23 resultados para rearranged (4 -> 2)-abeo-clerodane

em Aquatic Commons


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This publication gives the results of the bottom trawlings made during the cruises Togo 3 and logo 4 by the oceanographic research vessel "Andre NIZERY" on the continental shelf of Togo during the estimation program of halieutic resources. The report includes: 1 - The report of the cruises Togo 3 and Togo 4 2 - Some information on the presentation of the results 3 - The trawl recording cards for the 2 cruises 4 - The length frequency distributions of the measured samples.


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The minimum spanning tree algorithm is used to classify two sets of planktonic copepod samples. This algorithm links the samples the distance of which is minimum, without doing a loop, so that the sum of the segment lengths is minimum. The authors estimated the distance between samples by 2 different ways: by a coefficient of association the Jaccard's index - and by the x2 distance. Jaccard's index is not retained but the use of the x2 distance allows comparison with the 'analyse factorielle des correspondances'. The results are discussed from an ecological point of view.


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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. DECADAL-SCALE CLIMATE EVENTS 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Basin-scale Patterns 1.3 Long Time Series in the North Pacific 1.4 Decadal Climate Variability in Ecological Regions of the North Pacific 1.5 Mechanisms 1.6 References 2. COHERENT REGIONAL RESPONSES 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Central North Pacific (CNP) 2.3 California Current System (CCS) 2.4 Gulf of Alaska (GOA) 2.5 Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands 2.6 Western North Pacific (WNP) 2.7 Coherence in Regional Responses to the 1998 Regime Shift 2.8 Climate Indicators for Detecting Regime Shifts 2.9 References 3. IMPLICATIONS FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF MARINE RESOURCES 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Response Time of Biota to Regime Shifts 3.3 Response Time of Management to Regime Shifts 3.4 Provision of Stock Assessment Advice 3.5 Decision Rules 3.6 References 4. SUGGESTED LITERATURE 4.1 Climate Regimes 4.2 Impacts on Lower Trophic Levels 4.3 Impacts on Fish and Higher Trophic Levels 4.4 Impacts on Ecosystems and Possible Mechanisms 4.5 Regimes and Fisheries Management APPENDIX 1: RECENT ECOSYSTEM CHANGES IN THE CENTRAL NORTH PACIFIC A1.1 Introduction A1.2 Physical Oceanography A1.3 Lower Trophic Levels A1.4 Invertebrates A1.5 Fishes A1.6 References APPENDIX 2: RECENT ECOSYSTEM CHANGES IN THE CALIFORNIA CURRENT SYSTEM A2.1 Introduction A2.2 Physical Oceanography A2.3 Lower Trophic Levels A2.4 Invertebrates A2.5 Fishes A2.6 References APPENDIX 3: RECENT ECOSYSTEM CHANGES IN THE GULF OF ALASKA A3.1 Introduction A3.2 Physical Oceanography A3.3 Lower Trophic Levels A3.4 Invertebrates A3.5 Fishes A3.6 Higher Trophic Levels A3.7 Coherence in Gulf of Alaska Fish A3.8 Combined Standardized Indices of Recruitment and Survival Rate A3.9 References APPENDIX 4: RECENT ECOSYSTEM CHANGES IN THE BERING SEA AND ALEUTIAN ISLANDS A4.1 Introduction A4.2 Bering Sea Environmental Variables and Physical Oceanography A4.3 Bering Sea Lower Trophic Levels A4.4 Bering Sea Invertebrates A4.5 Bering Sea Fishes A4.6 Bering Sea Higher Trophic Levels A4.7 Coherence in Bering Sea Fish Responses A4.8 Combined Standardized Indices of Bering Fish Recruitment and Survival Rate A4.9 Aleutian Islands A4.10 References APPENDIX 5: RECENT ECOSYSTEM CHANGES IN THE WESTERN NORTH PACIFIC A5.1 Introduction A5.2 Sea of Okhotsk A5.3 Tsushima Current Region and Kuroshio/Oyashio Current Region A5.4 Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, and East China Sea A5.5 References (168 page document)


