186 resultados para population decline

em Aquatic Commons


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Status of the southeastern U.S. stock of red porgy (Pagrus pagrus) was estimated from fishery-dependent and fishery-independent data, 1972–97. Annual population numbers and fishing mortality rates at age were estimated from virtual population analysis (VPA) calibrated with fishery-independent data. For the VPA, a primary matrix of catch at age was based on age-length keys from fishery-independent samples; an alternate matrix was based on fishery-dependent keys. Additional estimates of stock status were obtained from a surplus-production model, also calibrated with fishery-independent indices of abundance. Results describe a dramatic increase in exploitation of this stock and concomitant decline in abundance. Estimated fully recruited fishing mortality rate (F) from the primary catch matrix increased from 0.10/yr in 1975 to 0.88/yr in 1997, and estimated static spawning potential ratio (SPR) declined from about 67% to about 18%. Estimated recruitment to age 1 declined from a peak of 3.0 million fish in 1973–74 to 94,000 fish in 1997, a decline of 96.9%. Estimated spawning-stock biomass declined from a peak of 3530 t in 1979 to 397 t in 1997, a decline of 88.8%. Results from the alternate catch matrix were similar. Retrospective patterns in the VPA suggest that the future estimates of this population decline will be severe, but may be less than present estimates. Long-term and marked declines in recruitment, spawning stock, and catch per unit of effort (both fishery-derived and fishery-independent)are consistent with severe overexploitation during a period of reduced recruitment. Although F prior to 1995 has generally been estimated at or below the current management criterion for overfishing (F equivalent to SPR=35%), the recent spawning-stock biomass is well below the biomass that could support maximum sustainable yield. Significant reductions in fishing mortality will be needed for rebuilding the southeastern U.S. stock.


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The multi-annual climatic event, El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is an important factor in the population dynamics of coastal marine species in the Galápagos. The Galápagos sea lion, Zalophus wollebaeki, suffered an apparent population decline of about 50%, considering both mortality and movements away from study sites during the 1997-98 El Niño. This change was in part due to changes in the availability of sardines of the Family Clupeidae, its main prey. These declines resulted partly from elevated mortality (35%) in sea lion colonies, particularly among pups, juveniles (< 1 year old), and dominant males and as a result of movements of adults elsewhere (15%), presumably where there were alternative prey and better environmental conditions.


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The four sea turtle species found in Malaysia are the leatherback, olive ridley, green and hawksbill. The threats to these species are acute. Populations of leatherback, olive ridley and hawksbill turtles are on the brink of collapse – threatening a biodiversity crisis in Malaysia and the region. This proceedings contains 8 technical papers presented at a workshop convened in Kijal, Terengganu to chart new directions in the conservation of Malaysia's critically endangered sea turtles and to reverse population decline. They represent a wide range of issues from aspects of biology to a review of 40 years of sea turtle conservation. A paper on the socioeconomic linkages and impacts of fisheries was also included as the workshop adopted a multidisciplinary approach to address the issues. Two case studies, including successful restoration examples from international experiences and restoration efforts in Sabah, pave the way for enhancing turtle conservation in the country.


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The growth rate of Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) pups was studied in southeast Alaska, the Gulf of Alaska, and the Aleutian Islands during the first six weeks after birth. The Steller sea lion population is currently stable in southeast Alaska but is declining in the Aleutian Islands and parts of the Gulf of Alaska. Male pups (22.6 kg [±2.21 SD]) were significantly heavier than female pups (19.6 kg [±1.80 SD]) at 1−5 days of age, but there were no significant differences among rookeries. Male and female pups grew (in mass, standard length, and axillary girth) at the same rate. Body mass and standard length increased at a faster rate for pups in the Aleutian Islands and the western Gulf of Alaska (0.45−0.48 kg/day and 0.47−0.53 cm/day, respectively) than in southeast Alaska (0.23 kg/day and 0.20 cm/day). Additionally, axillary girth increased at a faster rate for pups in the Aleutian Islands (0.59 cm/ day) than for pups in southeast Alaska v(0.25 cm/day). Our results indicate a greater maternal investment in male pups during gestation, but not during early lactation. Although differences in pup growth rate occurred among rookeries, there was no evidence that female sea lions and their pups were nutritionally stressed in the area of population decline


