20 resultados para lymphocytes T and B

em Aquatic Commons


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The estuarine populations of juvenile Atlantic and gulf menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus and B. patronus) were sampled during two-boat, surface-trawl, abundance surveys extensively conducted in the 1970s. Juvenile Atlantic menhaden were sampled in 39 estuarine streams along the U.S. Atlantic coast from northern Florida into Massachusetts. Juvenile gulf menhaden were sampled in 29 estuarine streams along the Gulf of Mexico from southeast Texas into western Florida. A stratified, two-stage, cluster sampling design was used. Annual estimates of relative juvenile abundance for each species of menhaden were obtained from catch-effort data from the surveys. There were no significant correlations, for either species, between the relative juvenile abundance estimates and fishery-dependent estimates of year-class strength. From 1972 to 1975, the relative abundance of juvenile Atlantic menhaden in north Atlantic estuaries decreased to near zero. (PDF file contains 22 pages.)


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Foreword [pdf, < 0.1 MB] Acknowledgements PHASE 1 [pdf, 0.2 MB] Summary of the PICES/NPRB Workshop on Forecasting Climate Impacts on Future Production of Commercially Exploited Fish and Shellfish (July 19–20, 2007, Seattle, U.S.A.) Background Links to Other Programs Workshop Format Session I. Status of climate change scenarios in the PICES region Session II. What are the expected impacts of climate change on regional oceanography and what are some scenarios for these drivers for the next 10 years? Session III. Recruitment forecasting Session IV. What models are out there? How is climate linked to the model? Session V. Assumptions regarding future fishing scenarios and enhancement activities Session VI Where do we go from here? References Appendix 1.1 List of Participants PHASE 2 [pdf, 0.7 MB] Summary of the PICES/NPRB Workshop on Forecasting Climate Impacts on Future Production of Commercially Exploited Fish and Shellfish (October 30, 2007, Victoria, Canada) Background Workshop Agenda Forecast Feasibility Format of Information Modeling Approaches Coupled bio-physical models Stock assessment projection models Comparative approaches Similarities in Data Requests Opportunities for Coordination with Other PICES Groups and International Efforts BACKGROUND REPORTS PREPARED FOR THE PHASE 2 WORKSHOP Northern California Current (U.S.) groundfish production by Melissa Haltuch Changes in sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) recruitment in relation to oceanographic conditions by Michael J. Schirripa Northern California Current (British Columbia) Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) production by Caihong Fu and Richard Beamish Northern California Current (British Columbia) sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) production by Richard Beamish Northern California Current (British Columbia) pink (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) and chum (O. keta) salmon production by Richard Beamish Northern California Current (British Columbia) ocean shrimp (Pandalus jordani) production by Caihong Fu Alaska salmon production by Anne Hollowed U.S. walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) production in the eastern Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska by Kevin Bailey and Anne Hollowed U.S. groundfish production in the eastern Bering Sea by Tom Wilderbuer U.S. crab production in the eastern Bering Sea by Gordon H. Kruse Forecasting Japanese commercially exploited species by Shin-ichi Ito, Kazuaki Tadokoro and Yasuhiro Yamanka Russian fish production in the Japan/East Sea by Yury Zuenko, Vladimir Nuzhdin and Natalia Dolganova Chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) production in Korea by Sukyung Kang, Suam Kim and Hyunju Seo Jack mackerel (Trachurus japonicus) production in Korea by Jae Bong Lee and Chang-Ik Zhang Chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) production in Korea by Jae Bong Lee, Sukyung Kang, Suam Kim, Chang-Ik Zhang and Jin Yeong Kim References Appendix 2.1 List of Participants PHASE 3 [pdf, < 0.1 MB] Summary of the PICES Workshop on Linking Global Climate Model Output to (a) Trends in Commercial Species Productivity and (b) Changes in Broader Biological Communities in the World’s Oceans (May 18, 2008, Gijón, Spain) Appendix 3.1 List of Participants Appendix 3.2 Workshop Agenda (Document contains 101 pages)


