135 resultados para inter-laboratory

em Aquatic Commons


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12 samples (6 original samples and 6 diluted samples) were analysed by 14 WEFTA laboratories for their pH values in an inter-laboratory comparison exercise. As a result it can be stated that the majority of participating laboratories could determine the pH values very exactly. The pH values obtained are ranging only little around the calculated mean (less than 0.1 pH unit). It could also be demonstrated that the participating institutes could analyse both, pH values in fishery products and aqueous salt solutions. However, also in this exercise a number of outliers and deviating values have been detected. Therefore it is of utmost importance to calibrate the pH electrodes in regular intervals and to maintain them carefully. Intra-laboratory comparison measurements are recommended to detect weak points.


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English: For nearly a century, fisheries scientists have studied marine fish stocks in an effort to understand how the abundances of fish populations are determined. During the early lives of marine fishes, survival is variable, and the numbers of individuals surviving to transitional stages or recruitment are difficult to predict. The egg, larval, and juvenile stages of marine fishes are characterized by high rates of mortality and growth. Most marine fishes, particularly pelagic species, are highly fecund, produce small eggs and larvae, and feed and grow in complex aquatic ecosystems. The identification of environmental or biological factors that are most important in controlling survival during the early life stages of marine fishes is a potentially powerful tool in stock assessment. Because vital rates (mortality and growth) during the early life stages of marine fishes are high and variable, small changes in those rates can have profound effects on the properties of survivors and recruitment potential (Houde 1989). Understanding and predicting the factors that most strongly influence pre-recruit survival are key goals of fisheries research programs. Spanish: Desde hace casi un siglo, los científicos pesqueros han estudiado las poblaciones de peces marinos en un intento por entender cómo se determina la abundancia de las mismas. Durante la vida temprana de los peces marinos, la supervivencia es variable, y el número de individuos que sobrevive hasta las etapas transicionales o el reclutamiento es difícil de predecir. Las etapas de huevo, larval, y juvenil de los peces marinos son caracterizadas por tasas altas de mortalidad y crecimiento. La mayoría de los peces marinos, particularmente las especies pelágicas, son muy fecundos, producen huevos y larvas pequeños, y se alimentan y crecen en ecosistemas acuáticos complejos. La identificación los factores ambientales o biológicos más importantes en el control de la supervivencia durante las etapas tempranas de vida de los peces marinos es una herramienta potencialmente potente en la evaluación de las poblaciones. Ya que las tasas vitales (mortalidad y crecimiento) durante las etapas tempranas de vida de los peces marinos son altas y variables, cambios pequeños en esas tasas pueden ejercer efectos importantes sobre las propiedades de los supervivientes y el potencial de reclutamiento (Houde 1989). Comprender y predecir los factores que más afectan la supervivencia antes del reclutamiento son objetivos clave de los programas de investigación pesquera.