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In April 1990, the Steller sea lion, Eumetopias jubatus, was listed as threatened under the U.S. Endangered Species Act by emergency action. Competitive interactions with the billion-dollar Alaska commercial groundfish fisheries have been suggested as one of the possible contributing factors to the Steller sea lion population decline. Since the listing, fisheries managers have attempted to address the potential impacts of the groundfish fisheries on Steller sea lion recovery. In this paper, we review pertinent Federal legislation, biological information on the Steller sea lion decline, changes in the Alaska trawl fishery for walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, since the late 1970's, andpossible interactions between fisheries and sea lions. Using three cases, we illustrate how the listing of Steller sea lions has affected Alaska groundfish fisheries through: I) actions taken at the time of listing designed to limit the potential for directhuman-related sea lion mortality, 2) actions addressing spatial and temporal separation of fisheries from sea lions, and 3) introduction of risk-adverse stock assessment methodologies and Steller sea lion conservation considerations directly in the annual quota-setting process. This discussion shows some of the ways that North Pacific groundfish resource managers have begun to explicitly consider the conservation ofmarine mammal and other nontarget species.


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The effects of seasonal and regional differences in diet composition on the food requirements of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) were estimated by using a bioenergetic model. The model considered differences in the energy density of the prey, and differences in digestive efficiency and the heat increment of feeding of different diets. The model predicted that Steller sea lions in southeast Alaska required 45–60% more food per day in early spring (March) than after the breeding season in late summer (August) because of seasonal changes in the energy density of the diets (along with seasonal changes in energy requirements). The southeast Alaska population, at 23,000 (±1660 SD) animals (all ages), consumed an estimated 140,000 (±27,800) t of prey in 1998. In contrast, we estimated that the 51,000 (±3680) animals making up the western Alaska population in the Gulf of Alaska and Aleutian Islands consumed just over twice this amount (303,000 [±57,500] t). In terms of biomass removed in 1998 from Alaskan waters, we estimated that Steller sea lions accounted for about 5% of the natural mortality of gadids (pollock and cod) and up to 75% of the natural mortality of hexagrammids (adult Atka mackerel). These two groups of species were consumed in higher amounts than any other. The predicted average daily food requirement per individual ranged from 16 (±2.8) to 20 (±3.6) kg (all ages combined). Per capita food requirements differed by as much as 24% between regions of Alaska depending on the relative amounts of low–energy-density prey (e.g. gadids) versus high–energy-density prey (e.g. forage fish and salmon) consumed. Estimated requirements were highest in regions where Steller sea lions consumed higher proportions of low–energy-density prey and experienced the highest rates of population decline


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About 86 species of fish have been recorded in the Lake Chad. Most of the species occurring in the lake are widespread including most of the commercially important species. Fish distribution in the lake was adversely affected by the 1972/73 and 1983/84 droughts. The commercially important species before the 1972/73 drought were; Lates, Labeo distichodus, Heterotis, Gymnarchus, Hydrocynus, Citharinus and Bagrus. Other species which had less commercial value at that time include, Clarias, Gnathanemus, Polypterus, Protopterus, Tilapia and Synodontis. Lates niloticus was the most predominant species of commercial importance comprising 50-60% of the total catches of fishermen between 1962 and 1973. Before the 1972/73 drought, occurrence of Clarias lazera was negligible and restricted to long line catches and had little commercial value. As a result of the drought of 1972/73 which resulted in near drying up to the northern sector of the lake, fish populations were confined to isolated pools and were completely scooped out. The remaining fish populations retreated to the southern basin where enough water always remained to hold the surviving representatives of the population. The effects of the drought resulted in occurrence of the little known C. lazera along with other hardy species like Tilapia and Protopterus to dominate the existing fish species composition. In 1976, C. lazera dominated the total catches of fishermen with 85.6%. An overview of the fish population in the lake, their relative abundance, changes in species composition, the effects of drought on the fauna of the lake based on the available data are discussed in this paper


