9 resultados para operational modal analysis
em Aquatic Commons
ENGLISH: The growth of yellowfin tuna in the eastern Pacific is described in terms of several measurements taken from the fish and their otoliths (sagittae). Equations are also developed to predict age from the readily available dimensions of fork length and head length. The data for all of these relationships were obtained from a sample of 196 fish collected during 1977 through 1979 from purse seiners fishing north of the equator and east of 137°W. The fork-length range of the sample was 30-170 cm. The number of increments on a sagitta of each fish was used as a direct estimate of its age in days. The correspondence between increments and days has been validated for yellowfin in the length range of 40-110 cm. Circumstantial evidence indicates that the relationship also applies in the intervals of 0-40 cm and 110-170 cm. This circumstancial evidence was derived from: 1) literature on validated increments during early growth for other species, 2) knowledge that structures assumed to be daily increments on yellowfin otoliths have subsequently been validated in the corresponding zone on bluefin otoliths, and 3) a comparison of the growth curve based on increments to others obtained from length frequency modal analysis. Based on this information the age estimates over the entire size range of sampled fish are believed to be accurate. In addition to the general growth and age-predictive relationships, the major conclusions of the study are that: 1) Sexually dimorphic growth exists in terms of fork length, fish weight and the length of the otolith counting path for the entire data set. Examination of the data for 1977 and 1979 also revealed that the fork-length growth of each sex differed within years. 2) For combined sexes there were significant differences among the fork-length growth curves for yellowfin sampled in different years. 3) Yellowfin caught inshore (within 275 miles of the coast) were heavier than those caught offshore for fork lengths between 30 and 110 cm. The situation was reversed for lengths greater than 110 cm. 4) Back-calculated spawning months were distributed uniformly throughout the year in 1974 and 1977, but in 1975-1976 and 1978 spawning activity was apparently concentrated in the latter half of the year. SPANISH: El crecimiento del atún aleta amarilla en el Pacífico oriental se describe en términos de varias medidas obtenidas de peces y otolitos (sagita). Se formularon también ecuaciones para pronosticar la edad, según las dimensiones fácilmente disponibles de la longitud horquilla y longitud de la cabeza. Los datos de todas estas relaciones fueron obtenidos mediante una muestra de 196 peces recolectados desde 1977hasta 1979, en barcos cerqueros que estaban pescando al norte de la línea ecuatorial y al este de los 137°W. El intervalo de la longitud horquilla de la muestra fue de 30-170 cm. Se empleó el número de incrementos en la sagita de cada pez como un estimado directo de la edad en días. Se ha comprobado la relación entre los incrementos y los días en el intervalo de longitud de 40-110 cm del aleta amarilla. La evidencia circunstancial indica que se aplica también la relación a los intervalos de 0-40 cm y 110-170 cm. Esta evidencia circunstancial se dedujo: 1) de las publicaciones sobre incrementos comprobados de otras especies durante el primer crecimiento, 2) del conocimientoque las estructuras que se supone son incrementos diarios en los otolitos del aleta amarilla han sido comprobadas luego en la parte correspondiente de otolitos del aleta azul y 3) por una comparación de la curva de crecimiento, basada en incrementos relacionados a otras curvas obtenidas según el análisis modal frecuencia-talla. Se cree, basados en esta información, que las estimaciones de la edad sobre toda la amplitud de talla de los peces muestreados, es acertada. Además de la relación del crecimiento general y del pronóstico de la edad, las principales conclusiones de este estudio son: 1) En toda la serie de datos existe el crecimiento sexualmente dimórfico en términos de longitud horquilla, peso del pez y longitud del plano de conteo del otolito. El examen de los datos de 1977 y 1979, revelan también que el crecimiento longitud horquilla de cada sexo es diferente en los años. 2) En los sexos combinados hubo diferencias significativas entre las curvas de crecimiento longitud horquilla del aleta amarilla muestreado en diferentes años. 3) El aleta amarilla capturado cerca a la costa (en las primeras 275 millas) fue más pesado que el capturado en las aguas mar afuera, correspondiente a la longitud horquilla entre 30 y 110 cm. La situación fue inversa para tallas de más de 110 cm. 4) En 1974 y 1977, los meses retrocalculados del desove se distribuyeron uniformemente durante el año, pero en 1975-1976 y 1978, la actividad del desove se concentró aparentemente en el último semestre del año. (PDF contains 62 pages.)
The blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) plays an important economic and ecological role in estuaries and coastal habitats from the Gulf of Mexico to the east coast of North America, but demographic assessments are limited by length-based methods. We applied an alternative aging method using biochemical measures of metabolic byproducts (lipofuscins) sequestered in the neural tissue of eyestalks to examine population age structure. From Chesapeake Bay, subsamples of animals collected from the 1998–99 (n=769) and 1999–2000 (n=367) winter dredge surveys were collected and lipofuscin was measured. Modal analysis of the lipofuscin index provided separation into three modes, whereas carapace-width data collected among the same individuals showed two broad modes. Lipofuscin modal analysis indicated that most adults (carapace width >120 mm) were <2 years old. The results indicate that use of extractable lipofuscin can provide a more accurate and better resolved estimation of demographic structure of blue crab populations in the field than size alone.
ENGLISH: A two-stage sampling design is used to estimate the variances of the numbers of yellowfin in different age groups caught in the eastern Pacific Ocean. For purse seiners, the primary sampling unit (n) is a brine well containing fish from a month-area stratum; the number of fish lengths (m) measured from each well are the secondary units. The fish cannot be selected at random from the wells because of practical limitations. The effects of different sampling methods and other factors on the reliability and precision of statistics derived from the length-frequency data were therefore examined. Modifications are recommended where necessary. Lengths of fish measured during the unloading of six test wells revealed two forms of inherent size stratification: 1) short-term disruptions of existing pattern of sizes, and 2) transition zones between long-term trends in sizes. To some degree, all wells exhibited cyclic changes in mean size and variance during unloading. In half of the wells, it was observed that size selection by the unloaders induced a change in mean size. As a result of stratification, the sequence of sizes removed from all wells was non-random, regardless of whether a well contained fish from a single set or from more than one set. The number of modal sizes in a well was not related to the number of sets. In an additional well composed of fish from several sets, an experiment on vertical mixing indicated that a representative sample of the contents may be restricted to the bottom half of the well. The contents of the test wells were used to generate 25 simulated wells and to compare the results of three sampling methods applied to them. The methods were: (1) random sampling (also used as a standard), (2) protracted sampling, in which the selection process was extended over a large portion of a well, and (3) measuring fish consecutively during removal from the well. Repeated sampling by each method and different combinations indicated that, because the principal source of size variation occurred among primary units, increasing n was the most effective way to reduce the variance estimates of both the age-group sizes and the total number of fish in the landings. Protracted sampling largely circumvented the effects of size stratification, and its performance was essentially comparable to that of random sampling. Sampling by this method is recommended. Consecutive-fish sampling produced more biased estimates with greater variances. Analysis of the 1988 length-frequency samples indicated that, for age groups that appear most frequently in the catch, a minimum sampling frequency of one primary unit in six for each month-area stratum would reduce the coefficients of variation (CV) of their size estimates to approximately 10 percent or less. Additional stratification of samples by set type, rather than month-area alone, further reduced the CV's of scarce age groups, such as the recruits, and potentially improved their accuracy. The CV's of recruitment estimates for completely-fished cohorts during the 198184 period were in the vicinity of 3 to 8 percent. Recruitment estimates and their variances were also relatively insensitive to changes in the individual quarterly catches and variances, respectively, of which they were composed. SPANISH: Se usa un diseño de muestreo de dos etapas para estimar las varianzas de los números de aletas amari11as en distintos grupos de edad capturados en el Océano Pacifico oriental. Para barcos cerqueros, la unidad primaria de muestreo (n) es una bodega de salmuera que contenía peces de un estrato de mes-área; el