sud. Le site Filière (pertuis Breton) représente l’élevage sur corde, en pleine eau. La mise à l’eau des cheptels sur l’ensemble des sites du réseau, en septembre 2014, s’est faite à partir d’un même lot de moules calibrées (25,54 +/- 0,7mm), captées sur corde dans la baie d’Yves. Les prélèvements trimestriels de la campagne 2015 (septembre 2014 - décembre 2015) sont renforcés par un suivi mensuel entre octobre et juillet. Les mesures de biométrie et les comptages de mortalité sont effectués à chaque sortie. Les points Roulières et Boyard renforcent l’expertise du « phénomène mortalité » apparu en 2014. Des prélèvements histologiques (n=1300) et en cryologie (n=1200) ont renforcé un travail de collaboration établi avec le projet Morbleu. La campagne Mytilobs 2015 est marquée par la forte croissance en longueur des moules durant l’automne 2014. Par contre, la croissance des moules sur Filière est exceptionnellement faible au cours des printemps et automne 2015 avec respectivement -60% et -53% (références réseau REMOULA 2000-2010). Ces faibles performances sur Filière peuvent être reliées aux deux pics de mortalité des printemps et automne 2015 sur ce site. L’évolution du poids sec au travers l’indice scientifique de Walne et Mann révèle une ponte importante sur le site Filière en juin 2015, mais également sur Pont Mahé et le Vivier. Les indices de qualité requis pour la commercialisation des moules sont atteints en juin (STG) dans les principales régions de France suivi par Mytilobs et en juillet sur le Vivier (Label Rouge baie du Mont Saint Michel). Le suivi environnemental indique que les apports des fleuves n’ont pas le caractère exceptionnel de l’hiver 2014, mais la salinité confirme la typologie des sites : euryhalins (Baie de Vilaine, pertuis charentais) et océaniques (Agon et Vivier). En fin d’hiver, la température enregistre un retard de 3 semaines pour atteindre 10°C, température référence au-dessous de laquelle les mortalités (2014 et 2015) ne sont pas apparues. Comme au cours de la campagne Mytilobs 2014, deux familles d’algues phytoplanctoniques : les Diatomophyceae et les Dinophyceae représentent près de 99% de l’effectif dénombré. Parmi les 5 saisons étudiées, les automnes 2014 et 2015 sont les périodes de l’année où les concentrations algales disponibles sont environ 10 fois plus faibles que durant les autres périodes. Un référentiel sur les mortalités de la moule bleue a été établi à partir des données de mortalité du réseau REMOULA (2000-2010). Entre 0% et 22%, les mortalités sont classées comme « habituelles » ; entre 22% et 34% elles deviennent « inhabituelles » ; supérieures à 34%, elles sont dites « exceptionnelles ». Seules les mortalités de moules sur les sites Filière (51%) et Roulières (38%) du pertuis Breton sont classées comme « exceptionnelles » en 2015. En 2014 les mortalités de la plupart des sites mytilicoles des pertuis charentais étaient « exceptionnelles ». Les mortalités sont « inhabituelles » sur les sites de Boyard (23%) et d’Aiguillon (22%) et « habituelles » sur Agon (corrigé de la prédation par les perceurs) (20%), Pont Mahé (18%), Yves (14%), Le Vivier (9%). En 2015, des analyses histologiques ont été réalisées entre février et juillet pour : l’étude de maturation sexuelle, la recherche de parasites et l’identification de granulomes inflammatoires sur des sites contrastés en mortalités (Filière, Roulières, Yves, Pont Mahé et Vivier). Outre l’absence de Marteilia refringens, la présence de Mytilicola intestinalis est confirmée sur tous les sites notamment Yves (50%) et Le Vivier (70%). L’étude des stades de maturation des moules sur les différents sites du réseau montre que la maturation sexuelle a bien lieu entre mars et juin 2015. En 2015 les mortalités les plus fortes apparaissent sur Filière et Roulières en avril et en mai alors que les moules sont en gamétogénèse active, avant la période de ponte principale. Une observation centrée sur la période février-juillet a mis en évidence la présence de granulomes inflammatoires. Dans le cas des pertuis charentais (Filière et Roulières) cette présence concorde avec le phénomène de mortalités « exceptionnelles » de moules pour lequel des bactéries pathogènes du groupe Splendidus semblent bien impliquées.
