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em Aquatic Commons


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Aboriginal peoples in Canada have been mapping aspects of their cultures for more than a generation. Indians, Inuit, Métis, non-status Indians and others have called their maps by different names at various times and places: land use and occupancy; land occupancy and use; traditional use; traditional land use and occupancy; current use; cultural sensitive areas; and so on. I use “land use and occupancy mapping” in a generic sense to include all the above. The term refers to the collection of interview data about traditional use of resources and occupancy of lands by First Nation persons, and the presentation of those data in map form. Think of it as the geography of oral tradition, or as the mapping of cultural and resource geography. (PDF contains 81 pages.)


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The first of Alexander Agassiz’ voyages on the U.S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross in 1891 yielded significant scientific results. This paper reviews the background of the voyage, including the career path that led Agassiz to the back deck of the Albatross. We also give a brief account of the life and work of Samuel Garman. Garman wrote up the ichthyological material from this Albatross voyage in a magnificent book on deep-sea fishes published in 1899. This book was exceptional in its coverage, anatomical detail, and recognition of phylogenetically important morphology.


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Seasonal variations in the occurrence and abundance of penaeid prawn larvae in the Mandovi and Zuari estuaries of Goa were studied. Larvae and post-larvae of commercially important species viz. Metapenaeus dobsoni (Miers), M.affinis (H. Milne Edwards). M. Monoceros (Fabricius), Penaeus merguiensis de Man and Parapenaeopsis stylifera (H. Milne Edwards) were recorded in that order of abundance. Protozoea and mysis stages were dominant in surface zooplankton collections while the post-larvae were more in the bottom samples. Based on larval density, M. dobsoni appeared to be a continuous breeder. The active spawning periods in other species were during the late post-monsoon and pre-monsoon seasons varying with the species. Peak recruitment of post-larvae in the estuaries was observed mostly during southwest monsoon months (June to September). Penaeid prawn larval ingression was more in the Zuari estuary compared to the Mandovi estuary. Their numerical abundance gradually decreased towards the upstream areas. The feasibility of large scale collection of penaeid prawn larvae for aquaculture is indicated.


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HIGHLIGHTS FOR FY 2006 1. Captured and tagged 475 Gulf sturgeons in five Florida rivers and one bay. 2. Documented Gulf sturgeon marine movement and habitat use in the Gulf of Mexico. 3. Assisted the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) with the collection of Gulf sturgeon, implantation of acoustic tags, and monitoring of fish in a study to examine movement patterns and habitat use in Pensacola and Choctawhatchee bays post-Hurricane Ivan. 4. Provided technical assistance to Jon “Bo” Sawyer in completing a study – Summer Resting Areas of the Gulf Sturgeon in the Conecuh/Escambia River System, Alabama-Florida – for acquiring a Degree of Master of Science at Troy University, Alabama. 5. Coordinated tagging and data collection with NOAA observers aboard trawlers while collecting Gulf sturgeon during dredging operations in the coastal Gulf of Mexico. 6. Hosted the 7th Annual Gulf Sturgeon Workshop. 7. Implemented Gulf Striped Bass Restoration Plan by coordinating the 23rd Annual Morone Workshop, leading the technical committee, transporting broodfish, coordinating the stocking on the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) river system, and evaluating post-stocking success. 8. Continued updating and managing the Freshwater Mussel Survey Database, a Geographic Information System (GIS) database, for over 800 unique sites in the Northeast Gulf (NEG) drainages in Alabama (AL), Georgia (GA), and Florida (FL). 9. Formed a recovery implementation team for listed mussels in the ACF river basin and oversaw grant cooperative agreements for 14 listed and candidate freshwater mussels in the NEG watersheds. 10. Initiated a project in the Apalachicola River to relocate mussels stranded as a result of drought conditions, and calculate river flows at which mussels would be exposed. 11. Initiated a project in Sawhatchee Creek, Georgia to determine the status of threatened and endangered (T&E) freshwater mussels and target restoration projects, population assessments, and potential population augmentation to lead toward recovery of the listed species. 12. Initiated a study to determine the age and growth of the endangered fat threeridge mussel (Amblema neislerii). 13. Provided technical assistance to the Panama City Ecological Services office for a biological opinion on the operations of Jim Woodruff Lock and Dam and its effects on the listed species and designated and proposed critical habitat in the Apalachicola River, Florida. 14. Assisted with a multi-State, inter-agency team to develop a management plan to restore the Alabama shad in the ACF river system. 15. Conducted fishery surveys on Tyndall AFB, Florida and Ft. Benning, Georgia and completed a report with recommendations for future recreational fishery needs. 16. Provided fishery technical assistance to four National Wildlife Refuges (NWR) (i.e., Okefenokee NWR, Banks Lake NWR, St. Vincent NWR, and St. Marks NWR). 17. Initiated an Aquatic Resources and Recreation Fishing Survey on Department of Defense facilities located in Region 4. 18. Identified 130 road-stream crossings on Eglin AFB for rehabilitation and elimination of sediment imputs. 19. Continued the Aquatics Monitoring Program at Eglin AFB to assess techniques that determine current status and sustainability of aquatic habitat and develop a measure to determine quality or degradation of habitat. 20. Assisted Eglin AFB Natural Resource managers in revising the installation’s Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan (INRMP) and its associated component plans. 21. Coordinated recovery efforts for the endangered Okaloosa darter including population/life history surveys, stream restoration, and outreach activities. 22. Initiated a comprehensive status review of the Okaloosa darter with analyses performed to assess available habitat, preferred habitats, range expansions/reductions/fragmentations, population size, and probability of extinction. 23. Assisted the Gulf Coastal Plain Ecosystem Partnership and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) under a Memorandum of Agreement to develop conservation strategies, implement monitoring and assessment programs, and secure funds for aquatic management programs in six watersheds in northwest Florida and southeast Alabama. 24. Entered into a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Air Force to encourage the conservation and rehabilitation of natural resources at Hurlburt Field, Florida. 25. Multiple outreach projects were completed to detail aquatic resources’ conservation needs and opportunities; including National Fishing Week, Earth Day, several festivals, and school outreach.