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This study indicates that 13 species of congrid larvae belonging to 8 genera occur in the eastern Pacific. The species are: Ariosoma gilberti; Paraconger californiensis; Paraconger sp.; P. dentatus; Chiloconger labiatus; Taenioconger digueti; T. canabus; Gorgasia punctata; G. obtusa; Gnathophis catalinensis; Hildebrandia nitens; Bathycongrus macrurus; and B. varidens. The morphological and anatomical changes undergone during metamorphosis are useful in the identification of the larvae. Larvae are distributed closer to the coastal waters, and are more common from January to May than from June to December. A key to the larvae was developed based on the myotomal counts, adult vertebral counts, pigmentation patterns, and the nature of the teeth and tail tip to distinguish the genera and species. This study shows that Garman's unidentified larvae, Atopichthys acus and A. cingulus, are two different larval stages of Ariosoma gilberti, and points out that Atopichthys dentatus and A. obtusus belong to Paraconger and Gorgasia, respectively. (PDF file contains 25 pages.)


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A literature review of 50 titles including nearly all relevant publications ensures adequate basis on the present level of knowledge. The proposal includes (a) the determination of the biozoenosis and selected environmental factors, and (b) of fishery and stock data of the main fish and shellfish species. The ecological research studies physical and chemical variables of the estuarine waters (flow velocity and direction, water temperature, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, salinity, nutrients such as ammonium, nitrite, phosphate, silicate, pollutants such as hybrocarbons, pesticides and heavy metals, biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand), plankton (bacterio-phyto-and zooplankton), benthos, sediment. The fishery biological and fishery investigations include: number of villages and fishermen, number of boats and gears by type, length and weight data of the main fishery objects with concentration on the shrimps, species and numbers of fish parasites. The ecological variables were monitored at fixed stations on sections in the Cross-River Estuary, Calabar and Great Kwara Rivers two times per month during spring and neap tides. The fishery biological and fishery variables were obtained during spring and neap tide too. For the determination of the detailed methodology the ecological and fishery part of the progeamme should be started with frame surveys based on a larger number of stations. These frame surveys should be repeated from time to time. Both parts of the programme are based on three years duration. It seems already appropriate to continue the work with selected representative stations, villages and variables in form of a long-term data chain


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Anabas testudineus, Channa punctatus and Barbodes gonionotus were exposed to 5.62, 6.25, 6.87, 7.50, 8.12 and 8.75 ppm; 1.13, 2.26, 3.39, 4.52, 5.65 and 6.78 ppm; and 2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00 and 4.50 ppm of Diazinon 60 EC, respectively. The median lethal concentration (LC50) values of Diazinon 60 EC on A. testudineus, C. punctatus and B. gonionotus were 6.55, 3.09 and 2.72 ppm for 96 hrs of exposure. The fish species showed several abnormal behaviors which included restlessness, arena movements, loss of equilibrium, increased opercular activities, strong spasm, paralysis and sudden quick movements during the exposure. For histopathological studies, A. testudineus, C. punctatus and B. gonionotus were exposed for 7 days to sublethal concentrations of 1.13 and 3.75 ppm; 1.13 and 2.26 ppm; and 1.13 and 2.26 ppm of Diazinon 60 EC, respectively. Hypertrophy, necrosis and pyknosis of hepatocytes, pyknosis and degenerative changes such as necrosis of tubular and haematopoietic cells of kidney were the major histopathological effects.


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The parameters a and b of the length-weight relationship of the form W=aL super(b) were estimated for 24 species of soft bottom demersal fishes caught on the continental shelf off Jalisco and Colima states, Mexico. The estimates of b ranged from 2.74 to 3.33. The mean of the b values is 3.02 with a standard deviation of 0.15.


