14 resultados para sandy soil

em Aquatic Commons


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The study examines the integration of cultural, economic and environmental requirements for fish production in Borno State, Nigeria. A reconnaissance survey was conducted transferring some selected Local Government Areas. 60 questionnaires were administered in the six Local Governments representing Southern Borno State with Biu and Shani, central Borno with Konduga & Jere and Northern Borno with Gubia and Kukawa respectively. There is no cultural constraint to fish production but about 63% prefers to invest in other farming activities than in fish farming. 33% are not aware that fish can be cultured apart from getting it from the wild. 35% have the impression that fish farming ventures can be handled by government only. The economic earnings for fish production are high especially in some parts of Northern Borno, but the Local market potentials throughout the state are great. Nigeria has suitable soil for ponds apart from few locations at the central and Northern Borno that are made by sandy soil. Numerous perennial and seasonal rivers, streams, lakes, pools and flood plains adequate for fish culture especially in Southern Borno exist. The mean annual rainfall can result in some water storage in ponds. In areas where the annual precipitation is less than 550mm, exist few flow boreholes with potentials for fish production. The temperature regime may support growth and survival of fish even during the hottest months of the year (March, April and May). With the understanding and manipulation of these requirements, fish production in Nigeria can be greatly enhanced


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Physical characteristics of waterlogged and saline soils of five districts, namely Rohtak, Faridabad, Gurgaon, Sonipat and Jhajjar, of Haryana were studied to evaluate the aquaculture potential. The soil samples from 76 sites were procured and analysed for pH, electrical conductivity, soil particles and water retention capacity, since the knowledge of these parameters is essential for the preliminary evaluation of a site for aqua-farming. Six soil types were identified and clay-loam was observed to be the maximum at 45 (59.21%) sites, followed by silty-clay loam at 14 (18.42%), sandy-clay loam at six (7.89%), silty-loam at four (5.26%), sandy-loam at four (5.26%) and loam at three (3.94%) sites. The pH of soil indicated moderate to high alkaline conditions ranging between 8.01and 9.00 at 53 (69.73%) sites, 9.01 and 10.00 at 17 (22.36%) sites, and low between 7.01 and 8.00 at six (7.89%) sites. The electrical conductivity was found to range between <1 and 10 mmho cmˉ¹ with the value of <1.0 mmho cmˉ¹ at 36 (47.36%) sites. The water retention capacity was observed mostly to be moderate. The paper describes the interrelationship between these parameters with reference to the suitability for aqua-farming.


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The mobility of heavy metals (Zn, Cd, Pb and Ni) was studied in the laboratory acidic leaching two different soils around Ibadan with simulated acid rain. The sampling was carried out from two different sites viz: Orogun and Ilupeju respectively. For Orogun site a depth of 128cm was reached (consisting of four horizons). Different length of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes were cut for different soil horizon depth as observed on the field. The PVC pipes were packed with requires masses of soil. This is then leached using simulated acid rain of different pH of 2.0, 4.0, 6.0 and 8.0 after spiking with known volume of standard solution of metals of interest. It was found that simulated acid rain enhanced the mobility of metals in solution. The pH, Cation Exchange capacity, % clay and organic matter were found to contributed majority to the mobility of metals. Generally as observed, the mobility of metal was to follow the order Zn>Ni>Pb>Cd as the soil is becoming more acidic


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Soil erosion is a natural process that occurs when the force of wind, raindrops or running water on the soil surface exceeds the cohesive forces that bind the soil together. In general, vegetation cover protects the soil from the effects of these erosive forces. However, land management activities such as ploughing, burning or heavy grazing may disturb this protective layer, exposing the underlying soil. The decision making process in rural catchment management is often supported by the predictive modelling of soil erosion and sediment transport processes within the catchment, using established techniques such as the Universal Soil Loss Equation [USLE] and the Agricultural Nonpoint Source pollution model [AGNPS]. In this article, the authors examine the range of erosion models currently available and describe the application of one of these to the Burrishoole catchment on the north-west coast of Ireland, which has suffered heavy erosion of blanket peat in recent years.