The coastal zone of the Nord – Pas de Calais / Picardie showed dysfonctioning patterns of the ecosystem considered to be link to human activities along shores. These results in regular massive development of species, such as the phytoplanktonic seaweed, Phaeocystis sp. which life cycle was partly linked to nutrients availability and consequently to anthropogenic inputs. As part of the evaluation of the influence of continental inputs on the marine environment (nitrates, phosphates,…) and on potential eutrophication processes, of the estimation of the efficiency of the sewage treatments plants in the possible elimination of dumpings and in order to establish a long-term survey to follow up the change in coastal waters quality, the regional nutrients monitoring network was implemented by Ifremer in collaboration with the Agence de l'Eau Artois-Picardie in 1992 in order to complete the REPHY (Phytoplankton and Phycotoxins) monitoring programme. This study reports the main results for the year 2015 in terms of temporal change of the main physico-chemical and biological parameters characteristic of water masses sampled along three transects offshore Dunkerque, Boulogne-sur-Mer and the Bay of Somme.
This manuscript presents three approaches : analytical, experimental and numerical, to study the behaviour of a flexible membrane tidal energy converter. This technology, developed by the EEL Energy company, is based on periodic deformations of a pre-stressed flexible structure. Energy converters, located on each side of the device, are set into motion by the wave-like motion. In the analytical model, the membrane is represented by a linear beam model at one dimension and the flow by a 3 dimensions potential fluid. The fluid forces are evaluated by the elongated body theory. Energy is dissipated all over the length of the membrane. A 20th scale experimental prototype has been designed with micro-dampers to simulate the power take-off. Trials have allowed to validate the undulating membrane energy converter concept. A numerical model has been developed. Each element of the device is represented and the energy dissipation is done by dampers element with a damping law linear to damper velocity. Comparison of the three approaches validates their ability to represent the membrane behaviour without damping. The energy dissipation applied with the analytical model is clearly different from the two other models because of the location (where the energy is dissipated) and damping law. The two others show a similar behaviour and the same order of power take off repartition but value of power take off are underestimated by the numerical model. This three approaches have allowed to put forward key-parameters on which depend the behaviour of the membrane and the parametric study highlights the complementarity and the advantage of developing three approaches in parallel to answer industrial optimization problems. To make the link between trials in flume tank and sea trials, a 1/6th prototype has been built. To do so, the change of scale was studied. The behaviour of both prototypes is compared and differences could be explained by differences of boundary conditions and confinement effects. To evaluated membrane long-term behaviour at sea, a method of ageing accelerated by temperature and fatigue tests have been carried out on prototype materials samples submerged in sea water.
Lors d’une immersion en eau de mer, tous les matériaux et structures sont rapidement colonisés par des salissures d’origine biologique : des biofilms. La transformation des propriétés de surface dumatériau et la présence demicro- oumacro-organismes (bactéries, algues, balanes, larves) engendrent des risques accrus de corrosion localisée, la biodétérioration desmatériaux immergés, le blocage des fonctions mécaniques…Afin de contrôler le dépôt et le développement de ces biofilms, la méthode privilégiée est l’application de peintures anti-salissures. Cependant ces revêtements sont généralement toxiques pour l’environnement. C’est pourquoi, les travaux menés actuellement visent à isoler de nouvelles molécules, produites par les bactéries marines, dans le but de développer des moyens de luttes écologiques et non toxiques contre les biofilms indésirables.
The CATARINA Leg1 cruise was carried out from June 22 to July 24 2012 on board the B/O Sarmiento de Gamboa, under the scientific supervision of Aida Rios (CSIC-IIM). It included the occurrence of the OVIDE hydrological section that was performed in June 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008 and 2010, as part of the CLIVAR program (name A25) ), and under the supervision of Herlé Mercier (CNRSLPO). This section begins near Lisbon (Portugal), runs through the West European Basin and the Iceland Basin, crosses the Reykjanes Ridge (300 miles north of Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone, and ends at Cape Hoppe (southeast tip of Greenland). The objective of this repeated hydrological section is to monitor the variability of water mass properties and main current transports in the basin, complementing the international observation array relevant for climate studies. In addition, the Labrador Sea was partly sampled (stations 101-108) between Greenland and Newfoundland, but heavy weather conditions prevented the achievement of the section south of 53°40’N. The quality of CTD data is essential to reach the first objective of the CATARINA project, i.e. to quantify the Meridional Overturning Circulation and water mass ventilation changes and their effect on the changes in the anthropogenic carbon ocean uptake and storage capacity. The CATARINA project was mainly funded by the Spanish Ministry of Sciences and Innovation and co-funded by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional. The hydrological OVIDE section includes 95 surface-bottom stations from coast to coast, collecting profiles of temperature, salinity, oxygen and currents, spaced by 2 to 25 Nm depending on the steepness of the topography. The position of the stations closely follows that of OVIDE 2002. In addition, 8 stations were carried out in the Labrador Sea. From the 24 bottles closed at various depth at each stations, samples of sea water are used for salinity and oxygen calibration, and for measurements of biogeochemical components that are not reported here. The data were acquired with a Seabird CTD (SBE911+) and an SBE43 for the dissolved oxygen, belonging to the Spanish UTM group. The software SBE data processing was used after decoding and cleaning the raw data. Then, the LPO matlab toolbox was used to calibrate and bin the data as it was done for the previous OVIDE cruises, using on the one hand pre and post-cruise calibration results for the pressure and temperature sensors (done at Ifremer) and on the other hand the water samples of the 24 bottles of the rosette at each station for the salinity and dissolved oxygen data. A final accuracy of 0.002°C, 0.002 psu and 0.04 ml/l (2.3 umol/kg) was obtained on final profiles of temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen, compatible with international requirements issued from the WOCE program.
