22 resultados para racteristic that differentiates Horace from Elegists, even considering the poem as renuntiatio amoris

em Aquatic Commons


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Taxonomic observations on the larval forms of Cyclops leuckarti are being discussed and compared with Cyclops oithonoides var. hyalina. Observations include Nauplius and Metanauplius stages. The author concludes that specific differences are recognisable even in the nauplius stages.


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ENGLISH: It is important to the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission to know whether the anchoveta (Cetengraulis mysticetus), the principal tuna bait species in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean, is composed of one or several populations. Earlier research indicated that, on the basis of significant differences in certain meristic counts, populations of this species in six of the major baiting localities between Mexico and Peru, should provisionally be considered as separate stocks. Since that time, additional collections of anchovetas have been obtained from these and other intervening localities. Purpose of the present study was to confirm the results of the earlier work, and to determine whether the differences in the meristic counts persisted from year to year, as well as to examine certain morphometric characters of the fish from these areas, and to learn whether the populations from the other localities are also separate entities. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical está interesada en saber si la anchoveta (Ceteugrautís mvsticetus}, la principal especie usada como cebo para la pesca del atún en el Océano Pacífico Oriental Tropical, está compuesta de una o de varias poblaciones. Investigaciones previas indicaron que, a base de diferencias significativas encontradas en ciertos caracteres numéricos, las poblaciones de esta especie en seis de las principales localidades entre México y Perú, podían ser consideradas provisionalmente como pertenecientes a "stocks'' separados. Desde entonces se han venido haciendo recolecciones adicionales de anchovetas en éstas y otras localidades intermedias. El propósito del presente trabajo ha sido confirmar los resultados obtenidos previamente, y determinar si las diferencias en los caracteres numéricos han persistido de un año a otro, así como examinar ciertos caracteres morfométricos en los peces de estas áreas, y resolver si las poblaciones de las nuevas localidades muestreadas son también entidades diferentes. (PDF contains 76 pages.)


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Solomon Islands has recently developed substantial policy aiming to support inshore fisheries management, conservation, climate change adaptation and ecosystem approaches to resource management. A large body of experience in community based approaches to management has developed but “upscaling” and particularly the implementation of nation-wide approaches has received little attention so far. With the emerging challenges posed by climate change and the need for ecosystem wide and integrated approaches attracting serious donor attention, a national debate on the most effective approaches to implementation is urgently needed. This report discusses potential implementation of “a cost-effective and integrated approach to resource management that is consistent with national policy and needs” based on a review of current policy and institutional structures and examination of a recent case study from Lau, Malaita using stakeholder, transaction and financial cost analyses.


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Trawling and dredging on Georges Bank (northwest Atlantic Ocean) have altered the cover of colonial epifauna, as surveyed through in situ photography. A total of 454 photographs were analyzed from areas with gravel substrate between 1994 and 2000 at depths of 40–50 m and 80–90 m. The cover of hydroids, bushy bryozoans, sponges, and tubeworms was generally higher at sites undisturbed by fishing than at sites classified as disturbed. The magnitude and significance of this effect depended on depth and year. Encrusting bryozoans were the only type of colonial epifauna positively affected by bottom fishing. Species richness of noncolonial epifauna declined with increased bottom fishing, but Simpson’s index of diversity typically peaked at intermediate levels of habitat disturbance. Species that were more abundant at undisturbed sites possessed characteristics that made them vulnerable to bottom fishing. These characteristics include emergent growth forms, soft body parts, low motility, use of complex microhabitats, long life spans, slow growth, and larval dispersal over short distances. After the prohibition of bottom fishing at one site, both colonial and noncolonial species increased in abundance. Populations of most taxa took two years or more to increase after the fishing closure. This finding indicates that bottom fishing needs to be reduced to infrequent intervals to sustain the benthic species composition of Georges Bank at a high level of biodiversity and abundance.


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Most fisheries select the size of fish to be caught (are size selective), and many factors, including gear, market demands, species distributions, fishery laws, and the behavior of both fishermen and fish, can contribute to that selectivity. Most fishing gear is size-selective and some, such as gill nets, are more so than others. The targeting behavior of fishermen is another key reason commercial and recreational fisheries tend to be size-selective. The more successful fishermen constantly seek areas and methods that yield larger or more profitable sizes of fish. Fishery regulations, especially size limits, produce size-selective harvests. Another factor with the potential to cause selectivity in a hook-and-line fishery is the different behavioral responses of fish to the bait or lure, whether the different responses arise among different fish sizes or between the sexes.


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Length frequency data of six sciaenids (Johnius macrorhynus, J. vogleri, Otolithes cuvieri, J. sina, Pennahia macrophthalamus, J. dussumieri) were collected from shrimp trawlers at New Ferry Wharf and Sasson Docks landing centers off Greater Mumbai (India). Growth parameters of these species were analyzed via modal progression analysis using Bhattacharya's method. Natural mortality (m) was estimated using Cushing's formula. Comparison of growth parameters was done using the 0' index. The growth parameters obtained were compared with the results of earlier growth studies which used other techniques. This study concludes that the growth parameters obtained are consistent with earlier estimates.