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The fisheries of Lake Kainji, Nigeria, experienced a boom year following impoundment, then decline post impoundment and now is in a period of stabilisation of the fish resources. Several reasons have been advanced on factors responsible for these changes, but two outstanding factors are those of nutritional status and fishing methods of the lake. Two important fish families however continue to dominate the lake fisheries in daily fisherman catches: Clupeidae and Cichlidae (tilapias). Recent studies have also shown that the dominance of the tilapias and clupeids is an important factor in the understanding of the stability of fisheries of Lake Kainji. One area which has remained undiscussed concerns the parasites and non-fish predators of tilapias which can affect the population dynamics of tilapias. This paper examines therefore some aspects of the fisheries of Lake Kainji and the potential roles that parasites and non-fish predators of tilapias can contribute in developing strategies for consideration in the sustainable management of the fisheries


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The notions about women been limited to producing children like rates alone; cooking for the family, restricted within the fenced compound without any meaningful contributions in fish food production was dispelled during the course of the study. From the data gathered, the study revealed various contributions of women as regard fish food production as about 2% of the women are involved in direct fishing as this enhance food security of the family and the society. Also women dominate the entire post harvest and marketing sector and 70% started fishing business with their personal savings.Also, some of the women own boats and other fishing inputs, which they do give to the fishermen that could catch the fish and sell it to them. This has a way of enhancing fish catch and fish food security of the people as those men that would have sit idle for lack of fishing gears are now meaningfully engaged courtesy of the women financiers. Finally, the study also revealed that 46% of the women between N2,5000 to above N4,000 from marketing of fish, and also utilizenthe income generated to enhance the welfare of the households in the area of food, clothing and paying their children school fees hence reducing the level of poverty of their households


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On 31 Oecember 1992, the Institut für Seefischerei Hamburg (ISH) will dissolve its branch of systematic ichthyology at the Zoologieal Museum Hamburg University. Remaining ISH ichthyology staff and facilities will move back in January 1993 to Institut für Seefischerei headquarters in Palmaille 9, D-·2000 Hamburg 50 (Tel. 040·389050, Fax 040·38905 129). The research field systematic ichthyology will not be continued at ISH. The ISH fish collection will be handed over to the Zoological Museum of Hamburg University (ZMH) as future responsible holder from 1 January 1993 onward. Loan requests for former ISH material should be addressed from January 1993 on only to: Prof. Dr. H. Wilkens, Kustos Ichthyologie, Zoological Museum der Universität, Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, D·2000 Hamburg 13 (Tel. 040·4123 3870, Fax 040·4123 3937). A couple of months will be needed before requests for loan of former ISH holdings can be handled again. It should, however, be noted that even for a longer period there may be problems in serving loan requests promptly due to logistic difficulties and shortage of staff at the ZMH ichthyology department.


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The condition of mangroves pre- and post- tsunami and the socioeconomic role of mangrove forests in the livelihoods of coastal communities along the west coast of Aceh province, Indonesia are examined. The findings indicate that community livelihoods are significantly linked to the mangrove ecosystem. However, most of the mangrove rehabilitation programs are conservation orientated, aimed primarily at land conservation, and are not necessarily linked with livelihood options for local people or integrated resource management. This is a cause for concern as rehabilitation will only succeed when conservation measures are balanced with local community needs to obtain sustainable benefits from the rehabilitated systems. The rehabilitation efforts do involve the communities to a certain extent, but a more holistic and integrated approach needs to be adopted to ensure better management and sustainability of the rehabilitated mangrove forests.