In May, June and July 1996, samples wcre collected along one transect greatly influenced by river discharge (eastern side of the gulf), along one transect slightly influence by river discharge (western side), at one station Iocated in the mouth of the main river (River Daugava), at one station located in the center of the Gulf and at several nearshore locations of the western side. Ratios of rnolecular concentrations of in situ dissolved ioorganic nitrogen, phosphorus and silicon, as weIl as enrichment bioassays were llsed to dctcrrnine which nutrient (s) lirnited the potential biomass of phytoplankton. Both comparison of (NO.d-N02+NJ.L): P04 (DIN: DIP) values with Redfic1d's ratio and bioassay inspection led to the sarne conclusions. Phosphorus was clearly the nutrient most limiting for the potcntial biornass of test species in nitrogen- rich waters, which occurred in mid spring, in the upper layer of the southern-eastern part of the Gulf which is greatly influenced by river discharge. In late spring, with the decrease of the total DIN reserve, nitrogen and phosphorus showed an equallimiting role. In deeper layers of this area and out of the river plume (western side and central part of the gulf), nitrogen was the limiting nutrient. In summer, whcn river discharge was the lowest, a11 DIN concentrations but one ranged between 1.6 and 2.6 µM, and the whole area was nitrogen-limited for both the cyanobacterial and the algal test strains. In 74% of the samples for which nitrogen was the limiting nutrient, phosphorus was recorded to be the second potentially limiting nutrient. In contrast, silicon never appeared as limiting the growth potential of either Microcystis aeruginosa or Phaeodactylum tricornutum; phosphorus was the limiting nutrient when DIN: Si03 values were >1 (in May), but DIN: Si03 was <1 when nitrogen was limiting (June and July). The authors conclude that the recently reported decrease of silicon loading in coastal waters and its subsequent enhanced importance in pushing the outcome of species competition towards harmful species may not yet be the most important factor for the Gulf of Riga. Iron appeared for 12% of the tests in the list of nutrients limiting the potential biomass. Tentative results also indicated that a significant fraction of the nitrogen (~,4 µg-atom N 1(-1) taken up by Microcystis aeruginosa may have been in the form of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON). It is thus also suggested tentatively that more attention be paid to these nitrients during further research in the Gulf of Riga.
During storage of smoke-dried fish, various biochemical reactions can occur; they will result in product acceptability or rejection. To determine these changes, pH and humidity were measured and molds were counted on smoke-dried fish stored for 6 months. A sensory analysis was also conducted to assess the quality of the products. Infestations and losses linked to it have been estimated by counting the insects and weighing of fish batches over time. The variability in the quality of smoke-dried fish depending on the time of purchase and storage was also integrated with our study. Biochemical reactions are mainly oxidation phenomena which result in a decrease of pH and release of spoilage odors such as rancid odor (> 1.5/ 3) or sulfur, acid and moldy odors. The growth of mold (1- 36 CFU / g) due to the reabsorption of water by fish contributes to this olfactory and visual spoilage. Beyond 90 days of storage, smoke-dried fish bought in the dry season begins to be rejected (> 2/3), while the fish bought in the wet season is at the limit of acceptability (2/3) even at the beginning of storage. During the first 90 days of storage, the insect infestation generates between 10 and 60 % of losses. A salt content of 8 % appears to be effective against the infestation but contributes to the deterioration of the product when stored in rooms with higher than 65 % relative humidity.