21 resultados para tri-calcium phosphate

em Aquatic Commons


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The effect of sodium lactate is compared with sucrose + sorbitol + sodium tri-poly phosphate as cryoprotectant on gel forming ability & protein denaturation of croaker surimi during frozen storage at -20±2°C for 90 days was evaluated. The quality of Croaker surimi with 6% (w/v) sodium lactate was examined in terms of biochemical parameters of muscle protein, thaw drip, gel strength and calcium ATPase activity :.omparing with those of surimi added with sucrose/sorbitol & without additive as control. Both the cryoprotectants minimized the negative effects of frozen storage on physico-chemical traits of myofibrillar proteins which was evident from the biochemical and sensory parameters. The residual Ca2+ ATPase activity and gel strength of surimi with sodium lactate were higher than those of control throughout 90 days of storage. Ca2+ A TPase activity and gel strength found a high positive correlation. From the results, it was found that sodium lactate was equally effective in preservation of croaker muscle protein native structure during frozen storage as the sucrose/ sorbitol and also less sweet without any risk of maillard browning.


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In March 2006, a dead, male bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) was found in the salt marsh in Charleston, South Carolina, United States. During necropsy, an enterolith was found completely obstructing the intestinal lumen. Further examination of the enterolith revealed a stingray spine nidus. Most terrestrial enteroliths are composed primarily of struvite (magnesium ammonium phosphate); however, the majority of the enterolith discovered in the stranded dolphin was composed of calcium phosphate carbonate. This case provides an interesting comparison of the variation in the mineral composition between terrestrial and marine enteroliths.


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A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of phosphorus supplementation in the formulated fish diet on carcass quality of Nile tilapia in net-cages suspended in fertilized earthen ponds. In the experiment 3% di-calcium phosphate (DCP), 3% triple supper phosphate (TSP) and 7% 16:20 inorganic fertilizer were added as phosphorous sources to three diets containing fish meal as main protein ingredient. Feeding tilapia in net-cages with these diets significantly (p


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An experiment was conducted to evaluate the possibility of using inorganic fertilizer triple super phosphate (TSP), inorganic fertilizer 16:20 (a 16:20 grade fertilizer contains 16 percent N and 20 percent P20 5), rice-bran and duck-manure as phosphorus sources in formulated fish feed for Nile tilapia ( Oreochromis niloticus). Experiment was conducted for a period of 2 months in net-cages suspended in fertilized earthen ponds and all male sex-reversed Nile tilapia (9.39- 10.37 g) were used in the experiment. Seven treatments including one non-feed treatment were used in this experiment. Treatment 1 (non-feed), treatment 2 (-P) where fish fed with phosphorus non-supplemented diet acted as control 1 and treatment 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 where fish fed with 3% di-calcium phosphate (DCP), 3% triple supper phosphate (TSP), 7% 16:20 inorganic fertilizer, 30% rice-bran and 30% duck-manure supplemented diet, respectively. Results showed that the TSP and 16:20 grade inorganic fertilizer supplementation in diets as phosphorus sources were equivalent to DCP (Di-calcium phosphate) supplementation in terms of growth performance, feed utilization efficiency and final body composition of Nile tilapia. Ricebran and duck-manure were not found as good phosphorus sources.


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This is the report of a livelihoods study team working together with villagers from two communes in Quang Tri Province, Vietnam: Ta Long Commune in Dakrong District and A Tuc Commune in Huong Hoa District. The study is based on information provided by members of the communes, who shared their knowledge and spoke about real problems they face with their livelihoods. This study was conducted from 10-22 October 2001. The team worked with key informants in two communes who volunteered to participate and represented the households in the village. (PDF contains 31 pages)


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This short translation summarises experiments on the production of a highly dispersible precipitate of calcium carbonate. The translation covers the 'Experimental section' (of the original larger paper) only.