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ABSTRACT—Since the late 1950’s, a multi-national longline fishery has operated throughout the Atlantic Ocean to supply the growing global demand for tunas (Scombridae) and swordfish, Xiphias gladius. Two species caught as bycatch include Atlantic blue marlin, Makaira nigricans, and white marlin, Tetrapterus albidus, referred to in this paper as “Atlantic marlin.” Pelagic longlining has consistently been the principal source of adult mortality for both species, which are currently depleted and have been so for more than two decades. In this paper, we examined aspects of the Atlantic marlin bycatch of the Japanese pelagic longline fishery from 1960 to 2000. Temporal and spatial patterns in effort, target catch (species combined), marlin bycatch, marlin catch-per-unit-effort (nominal CPUE), and ratios of marlin bycatch to target catch (B: T ratios) were analyzed. An objective was to reveal changes, if any, in marlin bycatch associated with the fishery’s target species “switch” (ca. 1980–87) from mostly surface-associated tunas to mostly the deeper-dwelling bigeye tuna, Thunnus obesus. The highest values of all variables examined occurred during the 1960’s and then fell by the second half of that decade. Since 1970, mean levels of fishing effort, target fish catches, and blue marlin landings have increased significantly, while blue marlin CPUE and B:T ratios have remained relatively stable. Concurrently, white marlin landings, CPUE, and B:T ratios have all declined. While results suggest the fishery’s target species change may have been a factor in lowering white marlin bycatch, the same cannot be said for blue marlin. Relative increases in blue marlin B:T ratios off the northeastern coast of South America and in the wider eastern Atlantic are cause for concern, as are continuing trends of CPUE decline for white marlin in this data set as well as others.


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Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary (GRNMS) is located 32.4 km offshore of Sapelo Island, Georgia. The ecological importance of this area is related to the transition between tropical and temperate waters, and the existence of a topographically complex system of ledges. Due to its central location, GRNMS can be used as a focal site to study the accumulation and impacts of marine debris on the Atlantic continental shelf offshore of the Southeast United States. Previously, researchers characterized marine debris in GRNMS and reported that incidence of the debris at the limited densely colonized ledge sites was significantly greater than at sand or sparsely colonized live bottom, and is further influenced by the level of boating activity and physiographic characteristics (e.g., ledge height). Information gleaned from the initial marine debris characterization was used to devise a strategy for prioritizing cleanup and monitoring efforts. However, a significant gap in knowledge was the rate of debris accumulation. The primary objective of this study was to select, mark, and perform initial marine debris surveys at permanent monitoring sites within GRNMS to quantify long-term trends in types, abundance, impacts, and accumulation rates of debris. Ledge sites were selected to compare types, abundance, and accumulation rates of marine debris between a) areas of high and low use and b) short and tall ledges. Nine permanent monitoring sites were marked and initially surveyed in 2007/2008. Surveys were conducted within a 50 x 4 m transect for a total survey area of 200 square meters. All debris was removed and detailed information was taken on the types of debris, quantity, and associations with benthic fauna. Information on associations with benthic fauna included degree of entanglement, type of organism with which it is entangled or resting on, degree of fouling, and visible impacts such as tissue abrasions. Sites were re-surveyed approximately one year later to quantify new accumulation. During the initial survey, a total of ten debris items, totaling 16.3 kg in weight, were removed from two monitoring stations, both “tall” sites within the area of high boat use. Year-one accumulation totaled five items and approximately 7 kg in weight. Similar to the initial survey, all debris was found at sites in the area of high boat use. However, in contrast to the initial survey, two of these items were found on medium-height ledges. Removed items included fishing line, leaders, rope, plastic, and fabric. Although items were often encrusted in benthic biota or entangled on the ledge, impacts such as abrasions or other injuries were not observed. During the 2009 monitoring efforts, volunteer divers were trained to conduct the survey. Monitoring protocols were documented for GRNMS staff and included as an appendix of this report to enable long-term monitoring of sites. Additionally, national reconnaissance data (e.g. satellite, radar, aerial surveys) and other information on known fishing locations were examined for patterns of resource use and correlations with debris occurrence patterns. A previous model predicting the density of marine debris based on ledge features and boat use was refined and the results were used to generate a map of predicted debris density for all ledges.


