7 resultados para somalia

em Aquatic Commons


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Report: COFI Session-Securing small-scale fisheries; Statement-Contributing Significantly; Somalia: Pirate Fishing -Pirates or Saviours of the Coast?; Marine Protected Areas-Managing to Benefit; Mexico: Marine Reserves--Caught Up in Change; MPAs-Importance of Social Capital; MSC Ecolabels-Work Together for Community-based Fisheries; Netherlands: Inland Fisheries -A Management Fantasy?;Small Indigenous Species -Small is Nutritional; ICSF Resources- Information Updates


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The data for this study were gathered between 1993 and 1996 on board commercial trawlers from Somalia, China and Yemen and also from the research vessel Ibn Magid belonging to the Marine Science and Resources Research Centre, Aden, Republic of Yemen. Fish were identified using the FAO species identification literature. All fish were measured to the nearest mm (total length) and weighed to the nearest g. Sex was determined by dissection after the length and weight had been measured. The length-weight relationships were calculated using least-squares regression on log-transformed data and the parameters of the relationship of the form of W=aL super(b) are summarized. Maximum and minimum size of fish sampled are also given. Common names and recent changes in nomenclature were taken from ICLARM's FishBase.


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A brief description of fisheries development in Djibouti is given, with emphasis on the major constraints that have to date limited the increase of fishing effort. Estimates of L sub( infinity ) obtained through Wetherall plots are presented for three important demersal species caught off northern Somalia and landed in Djibouti: the groupers Cephalopholis sonnerati, Epinephelus chlorostigma and E. areolatus (Fam. Serranidae). These are combined with estimates of the growth performance index O' to calculate K values, subsequently used for the construction of length-converted catch curves. The estimate of mortality thus obtained suggests that these stocks are lightly fished.


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The West Indian Ocean is rich in biodiversity and marine resources. This paper gives an overview of fisheries development and resource management in the region. There are many shared issues that must be addressed within countries and at the regional level. These are illustrated by examples from three countries. In Mozambique the issues of lack of information about artisanal fisheries, excessive harvesting of juveniles and conflicts between artisanal and commercial sectors are highlighted. Elements in addressing this include targeted research and decision-making support tools. The challenges faced in Somalia stem primarily from the political instability that contributed to an absence of sound fisheries policy. An example of a highly participatory process to develop the policy provides a model for other countries. In Tanzania, the issue of dynamite fishing was addressed by local communities initiating a program to promote wise use of the resources. There is a clear opportunity for better collaboration and greater integration of fisheries research and management on a regional basis. There is also much to be learnt by the sharing of experiences between countries. This has been initiated by some recently launched regional cooperation projects, but there are still many challenges facing this region.


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The sixth nominal species of Chaceon to be recorded from the western Indian Ocean is named from a specimen collected off Somalia in 504-506 meters. Chaceon somaliensis, n. sp., resembles C. macphersoni (Manning and Holthuis, 1988) and differs from the other four species known from the area in having the dactylus of the walking legs dorsoventrally depressed. It differs from C. macphersoni in having slenderer legs, a smoother body, and a much deeper, evenly curved orbit.


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Longliner and purse-seiner catch/effort statistics for tuna fisheries in the western Indian Ocean collected by Mozambique, Seychelles and Somalia are summarized. Although the data are not considered sufficient to indicate trends for the western Indian Ocean as a whole, an examination of data from the Seychelles EEZ shows that catch rates for yellowfin tuna declined consistently from 1982 to 1985, to about half their former levels. The data were processed by the FAO/Indo Pacific Tuna Development and Management Programme, Colombo, Sri Lanka.


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Lake Nakivali is one of the four small lakes that form what is known as the koki lake sysyem. It is 14km long,6km wide.26km sqaured in area and has maximum depth of 3.5m at high water level. The lake is located in lake-swamp complex with river Rwizi as the principle inflow, and a number of peripheral lakes among which are four major ones,i.e Lake Nakivali, Mburo, Kachira and Kijanebalola. Lake Nakivali is a controlled lake with four official landing sites, namely: Kikusi, Kahirimbi, Kashojwa and Rukinga. The latter three are located within a Refugee settlement whereas Kikusi is outside. The Nakivali Refugee settlement initially established for Rwandese of Tutsi origin in 1963, now has at least seven nationalities which include people from Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya and Eritrea. By the end of 2006, the lake’s hinterland of about 378 km squared contained 43,448 people of whom 22,448 were refugees. This large population has had stressful impacts on both land and lake resources to the extent that now there is an apparent overfishing on the lake.