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Research into the production ecology of chalk streams using a large artificial recirculating stream is described. Physical chemical processes including calcium and inorganic phosphate levels, and exchange of gaseous carbon dioxide in both a simple closed system and a circulating system with gravel substrate have been monitored in both light and dark conditions. Further experiments were concerned with the seasonal changes in algal growth over the gravel substrate with constant water velocities and replenishment. The algal population, composed mainly of the diatoms Achnanthes minutissima, Meridion circulare, Nitzschia fonticola and Synedra ulna reached a peak in mid May and declined rapidly during June. Concentrations of phosphate phosphorus fell as the diatoms grew but was not thought to limit growth. Silicate concentrations followed the diatom cycle closely but never fell below 0.8 mg/l Si. It is possible that one of the nutrients may have been limiting the rate of growth due to steep diffusion gradients through the algal mat. In the last summer and autumn a hard calcareous crust composed of the green alga Gongrosira incrustans and the blue green alga Homeothrix varians , developed. The channel stream is compared with the natural conditions found in chalk streams.


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Karenia brevis is the dominant toxic red tide algal species in the Gulf of Mexico. It produces potent neurotoxins (brevetoxins [PbTxs]), which negatively impact human and animal health, local economies, and ecosystem function. Field measurements have shown that cellular brevetoxin contents vary from 1–68 pg/cell but the source of this variability is uncertain. Increases in cellular toxicity caused by nutrient-limitation and inter-strain differences have been observed in many algal species. This study examined the effect of P-limitation of growth rate on cellular toxin concentrations in five Karenia brevis strains from different geographic locations. Phosphorous was selected because of evidence for regional P-limitation of algal growth in the Gulf of Mexico. Depending on the isolate, P-limited cells had 2.3- to 7.3-fold higher PbTx per cell than P-replete cells. The percent of cellular carbon associated with brevetoxins (%C-PbTx) was ~ 0.7 to 2.1% in P-replete cells, but increased to 1.6–5% under P-limitation. Because PbTxs are potent anti-grazing compounds, this increased investment in PbTxs should enhance cellular survival during periods of nutrient-limited growth. The %C-PbTx was inversely related to the specific growth rate in both the nutrient-replete and P-limited cultures of all strains. This inverse relationship is consistent with an evolutionary tradeoff between carbon investment in PbTxs and other grazing defenses, and C investment in growth and reproduction. In aquatic environments where nutrient supply and grazing pressure often vary on different temporal and spatial scales, this tradeoff would be selectively advantageous as it would result in increased net population growth rates. The variation in PbTx/cell values observed in this study can account for the range of values observed in the field, including the highest values, which are not observed under N-limitation. These results suggest P-limitation is an important factor regulating cellular toxicity and adverse impacts during at least some K. brevis blooms.


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The use of strontium-to-calcium (Sr/Ca) ratios in otoliths is becoming a standard method to describe life history type and the chronology of migrations between freshwater and seawater habitats in teleosts (e.g. Kalish, 1990; Radtke et al., 1990; Secor, 1992; Rieman et al., 1994; Radtke, 1995; Limburg, 1995; Tzeng et al. 1997; Volk et al., 2000; Zimmerman, 2000; Zimmerman and Reeves, 2000, 2002). This method provides critical information concerning the relationship and ecology of species exhibiting phenotypic variation in migratory behavior (Kalish, 1990; Secor, 1999). Methods and procedures, however, vary among laboratories because a standard method or protocol for measurement of Sr in otoliths does not exist. In this note, we examine the variations in analytical conditions in an effort to increase precision of Sr/Ca measurements. From these findings we argue that precision can be maximized with higher beam current (although there is specimen damage) than previously recommended by Gunn et al. (1992).