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The Burrishoole catchment is situated in County Mayo, on the northwest coast of the Republic of Ireland. Much of the catchment is covered by blanket peat that, in many areas, has become heavily eroded in recent years. This is thought to be due, primarily, to the adverse effects of forestry and agricultural activities in the area. Such activities include ploughing, drainage, the planting and harvesting of trees, and sheep farming, all of which are potentially damaging to such a sensitive landscape if not managed carefully. This article examines the sediment yield and hydrology of the Burrishoole catchment. Flow and sediment concentrations were measured at 8-hourly intervals from 5 February 2001 to 8 November 2001 with an automatic sampler and separate flow gauge, and hourly averages were recorded between 4 July 2002 and 6 September 2002 using an automatic river monitoring system [ARMS]. The authors describe the GIS-based model of soil erosion and transport that was applied to the Burrishoole catchment during this study. The results of these analyses were compared, in a qualitative manner, with the aerial photography available for the Burrishoole catchment to see whether areas that were predicted to contribute large proportions of eroded material to the drainage network corresponded with areas where peat erosion could be identified through photo-interpretation.


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The present paper deals with the physico-chemical data of 13 rainfed and drainable dry bundhs of Bhilwara District (India). All the dry bundhs studied showed a slightly alkaline pH ranging from 7.5 to 8.5. Electrical conductivity ranged from 2 to 8 millimhos/cm. Organic carbon in sediment fluctuated from 0.30 to 0.75%. Nitrogen, phosphate and potassium levels were fairly good, at 30 to 50 and 24 to 36 mg/100 g of soil respectively. Based on these data it was inferred that these dry bundhs were highly productive and suitable for freshwater fish culture.


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A total of sixteen bacterial species were isolated from mangrove soils of Karachi, Pakistan. Twelve of the isolates were gram positive while four were gram negative. All sixteen species showed resistance to high concentration of streptomycin, however, resistance to chloramphenicol and tetracycline was variable. The isolates tolerated up to 110‰ salinity and accumulated sodium form the media.


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The experiment was conducted for 35 days in nine cement tubs (1 x 1 x 1 m) having 15 cm sandy-loam soil base with three treatments in triplicate, viz., cow dung alone at the rate of 1 kg/tub (T sub(1)), cow dung at 1 kg/tub and feed at 10% body wt/d in two meals (T sub(2)), and cow dung at 1 kg and paddy straw at 200 g/tub (T sub(3)). Both manure and substrate were added on dry weight basis. All the tubs were stocked with 10 fry each mrigal (100,000/ha) of average weight of 0.09 g, seven days after the addition of manure and substrate. The total plate count of bacteria in water did not vary much between the treatments and the mean values were 5.13, 5.49 and 5.85 (CFU x 10 super(4)/ml) in T sub(1) T sub(2) and T sub(3) respectively. The number of phytoplankters and zooplankters in water differed significantly between the treatments. The average number of attached algae (no./cm³) and fish food organisms (no./cm³) recorded on the substrate were 145.28 and 70.67, respectively. The mean final weight of mrigal differed significantly (P < 0.05) between the treatments with T sub(3) registering the highest value of 6.93 g followed by T sub(2) (5.01 g) and T sub(1) (3.37 g). The specific growth rate and growth increment of fish also followed the same trend as that of weight recorded in the different treatments. Survival was higher in T sub(2) (83.33%), followed by T sub(3) (80.00%) and T sub(1) (76.67%). The study demonstrates that by the introduction of biodegradable substrates like paddy straw into the culture systems, significantly higher growth and survival can be obtained in the nursery rearing of mrigal.