numero de ta11as de peces (m) medidas de cada bodega es la unidad secundaria. Limitaciones de carácter practico impiden la selección aleatoria de peces de las bodegas. Por 10 tanto, fueron examinados los efectos de distintos métodos de muestreo y otros factores sobre la confiabilidad y precisión de las estadísticas derivadas de los datos de frecuencia de ta11a. Se recomiendan modificaciones donde sean necesarias. Las ta11as de peces medidas durante la descarga de seis bodegas de prueba revelaron dos formas de estratificación inherente por ta11a: 1) perturbaciones a corto plazo en la pauta de ta11as existente, y 2) zonas de transición entre las tendencias a largo plazo en las ta11as. En cierto grado, todas las bodegas mostraron cambios cíclicos en ta11a media y varianza durante la descarga. En la mitad de las bodegas, se observo que selección por ta11a por los descargadores indujo un cambio en la ta11a media. Como resultado de la estratificación, la secuencia de ta11as sacadas de todas las bodegas no fue aleatoria, sin considerar si una bodega contenía peces de un solo lance 0 de mas de uno. El numero de ta11as modales en una bodega no estaba relacionado al numero de lances. En una bodega adicional compuesta de peces de varios lances, un experimento de mezcla vertical indico que una muestra representativa del contenido podría estar limitada a la mitad inferior de la bodega. Se uso el contenido de las bodegas de prueba para generar 25 bodegas simuladas y comparar los resultados de tres métodos de muestreo aplicados a estas. Los métodos fueron: (1) muestreo aleatorio (usado también como norma), (2) muestreo extendido, en el cual el proceso de selección fue extendido sobre una porción grande de una bodega, y (3) medición consecutiva de peces durante la descarga de la bodega. EI muestreo repetido con cada método y distintas combinaciones de n y m indico que, puesto que la fuente principal de variación de ta11a ocurría entre las unidades primarias, aumentar n fue la manera mas eficaz de reducir las estimaciones de la varianza de las ta11as de los grupos de edad y el numero total de peces en los desembarcos. El muestreo extendido evito mayormente los efectos de la estratificación por ta11a, y su desempeño fue esencialmente comparable a aquel del muestreo aleatorio. Se recomienda muestrear con este método. El muestreo de peces consecutivos produjo estimaciones mas sesgadas con mayores varianzas. Un análisis de las muestras de frecuencia de ta11a de 1988 indico que, para los grupos de edad que aparecen con mayor frecuencia en la captura, una frecuencia de muestreo minima de una unidad primaria de cada seis para cada estrato de mes-área reduciría los coeficientes de variación (CV) de las estimaciones de ta11a correspondientes a aproximadamente 10% 0 menos. Una estratificación adicional de las muestras por tipo de lance, y no solamente mes-área, redujo aun mas los CV de los grupos de edad escasos, tales como los reclutas, y mejoró potencialmente su precisión. Los CV de las estimaciones del reclutamiento para las cohortes completamente pescadas durante 1981-1984 fueron alrededor de 3-8%. Las estimaciones del reclutamiento y sus varianzas fueron también relativamente insensibles a cambios en las capturas de trimestres individuales y las varianzas, respectivamente, de las cuales fueron derivadas. (PDF contains 70 pages)
Large numbers of fishing vessels operating from ports in Latin America participate in surface longline fisheries in the eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO), and several species of sea turtles inhabit the grounds where these fleets operate. The endangered status of several sea turtle species, and the success of circle hooks (‘treatment’ hooks) in reducing turtle hookings in other ocean areas, as compared to J-hooks and Japanese-style tuna hooks (‘control’ hooks), prompted the initiation of a hook exchange program on the west coast of Latin America, the Eastern Pacific Regional Sea Turtle Program (EPRSTP)1. One of the goals of the EPRSTP is to determine if circle hooks would be effective at reducing turtle bycatch in artisanal fisheries of the EPO without significantly reducing the catch of marketable fish species. Participating fishers were provided with circle hooks at no cost and asked to replace the J/Japanese-style tuna hooks on their longlines with circle hooks in an alternating manner. Data collected by the EPRSTP show differences in longline gear and operational characteristics within and among countries. These aspects of the data, in addition to difficulties encountered with implementation of the alternating-hook design, pose challenges for analysis of these data.