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The condition of soft-textured flesh in commercially harvested sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria, from southeastern Alaska was investigated by National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) scientists from the Alaska Fisheries Science Center’s Auke Bay Laboratories (ABL) in Alaska and the Northwest Fisheries Science Center in Seattle, Wash. Sablefish were sampled by longline, pot, and trawl at five sites around Chichagof Island at depths of 259–988 m in the summer of 1985 and at depths of 259–913 m in the winter of 1986. At the time of capture and data collection, sablefish were categorized as being “firm” or “soft” by visual and tactile examination, individually weighed, measured for length, and sexed. Subsamples of the fish were analyzed and linear regressions and analyses of variance were performed on both the summer (n = 242) and winter (n = 439) data for combinations of chemical and physical analyses, depth of capture, weight vs. length, flesh condition, gonad condition, and sex. We successfully identified and selected sablefish with firm- and soft-textured flesh by tactile and visual methods. Abundance of firm fish in catches varied by season: 67% in winter and 40% in summer. Winter catches may give a higher yield than summer catches. Abundance of firm fish catches also varied with depth. Firm fish were routinely found shallower than soft fish. The highest percentage of firm fish were found at depths less than 365 m in summer and at 365–730 m in winter, whereas soft fish were usually more abundant at depths greater than 731 m. Catches of firm fish declined with increasing depth. More than 80% of the fish caught during winter at depths between 365 and 730 m had firm flesh, but this declined to 48% at these depths in summer. Longlines and pots caught similar proportions of firm and soft fish with both gears catching more firm than soft fish. Trawls caught a higher proportion of soft fish compared to longlines and pots in winter. Chemical composition of “firm” and “soft” fish differed. On average “soft” fish had 14% less protein, 12% more lipid, and 3% less ash than firm fish. Cooked yields from sablefish with soft-textured flesh were 31% less than cooked yields from firm fish. Sablefish flesh quality (firmness) related significantly to the biochemistry of white muscle with respect to 11 variables. Summer fish of all flesh conditions averaged 6% heavier than winter fish. Regulating depth of fishing could increase the yield from catches, but the feasibility and benefits from this action will require further evaluation and study. Results of this study provide a basis for reducing the harvest of sablefish with soft flesh and may stimulate further research into the cause and effect relationship of the sablefish soft-flesh phenomenon.


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Salt River Bay National Historical Park and Ecological Preserve (hereafter, SARI or the park) was created in 1992 to preserve, protect, and interpret nationally significant natural, historical, and cultural resources (United States Congress 1992). The diverse ecosystem within it includes a large mangrove forest, a submarine canyon, coral reefs, seagrass beds, coastal forests, and many other natural and developed landscape elements. These ecosystem components are, in turn, utilized by a great diversity of flora and fauna. A comprehensive spatial inventory of these ecosystems is required for successful management. To meet this need, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Biogeography Program, in consultation with the National Park Service (NPS) and the Government of the Virgin Islands Department of Planning and Natural Resources (VIDPNR), conducted an ecological characterization. The characterization consists of three complementary components: a text report, digital habitat maps, and a collection of historical aerial photographs. This ecological characterization provides managers with a suite of tools that, when coupled with the excellent pre-existing body of work on SARI resources, enables improved research and monitoring activities within the park (see Appendix F for a list of data products).


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The seasonal mean size distribution of A. chinensis were estimated as 29.229mm ±4.77, 25.125mm ±2.55, 25.165mm ±2.29 and 32.44mm ±3.63 for annual, monsoon, postmonsoon and pre-monsoon period, respectively. Seasonal mean carapace length distribution were estimated as 9.37mm ±1.457, 8.063mm ±0.63,8.258mm ±0.59 and 10.37mm ±l.ll3 for annual, monsoon, post-monsoon and the pre-monsoon season. The carapace length and total length relationships was found to be TL= - 1.39±3.23 CL. Linear relation was found in arithmetic and as well as logarithmic scale.


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The paper presents some results of the research programs which had been performed during 1996-1999 (“Studying of river-sea interaction in the mouth of Tien river” and KHCN.06.08). Based on these results the morphological schemes of the shore areas from Tiengiang to Camau were compiled; causes and mechanics of accumulation and erosion were also determined. These results may be used as scientific basis for forecasting the development of the shoreline, it will contribute to the management, protection and reasonable exploitation the shore areas.


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Spawning behaviour of hormone induced estuarine catfish, Mystus gulio was observed in captive condition. Spawning activities that include pairing, chasing and resting, nudging, and twisting, started about 5 hours post injection and ended with release of eggs within 1-2 hours of courtship. Three different dosages of "ovaprim" (1 ml/kg, 1.5 ml/kg, and 2 ml/kg in a single dose) were used in induced breeding of M gulio. The latency period was less (6-7 hours) with the dose of 1.5 and 2 ml/kg, while it was more (7-8 hours) with that of 1 ml/kg. However, all females spawned successfully with each of three different dosages, without any significant differences in the rate of fertilization and hatching. Eggs under all hormone dosages hatched between 18-20 hours after spawning. The hatching rate with 1, 1.5, and 2 ml/kg varied from 71.3-72.7%, corresponding to the fertilization rate of 80.7-84.7%.