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(Document pdf contains 193 pages) Executive Summary (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) 1. Introduction (pdf, 0.2 Mb) 1.1 Data sharing, international boundaries and large marine ecosystems 2. Objectives (pdf, 0.3 Mb) 3. Background (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) 3.1 North Pacific Ecosystem Metadatabase 3.2 First federation effort: NPEM and the Korea Oceanographic Data Center 3.2 Continuing effort: Adding Japan’s Marine Information Research Center 4. Metadata Standards (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) 4.1 Directory Interchange Format 4.2 Ecological Metadata Language 4.3 Dublin Core 4.3.1. Elements of DC 4.4 Federal Geographic Data Committee 4.5 The ISO 19115 Metadata Standard 4.6 Metadata stylesheets 4.7 Crosswalks 4.8 Tools for creating metadata 5. Communication Protocols (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) 5.1 Z39.50 5.1.1. What does Z39.50 do? 5.1.2. Isite 6. Clearinghouses (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) 7. Methodology (pdf, 0.2 Mb) 7.1 FGDC metadata 7.1.1. Main sections 7.1.2. Supporting sections 7.1.3. Metadata validation 7.2 Getting a copy of Isite 7.3 NSDI Clearinghouse 8. Server Configuration and Technical Issues (pdf, 0.4 Mb) 8.1 Hardware recommendations 8.2 Operating system – Red Hat Linux Fedora 8.3 Web services – Apache HTTP Server version 2.2.3 8.4 Create and validate FGDC-compliant Metadata in XML format 8.5 Obtaining, installing and configuring Isite for UNIX/Linux 8.5.1. Download the appropriate Isite software 8.5.2. Untar the file 8.5.3. Name your database 8.5.4. The zserver.ini file 8.5.5. The sapi.ini file 8.5.6. Indexing metadata 8.5.7. Start the Clearinghouse Server process 8.5.8. Testing the zserver installation 8.6 Registering with NSDI Clearinghouse 8.7 Security issues 9. Search Tutorial and Examples (pdf, 1 Mb) 9.1 Legacy NSDI Clearinghouse search interface 9.2 New GeoNetwork search interface 10. Challenges (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) 11. Emerging Standards (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) 12. Future Activity (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) 13. Acknowledgments (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) 14. References (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) 15. Acronyms (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) 16. Appendices 16.1. KODC-NPEM meeting agendas and minutes (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) 16.1.1. Seattle meeting agenda, August 22–23, 2005 16.1.2. Seattle meeting minutes, August 22–23, 2005 16.1.3. Busan meeting agenda, October 10–11, 2005 16.1.4. Busan meeting minutes, October 10–11, 2005 16.2. MIRC-NPEM meeting agendas and minutes (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) 16.2.1. Seattle Meeting agenda, August 14-15, 2006 16.2.2. Seattle meeting minutes, August 14–15, 2006 16.2.3. Tokyo meeting agenda, October 19–20, 2006 16.2.4. Tokyo, meeting minutes, October 19–20, 2006 16.3. XML stylesheet conversion crosswalks (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) 16.3.1. FGDCI to DIF stylesheet converter 16.3.2. DIF to FGDCI stylesheet converter 16.3.3. String-modified stylesheet 16.4. FGDC Metadata Standard (pdf, 0.1 Mb) 16.4.1. Overall structure 16.4.2. Section 1: Identification information 16.4.3. Section 2: Data quality information 16.4.4. Section 3: Spatial data organization information 16.4.5. Section 4: Spatial reference information 16.4.6. Section 5: Entity and attribute information 16.4.7. Section 6: Distribution information 16.4.8. Section 7: Metadata reference information 16.4.9. Sections 8, 9 and 10: Citation information, time period information, and contact information 16.5. Images of the Isite server directory structure and the files contained in each subdirectory after Isite installation (pdf, 0.2 Mb) 16.6 Listing of NPEM’s Isite configuration files (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) 16.6.1. zserver.ini 16.6.2. sapi.ini 16.7 Java program to extract records from the NPEM metadatabase and write one XML file for each record (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) 16.8 Java program to execute the metadata extraction program (pdf, < 0.1 Mb) A1 Addendum 1: Instructions for Isite for Windows (pdf, 0.6 Mb) A2 Addendum 2: Instructions for Isite for Windows ADHOST (pdf, 0.3 Mb)


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Revisando los gimnótidos del Río de la Plata, se halló una forma afin a Eigenmannia virescens con la que ha sido confundida.


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Revisando la colección de gimnótidos del MACN, se hallaron dos ejemplares de Sternopygus macrurus procedentes del Riacho de Oro, afluente del río Paraguay, en la provincia de Formosa. Se amplío la distribución de esta especie al norte de la Argentina.


