17 resultados para trabajo individual

em Aquatic Commons


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Presentamos aquí una lista actualizada de los condrictios (tiburones, rayas, quimeras y pez elefante) que han sido citados de la Argentina y Uruguay, incluyendo las especies de agua dulce de la familia Potamotrygonidae. Cuando una especie está presente en Argentina o en Uruguay, se lo indica a continuación de la especie; las demás, son compartidas. No se indica la distribución de las especies en otras áreas. Muchas de las especies conocidas de Uruguay terminan allí su distribución meridional, y ocasionalmente algunas entran a aguas argentinas y otras podrían hacerlo. Estas presencias ocasionales parecen no ser muy comunes. La progresiva disminución de las capturas de Dasyatis violacea con la disminución de temperatura hacia el sur ha sido demostrada (Domingo et al., 2005). En 1981 Menni publicó una lista de las familias de peces que no sobrepasaban la latitud del Río de La Plata, y de los condrictios mencionados, Orectolobidae, Ginglymostomatidae y Rhinopteridae, sólo una especie de la última familia ha sido citada en años recientes de Uruguay. Al contrario, especies que han sido citadas de la Argentina, como Sphyrna tudes de Mar del Plata por Berg (1895) o Narcine brasiliensis de la provincia de Buenos Aires por Lahille (1928), no han sido halladas de nuevo. La lista está basada en el catálogo crítico de Menni et al. (1984), y se han hecho las modificaciones taxonómicas necesarias y agregado las especies nuevas para el área. Debido al carácter práctico de esta lista, sólo se incluyen los autores de las especies y la fecha de su descripción. En los nuevos registros se agrega un breve comentario fundamentando la inclusión. Estando disponible el catálogo de Eschmeyer (1998) y su versión on-line, nos pareció que más detalles eran innecesarios. En la macrosistemática de los holocéfalos se sigue a Didier (2004), en la de los tiburones a Compagno (2005) y en la de los batoideos a McEachran & Aschliman (2004). Para las especies de Uruguay se ha seguido principalmente a Nion et al. (2002) y a Meneses y Paesch (1997), y deben mencionarse los trabajos anteriores de Ximénez (1962) y de Carrera (1991) que proveen referencias previas. La bibliografía se limita a trabajos generales que pueden ser de utilidad, los trabajos en que se basan las nuevas referencias, y los que corresponden a comentarios. No se han incluido numerosos trabajos sobre biología y ecología de estos organismos, que han modificado mucho la información resumida en Menni (1986), pero sí algunos que muestran cambios considerables de distribución. (PDF tiene 18 paginas.)


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Espanol: Este trabajo tiene como objetivo la recopilación de dibujos y diferentes figuras de las especies presentes en nuestro territorio. Para ello, hemos utilizado como principales fuentes de información la obra de Ringuelet et al. (1967), Reis et al. (2003), López et al. (2003; 2006) y las bases de datos on-line de W. N. Eschmeyer y Fish Base. El tratamiento incluye una ficha individual con imágenes seleccionadas de la especie tratada y las que eventualmente hayan surgido por trabajos de índole anatómica. Se adjuntan las referencias de los trabajos utilizados en la confección de cada ficha. Esta es una publicación abierta, por lo que requerirá de actualización permanente, para lo cual sería necesario se sume a nuestra tarea la buena voluntad y colaboración de la comunidad ictiológica. Los compiladores entendemos que esta contribución, además de aportar valiosa información, rescata el trabajo de mujeres y hombres que son parte de la rica historia de la ictiología nacional y regional. (Texto en Espanol y PDF tiene viente dos paginas) English: The goal of this work is to present a collection of drawings and figures depicting the species present in our country. To achieve this, our main sources of information have been the works of Ringuelet et al. (1967), Reis et al. (2003), and López et al. (2003; 2006), as well as the online databases of W. N. Eschmeyer and Fish Base. Each species has an individual factsheet with selected images, including some from anatomical research works. All the works referenced are mentioned in each factsheet. This is an open-ended publication. As such, it will require permanent updating, which will depend on the good will and collaboration of the ichthyological community. As compilers, we understand that this contribution not only provides valuable information, but also highlights the work of men and women who are part of the rich history of our national and regional ichthyology. (Text is in Spanish. PDF contains 22 pages.)


