17 resultados para use value
em Aquatic Commons
This study attempts to estimate the economic value of riverine fisheries in tropical Asia and quantify the economic impacts of any changes to the environment that affects rivers and hence fisheries. The value of riverine fisheries has been considered in the following two ways: firstly, through a compilation and summary of the results of existing studies on this topic; secondly, by estimating the direct use value of riverine and floodplain fishing by country using quantities and freshwater fish prices derived from various sources. Furthermore, a review of the characteristics of the fisheries is presented. These fisheries have been shown to be valuable (i.e., economically or socially important) in at least two specific ways: as a generator of commercially marketable output, and as a source of income and employment in relatively impoverished communities.
A mail survey of tournament shark anglers and party boat shark anglers was completed to examine their fishing activity, attitudes, trip expenditures, and consumer surplus. A sample of 700 shark anglers was selected from tournaments in the Gulf of Mexico during 1990, and a sample of party boat shark anglers was drawn from Port Aransas, Tex., party boat anglers during the summer of 1991. A response rate of 58% (excluding nondeliverables) was obtained from tournament anglers. The sample of party boat shark anglers was too small to provide useful results. Tournament shark anglers reported fishing an average of 58 days per year and targeted sharks and other large marine species. Tournaments occupy a small portion of their fishing effort. If this group of anglers were not able to fish for sharks, one-third indicated no other species would be an acceptable substitute, while others were willing to substitute other large marine species. Shark trip expenditures averaged $197 per trip with a consumer surplus of $111 per trip. Based on MRFSS estimates of the number of shark fishing trips, we estimate a total of $43,355,000 was spent by shark anglers in the Gulf of Mexico with a consumer surplus of $23,865,000 for a total gross value of the shark fishery of $66,220,000. MRFSS estimates of the number of sharks landed indicate an equivalent use value of $183 per shark.
We evaluated the use of strip-transect survey methods for manatees through a series of replicate aerial surveys in the Banana River, Brevard County, Florida, during summer 1993 and summer 1994. Transect methods sample a representative portion of the total study area, thus allowing for statistical extrapolation to the total area. Other advantages of transect methods are less flight time and less cost than total coverage, ease of navigation, and reduced likelihood of double-counting. Our objectives were: (1) to identify visibility biases associated with the transect survey method and to adjust the counts accordingly; (2) to derive a population estimate with known variance for the Banana River during summer; and (3) to evaluate the potential value of this survey method for monitoring trends in manatee population size over time. (51 page document)
ENGLISH: The purpose of this study was to investigate the possibility that certain species of Chaetognatha found in Eastern Tropical Pacific waters can serve as biological indicators of oceanographic features. "Indicator" organisms have been found useful in identifying water types, in tracing the pattern of current systems, and in tracing the origin of moving water masses. To be of use in this type of study, the organisms must be sufficiently abundant to be readily sampled, and easily identified to species; they must also, at least partially, fulfill the additional requisites listed and discussed by Sverdrup, Johnson, and Fleming (1942, pp. 866-867). Among several groups of organisms fulfilling these requirements are the Chaetognatha. Specimens of this group of animals occurred in large numbers in the plankton samples used for this study. The works of Thomson (1947), Fraser (1942), Ritter-Zahony (1911), and Sund (1959) were used for identification. SPANISH: El objetivo de este estudio ha sido el de investigar la posibilidad de utilizar ciertas especies de quetognatos encontrados en el Pacífico Oriental Tropical como indicadoras biológicas de características oceanográficas. Organismos "indicadores" fueron encontrados útiles para la identificación de tipos de agua, el trazado del régimen de los sistemas de corrientes y la determinación del origen de masas de agua en movimiento. Para servir a este tipo de estudios, los organismos deben ser lo suficientemente abundantes como para ser fácilmente muestreados e identificados hasta la especie; también deben satisfacer, por lo menos parcialmente, los requerimientos indicados y discutidos par Sverdrup, Johnson y Fleming (1942, pags. 866-867).
This article explores the diversity of scientific disciplines and paradigms, their relevance for policy development, how policy emerges throughout society,-and the mechanisms by which scientists can promote the value of science in policy formation. The author gives examples from various countries where freshwater science was used to inform policy.