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Matatilla Reservoir, located in semi arid region, (Lat. 25 degree 15'N and Long. 78 degree 23'E) has an area (at FRL) of 13,893 ha, volume and shore development 0.663 and 1.65, shoreline 73.6 km. Volume and shore development indicate that greater part of the reservoir is shallow, which is a favourable point for fish productivity. Temperature and dissolved oxygen gradually decreased with the increase in depth. Carbon dioxide was absent from the surface but invariably present in the bottom (3.6 ppm) pH remained alkaline (7.2-8.4 ppm) throughout the year. Alkalinity, chloride, calcium, magnesium, hardness and priductivity was maximum in pre-monsoon and minimum in monsoon except for calcium and manganesium in post-monsoon. Phosphate, nitrogen and ammonical nitrogen were found in traces. These variations may be due to influx and outflow of water and use of reservoir water for multipurpose activities.


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Various phosphates and their mixtures were screened for their efficiency of preventing drip loss in frozen prawns. The effectiveness of the phosphates decreased in the following order: Sodium tripolyphosphate — Sodium pyrophosphate — Sodium hexametaphosphate Sodium metaphosphate — Sodium dihydrogen phosphate; the last two being ineffective. Even though thaw drip loss was reduced by the above treatments the organoleptic quality of the thawed as well as cooked products was unsatisfactory, discoloration being the major defect. A solution of a mixture of 12% sodium tripolyphosphate and 8.6% sodium dihydrogen phosphate or 2% citric acid in water when used as dip prevented thaw drip loss, improved cooked yield and organoleptic quality without adversely affecting the biochemical characteristics. Commercial scale trials showed that the results are highly reproducible.


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This communication reports the changes in physical, organoleptic and biochemical characteristics of prawn meat dip-treated with alkaline and neutral solutions of polyphosphates during frozen storage. Results are presented on changes in thawed and cooked yields, water extractable nitrogen, non-protein nitrogen, free amino-nitrogen, salt solubility, myosin and moisture in the muscle and loss of soluble nitrogenous constituents in thaw drip during frozen storage up to seven months. The salt solubility remained unchanged during storage in samples treated with neutral polyphosphate solutions and the organoleptic quality was superior to control sample. It is concluded that dip treatment with neutralized solutions of tripolyphosphate not only maintains correct drained weight and improves cooked yield during prolonged frozen storage but also protects the frozen product from denaturation as measured by the salt solubility of the proteins.


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Five species of crabs and three species of fishes were the main marine organisms found damaging embankments owing to their burrowing nature. Among crabs, Scylla serrata was in the highest percentage, while among fishes, Boleopthalamus dussumieri was recorded in maximum percentage calcium carbide 10-15 per burrow was effective in eradicating the crabs.


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Effects of three different doses of vitamin D sub(3) on molting, growth, and calcium and phosphate composition of tissue and molt during the grow-out of the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (average weight 10.56 ± 0.20 g), obtained from a grow-out pond, were studied. Intramuscular doses of vitamin D sub(3) (100, 500 and 2000 IU/kg body weight) were given on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 15th, 20th, 25th and 30th days. All the experimental animals were fed with a basal diet containing fish meal, shrimp meal, wheat flour, groundnut de-oiled cake, soybean meal and wheat bran at 3% of the body weight. The numbers of molts were recorded as 20±0.50, 29±1.16, 51±1.87, and 30±1.60 in control, 100, 500 and 2000 IU/kg body weight physiological doses, respectively. Maximum growth was recorded in prawns given 500 IU/ kg dose. Survival was between 58.33 ± 9.13 and 77.77 ± 8.61%. The ash content and calcium level increased significantly (p<0.05) and recorded the highest values in 500 IU/kg physiological dose. However, the inorganic phosphate (P sub(i)) content recorded the highest values in tissue in 2000 IU/kg dose (p<0.05, F = 50.60613). There is no significant difference in calcium contents (p>0.05) in both tissue and molt at 500 and 2000 IU/kg doses. It was found that a higher physiological dose (2000 IU/kg) of vitamin D sub(3) increased the rate of mortality. Results have shown that vitamin D sub(3) has a positive impact on the growth and survival of M. rosenbergii and it interferes with the metabolism of Ca and P sub(i), in tissue, and alters molting frequency. Results on physiological dose suggest an alternative and effective dietary supplementation method of vitamin D sub(3) in the grow-out phase of M. rosenbergii.