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Spanish: Este trabajo tiene como objetivo la recopilación de dibujos y diferentes figuras de las especies presentes en nuestro territorio. Para ello, hemos utilizado como principales fuentes de información la obra de Ringuelet et al. (1967), Reis et al. (2003), López et al. (2003; 2006) y las bases de datos on-line de W. N. Eschmeyer y Fish Base. El tratamiento incluye una ficha individual con imágenes seleccionadas de la especie tratada y las que eventualmente hayan surgido por trabajos de índole anatómica. Se adjuntan las referencias de los trabajos utilizados en la confección de cada ficha. Esta es una publicación abierta, por lo que requerirá de actualización permanente, para lo cual sería necesario se sume a nuestra tarea la buena voluntad y colaboración de la comunidad ictiológica. Los compiladores entendemos que esta contribución, además de aportar valiosa información, rescata el trabajo de mujeres y hombres que son parte de la rica historia de la ictiología nacional y regional. English: The goal of this work is to present a collection of drawings and figures depicting the species present in our country. To achieve this, our main sources of information have been the works of Ringuelet et al. (1967), Reis et al. (2003), and López et al. (2003; 2006), as well as the online databases of W. N. Eschmeyer and Fish Base. Each species has an individual factsheet with selected images, including some from anatomical research works. All the works referenced are mentioned in each factsheet. This is an open-ended publication. As such, it will require permanent updating, which will depend on the good will and collaboration of the ichthyological community. As compilers, we understand that this contribution not only provides valuable information, but also highlights the work of men and women who are part of the rich history of our national and regional ichthyology. (Texto en espanol y PDF tiene cuatorce paginas.)


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ENGLISH: Age composition of catch, and growth rate, of yellowfin tuna have been estimated by Hennemuth (1961a) and Davidoff (1963). The relative abundance and instantaneous total mortality rate of yellowfin tuna during 1954-1959 have been estimated by Hennenmuth (1961b). It is now possible to extend this work, because more data are available; these include data for 1951-1954, which were previously not available, and data for 1960-1962, which were collected subsequent to Hennemuth's (1961b) publication. In that publication, Hennemuth estimated the total instantaneous mortality rate (Z) during the entire time period a year class is present in the fishery following full recruitment. However, this method may lead to biased estimates of abundance, and hence mortality rates, because of both seasonal migrations into or out of specific fishing areas and possible seasonal differences in availability or vulnerability of the fish to the fishing gear. Schaefer, Chatwin and Broadhead (1961) and Joseph etl al. (1964) have indicated that seasonal migrations of yellowfin occur. A method of estimating mortality rates which is not biased by seasonal movements would be of value in computations of population dynamics. The method of analysis outlined and used in the present paper may obviate this bias by comparing the abundance of an individual yellowfin year class, following its period of maximum abundance, in an individual area during a specific quarter of the year with its abundance in the same area one year later. The method was suggested by Gulland (1955) and used by Chapman, Holt and Allen (1963) in assessing Antarctic whale stocks. This method, and the results of its use with data for yellowfin caught in the eastern tropical Pacific from 1951-1962 are described in this paper. SPANISH: La composición de edad de la captura, y la tasa de crecimiento del atún aleta amarilla, han sido estimadas por Hennemuth (1961a) y Davidoff (1963). Hennemuth (1961b), estimó la abundancia relativa y la tasa de mortalidad total instantánea del atún aleta amarilla durante 1954-1959. Se puede ampliar ahora, este trabajo, porque se dispone de más datos; éstos incluyen datos de 1951 1954, de los cuales no se disponía antes, y datos de 1960-1962 que fueron recolectados después de la publicación de Hennemuth (1961b). En esa obra, Hennemuth estimó la tasa de mortalidad total instantánea (Z) durante todo el período de tiempo en el cual una clase anual está presente en la pesquería, consecutiva al reclutamiento total. Sin embargo, este método puede conducir a estimaciones con bias (inclinación viciada) de abundancia, y de aquí las tasas de mortalidad, debidas tanto a migraciones estacionales dentro o fuera de las áreas determinadas de pesca, como a posibles diferencias estacionales en la disponibilidad y vulnerabilidad de los peces al equipo de pesca. Schaefer, Chatwin y Broadhead (1961) y Joseph et al. (1964) han indicado que ocurren migraciones estacionales de atún aleta amarilla. Un método para estimar las tasas de mortalidad el cual no tuviera bias debido a los movimientos estacionales, sería de valor en los cómputos de la dinámica de las poblaciones. El método de análisis delineado y usado en el presente estudio puede evitar este bias al comparar la abundancia de una clase anual individual de atún aleta amarilla, subsecuente a su período de abundancia máxima en un área individual, durante un trimestre específico del año, con su abundancia en la misma área un año más tarde. Este método fue sugerido por Gulland (1955) y empleado por Chapman, Holt y Allen (1963) en la declaración de los stocks de la ballena antártica. Este método y los resultados de su uso, en combinación con los datos del atún aleta amarilla capturado en el Pacífico oriental tropical desde 1951-1962, son descritos en este estudio.


