51 resultados para the automated carrying out of interrogation

em Aquatic Commons


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One third of the people on earth who are described as living in absolute poverty are found today in India. “These people,” says Mr B K Satpathy, “are caught in a poverty trap’.” “Poverty trap?” we ask. “These are creative weavers; their cloth has a distinctive style, but those who supply their thread also take away and sell the cloth, paying just a small labor cost for each saree. If they are skilled and work hard this amounts to only 25-30 rupees (60-70 US cents) per day.” Under this arrangement, weaving does not provide enough to live on, and people are seeking ways to escape their entrapment in poverty. (Pdf contains 6 pages).


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This study includes an analysis of the trawl survey that was carried out by the Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project in May, 1997. The objective of the survey was to assess the biomass and the potential yield of clupeids and the carrying capacity of the beach seine fishery in the entire Kainji Lake (Nigeria). The biomass of the beach seine by-catch was also estimated. The density (kg /km super(3)) of the clupeids was higher in the Bussa and Foge than in the other stations. The lowest density of clupeids was in the Anfani station followed by Jetty, both in the southern basin. These stations were the deepest parts of all the areas trawled, measuring between 37-120 m of depth. There was an inverse correlation between depth trawled and the catch rates of clupeids, though the correlation was poor. The average annual biomass of the clupeids was estimated at 36,769.85 Mt in the entire Lake with an MSY of 11,705.95 Mt. The smaller species, Sierrathrissa leonensis, made up about 97% of the total clupeid population in the lake and occurred at a shallower depth than the larger species Pellonula afzeliusi. From the clupeid production statistics in 1996, it is estimated that the MSY is already overshot by 34%. Therefore, about 698 beach seines instead of the present 810 would be sufficient for sustainable exploitation of the clupeid stocks. Because of the substantial by-catch in the beach seines, this fishing method was banned from Kainji Lake in 1997. An offshore open water seine net is recommended to replace the beach seines on the lake. The number of these nets should not exceed 500. The current ban on beach seine is supported by this study. Nevertheless, and since the ban may not be 100% effective, effort should concentrate on maintaining that the number of beach seines must be kept at most at the present level. Recommendation is made against the introduction of the pair trawling not only from an economic point of view but also for resource conservation, legal and social reasons. The development of this fishery could pose a serious danger to continuity of stocks. It is proposed that priority be given to the development of an open water seine which is at the same level of exploitation as the beach seine and requires similar cost to acquire. (PDF contains 39 pages)


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Ihale is a large landing site lying approximately 65 km. from Mwanza along the main Mwanza-Musoma highway. Ihale Beach was selected as a potential candidate for the 3-beaches study because of its proximity to Mwanza, and hence suitability for frequent monitoring; and because it is served by a road accessible during the rainy seasons. As with the first training Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) on Kiumba Beach on Kenya's Rusinga Island, the objectives with this PRA were as follows: (a) To identify and understand Ihale's community-based organizations and institutions which have a role in the lake's fishery. (b) To consider the key issues which arise from this study for the involvement of communities and community-based organizations and/or institutions such as those at Ihale Beach, in the co-management of Lake Victoria's fishery.


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This document contains the findings of the second Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) carried out under the LVFRP. Its principal objectives were to develop base-line information on a Ugandan beach for the 3-beaches survey of the LVFRP.


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This document contains the findings of the third Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) carried out on Obenge Beach in Kenya, from the 23rd to the 26th of June 2000, under the LVFRP. Its principal objectives were to develop base-line information on a Kenyan beach for the 3-beaches survey of the LVFRP.


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This document contains the findings of the fourth Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) carried out under the LVFRP. Its principal objectives were to develop base-line information on a Ugandan beach for the 3-beaches survey of the LVFRP.


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This paper comprises part of the so-called "3-beaches Survey" of the LVFRP. In Tanzania, this study has developed to examine two landing sites (Mwasonge and Ihale), and to chart the progress of the newly established Beach Management Units (BMU) at each beach, comparing one BMU against the other. The over-arching objective of this survey was to develop an understanding of the context in which Mwasonge's fishery exists. The study does so by examining the community's history, culture and beliefs, various other socio-cultural factors, their resources, society and economy, wealth and the community's perceptions of wealth. Importantly, the survey examines the community's institutions and its perceptions of fishing rules and changes within the fishery. All of these facets of community life are examined with the use of participatory Rural Appraisal tools, and the images that the study generated are reproduced herein.