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The northern bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) is a highly mobile apex predator in the Gulf of Maine. Despite current stock assessments that indicate historically high abundance of its main prey, Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus), commercial fishermen have observed declines in the somatic condition of northern bluefin tuna during the last decade. We examined this claim by reviewing detailed logbooks of northern bluefin tuna condition from a local fishermen’s cooperative and applying multinomial regression, a robust tool for exploring how a categorical variable may be related to other variables of interest. The data set contained >3082 observations of condition (fat and oil content and fish shape) from fish landed between 1991 and 2004. Energy from stored lipids is used for migration and reproduction; therefore a reduction in energy acquisition on bluefin tuna feeding grounds could diminish allocations to growth and gamete production and have detrimental consequences for rebuilding the western Atlantic population. A decline in northern bluefin tuna somatic condition could indicate substantial changes in the bottom-up transfer of energy in the Gulf of Maine, shifts in their reproductive or migratory patterns, impacts of fishing pressure, or synergistic effects from multiple causes.


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The population parameters of the two most abundant sciaenids comprising the trawl catch in the Palk Bay/Gulf of Mannar area are presented. The following parameters were estimated: 233 mm (L sub( infinity )), 1.26 yr super(1) (K), -0.08 yr (t sub(0)), 4.24 yr super(1) (Z) and 2.24 yr super(1)(M) for Pennahia anear, 284 mm (L sub( infinity )), 1.08 yr super(1) (K), -0.05 yr (t sub(0)), 4.41 yr super(1) (Z) and 1.92 yr super(1) for Nibea maculata. Length at first capture was 97 mm for P. anea and 124 mm for N. maculata. These lengths were noted to be less than the corresponding length at first maturity for both species. The exploitation rates (E) derived indicate that the two species are heavily fished, which may account for the decline in sciaenid catches from 1988 to 1992.


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During the 1990s, sea otter (Enhydra lutris) counts in the Aleutian archipelago decreased by 70% throughout the archipelago between 1992 and 2000. Recent aerial surveys in the Aleutians did not identify the eastward extent of the decline; therefore we conducted an aerial survey along the Alaska Peninsula for comparison with baseline information. Since 1986, abundance estimates in offshore habitat have declined by 27– 49% and 93 –94% in northern and southern Alaska Peninsula study areas, respectively. During this same time period, sea otter density has declined by 63% along the island coastlines within the south Alaska Peninsula study area. Between 1989 and 2001, sea otter density along the southern coastline of the Alaska Peninsula declined by 35% to the west of Castle Cape but density increased by 4% to the east, which may indicate an eastward extent of the decline. In all study areas, sea otters were primarily concentrated in bays and lagoon, whereas historically, large rafts of otters had been distributed offshore. The population declines observed along the Alaska Peninsula occurred at roughly the same time as declines in the Aleutian islands to the east and the Kodiak archipelago to the west. Since the mid-1980s, the sea otter population throughout southwest Alaska has declined overall by an estimated 56–68%, and the decline may be one of the most significant sea otter conservation issues in our time.


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Night sharks, Carcharhinus signatus, are an oceanic species generally occurring in outer continental shelf waters in the western North Atlantic Ocean including the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico. Although not targeted, night sharks make up a segment of the shark bycatch in the pelagic longline fishery. Historically, night sharks comprised a significant proportion of the artisanal Cuban shark fishery but today they are rarely caught. Although information from some fisheries has shown a decline in catches of night sharks, it is unclear whether this decline is due to changes in fishing tactics, market, or species identification. Despite the uncertainty in the decline, the night shark is currently listed as a species of concern due to alleged declines in abundance resulting from fishing effort, i.e. overutilization. To assess their relevance to the species of concern list, we collated available information on the night shark to provide an analysis of its status. Night shark landings were likely both over- and under-reported and thus probably did not reflect all commercial and recreational catches, and overall they have limited relevance to the current status of the species. Average size information has not changed considerably since the 1980’s based on information from the pelagic longline fishery when corrected for gear bias. Analysis of biological information indicates night sharks have intrinsic rates of increase (r) about 10% yr–1 and have moderate rebound potential and an intermediate generation time compared to other sharks. An analysis of trends in relative abundance from four data sources gave conflicting results, with one series in decline, two series increasing, and one series relatively flat. Based on the analysis of all currently available information, we believe the night shark does not qualify as a species of concern but should be retained on the prohibited species list as a precautionary approach to management until a more comprehensive stock assessment can be conducted.