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ENGLISH:Length-frequency samples of yellowfin tuna from 276 individual purse-seine sets were examined. Evidence of schooling by size is presented. Yellowfin schooled with skipjack are smaller and more homogeneous in length than are yellowfin from pure schools. Yellowfin in schools associated with porpoise appear to be more variable in size than yellowfin from other types of schools. No relationship was found between the tonnage of yellowfin in a school and the mean length of the yellowfin. Despite the tendency to school by size, the size variation within individual schools was judged to be enough to complicate greatly any program of regulation aimed at maximizing the yield-per-recruit through increasing the minimum size of yellowfin at first capture. SPANISH: Fueron examinadas las muestras frecuencia-longitud de atún aleta amarilla, de 276 lances individuales de redes de cerco. Se presenta la evidencia de agrupación por tamaños. Los atunes aleta amarilla agrupados con barrilete, son más pequeños y más homogéneos en longitud, que los atunes aleta amarilla de cardúmenes puros. El atún aleta amarilla en cardúmenes asociados con delfines parece ser más variable en tamaño, que el atún aleta amarilla proveniente de otros tipos de cardúmenes. No se encontró relac¡'ón entre el tonelaje del atún aleta amarilla en un cardumen y la longitud media de esta especie. A pesar de la tendencia a agruparse por tamaño, se juzgó, que la variación de tamaño en cardúmenes individuales, sería suficiente para complicar grandemente cualquier programa de reglamentación, dirigido a obtener el máximo del rendimiento por recluta a través del incremento del tamaño mínimo del atún aleta amarilla en la primera captura.


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This is a translation of selected articles from the Japanese language publication Hiroshimaken Suisan Shikenjo Hokoku (Report of Hirshima Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station), Hiroshima City, Japan, vol.22, no. 1, 1960, pages 1-76. Articles translated are: Haematological study of bacteria affected oysters, The distribution of oyster larvae and spatfalls in the Hiroshima City perimeter, On the investigation of the timing of spatfalls, On the prediction of oyster seeding at inner Hiroshima Bay, Oyster growth and its environment at the oyster farm in Hiroshima Bay


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Observations of individual weight, duration of development and production of different stages of Tropodiaptomus incognitus are presented. The study is based on data gathered from Lake Chad in 1968.


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The problem of the peculiar reproductive biology of the cladoceran Daphnia middendorffiana is investigated from a cytological viewpoint, and by direct observation the meiotic phenomena of the eggs both subitaneous and resting is studied. and during maturation, the true mechanism of the succession of reproductive phases of different ecological significance. Samples were collected in the Italian Alpine Lake of Campo 4°.


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This review examines water quality and stress indicators at levels of organisation from the individual to the community and beyond by means of three case studies concentrating on rocky shores within the north-east Atlantic. Responses of dogwhelks (Nucella) to tributyltin pollution from antifouling paints is examined as the main case study. There are effects at the individual level (development of male sexual characteristics in the female leading to effective sterility) and population level (reduction in juveniles, few females and eventual population disappearance of dogwhelks in badly contaminated areas) but information on community level effects of dogwhelk demise is sparse. Such effects were simulated by dogwhelk removal experiments on well studied, moderately exposed ledges on shores on the Isle of Man. The removal of dogwhelks reduced the size and longevity of newly established Fucus clumps that had escaped grazing. Removal of dogwhelks also increased the likelihood of algal escapes. In a factorial experiment dogwhelks were shown to be less important than limpets \{Patella) in structuring communities but still had a significant modifying effect by increasing the probability of algal escapes. Community level responses to stress on rocky shores are then explored by reference to catastrophic impacts such as oil spills, using the Torrey Canyon as a case study. Recovery of the system in response to this major perturbation took between 10-15 years through a series of damped oscillations. The final case study is that of indicators of ecosystem level change in response to climate fluctuations, using ratios of northern \{Semibalanus balanoides) and southern (Chthamalus spp.) barnacles. Indices derived from counts on the shore show good correlations with inshore sea-water temperatures after a 2-year lag phase. The use of barnacles to measure offshore changes is reviewed. The discussion considers the use of bioindicators at various levels of organisation.


