102 resultados para invertebrate

em Aquatic Commons


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From the mid-1950's to the mid-1960's a series of quantitative surveys of the macrobenthic invertebrate fauna were conducted in the offshore New England region (Maine to Long Island, New York). The surveys were designed to 1) obtain measures of macrobenthic standing crop expressed in terms of density and biomass; 2) determine the taxonomic composition of the fauna (ca. 567 species); 3) map the general features of macrobenthic distribution; and 4) evaluate the fauna's relationships to water depth, bottom type, temperature range, and sediment organic carbon content. A total of 1,076 samples, ranging from 3 to 3,974 m in depth, were obtained and analyzed. The aggregate macrobenthic fauna consists of 44 major taxonomic groups (phyla, classes, orders). A striking fact is that only five of those groups (belonging to four phyla) account for over 80% of both total biomass and number of individuals of the macrobenthos. The five dominant groups are Bivalvia, Annelida, Amphipoda, Echninoidea, and Holothuroidea. Other salient features pertaining to the macrobenthos of the region are the following: substantial differences in quantity exist among different geographic subareas within the region, but with a general trend that both density and biomass increase from northeast to southwest; both density and biomass decrease with increasing depth; the composition of the bottom sediments significantly influences both the kind and quantity of macrobenthic invertebrates, the largest quantities of both measures of abundance occurring in the coarser grained sediments and diminishing with decreasing particle size; areas with marked seasonal changes in water temperature support an abundant and diverse fauna, whereas a uniform temperature regime is associated with a sparse, less diverse fauna; and no detectable trends are evident in the quantitative composition of the macrobenthos in relation to sediment organic carbon content. (PDF file contains 246 pages.)


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The present study was designed to examine the following: (1) the taxonomic. spatial, and temporal patterns of availability of all invertebrate species associated with Macrocystis (excluding protozoans and nematodes); (2) the utilization of this invertebrate assemblage as food by kelp forest fishes within the Macrocystis "foliage- searching" feeding guild, as well as proximal mechanisms leading to observed patterns of resource partitioning; and (3) the dynamic relationship between availability and utilization of this food resource. The approach was largely descriptive. with observations collected during a 19-month period from June 1975 to December 1976. Chapter I is an investigation of the resource utilization patterns of four species of kelp forest fishes with respect to food-related resource dimensions. and tests aspects of current theory involving inter- and intraspecific competition. Chapter II is a detailed examination of the invertebrate assemblage associated with Macrocystis and presents life histories of the fishes examined during this study. (PDFs contains 387 pages, chapter 1 is 203 pages, chapter 2 is 184 pages)


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Species composition, biomass, density, and diversity of benthic invertebrates from six bard-bottom areas were evaluated. Seasonal collections using a dredge, trawl, and suction and grab samplers yielded 432, 525, and 845 taxa, respectively. Based on collections wltb the different gear types, species composition of invertebrates was found to change bathymetrically. Inner- and mlddle-shelf sites were more similar to each other in terms of invertebrate species composition than they were to outer-shelf sites, regardless of season. Sites on the inner and outer shelf were grouped according to latitude; however, results suggest that depth is apparently a more important determinant of invertebrate species composition than either season or latitude. Sponges generally dominated dredge and trawl collections in terms of biomass. Generally, cnidarians, bryozoans, and sponges dominated at sites In terms of number of taxa collected. The most abundant smaller macrofauna collected in suction and grab samples were polychaetes, amphipods, and mollusks. Densities of the numerically dominant species changed botb seasonally and bathymetrically, with very few of these species restricted to a specific bathymetrlc zone. The high diversity of invertebrates from hard-bottom sites is attributed to the large number of rare species. No consistent seasonal changes in diversity or number of species were noted for individual stations or depth zones. In addition, H and its components showed no definite patterns related to depth or latitude. However, more species were collected at middle-shelf sites than at inner- or outer-shelf sites, which may be related to more stable bottom temperature or greater habitat complexity in that area. (PDF file contains 110 pages.)


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During July and August 1988, 21 ponds and 33 ditch sites were sampled at Swavesey fens in East Anglia. Water from each site was collected and analysed at monthly intervals in the year preceding faunal sampling. Temperature and oxygen were measured on site. The "quality" of the faunal community was assessed by three approaches: a modification of the BMWP scoring system (Biological Monitoring Working Party); faunal richness was calculated as the number of faunal "groups" at each site; and by using Simpson's index of diversity. Statistical analysis was carried out to explore the relationships between sites, environmental variables and faunal diversity. The survey clearly showed the detrimental effects of elevated nitrate and phosphate from agricultural sources and the localised impacts of treated sewage effluent on invertebrates in ditches.