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A brief review of the status of the world fisheries is presented with emphasis on the differences between catches (= landings + bycatch), biological production of fish, and predation (= production - catches). The ECOPATH II approach implemented as a new, Windows-based software is then shown to allow construction of a stratified world model accoutinng for global catches, production of and predation on fishes, and thus improved estimates of global potentials. A newly initiated, cooperative project is described through which the foundation for such a global model could be constructed, based on a stratified database with more than 100 trophic models. Collaborators are invited to join in this, and will be assisted in constructing models covering their areas of interest.


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This paper records the results of the Chanos fry surveys carried out in Mannar, Puttalam and Negombo lagoon areas since 1967, and gives a summary of the earlier surveys. The maximum amount of Chanos fry was obtained from Mannar area during April and May. All three areas have their main commercial fry season in April and May with a second commercially negligible season in October–November. The quantity of fry collected has been utilized to evaluate the potential fry production figures. Mannar 400,000,000 fry/annum. Puttalam 200,000,000 fry/annum. It would be extremely difficult to estimate the number of eggs laid, the larvae hatched and the fry available each year along the coastal areas of Ceylon. It is necessary to obtain biological, meteorological and oceanographical data so as to provide a basis for the prediction and estimation of fry populations in the coastal waters of Ceylon. The suggested ideal season for commercial catches of Chanos fry is April–May with operations to be carried out simultaneously all along the west coast.