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Cowcod (Sebastes levis) is a large (100-cm-FL), long-lived (maximum observed age 55 yr) demersal rockfish taken in multispecies commercial and recreational fisheries off southern and central California. It lives at 20–500 m depth: adults (>44 cm TL) inhabit rocky areas at 90–300 m and juveniles inhabit fine sand and clay at 40–100 m. Both sexes have similar growth and maturity. Both sexes recruit to the fishery before reaching full maturity. Based on age and growth data, the natural mortality rate is about M =0.055/yr, but the estimate is uncertain. Biomass, recruitment, and mortality during 1951–98 were estimated in a delay-difference model with catch data and abundance indices. The same model gave less precise estimates for 1916–50 based on catch data and assumptions about virgin biomass and recruitment such as used in stock reduction analysis. Abundance indices, based on rare event data, included a habitat-area–weighted index of recreational catch per unit of fishing effort (CPUE index values were 0.003–0.07 fish per angler hour), a standardized index of proportion of positive tows in CalCOFI ichthyoplankton survey data (binomial errors, 0–13% positive tows/yr), and proportion of positive tows for juveniles in bottom trawl surveys (binomial errors, 0–30% positive tows/yr). Cowcod are overfished in the southern California Bight; biomass during the 1998 season was about 7% of the virgin level and recent catches have been near 20 metric tons (t)/yr. Projections based on recent recruitment levels indicate that biomass will decline at catch levels > 5 t/yr. Trend data indicate that recruitment will be poor in the near future. Recreational fishing effort in deep water has increased and has become more effective for catching cowcod. Areas with relatively high catch rates for cowcod are fewer and are farther offshore. Cowcod die after capture and cannot be released alive. Two areas recently closed to bottom fishing will help rebuild the cowcod stock.


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Sardines and other Microfilidae have very important ecological role in marine ecosystems because they are first consumers in marine food chain and they are the main food of valuable species as tuna. So decries in their population will decline fishing of these spices. There are 10 genus of Clupeidae in south of Iran and Sardinella is the one of the most abundant of them. In this study we investigated about morphological and genetically differences in population of 3 species: Sardinella sindensis, Sardinella abella, Dussomieria acuta. About 65 specimens of Sardinella sindensis, 61 specimens of Sardinella albella and 63 specimens of, Dussomieria acuta from three regions of their distribution: Jask (Oman Sea), Qeshm (Hormoz) and Lengeh (Pearsian Gulf) have been collected. Morphological research of their characters and statistical studies were done. To determine the genetically structure of specie's population we sequenced 500 bp of mitochondrial control region. Genetical studies determine meaningful difference in alleles and heterozigosity frequency of Sardinella sindensis. This must be the result of divergence in population of this species. Morphological investigation of Sardinella albella shows the meaningful difference. But detailed studies diffused it. Genetical studies show a meaningful variance in allele and heterosigosity frequency. This may be an aspect of sardine tendency to live in estuaries. Morphological research of Dussomieria acuta in Jask and Lengeh show a meaningful variance in these regions. Such a situation might be result of Monsoon, upwelling and better weather which occur in Oman Sea in spite of Persian Gulf.


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Practically all water for municipal and industrial use in the Fernandina area is supplied by artesian wells. In recent years, the use of artesian water in the area has increased to meet the needs of expanding industry and increasing population. The total industrial and municipal pumpage has increased from approximately 35 million gallons per day in 1941 to approximately 50 million gallons per day in 1959. Correlated with the increase in water use is the constant decline in the artesian pressure in the area. In many other areas in Florida, such a decline in artesian pressure has resulted in salt-water intrusion into the fresh-water supply.An intrusion of salt water in the Fernandina area would contaminate the existing fresh-water supply and would result in a hardship for the population and seriously injure the economy. Recognizing the threat to the fresh-water supplies of this area, the U. S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Florida Geological Surveymade a reconnaissance to determineif there has been any intrusion of salt water into the fresh-water supply or if there is any danger of future intrusion. (PDF contains 28 pages.)


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Population characteristics of largemouth bass ( Micropterus salmoides L.) including growth, body condition (relative weight), survival, and egg production were examined in relation to abundance of submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) coverage (primarily hydrilla [ Hydrilla verticillata L.f. Royle]) in three embayments of Lake Seminole, GA, and compared to a previous study conducted in 1998. (PDF has 8 pages.)