97 resultados para whole dried eggs

em Aquatic Commons


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A simple and effective method is suggested to improve the quality and shelf-life of commercial whole dried thelly prawns (Metapenaeus dobsoni). Treatment of whole prawns in 10% brine containing 0.1% citric acid for 20 min followed by drying in sun yield a product having good physical, chemical and organoleptic characteristics. Retardation of fungal incidence, reduction in total volatile nitrogen (TVBN) and improvement in flavour are some of the advantages of the treatment. The treated product has a shelf-life around 30 weeks compared to 20 weeks for untreated control and 7 weeks for commercial sample.


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The impact of mechanical stresses upon ichthyoplankton entrained in power plant cooling systems has long been considered negligible. Arguments and evidence exist, however, to show that such a supposition is not universally true, especially in nuclear power plants. The mechanisms of mechanical damage can be detailed in terms of pressure change, acceleration, and shear stress with in the fluid flow field. Laboratory efforts to quantify the effects of mechanical stress have been very sparse. A well-planned bioassay is urgently needed. (PDF has 11 pages.)


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Shear stress, generated by water movement, can kill fish eggs and larvae by causing rotation or deformation. Through the use of an experimental apparatus, a series of shear (as dynes/cm2)-mortality equations for fixed time exposures were generated for striped bass and white perch eggs and larvae. Exposure of striped bass eggs to a shear level of 350 dynes/cm2 kills 36% of the eggs in 1 min; 69% in 2 min, and 88% in 4 min; exposure of larvae to 350 dynes/cm2 kills 9.3% in 1 min, 30.0% in 2 min, and 68.1% in 4 min. A shear level of 350 dynes/cm2 kills 38% of the white perch eggs in 1 min, 41% in 2 min, 89% in 5 min, 96% in 10 min, and 98% in 20 min. A shear level of 350 dynes/cm2 applied to white perch larvae destroys 38% of the larvae in 1 min, 52% in 2 min, and 75% in 4 min. Results are experimentally used in conjunction with the determination of shear levels in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal and ship movement for the estimation of fish egg and larval mortalities in the field.


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This atlas presents information on fish eggs and temperature data collected from broadscale ichthyoplankton surveys conducted off the U.S. northeast coast from ]977 to 1987. Distribution and abundance information is provided for 33 taxa in the form of graphs and contoured egg-density maps by month and survey. Comments are included on interannual and interseasonal trends in spawning intensity. Data on 14 additional but less numerous taxa are provided in tabular form. (PDF file contains 316 pages.)


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ENGLISH: The anchoveta, Cetengraulis mysticetus (Günther), is an important bait fish used to capture tunas in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean. Contributions to the early life history of this species in the Gulf of Panama were made by Simpson (1959), who was able to identify deductively the planktonic egg of the anchoveta from 10 other anchovy eggs concurrently present. He also reared these planktonic eggs in the laboratory and described the resultant larvae to the age of 48 hours after hatching. Because of the lack of differences among the anchovy larvae, this description does not permit the identification of anchoveta larvae from those of other engraulid species. Furthermore, while adult specimens are easily recognized, up to the present it has not been possible to extend the identification of the juvenile anchoveta to specimens smaller than about 25 mm. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to identify anchoveta from the time of hatching to about 25 mm. SPANISH: La anchoveta, Cetengraulis mysticetus (Günther), es un importante pez de carnada que se emplea en la captura de los atunes en el Océano Pacífico Oriental Tropical. Simpson (1959) logró identificar deductivamente el huevo planctónico de la anchoveta al separarlo de otros diez huevos de anchoas que se encuentran al mismo tiempo, contribuyendo de esta manera a conocer los primeros estados de la historia natural de esta especie en el Golfo de Panamá. El también estableció un criadero en el laboratorio con estos huevos planctónicos y describió las larvas resultantes hasta la edad de 48 horas después de la eclosión. Debido a que no hay diferencias entre las larvas de las anchoas, esta descripción no permite identificar las larvas de la anchoveta de las otras especies de engráulidos. Más aun, a pesar de que los especímenes adultos son fácilmente reconocibles, hasta ahora no ha sido posible identificar la anchoveta juvenil de menos de unos 25 mm. Consecuentemente, el propósito del presente estudio ha sido el de identificar al anchoveta desde el momento de la eclosión hasta que tiene unos 25 mm.