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This technical memorandum documents the design, implementation, data preparation, and descriptive results for the 2006 Annual Economic Survey of Federal Gulf Shrimp Permit Holders. The data collection was designed by the NOAA Fisheries Southeast Fisheries Science Center Social Science Research Group to track the financial and economic status and performance by vessels holding a federal moratorium permit for harvesting shrimp in the Gulf of Mexico. A two page, self-administered mail survey collected total annual costs broken out into seven categories and auxiliary economic data. In May 2007, 580 vessels were randomly selected, stratified by state, from a preliminary population of 1,709 vessels with federal permits to shrimp in offshore waters of the Gulf of Mexico. The survey was implemented during the rest of 2007. After many reminder and verification phone calls, 509 surveys were deemed complete, for an ineligibility-adjusted response rate of 90.7%. The linking of each individual vessel’s cost data to its revenue data from a different data collection was imperfect, and hence the final number of observations used in the analyses is 484. Based on various measures and tests of validity throughout the technical memorandum, the quality of the data is high. The results are presented in a standardized table format, linking vessel characteristics and operations to simple balance sheet, cash flow, and income statements. In the text, results are discussed for the total fleet, the Gulf shrimp fleet, the active Gulf shrimp fleet, and the inactive Gulf shrimp fleet. Additional results for shrimp vessels grouped by state, by vessel characteristics, by landings volume, and by ownership structure are available in the appendices. The general conclusion of this report is that the financial and economic situation is bleak for the average vessels in most of the categories that were evaluated. With few exceptions, cash flow for the average vessel is positive while the net revenue from operations and the “profit” are negative. With negative net revenue from operations, the economic return for average shrimp vessels is less than zero. Only with the help of government payments does the average owner just about break even. In the short-term, this will discourage any new investments in the industry. The financial situation in 2006, especially if it endures over multiple years, also is economically unsustainable for the average established business. Vessels in the active and inactive Gulf shrimp fleet are, on average, 69 feet long, weigh 105 gross tons, are powered by 505 hp motor(s), and are 23 years old. Three-quarters of the vessels have steel hulls and 59% use a freezer for refrigeration. The average market value of these vessels was $175,149 in 2006, about a hundred-thousand dollars less than the average original purchase price. The outstanding loans averaged $91,955, leading to an average owner equity of $83,194. Based on the sample, 85% of the federally permitted Gulf shrimp fleet was actively shrimping in 2006. Of these 386 active Gulf shrimp vessels, just under half (46%) were owner-operated. On average, these vessels burned 52,931 gallons of fuel, landed 101,268 pounds of shrimp, and received $2.47 per pound of shrimp. Non-shrimp landings added less than 1% to cash flow, indicating that the federal Gulf shrimp fishery is very specialized. The average total cash outflow was $243,415 of which $108,775 was due to fuel expenses alone. The expenses for hired crew and captains were on average $54,866 which indicates the importance of the industry as a source of wage income. The resulting average net cash flow is $16,225 but has a large standard deviation. For the population of active Gulf shrimp vessels we can state with 95% certainty that the average net cash flow was between $9,500 and $23,000 in 2006. The median net cash flow was $11,843. Based on the income statement for active Gulf shrimp vessels, the average fixed costs accounted for just under a quarter of operating expenses (23.1%), labor costs for just over a quarter (25.3%), and the non-labor variable costs for just over half (51.6%). The fuel costs alone accounted for 42.9% of total operating expenses in 2006. It should be noted that the labor cost category in the income statement includes both the actual cash payments to hired labor and an estimate of the opportunity cost of owner-operators’ time spent as captain. The average labor contribution (as captain) of an owner-operator is estimated at about $19,800. The average net revenue from operations is negative $7,429, and is statistically different and less than zero in spite of a large standard deviation. The economic return to Gulf shrimping is negative 4%. Including non-operating activities, foremost an average government payment of $13,662, leads to an average loss before taxes of $907 for the vessel owners. The confidence interval of this value straddles zero, so we cannot reject, with 95% certainty, that the population average is zero. The average inactive Gulf shrimp vessel is generally of a smaller scale than the average active vessel. Inactive vessels are physically smaller, are valued much lower, and are less dependent on loans. Fixed costs account for nearly three quarters of the total operating expenses of $11,926, and only 6% of these vessels have hull insurance. With an average net cash flow of negative $7,537, the inactive Gulf shrimp fleet has a major liquidity problem. On average, net revenue from operations is negative $11,396, which amounts to a negative 15% economic return, and owners lose $9,381 on their vessels before taxes. To sustain such losses and especially to survive the negative cash flow, many of the owners must be subsidizing their shrimp vessels with the help of other income or wealth sources or are drawing down their equity. Active Gulf shrimp vessels in all states but Texas exhibited negative returns. The Alabama and Mississippi fleets have the highest assets (vessel values), on average, yet they generate zero cash flow and negative $32,224 net revenue from operations. Due to their high (loan) leverage ratio the negative 11% economic return is amplified into a negative 21% return on equity. In contrast, for Texas vessels, which actually have the highest leverage ratio among the states, a 1% economic return is amplified into a 13% return on equity. From a financial perspective, the average Florida and Louisiana vessels conform roughly to the overall average of the active Gulf shrimp fleet. It should be noted that these results are averages and hence hide the variation that clearly exists within all fleets and all categories. Although the financial situation for the average vessel is bleak, some vessels are profitable. (PDF contains 101 pages)


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ENGLISH: Results of a study of the length-weight relationships of yellowfin (Neothunnus macropterus) and skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) tuna from several fishing areas of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean have been published by Chatwin (1959). In that report, a very low exponential value of 2.6261 was obtained for skipjack from Area 14 (off northern Chile, see Chatwin, Figure 1). It was pointed out, however, that this estimate was based on two samples of fish with a very narrow range of total lengths, not representative of the range in the catch, and that it would be desirable to obtain a further estimate based on a larger range of total lengths. In addition, there proved to be significantly large differences among exponents for the areas sampled, precluding use of a single regression equation for all areas. Two important fishing areas remained unsampled (Areas 10 and 13, see Chatwin, Figure 1), and it appeared desirable to collect length-weight measurement data from them, so that estimating equations would be available for all areas. Subsequent to publication of Chatwin's study, samples of skipjack length-weight measurements were obtained from the desired areas. Estimates derived from these data, and their effects on the previous analysis are presented herein. SPANISH:Los resultados de un estudio sobre las relaciones entre la longitud y el peso del atún aleta amarilla (Neothunnus macropterus) y del barrilete (Katsuwonus pelamis) de las diferentes áreas de pesca en el Pacífico Oriental Tropical ya han sido publicados por Chatwin (1959). En ese informe se obtuvo un valor exponencial muy bajo de 2.626 para el barrilete del Area 14 (frente a la costa norte de Chile, ver Chatwin, Figura 1). Se hizo hincapié, sin embargo, en que esta estimación se basaba en dos muestras de peces con una amplitud muy estrecha de longitudes totales, no representativa de la amplitud en la pesca, y que sería deseable obtener una estimación adicional basada en una amplitud mayor de longitudes totales. Además, se comprobó que habian diferencias significativamente grandes entre los exponentes de las áreas muestreadas lo que impedía el usa de una sola ecuación de regresión para todas las áreas. Se quedaron sin muestrear dos importantes áreas de pesca (Areas 10 y 13, ver Chatwin, Figura 1) y pareció deseable recolectar datos de medidas de longitud y peso de estas áreas, de tal manera que hubiesen disponibles ecuaciones estimadoras para todas las áreas. Después de la publicación del estudio de Chatwin, so obtuvieron muestras de medidas de longitud y peso de barriletes de las áreas deseadas. Las estimaciones derivadas de estos datos y sus efectos sabre el análisis previo se dan en el presente informe.