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English: Food selection of first-feeding yellowfin tuna larvae was studied in the laboratory during October 1992. The larvae were hatched from eggs obtained by natural spawning of yellowfin adults held in sea pens adjacent to Ishigaki Island, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. The larvae were fed mixed-prey assemblages consisting of size-graded wild zooplankton and cultured rotifers. Yellowfin larvae were found to be selective feeders during the first four days of feeding. Copepod nauplii dominated the diet numerically, by frequency of occurrence and by weight. The relative importance of juvenile and adult copepods (mostly cyclopoids) in the diet increased over the 4-day period. Rotifers, although they comprised 31 to 40 percent of the available forage, comprised less than 2.1 percent of the diet numerically. Prey selection indices were calculated taking into account the relative abundances of prey, the swimming speeds of yellowfin larvae and their prey, and the microscale influence of turbulence on encounter rates. Yellowfin selected for copepod nauplii and against rotifers, and consumed juvenile and adult copepods in proportion to their abundances. Yellowfin larvae may select copepod nauplii and cyclopoid juveniles and adults based on the size and discontinuous swimming motion of these prey. Rotifers may not have been selected because they were larger or because they exhibit a smooth swimming pattern. The best initial diet for the culture of yellowfin larvae may be copepod nauplii and cyclopoid juveniles and adults, due to the size, swimming motion, and nutritional content of these prey. If rotifers alone are fed to yellowfin larvae, the rotifers should be enriched with a nutritional supplement that is high in unsaturated fatty acids. Mouth size of yellowfin larvae increases rapidly within the first few days of feeding, which minimizes limitations on feeding due to prey size. Although yellowfin larvae initiate feeding on relatively small prey, they rapidly acquire the ability to add relatively large, rare prey items to the diet. This mode of feeding may be adaptive for the development of yellowfin larvae, which have high metabolic rates and live in warm mixed-layer habitats of the tropical and subtropical Pacific. Our analysis also indicates a strong potential for the influence of microscale turbulence on the feeding success of yellowfin larvae. --- Experiments designed to validate the periodicity of otolith increments and to examine growth rates of yellowfin tuna larvae were conducted at the Japan Sea-Farming Association’s (JASFA) Yaeyama Experimental Station, Ishigaki Island, Japan, in September 1992. Larvae were reared from eggs spawned by captive yellowfin enclosed in a sea pen in the bay adjacent to Yaeyama Station. Results indicate that the first increment is deposited within 12 hours of hatching in the otoliths of yellowfin larvae, and subsequent growth increments are formed dailyollowing the first 24 hours after hatching r larvae up to 16 days of age. Somatic and otolith gwth ras were examined and compared for yolksac a first-feeding larvae reared at constant water tempatures of 26�and 29°C. Despite the more rapid develo of larvae reared at 29°C, growth rates were nnificaifferent between the two treatments. Howeve to poor survival after the first four days, it was ssible to examine growth rates beyond the onset of first feeding, when growth differences may become more apparent. Somatic and otolith growth were also examined for larvae reared at ambient bay water temperatures during the first 24 days after hatching. timates of laboratory growth rates were come to previously reported values for laboratory-reared yelllarvae of a similar age range, but were lower than growth rates reported for field-collected larvae. The discrepancy between laboratory and field growth rates may be associated with suboptimal growth conditions in the laboratory. Spanish: Durante octubre de 1992 se estudió en el laboratorio la seleccalimento por larvaún aleta amarillmera alimentación. Las larvas provinieron de huevos obtenidosel desove natural de aletas amarillas adultos mantenidos en corrales marinos adyacentes a la Isla Ishigaki, Prefectura de Okinawa (Japón). Se alimentó a las larvas con presas mixtas de zooplancton silvestre clasificado por tamaño y rotíferos cultivados. Se descubrió que las larvas de aleta amarilla se alimentan de forma selectiva durante los cuatro primeros días de alimentación. Los nauplios de copépodo predominaron en la dieta en número, por frecuencia de ocurrencia y por peso. La importancia relativa de copépodos juveniles y adultos (principalmente ciclopoides) en la dieta aumentó en el transcurso del período de 4 días. Los rotíferos, pese a que formaban del 31 al 40% del alimento disponible, respondieron de menos del 2,1% de la dieta en número. Se calcularon índices de selección de presas tomando en cuenta la abundancia relativa de las presas, la velocidad de natación de las larvas de aleta amarilla y de sus presas, y la influencia a microescala de la turbulencia sobre las tasas de encuentro. Los aletas amarillas seleccionaron a favor de nauplios de copépodo y en contra de los rotíferos, y consumieron copépodos juveniles y adultos en proporción a su abundancia. Es posible que las larvas de aleta amarilla seleccionen nauplios de copépodo y ciclopoides juveniles y adultos con base en el tamaño y movimiento de natación discontinuo de estas presas. Es posible que no se hayan seleccionado los rotíferos a raíz de su mayor tamaño o su patrón continuo de natación. Es posible que la mejor dieta inicial para el cultivo de larvas de aleta amarilla sea nauplios de copépodo y ciclopoides juveniles y adultos, debido al tamaño, movimiento de natación, y contenido nutritivo de estas presas. Si se alimenta a las larvas de aleta amarilla con rotíferos solamente, se debería enriquecerlos con un suplemento nutritivo rico en ácidos grasos no saturados. El tamaño de la boca de las larvas de aleta amarilla aumenta rápidamente en los primeros pocos días de alimentación, reduciendo la limitación de la alimentación debida al tamaño de la presa. Pese a que las larvas de aleta amarilla inician su alimentación con presas relativamente pequeñas, se hacen rápidamente capaces de añadir presas relativamente grandes y poco comunes a la dieta. Este modo de alimentación podría ser adaptivo para el desarrollo de larvas de aleta amarilla, que tienen tasa metabólicas altas y viven en hábitats cálidos en la capa de mezcla en el Pacífico tropical y subtropical. Nuestro análisis indica también que la influencia de turbulencia a microescala es potencialmente importante para el éxito de la alimentación de las larvas de aleta amarilla. --- En septiembre de 1992 se realizaron en la Estación Experimental Yaeyama de la Japan Sea- Farming Association (JASFA) en la Isla Ishigaki (Japón) experimentos diseñados para validar la periodicidad de los incrementos en los otolitos y para examinar las tasas de crecimiento de las larvas de atún aleta amarilla. Se criaron las larvas de huevos puestos por aletas amarillas cautivos en un corral marino en la bahía adyacente a la Estación Yaeyama. Los resultados indican que el primer incremento es depositado menos de 12 horas después de la eclosión en los otolitos de las larvas de aleta amarilla, y que los incrementos de crecimiento subsiguientes son formados a diario a partir de las primeras 24 horas después de la eclosión en larvas de hasta 16 días de edad. Se examinaron y compararon las tasas de crecimiento somático y de los otolitos en larvas en las etapas de saco vitelino y de primera alimentación criadas en aguas de temperatura constante entre 26°C y 29°C. A pesar del desarrollo más rápido de las larvas criadas a 29°C, las tasas de crecimiento no fueron significativamente diferentes entre los dos tratamientos. Debido a la mala supervivencia a partir de los cuatro primeros días, no fue posibación, uando las diferencias en el crecimiento podrían hacerse más aparentes. Se examinó también el crecimiento somático y de los otolitos para larvas criadas en temperaturas de agua ambiental en la bahía durante los 24 días inmediatamente después de la eclosión. Nuestras estimaciones de las tasas de crecimiento en el laboratorio fueron comparables a valores reportados previamente para larvas de aleta amarilla de edades similares criadas en el laboratorio, pero más bajas que las tasas de crecimiento reportadas para larvas capturadas en el mar. La discrepancia entre las tasas de crecimiento en el laboratorio y el mar podría estar asociada con condiciones subóptimas de crecimiento en el lab