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ENGLISH: Results of a study of the length-weight relationships of yellowfin (Neothunnus macropterus) and skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) tuna from several fishing areas of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean have been published by Chatwin (1959). In that report, a very low exponential value of 2.6261 was obtained for skipjack from Area 14 (off northern Chile, see Chatwin, Figure 1). It was pointed out, however, that this estimate was based on two samples of fish with a very narrow range of total lengths, not representative of the range in the catch, and that it would be desirable to obtain a further estimate based on a larger range of total lengths. In addition, there proved to be significantly large differences among exponents for the areas sampled, precluding use of a single regression equation for all areas. Two important fishing areas remained unsampled (Areas 10 and 13, see Chatwin, Figure 1), and it appeared desirable to collect length-weight measurement data from them, so that estimating equations would be available for all areas. Subsequent to publication of Chatwin's study, samples of skipjack length-weight measurements were obtained from the desired areas. Estimates derived from these data, and their effects on the previous analysis are presented herein. SPANISH:Los resultados de un estudio sobre las relaciones entre la longitud y el peso del atún aleta amarilla (Neothunnus macropterus) y del barrilete (Katsuwonus pelamis) de las diferentes áreas de pesca en el Pacífico Oriental Tropical ya han sido publicados por Chatwin (1959). En ese informe se obtuvo un valor exponencial muy bajo de 2.626 para el barrilete del Area 14 (frente a la costa norte de Chile, ver Chatwin, Figura 1). Se hizo hincapié, sin embargo, en que esta estimación se basaba en dos muestras de peces con una amplitud muy estrecha de longitudes totales, no representativa de la amplitud en la pesca, y que sería deseable obtener una estimación adicional basada en una amplitud mayor de longitudes totales. Además, se comprobó que habian diferencias significativamente grandes entre los exponentes de las áreas muestreadas lo que impedía el usa de una sola ecuación de regresión para todas las áreas. Se quedaron sin muestrear dos importantes áreas de pesca (Areas 10 y 13, ver Chatwin, Figura 1) y pareció deseable recolectar datos de medidas de longitud y peso de estas áreas, de tal manera que hubiesen disponibles ecuaciones estimadoras para todas las áreas. Después de la publicación del estudio de Chatwin, so obtuvieron muestras de medidas de longitud y peso de barriletes de las áreas deseadas. Las estimaciones derivadas de estos datos y sus efectos sabre el análisis previo se dan en el presente informe.


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This study examines acute toxicity of Raphia vinifera on fish leech, Piscicola geometra. The leeches with a mean total length of (TL) 4.2+1.0cm were exposed to various concentrations of both crude powdered and ethanolic extracts of the botanical. Median lethal concentration (LC50) was determined with static-renewal tests using logarithmic and arithmetic graphic methods. The LC50 (for 96 hours of crude powdered (aqueous) extracts of the botanical on Piscicola geometra was 1.10 ppm arithmetically and 1.14ppm logarithmically. The 95% confidence limits was 0.10ppm arithmetically and 0.12ppm logarithmically. The LC50 of ethanolic extract of the poison at 96-h was 0.5ppm arithmetically and 0.48ppm logarithmically. The 95% confidence limits were less than 0.10ppm. The use of extracts of R. vinifera in the control of leeches in fish ponds is discussed


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The studies reported were undertaken as part of a wide environmental feasibility study for the establishment of a modern sewage system in Freetown. The aim of this part of the study was to determine whether the hydrological regime of the Sierra Leone River Estuary would permit the large-scale introduction of sewage into the estuary without damaging the environment. The important factors were whether: 1) there would be sufficient dilution of the sewage; 2) fleatable particles or other substances would create significant adverse effects in the estuarine ecosystem. The outfall sites are described together with the sampling stations, methods and analyses. Results include: 1) T/S profiles; 2) chemical analysis of the water. A review of literature on the Sierra Leone River Estuary is included which provides information on the plankton, benthos and fisheries. Results suggest that at certain points where local circulations occur it would be inadvisable to locate untreated sewage outfalls. Such points are frequently observed in small embayments. These studies have been of short duration but the data can serve as baseline for more extended investigations which would give a more complete picture of the seasonal patterns in the estuary.


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Dramatic changes are occurring in the Lake Victoria ecosystem. Two-thirds of the endemic haplochromine cichlid species, of international interest for studies of evolution, have disappeared, an event associated with the sudden population explosion of piscivorous Nile perch (Lates: order Perciformes, family Centropomidae) introduced to the lake some thirty years ago. The total fish yield has, however, increased 5-fold from 1970 to 1990, but this yield is now dominated by just three fish species: the introduced Nile perch (Lates niloticus), Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), and a small endemic pelagic cyprinid (Rastrineobola argentea); these three have replaced a multispecies fishery. Contemporaneously the lake is becoming increasingly eutrophic with associated deoxygenation of the bottom waters, thereby reducing fish habitats. Conditions appear to be unstable.


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During a 2-year survey on the distribution and ecology of mayflies in the upper reaches of the River Wey (a tributary of the River Thames) in Surrey, Spirinella was found in large numbers in the larvae of Ephemera Danica, and in low numbers in larvae of E. ignita and H. lateralis. Samples of E. danica taken from seven other tributaries of the Thames showed that Spirinella is present in most of them and often in high numbers.


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The author explains some aspects of sampling phytoplankton blooms and the evaluation of results obtained from different methods. Qualitative and quantitative sampling is covered as well as filtration, freeze-drying and toxin separation.


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The 1912 Jaccard index modification led to the formulation of the Biocoenotic Stability Report (BSR). It is another similarity index based on the evaluation of two opposite ecological states affecting both compared biotopes.