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The aims of this paper are twofold. Firstly to characterise rural poverty and to give a broad overview of the agro-ecological, climatic and socio-economic conditions in Sri Lanka which shape poverty. Secondly to present the methodology employed to screen suitable field research areas and the techniques subsequently used to carry out Rapid Rural Appraisal in two upper-watersheds villages. Also presented are details of a concurrent stakeholder analysis that aimed to investigate the capacity of secondary stakeholders to promote sustainable aquatic resource development and to invite their participation in the formulation of a participatory research agenda.[PDF contains 58 pages]


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About 86 species of fish have been recorded in the Lake Chad. Most of the species occurring in the lake are widespread including most of the commercially important species. Fish distribution in the lake was adversely affected by the 1972/73 and 1983/84 droughts. The commercially important species before the 1972/73 drought were; Lates, Labeo distichodus, Heterotis, Gymnarchus, Hydrocynus, Citharinus and Bagrus. Other species which had less commercial value at that time include, Clarias, Gnathanemus, Polypterus, Protopterus, Tilapia and Synodontis. Lates niloticus was the most predominant species of commercial importance comprising 50-60% of the total catches of fishermen between 1962 and 1973. Before the 1972/73 drought, occurrence of Clarias lazera was negligible and restricted to long line catches and had little commercial value. As a result of the drought of 1972/73 which resulted in near drying up to the northern sector of the lake, fish populations were confined to isolated pools and were completely scooped out. The remaining fish populations retreated to the southern basin where enough water always remained to hold the surviving representatives of the population. The effects of the drought resulted in occurrence of the little known C. lazera along with other hardy species like Tilapia and Protopterus to dominate the existing fish species composition. In 1976, C. lazera dominated the total catches of fishermen with 85.6%. An overview of the fish population in the lake, their relative abundance, changes in species composition, the effects of drought on the fauna of the lake based on the available data are discussed in this paper


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A pilot fish culture project was initiated by Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited in 1981 with specific aims and objectives. Site selection, survey, pond construction method and fish production with regards to experiences gathered and gained, problems and solutions so far obtained are discussed. Trials of freshwater fish species to check their adaptability to brackishwater ponds were carried out and the promising results of the growth rate of these species when compared with the traditional local brackishwater species selected for culture are reported. The extension programme so far carried out is briefly described


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Tilapia once termed "poor man's" fish, still remains as the highly-priced food fish in many developing countries. The good attributes of this fish prompt its use in intensive aquaculture vertically integrated systems (VIS) which embrace broodstock development, hatchery/nursery and growout phase. Based on the series of studies carried out at Kainji Lake Research Institute, in New Bussa, Nigeria using Oreochromis (Tilapia niloticus) in floating bamboo hapas/cages, the recommended intensive modular systems were estimated to be capable of producing 4 million Tilapia fingerlings and 729 tons fish (Market-size) annually. Cost-benefit analysis showed the venture to have high prospects. It is recommended that priority be given to Tilapia cage culture at the national level in order to contribute immensely towards increased fish production