12 resultados para radical exchange reactions

em Aquatic Commons


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This paper introduces VERTEX, a multi-disciplinary research program dealing with various aspects of particle transport in the upper, high-energy layers (0-2000 m) of the ocean. Background information is presented on hydrography, biological composition of trapped particulates, and major component fluxes observed on a cruise off central California (VERTEX I). Organic C fluxes measured with two trap systems are compared with several other estimates taken from the literature. The intent of this overview paper is to provide a common setting in an economical manner, and avoid undue repetition of background and ancillary information in subsequent publications. (PDF is 43 pages).


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The overall goal of the joint research project is to relate the chemical reactions involved in the formation of organo-aluminium complexes under acid conditions to their toxic effects on the physiology of aquatic organisms. Finally, this research is intended to predict toxic effects arising from acidity and aluminium under varying environmental conditions. This interim report examines the chemical modelling of ion-binding by humic substances where a computer model has been developed and is being tested using field data, and conditions required for the precipitation of aluminium in surface waters.


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We examined the reactions of fishes to a manned submersible and a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) during surveys conducted in habitats of rock and mud at depths of 30–408 m off central California in 2007. We observed 26 taxa for 10,550 fishes observed from the submersible and for 16,158 fishes observed from the ROV. A reaction was defined as a distinct movement of a fish that, for a benthic or hovering individual, was greater than one body length away from its initial position or, for a swimming individual, was a change of course or speed. Of the observed fishes, 57% reacted to the ROV and 11% reacted to the submersible. Aggregating species and those species initially observed off the seafloor reacted most often to both vehicles. Fishes reacted more often to each vehicle when they were >1 m above the seafloor (22% of all fishes >1 m above the seafloor reacted to the submersible and 73% to the ROV) than when they were in contact with the seafloor (2% of all reactions to the submersible and 18% to the ROV). Fishes reacted by swimming away from both vehicles rather than toward them. Consideration of these reactions can inform survey designs and selection of survey tools and can, thereby, increase the reliability of fish assemblage metrics (e.g., abundance, density, and biomass) and assessments of fish and habitat associations.


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Salinity, fresh water and sea level data from the Negombo Lagoon with respect to oceanic sea level and salinity data were considered. The open ocean spring tidal range was 0.57 m, whereas the neap tidal range was 0.10 m. In lagoon, the corresponding spring tidal range was 0.13 m and neap tidal range is 0.05 m. The lagoon tide was strongly choked because of the restricted inlet channel, through which only a limited water exchange could take place over a tidal cycle. Mean water exchange and the residence times for variable fresh water supplies were calculated. These calculations were based on fortnightly measurements of salinity and river discharges in 1993. During this year, salinity varied from 30-5‰ depending on the river inputs which were 20-225 m³ sˉ¹. Corresponding residence times varied from 11-2 days and the tide is dominated the exchange during low discharges of freshwater.


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India's export earnings from fishery products have touched an all-time record of Rs. 33.07 crores in 1969. The most important items which have contributed to this are processed prawn products, frozen lobster tails and frozen frog legs. Even though frogs are not of marine origin, they are processed and exported along with marine products so that for all practical purposes they are reckoned as seafood. Naturally, it is sure to be of absorbing interest to the processors and technological research workers as well as to the general public to know how many varieties/species of these occur in our country and also the localities where they are available. The following is an exhaustive list of the different species of prawns, lobsters and frogs that are found in our country, together with vernacular names wherever available, parts of India where they occur and the largest size (length) to which they grow. The figures in brackets on the left side show the progressive total. The different genera have been arranged in the order of their commercial importance and not according to any scientific principles.


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The threshold current densities required for first reaction, galvanotaxis and galvanonarcosis of fish depended upon species, length of the body, conductivity of water, nature of current and frequency of impulses. The threshold values and their ratios decreased with increase in length of fish. With rise in conductivity of water in the ratio of 1:4:13, these values increased in the ratio 1: 2:5. Impulse D. C was superior to continuous D. C and the threshold values of current densities for different reactions of fish decreased with rise in impulse frequency reaching minimum at an impulse frequency of 48/sec. Among Salmo irideus, ldus melanotus and Cyprinus carpio, the first one was affected earlier and required minimum current densities to exhibit the reactions, while the last one showed similar reactions only at higher current densities.


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In the present study possibility of Malathion biomarker with Genotoxicity and Ecophysiological reactions were determined in Caspian Roach (Rutilus rutilus caspicus). At fist LC50 value of Malathion, an organophosphate insecticide was determined. Then four groups of experimental fish (containing 30 fish in each group) were exposed to different concentrations of Malathion. e. 0, 0.01, 0.05 and 0/1 ppm respectively for 23 days and effects of Malathion on Hematological (RBC, WBC, Hb and Hct) and biochemical parameters (Glucose, triglyceride, urea, total protein and Albumin), some enzymes (SGPT, SGOT and ALP), Cortisol level, plasma cations (Na+ and K+) , histological changes (gill and liver) and finally DNA destruction were examined. Sampling was done in 3rd, 13th, 23rd days during exposure and also 30 days after recovery. Data analysis was done by SPSS (Ver.13) and graphs were drawn by Excel 2007. Results showed that WBC, RBC, Hb, Hct, some biochemical parameters and K+ of Mallation treatments were decreased significantly in compare to control group (P<0.05). Changes in enzyme were many different. No significant changes were observed in Na+ and cortisol levels (except in groups treated with 0.01 Mallation) (P>0.05). LC50 value of Malathion in Caspian Roach was 6.5 ppm. Histological examinations showed that Mallation cause tissue damages and there were more damages in longer times and in higher concentrations. Apoptotic cell and comet were observed as DNA destruction and they were more in treatments with higher Mallation concentrations for longer times.


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Collaboration between Thailand and Myanmar fisheries scientists with the goal of developing an artificial breeding program to promote a sustainable Hilsa (Tenualosa ilisha) fishery. This report was prepared in Thai by Mr Suttichai Rittitum and translated into English and Burmese by the SEAFDEC Secretariat.


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Moon oxygenases related to cytochrome P450s are the molecular Biomarkers which have important role in Biotransformation of endogenous and exogenous compounds and catalazyin of many biological reactions. One of the important isoenzyme is cytochrome P4501A. This isoenzyme involved in metabolism of environment pollutnts such as PAHs. Because of its inducibility, it has a key tool for impact assesment of contaminants in aquatic environment. In this study, at first, that fractions containing Acipenser persicus and Huso huso isoenzyme were purified, and after that Antibodies against them were prepared. For isolation of isoenzyme fraction, Microsomes were prepared from fish liver using differential centrifugation at high speeds. microsomes were solubiized by cholat sodium and Emulgen. Extraction of this isoenzyme was done with the combinatuion of ionexchange chromatography and gelfiltration or chromatofocusing chromatography. Ion exchange chromatography and gel filtration were applied in DEAE sepharose fast flow and sephacryl S200 respectively and chromatofocusing was done at poly buffer 74 and 94 exchanger. The results of SDS-PAGE Showed that the molecular weight of isoenzyme was about 58±1 KDa. Furthermore the inmunoblotting results confirmed this subject. Isoenzyme activigy based on EROD (Ethoxyresorofin o-deethylase) reaction showed about 20-26 fold increase in enzyme activity of treated fish than control fish. The results of Elisa, Using monoclonal anti cod P4501A demonstrated the inducibility and highly elevated of its activity in treated sample more than the control fish. Mean while, the fish sample were showed the strong reaction to polyclonal antibody against beluga P4501A1 prepared in our Lab compared to monoclonal anti body.