This paper deals with the development and use of biological reference points for salmon conservation on the River Lune, England. The Lune supports recreational and net fisheries with annual catches in the region of 1,000 and 1356 salmon respectively. Using models transported from other river systems, biological reference points exclusive to the Lune were developed; specifically the number of eggs deposited and carrying capacity estimates for age 0+ and 1+ parr. The conservation limit was estimated at 11.9 million eggs and between 1989 and 1998 was exceeded in two years. Comparison of juvenile salmon densities in 1991 and 1997 with estimates of carrying capacity indicated that 0+ and 1+ parr densities were at around 60 % of carrying capacity and may relate to the number of eggs deposited in 1990 and 1996 being approximately 70% of the target value. The paper discusses the management actions taken in order to ensure that the management target of the conservation limit being met four years out of five is delivered. It also discusses the balance between conservation and exploitation and the socio-economic decisions made in order to ensure parity of impacts on the rod and net fisheries. The regulations have been enforced since 1999 and the paper concludes with an assessment of the actions taken to deliver the management targets, over the last five years.
Endoparasitic helminths were inventoried in 483 American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) collected from the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, NAFO (North Atlantic Fisheries Organization) division 4T, and Cape Breton Shelf (NAFO subdivision 4Vn) in September 2004 and May 2003, respectively. Forward stepwise discriminant function analysis (DFA) of the 4T samples indicated that abundances of the acanthocephalans Echinorhynchus gadi and Corynosoma strumosum were significant in the classification of plaice to western or eastern 4T. Cross validation yielded a correct classification rate of 79% overall, thereby supporting the findings of earlier mark-recapture studies which have indicated that 4T plaice comprise two discrete stocks: a western and an eastern stock. Further analyses including 4Vn samples, however, indicated that endoparasitic helminths may have little value as tags in the classification of plaice overwintering in Laurentian Channel waters of the Cabot Strait and Cape Breton Shelf, where mixing of 4T and 4Vn fish may occur.
Although bocaccio (Sebastes paucispinis) was an economically important rockfish species along the west coast of North America, overfishing has reduced the stock to about 7.4% of its former unfished population. In 2003, using a manned research submersible, we conducted fish surveys around eight oil and gas platforms off southern California as part of an assessment of the potential value of these structures as fish habitat. From these surveys, we estimated that there was a minimum of 430,000 juvenile bocaccio at these eight structures. We determined this number to be about 20% of the average number of juvenile bocaccio that survive annually for the geographic range of the species. When these juveniles become adults, they will contribute about one percent (0.8%) of the additional amount of fish needed to rebuild the Pacific Coast population. By comparison, juvenile bocaccio recruitment to nearshore natural nursery grounds, as determined through regional scuba surveys, was low in the same year. This research demonstrates that a relatively small amount of artificial nursery habitat may be quite valuable in rebuilding an overfished species.
One particular habitat type in the Middle Atlantic Bight is not well recognized among fishery scientists and managers, although it is will known and used by recreational and commercial fisheries. This habitat consists of a variety of hard-surface, elevated relief "reef" or reef-like environments that are widely distributed across the predominantly flat or undulating, sandy areas of the Bight and include both natural rocky areas and man-made structures, e.g. shipwrecks and artificial reefs. Although there are natural rock and shellfish reefs in southern New England coastal waters and estuaries throughout the Bight, most reef habitats in the region appear to be man-made reef habitat modification/creation may be increasing. Very little effort has been devoted to the study of this habitat's distribution, abundance, use by living marine resources and associated biological communities (except on estuarine oyster reefs) and fishery value or management. This poorly studied and surveyed habitat can provide fish refuge from trawls and can be a factor in studies of the distribution and abundance of a variety of reef-associated fishery resources. This review provides a preliminary summary of information found on relative distribution and abundance of reef habitat in the Bight, the living marine resources and biological communities that commonly use it, threats to this habitat and its biological resources, and the value or potential value of artificial reefs to fishery or habitat and its biological resources, and the value or potential value of artificial reefs to fishery or habitat managers. The purpose of the review is to initiate an awareness among resource managers about this habitat, its role in resource management, and the need for research.