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Minimizing bycatch of seabirds is a major goal of the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service. In Alaska waters, the bycatch (i.e., inadvertent catches) of seabirds has been an incidental result of demersal groundfish longline fishery operations. Notably, the endangered short-tailed albatross (Phoebastria albatrus) has been taken in this groundfish fishery. Bycatch rates of seabirds from individual vessels may be of particular interest because vessels with high bycatch rates may not be functioning effectively with seabird avoidance gears, and there may be a need for suggestions on how to use these avoidance gears more effectively. Therefore, bycatch estimates are usually made on an individual vessel basis and then summed to obtain the total estimate for the entire fleet.


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Male blue crabs, Callinectes Sapidus, guard their mates before and after mating, suggesting that the conditions regulating both types of mate guarding dictate individual reproductive success. I tested the hypothesis that large male blue crabs have advantages in sexual competition using experimental manipulations, a simulation model, and field data on crabs from mid-Chesapeake Bay between 1991-1994.


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In a single cohort of small freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, the size range of females in the population is rather small. However, among the males, three major morphotypes are found and each has a distinct size category. The differential growth pattern in males, termed "heterogeneous individual growth" (HIG), is a major bottleneck confronting the profitability of farming this species. An attempt is made to understand the cause and impact of HIG on the culture system and methods by which HIG could be minimized in growout in order to maximize the market yield structure of the harvested population.


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We consider estimation of mortality rates and growth parameters from length-frequency data of a fish stock and derive the underlying length distribution of the population and the catch when there is individual variability in the von Bertalanffy growth parameter L∞. The model is flexible enough to accommodate 1) any recruitment pattern as a function of both time and length, 2) length-specific selectivity, and 3) varying fishing effort over time. The maximum likelihood method gives consistent estimates, provided the underlying distribution for individual variation in growth is correctly specified. Simulation results indicate that our method is reasonably robust to violations in the assumptions. The method is applied to tiger prawn data (Penaeus semisulcatus) to obtain estimates of natural and fishing mortality.


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El objetivo que persigue esta guía consiste en presentar brevemente el Convenio sobre el trabajo en el sector pesquero de 2007, adoptado en junio del mismo año en Ginebra, Suiza, durante la 96ª reunión de la Conferencia Internacional del Trabajo (CIT) de la Organización Mundial del Trabajo (OIT). No pretende en absoluto interpretar ninguna de sus disposiciones y no debe ser considerado como equivalente al texto oficial. La guía se ha elaborado pensando en facilitar la comprensión del convenio y del funcionamiento de la CIT y de la OIT a personas profanas en la materia. De forma más concreta se espera que esta publicación sirva para que los pescadores y las organizaciones que los representan comprendan las repercusiones del Convenio sobre las pesquerías artesanales y de pequeña escala de los países en desarrollo, así como las posibles ventajas que el Convenio les ofrece. La guía se encuentra igualmente disponible en la página web del CIAPA: www.icsf.net


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We measured growth and movements of individually marked free-ranging juvenile white shrimp (Litopenaeus setiferus) in tidal creek subsystems of the Duplin River, Sapelo Island, Georgia. Over a period of two years, 15,974 juvenile shrimp (40−80 mm TL) were marked internally with uniquely coded microwire tags and released in the shallow upper reaches of four salt marsh tidal creeks. Subsequent samples were taken every 3−6 days from channel segments arranged at 200-m intervals along transects extending from the upper to lower reach of each tidal creek. These collections included 201,384 juvenile shrimp, of which 184 were marked recaptures. Recaptured shrimp were at large an average of 3−4 weeks (range: 2−99 days) and were recovered a mean distance of <0.4 km from where they were initially marked. Mean residence times in the creek subsystems ranged from 15.2 to 25.5 days and were estimated from exponential decay functions describing the proportions of marked individuals recaptured with increasing days at large. Residence time was not significantly correlated with creek length (Pearson=−0.316, P=0.684 ), but there was suggestive evidence of positive associations with either intertidal (Pearson r=0.867, P=0.133) or subtidal (Pearson r=0.946, P=0.054) drainage area. Daily mean specific growth rates averaged 0.009 to 0.013 among creeks; mean absolute growth rates ranged from 0.56−0.84 mm/d, and were lower than those previously reported for juvenile penaeids in estuaries of the southeastern United States. Mean individual growth rates were not significantly different between years (t-test, P>0.30) but varied significantly during the season, tending to be greater in July than November. Growth rates were size-dependent, and temporal changes in size distributions rather than temporal variation in physical environmental factors may have accounted for seasonal differences in growth. Growth rates differed between creeks in 1999 (t-test, P<0.015), but not in 1998 (t-test, P>0.5). We suggest that spatial variation in landscape structure associated with access to intertidal resources may have accounted for this apparent interannual difference in growth response.