Demographic parameters from seven exploited coral reef lutjanid species were compared as a case study of the implications of intrafamily variation in life histories for multispecies harvest management. Modal lengths varied by 4 cm among four species (Lutjanus fulviflamma, L. vitta, L. carponotatus, L. adetii), which were at least 6 cm smaller than the modal lengths of the largest species (L. gibbus, Symphorus nematophorus, Aprion virescens). Modal ages, indicating ages of full selection to fishing gear, were 10 years or less for all species, but maximum ages ranged from 12 (L. gibbus) to 36 years (S. nematophorus). Each species had a unique growth pattern, with differences in length-at-age and mean asymptotic fork length (L∞), but smaller species generally grew fast during the first 1–2 years of life and larger species grew more slowly over a longer period. Total mortality rates varied among species; L. gibbus had the highest mortality and L. fulviflamma, the lowest mortality. The variability in life history strategies of these tropical lutjanids makes generalizations about lutjanid life histories difficult, but the fact that all seven had characteristics that would make them particularly vulnerable to fishing indicates that harvest of tropical lutjanids should be managed with caution.
Economic analysis of the trawl fishery of Brunei Darussalam was conducted using cost and returns analysis and based on an economic survey of trawlers and B:RUN, a low-level geographic information system. Profitability indicators were generated for the trawl fleet under various economic and operational scenarios. The results show that financial profits are earned by trawlers which operate off Muara, particularly those with high vessel capacity, and that these profits could be further enhanced. On the other hand, a similar fleet operating off Tutong would generate profits due mainly to high fish biomass. Trawling operations offshore are deemed financially unfeasible. Incorporating realistic opportunity costs and externalities for existing trawl operations off Muara results in economic losses.
Ring seines are lightly constructed purse seines adapted for operation in the traditional sector. Fish production and energy requirement in the ring seine operations, off Cochin, Kerala, India are discussed in this paper, based on data collected during 1997- 1998. The results reflect the Gross Energy Requirement (GER) situation that existed during 1997-1998. Mean catch per ring seiner per year worked out to be 211.9 t of which sardines (Sardinella spp.) constituted 44.3%, followed by Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) 29.7%, carangids 11.4%, penaeid prawns 2.2%, pomfrets 1.1% and miscellaneous fish 11.3%. Total energy inputs into the ring seine operations were estimated to be 1300.8 GJ. Output by way of fish production was determined to be 931.85 GJ. GER is the sum of all non-renewable energy resources consumed in making available a product or service and is a measure of intensity of non-renewable resource use. GER per tonne of fish landed by ring seiners was estimated to be 6.14. Among the operational inputs, kerosene constituted 73.4% of the GER, followed by petrol (12.7%), diesel (6.7%) and lubricating oil (2.4%). Fishing gear contributed 3.8%, engine 0.8% and fishing craft 0.3% of the GER. Energy ratio for ring seining was 0.72 and energy intensity 1.40.
The catches of three longliners, including two recently converted small artisanal vessels and one large leased foreign longliner, were compared to provide some indication of the feasibility of transferring new longline technology to small vessels in the northeastern Brazilian pelagic longline fishery. Comparisons of catches between the two recently converted vessels operating across the same spatial and temporal scales showed no significant differences for the main target species, providing evidence to suggest that adoption of the technology was rapid and straightforward. A comparison of relative catch rates between one of the recently converted small longliners and the leased longliner across the same temporal scale, but in different areas, showed that while there were significant differences detected for some species, contributing to a significant reduction in total CPUE, the relative abundance of commercially important species within the operational range of the smaller vessels was sufficient for economically viable catches. The results showed that the net financial profit from the artisanal longliner was almost 10 times greater than that derived from existing fishing methods. The inclusion of some artisanal vessels in this fishery may help address the social and economic problems currently faced by fi
Implementation of the SDC funded project ‘Improving Employment and Income through Development of Egypt’s Aquaculture Sector’ commenced on 1st December 2011 and will continue until late 2014. This report summarizes the results of the first 10 months until 30th September 2012. The project was based on a value chain analysis carried out by WorldFish in September 2011. The information in the VCA acts as the baseline for the main project parameters. It established that the aquaculture value chain is a significant employer (14 FTE per 100 tonnes of annual production), particularly in rural areas and there was scope to increase employment of youth and women.