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One of the objectives of the Terrestrial Initiative in Global Environmental Research is to assess the sensitivity of British plant and animal species to climate change. The first phase of the program involved the identification of criteria for selecting species suitable for the study of effects of projected climate change in the British Isles. Apart from shallow ponds, annual temperature ranges of 0 to 25 C in temperate freshwater habitats are narrower than those in most temperate terrestrial habitats. Although freshwater organisms have to exist within a narrower range than their terrestrial equivalents, few species can survive throughout their life cycle over the whole temperature range. Field studies on the effects of natural and artificial thermal discharges into streams and rivers have shown that increases in water temperature affect aquatic insects at both the species and community level. Although field data provide valuable information, a more productive approach is to determine experimentally the requirements of different species. Although there are just over 1850 species of aquatic insects in the British Isles, detailed quantitative information on the relationship between temperature and development of eggs, larvae and pupa is available for relatively few species. One exception is the egg stage of stoneflies (Plecoptera). The range for egg hatching in stoneflies clearly show that some species could be threatened while others could benefit from a defined increase in water temperature as a result of climate change. A critical review of the available data on this group would produce a set of equations that could be used to predict the ecological effects of climate change on this group of indicator species.


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A study was conducted to determine the efficacy of carp pituitary extract, deoxycorticosterone acetate, and human chorionic gonadotropin in inducing spawning in Clarias lazera . Results indicate deoxycorticosterone acetate to be more potent than pituitary extract, although the difference is not significant


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The preliminary results obtained from the study of stomach contents of specimens of Gymnarchus niloticus of a size ranging from 56 cm (66 grams) to 152 cm (12.0 kg.) from August to December, 1982 indicate for these sizes an exclusively piscivorous diet. The predominant prey species in Lake Chad are Tilapia/Sarotherodon , and Clarias . The prey is often cut in two parts before it is swallowed. Small prey may be swallowed whole. The implication of this prey capture method on prey-predator relationship and therefore the impact of the predator is discussed. The breeding season of Gymnarchus niloticus in Lake Chad has been deduced from observation of changes in gonad maturity stages and the results indicate that breeding takes place between August and November. Data are also presented on the fecundity, size of ripe eggs and probable size at maturity


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The packaging containers and means of transportation for Nigerian smoke-dried fish from harvesting all through the post-harvest chain were described. Sacks, paper cartons, wooden rackets, cane and bamboo baskets were predominantly used packaging containers. Means of transportation ranged from wheelbarrows, motorcycle, lorries, to pick-up vehicles and trucks. The major area of improvement is seen in packaging at the wholesale level. To overcome the constraints within the system, both the public and private sectors must provide effective services that benefit fishermen, processors, wholesalers, retailers, organisation and other key participants that make the work. Suggestions for reducing post harvest losses and improving the efficiency of the existing distribution system, based on the various need of the stake holders and the socio-cultural settings of the application were proffered


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Most of the fish marketed throughout Nigeria are in either smoked or dried form. The technological requirement for other forms of preservation like chilling and freezing cannot be afforded by the small scale fisher folk. Considerable quantities of fish processed for distant consumer markets are lost at handling, processing, storage and marketing stages. Significant losses occur through infestation by mites, insects, fungal infestation and fragmentation during transportation. This paper attempts to describe the effect of these losses on fish quality and suggests methods of protecting fish from agents of deterioration


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The effects of crude extract, pure extract, aqueous, fraction of pure and lipid fraction of pure extract of dried seeds of toloache. Datura innoxia as anaesthesia on the African catfish. Clarias gariepinus fingerlings were studied. The fish were exposed to various doses of the extract in aquaria tanks and the time taken for each fish to reach anaesthesia was recorded. The fish were anaesthetized up to 3.00g/l fingerlings reached anaesthesia is significantly (P<0.05) shorter time (1.004 minutes at 0.05gl) in pure unseparated extract than in crude extract (58.50 minutes at 3.00g/l concentrated). The time to reach anaesthesia decreased with an increase in concentration of the seed extract. Out the two fractions the lipid fraction had significantly (P>0.05) better anaesthetic on the fish. The control produced no observable anaesthetic effect on the fish within three hours. This suggests that the anaesthetizing active ingredent resided in the lipid fraction. All fish recovered from anaesthesia, swam and fed actively and no mortality was observed throughout the exposure period and thereafter. It is therefore recommended for use on C. gariepinus fingerlings