The National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is interested in developing a project to determine the health of estuaries based on the stated or desired uses of society. An estuarine use assessment could complement the National Coastal Assessment, which tracks coastal and estuarine health through a series of environmental indicators. These indicators are used to assign a “score” to each coastal region, with some indicators reflecting the ability of the region to support desired uses such as fishing and swimming. An estuarine use assessment could also provide valuable information to resource managers and other decision-makers as they face decisions about the optimal and most sustainable mix of activities in an estuary. An initial step of an estuarine use assessment would be to define and quantify the desired societal uses of the estuary. Society includes residents living near the estuary or industries relying on the estuary, seasonal residents and tourists that use the estuary on a more limited basis, and the public at-large that may use or value the estuary indirectly. The desired uses may include discrete, visible uses such as swimming, recreational or commercial fishing, and navigation. They also may extend to broader, more intangible uses such as maintaining ecological functions or aesthetic appeal. National legislation such as the Estuary Restoration Act, which promotes and funds the restoration of estuaries in the U.S., reflects the public’s desire for estuaries to retain their ecological structures and functions. This report summarizes a project carried out in 2003 that attempted to quantify the desired human uses of a specific estuary in Maine and to determine current measures of success used by coastal managers in Maine to track the ability of the estuary to support desired uses. Casco Bay was chosen as the spatial embayment for which to delineate uses, and nutrient enrichment was selected as the parameter for confirming assumptions about current measures of outcomes related to uses. The report highlights some of the challenges to completing an estuarine use assessment and offers general recommendations for addressing these challenges.
The California market squid (Loligo opalescens Berry), also known as the opalescent inshore squid (FAO), plays a central role in the nearshore ecological communities of the west coast of the United States (Morejohn et al., 1978; Hixon, 1983) and it is also a prime focus of California fisheries, ranking first in dollar value and tons landed in recent years (Vojkovich, 1998). The life span of this species is only 7−10 months after hatching, as ascertained by aging statoliths (Butler et al., 1999; Jackson, 1994; Jackson and Domier, 2003) and mariculture trials (Yang, et al., 1986). Thus, annual recruitment is required to sustain the population. The spawning season ranges from April to November and spawning peaks from May to June. In some years there can be a smaller second peak in November. In Monterey Bay, the squids are fished directly on the egg beds, and the consequences of this practice for conservation and fisheries management are unknown but of some concern (Hanlon, 1998). Beginning in April 2000, we began a study of the in situ spawning behavior of L. opalescens in the southern Monterey Bay fishing area.
Common carps are known for prolific breeding habits but they generally do not breed in water with temperature value less than 20 degree C. During winter months of 1985 when the temperature ranged from 15.5-20.5 degree C, the common carps were successfully bred by using ground water having temperature of 25-26 degree C and the results are discussed.
This paper reports on the relationship between the seasonal variations in the oil content of the Indian oil sardines (Sardinella longiceps) and their frozen storage life at -l8°C and on the use of various chemicals and coating materials to extent their storage life. It is observed that there is an inverse relationship between the oil content and the frozen storage life- oil content varying from 10.33 to 42.43% (MFB) and storage life from 2 to 5 months. Extension of storage life is achieved by dipping in hydroquinone solution prior to freezing or by coating with agar after freezing. Data on changes in peroxide value, free fatty acids, moisture, drip and organoleptic characteristics during frozen storage are presented.
Changes in the quality of intermediate moisture (IM) fish during storage at 38°C were monitored by assessing the moisture content, pH, acid value, peroxide value and thiobarbituric acid (TBA) value periodically. Results adequately portrayed the hydrolysis and peroxidation of fats and the concomitant protein degradation and crosslinking reactions that have been shown by more sophisticated methods to occur in intermediate moisture fish. Since these changes markedly affect the organoleptic quality, acceptability/shelf-life and nutritive value of IM flesh-foods their predictability by simple fat analytical techniques is of practical value where/when the more sophisticated monitoring techniques are not feasible.