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Growth of Perna viridis L. inhabiting Moheshkhali jetty of the channel was studied for one year from November, 1990 to October, 1991. The mussel attained 88.12mm±14.69 in length within 12 months with a mean growth rate of 7.34mrnlmonth. Employing von Bertalanffy's growth equation it was found that P. viridis can be 88.43mm, 114.69mm and 121.9lmm at the age of 1, 2 and 3 year respectively. The highest growth rate was recorded during November-April, coinciding with the maximum abundance of phytoplankton and the greatest salinity. The maximum growth rate (99.38%) was recorded at an early stage and was followed by a sharp decline to 4.47%. The growth pattern of P. viridis fitted well with the von Bertalanffy's growth equation.


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(PDF file contains 28 pages.)


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The role of life-history theory in population and evolutionary analyses is outlined. In both cases general life histories can be analysed, but simpler life histories need fewer parameters for their description. The simplest case, of semelparous (breed-once-then-die) organisms, needs only three parameters: somatic growth rate, mortality rate and fecundity. This case is analysed in detail. If fecundity is fixed, population growth rate can be calculated direct from mortality rate and somatic growth rate, and isoclines on which population growth rate is constant can be drawn in a ”state space” with axes for mortality rate and somatic growth rate. In this space density-dependence is likely to result in a population trajectory from low density, when mortality rate is low and somatic growth rate is high and the population increases (positive population growth rate) to high density, after which the process reverses to return to low density. Possible effects of pollution on this system are discussed. The state-space approach allows direct population analysis of the twin effects of pollution and density on population growth rate. Evolutionary analysis uses related methods to identify likely evolutionary outcomes when an organism's genetic options are subject to trade-offs. The trade-off considered here is between somatic growth rate and mortality rate. Such a trade-off could arise because of an energy allocation trade-off if resources spent on personal defence (reducing mortality rate) are not available for somatic growth rate. The evolutionary implications of pollution acting on such a trade-off are outlined.


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Squids of the family Ommastrephidae are a vital part of marine food webs and support major fisheries around the world. They are widely distributed in the open ocean, where they are among the most abundant in number and biomass of nektonic epipelagic organisms. In turn, seven of the 11 genera of this family (Dosidicus, Illex, Martialia, Nototodarus, Ommastrephes, Sthenoteuthis, and Todarodes) are heavily preyed upon by top marine predators, i.e., birds, mammals, and fish, and currently support fisheries in both neritic and oceanic waters (Roper and Sweeney, 1984; Rodhouse, 1997). Their commercial importance has made the large ommastrephids the target of many scientific investigations and their biology is consequently reasonably well-known (Nigmatullin et al., 2001; Zuyev et al., 2002; Bower and Ichii, 2005). In contrast, much less information is available on the biology and ecological role of the smaller, unexploited species of ommastrephids (e.g., Eucleoteuthis, Hyaloteuthis, Ornithoteuthis, and Todaropsis).


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The parameters a and b of the length-weight relationship of the form W = a.Lb were estimated for 15 fish species caught along the coastline of Jordan in the Gulf of Aqaba. The sampling was carried out between July 1999 and January 2001. Data from 1 000 fish individuals (identified to eight families and 15 species) were used for this purpose.


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Age estimates for striped trumpeter (Latris lineata) from Tasmanian waters were produced by counting annuli on the transverse section of sagittal otoliths and were validated by comparison of growth with known-age individuals and modal progression of a strong recruitment pulse. Estimated ages ranged from one to 43 years; fast growth rates were observed for the first five years. Minimal sexual dimorphism was shown to exist between length, weight, and growth characteristics of striped trumpeter. Seasonal growth variability was strong in individuals up to at least age four, and growth rates peaked approximately one month after the observed peak in sea surface temperature. A modified two-phase von Bertalanffy growth function was fitted to the length-at-age data, and the transition between growth phases was linked to apparent changes in physiological and life history traits, including offshore movement as fish approach maturity. The two-phase curve was found to represent the mean length at age in the data better than the standard von Bertalanffy growth function. Total mortality was estimated by using catch curve analysis based on the standard and two-phase von Bertalanffy growth functions, and estimates of natural mortality were calculated by using two empirical models, one based on longevity and the other based on the parameters L∞ and k from both growth functions. The interactions between an inshore gillnet fishery targeting predominately juveniles and an offshore hook fishery targeting predominately adults highlight the need to use a precautionary approach when developing harvest strategies.


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Harry Hess's hypothesis of sea-floor spreading brought together his long-standing interests in island arcs, oceanic topography, and the oceanic crust. The one unique feature of Hess's hypothesis was the origin of the oceanic crust as a hydration rind on the top of the mantle -- an idea that was not well received, even by the early converts to sea-floor spreading. Hess never changed his mind on this issue, and his stubbornness illuminates the logic of his discovery. Published and archival records show that 1) Hess became convinced the oceanic crust was a hydration rind as early as mid 1958, when he was still a fixist, 2) he devised sea-floor spreading in 1960 to reconcile the hydration-rind model with the newly discovered, high heat flow at oceanic ridge crests, and 3) Hess's new mobilist solution did the least amount of violence to his older fixist solution.