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Studies on nutrient utilisation and growth of rohu (Labeo rohita) fingerlings (3.13-4.09 g) raised on seven feeding schedules under laboratory conditions (26.3-33.5°C) showed that two days regular feeding on Diet B (high protein, 38.90%) resulted in maximum growth and protein retention efficiency. While regular feeding on low protein diet (Diet A) resulted in poor nutrient utilisation and growth of fish, high protein diet (Diet B) did not show any significant difference in growth from the mixed 2A-3B schedules but exhibited comparatively low protein retention efficiency. The other feeding schedules were 1A-2B, 1A-3B, 2A-2B and 2A-4B, where the numerical value refers to the number of days for continuous feeding of a particular diet. The diets A and B served as the controls which contained 3.40 and 3.67 kcal/g gross energy respectively. The 2A-3B feeding schedule was also found to be highly economic as an expenditure of Rs.11/- only was required for raising the body weight by one kilo as against Rs.17/- with high protein diet (Diet B) as calculated


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An experiment was conducted to assess the performance of mola (Amblyphmyngodon mola) in rice fish culture system with freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii), Thai silver barb (Bbades ganianotus) and common carp (Cyprinus cmpia) for a period of 4 months at the Agronomy Field Laboratory, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. Four treatments viz., treatment-I (T1) with A. mala and M. rosenbergii; treatmen t-II (T2) with A. mala, M. rosenbergii and B. gonianatus ; treatmentIII (T3) with A. mala, 1Vf. rosenbergii and C. cmpia, and treatment- IV (T4) as control (without fish) were used in triplicate. All treatments were equally fertilized with urea (200 kg/ha), TSP (150 kg/ha) and MP (75 kg/ha). The mean values of water quality parameters viz., temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, nitrate-nitrogen showed a very small variations among different treatments, but phosphate-phosphorus and chlorophyll-a were relatively higher in T4 without fish (i.e., control). The fish production of 480.5 kg/ha in T3 was significantly higher than that of 355.6 kg/ha T2 and 223.8 kg/ha in T 1• The values of soil organic matter, total-nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium at harvest were significantly (P<0.05) higher in the treatments with fish than without fish, but pH did not show any significant differences. The yield of rice grain and straw was also obtained significantly (P<0.05) higher in the treatments with fish. The increase in grain was higher over the control by 11.81%, 9.41% and 14.76% and that in straw was by 9.83%, 4.77% and 13.29% in Tl> T2, and T3 respectively.


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The parameters a and b of the length-weight relationship of Sepia pharaonis of the form of W=a.L was determined. Sex separated size fequency data collected from Karachi fish Harbour was analysed the length-weight equations, separable by male, female and sex combined. The apparent difference in paired values of exponents b1, b2 for any combination i.e. male versus female and male, female versus sex combined was tested for their significant difference. No significant difference was observed for any combination, this indicated no sex specific variation in length-weigh relationship of Sepia pharaonis.


