7 resultados para post mortem interval

em Aquatic Commons


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Instrumental investigations of texture have been performed using texture profile analysis. The following textural parameters have been assessed: hardness, gumminess, chewiness, springiness, cohesiveness and adhesiveness. The fillets of both species have been prepared from deep frozen headed and gutted raw material without fins after frozen storage of 0, 23 and 34 weeks, respectively. Deep freezing of fishes has been performed on board immediately after hauling or after 6 day’s storage in ice. Before texture measurement the raw material has been thawed and the measurement was carriedout on both thawed and microwave-heated fillets. In general, it can be concluded that both fish species are comparable in their texture parameters. The hardness of heated dab has been slightly higher comparing with that one of plaice. All other texture parameters showed a fairly good conformity between both species. While the hardness of dab increased during heating, it was decreasing in plaice. This was the only one significant difference between both fishes during heating. Adhesiveness as well as cohesiveness increased remarkably during heating. Changes effected by ice storage were only slight. Frozen storage, in contrast, caused a significant decrease of adhesiveness measured after heating the fillets of both species.


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The organoleptic characteristics such as appearance, textural condition, colour and odour indicated that the M. rosenbergii stored in ice for 5-6 days was acceptable for processing in the industry while P. monodon under similar ice storage condition was acceptable for 8-9 days. In both species, samples stored in headless condition in ice had longer shelf life than that of stored in head-on condition. Physical changes were evaluated by determining expressible moisture and breaking strength of sample of muscles. The expressible moisture increased continuously in both samples with the lapse of storage period. The expressible moisture increased up to around 44% in 4-5 days of ice stored M. rosenbergii muscle while it was around 40% in 8-9 days ice stored P. monodon. At the end of 9 days of ice storage, the expressible moisture content in M. rosenbergii increased up to 60%, while it was up to 47% in P. monodon after 11 days of ice storage. The breaking strength declined from 0. 78 kg/cm² to 0.53 kg/cm² in tiger shrimp after 8 days of ice storage, while in case of immediately killed prawn, the breaking strength of muscle was 0.8 kg/cm² which declined to 0.43 to 0.35 kg/cm².


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Studies were conducted on biochemical changes in P. monodon and M. rosenbergii during ice storage. At the end of 10 days of ice storage, moisture and protein content of freshwater prawn slightly decreased from 78.34 to '77.35% and 18.46 to 17.10, respectively, while lipid and ash content slightly increased. The moisture, crude protein, lipid and ash content of one day ice stored tiger shrimp samples were 78.07, 18.06, 1.3 and 1.29% respectively. The protein composition of freshwater prawn immediately after killed were 36.51% sarcoplasmic, 44.63% myofibrillar, 8.12% stroma and 6.44% alkali soluble protein. At the end of 10 days of ice storage, sarcoplasmic and stroma protein slightly decreased while there was little or no changes observed in myofibrillar and alkali soluble protein. In case of one day ice stored tiger shrimp, the composition of protein were 35.32% sarcoplasmic, 46.29% myofibrillar, 7.86% stroma protein and 7.08% alkali soluble protein. At the end of 10 days in ice, sarcoplasmic protein decreased from 35.32% to 32.16% while there was slight change in other protein fractions. The TVB-N value of 1 day ice stored shrimp was 10.5 mg/100g of sample. It increased gradually with the lapse of storage period and at the end of 10 days storage in ice, the value increased up to 60 mg/100g sample. The tiger head on shrimp in ice storage were found organoleptic acceptable condition for 8 days and at that time the TVB-N values were 32.2 mg/100g which is slightly above the recommended limit for TVB-N for export.


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Effects of chilled and frozen storage on specific enthalpy (ΔH) and transition temperature (Td) of protein denaturation as well as on selected functional properties of muscle tissue of rainbow trout and herring were investigated. The Td of myosin shifted from 39 to 33 °C during chilling of trout post mortem, but was also influenced by pH. Toughening during frozen storage of trout fillet was characterized by an increased storage modulus of a gel made from the raw fillet. Differences between long term and short term frozen stored, cooked trout fillet were identified by a compression test and a consumer panel. These changes did not affect the Td and ΔH of heat denaturation during one year of frozen storage at –20 °C. In contrast the Td of two myosin peaks of herring shifted during frozen storage at –20 °C to a significant lower value and overlaid finally. Myosin was aggregated by hydrophobic protein-protein interactions. Both thermal properties of myosin and chemical composition were sample specific for wild herring, but were relative constant for farmed trout samples over one year. Determination of Td was very precise (standard deviation <2 %) at a low scanning rate (≤ 0.25 K·min-1) and is useful for monitoring the quality of chilled and frozen stored trout and herring.


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An examination is made of fish health policy formulation in Nigeria. Such policies are necessary to protect fish a living aquatic resources and also fish food at harvest because of the immense nutritional, social and economic benefits derivable by man from fish. Fish health policies must recognize the implications of aquatic environment pollution, the dangers of bad fishing methods and application of harmful fishing gears and appliances and post-mortem handling practices


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Phosphorylase content in the muscle of some fish and shell fish were estimated. Jew fish (Johnius dussumeri) and 'sea naran'(Penaeus indicus) recorded the highest enzyme content among the fish and shell fish studied. As phosphorylase is the key enzyme in glycogenolysis, which is the energy source of fish for muscular activity, the possible role of phosphorylase content as an index of muscular capacity and post-mortem autolysis is discussed.


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Results of a preliminary investigation on the overall chemical nature of fish skin mucin in lung fish, Clarias batrachus, with special reference to water soluble low molecular weight compounds, are presented. Changes observed during room temperature spoilage have been studied with a view to present a new approach towards the assessment of freshness in fish inspection. pH of the mucin was distinctly alkaline (8.2) and remained unchanged during spoilage. Much of the nitrogen was found to be present in the glycoprotein fraction. Free amino acids and purine bases were present in appreciable quantities in the aqueous extracts which registered a significant increase after 10 hrs. Post-mortem increase in total solids was accompanied by a slight rise in protein nitrogen which may indicate tissue breakdown. Increase in TVN was also observed to occur earlier in the outside mucin as compared to the inside muscle. Presence of free sugars or sialic acid could not be confirmed nor was there any indication of cholesterol and lipoid material as stated in earlier literature.