10 resultados para rod-cone interaction

em Aquatic Commons


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The North American weevil ( Euhrychiopsis lecontei (Dietz)) is being considered as a biological control agent for Eurasian watermilfoil ( Myriophyllum spicatum L.). This native insect damages watermilfoil plants and is frequently associated with declining watermilfoil populations


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The zooplankton community of the littoral zone of Nyanza Gulf, Lake Victoria, was studied between June 1998 and June 1999 to identify and quantify various zooplankton groups, and investigate the interactions that occur between them and the littoral fish through the food chain. Zooplankton samples were collected from five stations using a 83 micro-m mesh size plankton net hauled vertically through the water column. Fish samples were obtained by beach seine, except at Gingra (May 1999), where trawl samples were used. Gut/stomach analysis was carried out on the three major commercial species, Lates niloticus (L.), Oreochromis niloticus (L.) and Rastrineobola argentea (Pellegrin).


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This review discusses the processes involved in the decomposition of organic carbon derived initially from structural components of algae and other primary producers. It describes how groups of bacteria interact in time and space in a eutrophic lake. The relative importance of anaerobic and aerobic processes are discussed. The bulk of decomposition occurs within the sediment. The role of bacteria in the nitrogen cycle and the iron cycle, and in sulphate reduction and methanogenesis as the terminal metabolism of organic carbon are described.


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The stock of salmon in any river is largely dependent upon the escapement of sufficient fish to ensure that an adequate quantity of ova is deposited and full use is made of all suitable spawning areas. At the present time, no accurate information is available on the numbers of fish entering rivers. Therefore, catch returns provide valuable information on fish stocks. This report summarises the catch returns for salmon in the Lancashire River Authority in the North of England for the years 1960-1964. Rivers included are the Lune, Ribble, Kent, Leven and Duddon.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the historical catch record from the Castle Fishery on the River Derwent over the period 1923 - 1989, to determine if changes had taken place in the composition of the catch and to examine the influence of flow on the performance of the fishery. The River Derwent is situated in West Cumbria, North West England. It flows from its source on Scafell Pike (NGR NY 229 089) westwards discharging into the Irish sea at Workington, a distance of 52 km. Over its length it receives water from an additional 214 km of stream, 5 large lakes and approximately 30 small tarns. The catchment drains a total area of 663 km2. The study concludes that through the time period there was considerable variation in catch between years. The trend was for the catch to increase steadily over the period 1923 - 1958, declining rapidly in 1959, after which catches increased steadily reaching a peak in the mid-sixties, before declining towards the end of the decade. During the seventies and eighties catches remained relatively stable at between 300 - 600 salmon per year until 1988 when over 2000 salmon were reported caught, the greatest number in any year over the study period.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): The suppression of primary productivity observed in eastern boundary ecosystems of the Pacific during El Nino episodes does not occur throughout the Gulf of California. On the contrary, analysis of the modern siliceous phytoplankton record from annually layered sediments and compilation of available primary productivity measurements indicate that production is significantly increased in the central Gulf during El Nino years compared to anti-El Nino years. Integrated observations of biological and physical variability during the spring of 1983, under the influence of the strong El Nino, show that very high primary productivity occurred along the eastern margin of the central Gulf. This resulted from the upwelling of a nutrient rich source provided by the locally formed Gulf water mass originating in the northern Gulf. Lower productivity and phytoplankton biomass were associated with the anomalous penetration of Tropical Surface Water along the western side of the Gulf.


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Climate conditions in land areas of the Pacific Northwest are strongly influenced by atmosphere/ocean variability, including fluctuations in the Aleutian Low, Pacific-North American (PNA) atmospheric circulation modes, and the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). It thus seems likely that climatically sensitive tree-ring data from these coastal land areas would likewise reflect such climatic parameters. In this paper, tree-ring width and maximum lakewood density chronologies from northwestern Washington State and near Vancouver Island, British Columbia, are compared to surface air temperature and precipitation from nearby coastal and near-coastal land stations and to monthly sea surface temperature (SST) and sea level pressure (SLP) data from the northeast Pacific sector. Results show much promise for eventual reconstruction of these parameters, potentially extending available instrumental records for the northeastern Pacific by several hundred years or more.