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The zooplankton and macrobenthic communities of Lake Victoria were sampled by lift net and Ponar grab, respectively. The zooplankton comprised copepods and cladocerans, rotifers and aquatic insect larvae. Most taxa exhibited wide distribution in the lake, with the exception of rotifers which were rare in deep offshore waters. The main components in the macro-benthos were chaoborid and chironomid larvae and molluscs. Caridina nilotica (Roux) and other groups were rare in the samples. Zooplankton density ranged from 100000 or more to 4 million ind. m2 and increased from the shallow inshore to deep offshore waters. Numerical dominance of cyclopoids and nauplius larvae was a common feature at all stations sampled. Most macrobenthic taxa were also widely distributed, although chaoborid and chironomid larvae were rare in the samples. Rastrineobola argentea (Pellegrin) and larval Lates niloticus (L.) ate mainly cyclopoid copepods, while cichlids showed a strong preference for adult insects. High ecological stability of the cyclopoids, and the zooplankton community in general, despite radical ecosystem changes in recent years, coupled with what appears to be high predation pressure, offers good prospects for the pelagic fishery in the lake.


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Cow Green is a new reservoir situated in Pennine moorland. It has an area of 312 ha, a capacity of 40 . 9 x 10 SUP-6 m SUP-3 and a maximum depth of 22 . 8 m. The function of the reservoir is to regulate flow in the River Tees to provide industrial Teesside with sufficient water during the dry spells. Invertebrate studies were carried out in the Tees to monitor changes resulting from the construction of the reservoir both in the flooded basin and below the dam. The overall effect of the reservoir on the Tees has been to increase the numbers and biomass of certain taxa, but generally not at the expense of previous fauna. Some of the positive effects, ie. increase in number and biomass, and maintenance of faunal diversity, may in part be attributable to the presence of the rapids and waterfall. Turbulence resulting from this rapid flow over heterogeneous bottom is sufficient to prevent clogging of interstitial spaces by silt and to maintain the variety of ecological niches necessary for a diverse fauna.


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Nearshore marine resources play a significant role in the lives of South Pacific islanders and can be critical to the economies of nations in the region. However, few countries have adequate management controls in place to ensure harvests remain at sustainable levels, and so determining current levels of utilization is far from easy. A lack of information about the volume of both domestic and international trade in marine invertebrates in high demand is a growing concern. Further hindering management and conservation efforts is the little available background biological information to allow for population assessments, according to this new study on the global trade in South Pacific marine invertebrates.


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This is the Report on fisheries invertebrate survey of the Groove Beck, Thornsgill Beck and Troutbeck system produced by the Environment Agency North West in 1997. In 1996 the National Rivers Authority (NRA) report on the 1992 strategic stock assessment for the Upper Derwent catchment Jane Atkins recommended that should subsequent electrofishing show continued low densities, a survey of the invertebrate fauna should be undertaken to assess the food availability for salmonids, in order that lack of food could be ruled out as a contributory factor in their poor breeding success. Additionally the survey looked at the substrate to try to determine whether the bed type might actually be unsuitable for spawning, especially in view of the previously mentioned silt inputs.


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Tullow Oil plc is to launch an onshore Early Production System (EPS) of oil drilling rated at 4,000 barrels of oil per day by 2009. The location of the EPS is in the Kaiso-Tonya area of Block 2 Oil Exploration Zone along Lake Albert within the Albertine graben. Tullow Oil plc contracted Environmental Resources Management (ERM) Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd in conjunction with Environmental Assessment Consult Limited (EACL) to undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for pre-construction and operation of the proposed EPS. ERM in association with EACL requested National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI) to conduct a baseline survey of water quality and invertebrates in River Hohwa. This study was requested as part of an earlier baseline survey conducted at the Kaiso-Ngassa spit oil exploration area in Block 2. It was conducted at five selected sites (Fig. 1 & Table 1) within the Hohwa River basin in the Kaiso-Tonya Exploration Area 2. The study was pertinent because the targeted oil wells for EPS are upstream this river which drains the Kaiso-Ngassa valley into Ngassa lagoon.