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The evolutionary process of converting low-lying paddy fields into fish farms and its impact on agrarian communities in some selected areas of Mymensingh district were studied. This study was conducted through participatory rural appraisal (PRA) covering 12 villages from each of selected upazillas viz. Fulpur and Haluaghat of Mymensing [sic] district. A total of 12 PRA sessions were conducted where 90 farmers participated during 29 July to 26 August 2004. It is seen that the use of low-lying paddy fields was mostly confined to Broadcast Aman (B. Aman) rice production until 1960s. With the introduction of modern rice farming technology, the farmers started to produce Boro rice in Rabi season and B. Aman rice in Kharif season. With the passage of time, aquaculture technologies have been evolved and the farmers realized that fish farming is more profitable than rice cultivation, and then they started to utilize their paddy fields for alternate rice-fish farming and rice-cum-fish farming. Now a days, aquaculture based crop production system is in practice in more than 25% of the low-lying paddy fields. Conversion of rice fields in to fish ponds has brought up a change in the livelihood patterns of the rural farmers. The areas where the farmers involved themselves in the new production systems were fingerling collection, transportation and marketing of fry and fingerlings. During 1960s to 1970s, a few people used to culture fish in the permanent ponds for their own consumption, the species produced were rohu, catla, mrigal, ghainna, long whiskered catfish, freshwater shark (boal), snake head (shol) etc. Small fishes like climbing perch, stinging catfish, walking catfish, barb, minnows etc. were available in the rice fields during monsoon season. In 1980s to mid 1990s, some rice fields were converted into fish ponds and the people started to produce fish for commercial purposes. When rice-fish farming became profitable, a large number of people started converting their rice fields in to rice-fish culture ponds. Culture of some exotic fishes like silver carp, tilapia, grass carp, silver barb etc. also started in the paddy fields. Higher income from fish farming contributed positively in improving the housing, sanitation and education system in the study areas. It is seen that the medium and medium high lands were only used for alternate rice fish farming. The net income was high in any fish based cropping system that motivated the farmers to introduce fish based cropping system in the low-lying inland areas. As a result, the regional as well as communal income disparities occurred. However, the extraction of ground water became common during the dry period as the water was used for both rice and fish farming. Mass conversion of paddy fields into rice-fish culture ponds caused water logging in the study areas. In most cases, the participated farmers mentioned that they could be easily benefited by producing fish with T. Aman or only fish during the monsoon season. They agreed that this was an impressive technology to them and they could generate employment opportunities throughout the year. Finally, the social, economic and technical problems which are acting as constraints to rapid expansion of fish production system were reported from the interviewee.


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An antiserum was raised in a rabbit against 0 panel red cells of mackerel. The erythrocytes of oil sardine and mackerel were tested against human blood typing sera anti A and B and also the test serum of rabbit which revealed the presence of antigens A and B. In addition, an antigen common to both the fishes and human A, B and 0 panel red cells was noted but not identifiable. The blood group B did not manifest itself clearly either in oil sardine or mackerel. The blood groups A, AB and 0 indicated the existence of genetically different groups of oil sardine and mackerel. Isoagglutinin tests revealed the presence of a reciprocal relationship with antigens A and B in both these fishes.


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Oil sardine blood tests against human typing sera indicated A-positive, A-negative and B-negative. The blood of mackerel is antigenically negative both for A and B. Electrophoretic studies on serum proteins revealed the existence of genetica1ly different groups of oil sardine and mackerel on the south-west coast of India.


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The study showed that less initial moisture with high salt content will be the best condition for enhanced storage life of dehydrated salt mince. Between sample I (10% salt per meat weight) and sample II (15% salt per meat weight) the latter was comparatively better in colour, odour and longer shelf-life. At room temperature the dehydrated salt mince has not showed any increase in total bacterial count. It is also found that the storage life of the salt mince can be enhanced to a significant extent by lowering the moisture content to below 10% and increasing the salt content to above 30%. Peroxide value, free fatty acid value, total volatile nitrogen and trimethylamine registered gradual increase during storage at room temperature for all the three samples. Among the three samples, the sample treated with 0.1% citric acid and 0.125% butylated hydroxy anisole was comparatively better in appearance and showed less rancidity as indicated by TBA values, up to a period of 15 weeks and thereafter all the three samples were almost similar in storage characteristics. Hence, the treatment with citric acid and B.H.A. has apparently not much significance in improving shelf-life and quality of salted dehydrated fish mince.