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The investigations on the fecundity of cod from different areas of the Baltic Sea started in 1992. The samples were collected in ICES Sub-divisions 25 (Bornholm Sea). 24 (Arkona Sea) and 22 (Mecklenburg and Kiel Bay). This article surnmarizes the results of 435 analysed gonads from females of age groups 1 to 8 with total length of 24 - 116 cm of the years 1992 to 1995. The gonads were prepared and analysed according to the methods which were deseribed in Bleil and Oeberst (1993). The aim of the investigations is to estimate the reproduction potential of cod for different areas and years. For this reason the absolute and relative fecundity were analysed for estimating the dependence on the total length, for age groups and the weight of females. These data were estimated for the populations Gadus morhua morhua and Gadus morhua callarias. Preliminary results have shown that the absolute fecundity (fabs) is dependent on whole weight of the females. The influence of sub-divisions (SD) and years to the fecundity are very low. Additional to this data was calculated the population fecundity for the western Baltic Sea stock (SD 22 and 24). The numbers of produced ripe eggs within the western Baltic were estimated with 4055.59 x 10(9) for 1993 and 6949.85 x 10(9) for 1994.


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The egg of Dixella martinii is described for the first time. The eggs of the Dixidae are placed in three morphological groups: bulbous and meshed; streamlined and smooth; streamlined and minutely spiculated. Ten of the fourteen species known from Britain are placed in these groups. After a detailed description of the egg of D. martinii, the three morphological groups are described and scanning electron micrographs are provided.


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The possible ecological effects of suspended sediments are manifold. Briefly, suspended sediments may cause an increased surface for microorganism growth, fewer temperature fluctuations, chemical adsorption or absorption, blanketing, mechanical-abrasive actions, and light penetration reduction (Cairns, 1968). Sherk and Cronin (1970) have pointed out that the above effects have been little studied in the estuarine environment. The ecological effects of suspended sediments on fish eggs and larvae may be of prime importance t o the C and D Canal area, an important spawning and primary nursery area for a variety of estuary: e species (Johnson,1972). This section discusses the effects of suspended sediment on the eggs and larvae of striped bass and white perch.


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Detailed descriptions of the early development of the striped bass, Roccus saxitilis (Walbaum), with emphasis on variation in size and morphology, sequence of fin formation, changes in body form, and attainment of the full complement of maristic numbers, are presented and illustrated for the first time. The egg is spherical, transparent, non-adhesive and relatively large. It is pelagic and buoyant, although it sinks in quiet fresh water. When unfertilized, it averages 1.3 mm, in diameter, but is 3.4 mm. when fertilized and water-hardened. The granular yolk sac, green when alive and whitish-yellow when preserved, averages 1.2 mm., and the single amber-colored oil globule is about 0.6 mm. in diameter. Newly hatched striped bass prolarvae, which range from 2.9-3.7 mm. in total length, are relatively undeveloped and nearly transparent, with no mouth opening, unpigmented eyes, and a greatly enlarged yolk sac with the large oil globule projecting beyond the head. When 5-6 mm. long the yolk sac and oil globule are assimilated and the postlarvae I show advanced development of the internal anatomy. Although the fish is still transparent, scattered melanophores are found on the head and body and chromatophores in the eyes and the ventro-posterior edge of the body. Postlarvae transform to young between 7 and 10 mm. in length when the finfolds are lost except in the dorsal, anal and caudal regions. The largest fish in this group possess a well-formed skeleton with a full complement of 25 vertebrae. Between 10 and 20 mm. in length all fish are fully transformed, muscular tissue renders most of the internal structure obscure, and the myotomes, which generally correspond in number with the vertebrae, are no longer visible. At fish lengths of 20-30 mm. scales are found on all specimens, and with the exception of the pectoral fin-rays, a full complement of meristic structures is present in all other fins. At this stage the body is pigmented uniformly with small spots. Linear regressions between several dependent variables and the , independent variable of standard length indicate that the rate of development of head, eye. and snout to anus lengths is proportional to the length of the larvae and young. Body depth and standard length are non-linear among newly-hatched larvae. Hatchery-reared striped bass demonstrated a slow rate of growth, and were regarded as "stunted," when compared to growth rates observed in another study and field collections. Observations were also made on abnormal eggs and teratological larvae and young. Blue-sac disease is tentatively identified and described for the first time in larvae and pugnosed larvae and young are also described for the first time in striped bass.