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A total of 45 ponds used for fish polyculture were investigated in three zones of Bangladesh to identify the differences among the zones in respect to aqua-ecology, culture practices, fish productivity and health management. Four hundred and fifty fish from three zones were clinically examined by naked eye and histopathology. Out of total number of fish examined, 45 fish from Dhaka zones were examined for parasites and bacteria in addition to histopathology. Faded and haemorrhagic gill, skin, fin, scale loss and lesions were observed during fish examination. Aeromonas spp. Pseudomonas spp. and Streptococcus spp. were isolated respectively from 56%, 46% and 39% affected fish. Among the five water quality parameters analyzed, the highest average hardness and alkalinity respectively were recorded in Rajshahi (156 ppm and 142 ppm) followed by Dhaka (146 ppm and 132 ppm) and Chittagong (81 ppm and 90 ppm). The highest average pH was recorded in Mymensingh (7.52) followed by Rajshahi (7.13) and Chittagong (7.05). Water holding capacity of soil in Rajshahi zone was poor compared to other zones and farmers were found to be reluctant to fish farming.


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Qualitative and quantitative studies on the bacterial flora of two beaches viz., Colva and Siridaon at high tide, mid-tide and low tide levels during the pre-monsoon period were made. Estimations of important nutrients, like inorganic phosphates and nitrates and organic carbon have been made and correlation with the bacterial counts is being attempted. Definite correlation between bacterial population and organic carbon is seen however, no correlation is observed between bacterial counts and other physicochemical parameters.


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Occurrence, isolation and oxidative activity of Thiobacilli spp. from some sandy beaches of Kerala are reported. These organisms were encountered in polluted beaches and were dominant during monsoon in all the beaches.


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A study was carried out at five upazillas (Dumuria, Fakirhat, Pirojpur sadar, Gopalgonj sadar and Kalia) of five southern districts of Khulna, Bagerhat, Pirojpur, Gopalgonj and Narail to understand the comparative production performance and any effect on soil quality in case of year-round golda (Macrobrachium rosenbergii), alternate prawn-paddy and year-round paddy farming. A direct interview of 55 farmers was taken, using pretested questionnaire, and soil samples were taken from selected farms before and after each crop. Among the five upazillas, farmers in Gopalgonj sadar and Kalia are not practicing year-round golda. Rotational golda-paddy farming has been recorded to result in maximum profit, with the highest of Tk. 310,912/ha/year in 2003 at Dumuria. Only paddy farming is less profitable than other two cropping patterns, irrespective of study sites. The nutrient status of soil in rotational golda and paddy farming has been found improved, compared to that of only golda or paddy farming.


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Distribution of polychaetes worms Nereidae in intertidal zone of Bandar Abbass indicated that distribution rate of worms from the west to east for the reason status of seabed type, habitat and feeding substrate used to worms increased. Also investigation description that last-mentioned worms are belong to Nereididae family, Perinereis genus and species of Perinereis nuntia. By viewpoint seabed soil types experiments implement indicated Nereididae worms have higher survival with sandy clay loam soil texture. Statistical analysis showed positive relation coefficient correlation of Pearson between substrate type to frequency of worms and too substrate type with soil organic matter value (P<0.05). By viewpoint feeding also experiments with different feed treatment indicated that Nereid worms is Omnivore but in natural condition more utilized algae substrate special Entermorpha and survival rate had the worms last-mentioned in dietary treatments on this algae 93/3% different significant with other treatments (P<0.05). In this project pond-reared white Indian shrimp (Fenneropenaeus indicus) were used in four maturation and spawning trials lasting 60 days. one group of shrimps was fed a formulated pelleted special of broodstock diet only, a second group was fed squid meat diet; a third group of shrimps with mollusca (Solen vagina) meat diet and fourth group was fed polychaete worms Nereidae family, collected in intertidal zone of Bandar Abbass. Four types of dietary treatments (M1, M4) were given to separate batches that were run in three duplicate. Results of experiments demonstrate that more grew rate and maturation and spawning rate and we found that shrimps fed with polychaete worms have the best condition and then shrimps fed with solen. This is demonstrate furthermore environmental circumstance, endocrine hormone, types of feed important of maturation and spawning of shrimps and in polychaete worms used HUFA help to maturation ovarian in shrimp.