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This project was done for identifying and survey on distribution and diversity of true crabs in inter tidal and sub tidal zones of the Gulf of Oman (Sistan and Baluchistan province) during two year from 2009 to 2010. Specimens of inter tidal zones were carried out at 10 stations and 8 stations from sub tidal. The specimens were collected by hand and dip-net from inter tidal and by trawl net from sub tidal regions, preserved in 70% alcohol and carried to the laboratory. A total of 37 species belonged to 17 families from inter tidal and 23 species belonged to 9 families from sub tidal were identified. Of which 54 species were identified up to species level. 2 species from Matutidae, 1 species from Eriphiidae, Menippidae, Pseudoziidae, Plagusidae, Varunidae, Camptandriidae, Dromiidae and Dorippidae, 2 species from Oziidae, 3 species from Epialtidae, 2 species from Majidae, 4 species from Pilumnidae, 12 species from Portunidae, 6 species from Xanthidae, 2 species from Grapsidae, 3 species from Dotillidae, 3 species from Macrophthalmidae, 3 species from Ocypodidae, 3 species from Calappidae, 2 species from Parthenopidae and 1 species from Galenidae were identified. All specimens are deposited in the Zoological Museum, University of Tehran (ZUTC). The results of the present study revealed that family Portunidae with 6 species from inter tidal and 9 species from sub tidal regions have the highest species richness among the 22 families. Maximum similarity (Sorenson's Index) was obtained among the stations Breis, Lipar, Pozm and Gordim, and minimum was obtained among the stations Chazire-Kharchang with Pasabandar, Beris, Lipar, Daria-Bozorg, Pozm and Gordim in intertidal regions. In sub tidal regions maximum similarity (Sorenson's Index) was obtained among the stations Pasa bandar with Berisand minimum was obtained among the stations Govatr with Ramin and Gordim, Ramin with Pozm. Also maximum species richness was observed at Tiss in inter tidal and Chabahar in sub tidal stations, whereas minimum was obtained at Beris, Pozm, Gordim and Lipar in inter tidal and Govatr and Pozm in sub tidal stations. Family Ocypodidae in inter tidal and Portunidae in sub tidal regions have the highest distribution. In all of the species length and Breadth of carapace showed significant relation.


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The potential of mefluidide (N-(2,4-dimethyl-5[[trifluromethyl) sulfonyl] amino] phenol) acetamide) to act as a submersed aquatic plant growth regulator was evaluated using a laboratory bioassay system. Main stem elongation of hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle) and Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum L.) was effectively reduced by mefluidide at low concentrations. The lowest effective concentration of mefluidide that reduced stem length in Eurasian watermilfoil (100 yg a.i./L) was 5 times lower than that for hydrilla (500 yg a.i./L). Short-term net photosynthetic rates of these plants were not affected by mefluidide at concentrations as high as 1000 yg a.i./L. The minimum exposure time required to maintain an inhibitory effect for at least 28 days at a concentration of 500 yg ai.i./L was 3 to 7 days for Eurasian watermilfoil and 7 to 14 days for hydrilla. The results suggest that mefluidide is a more effective growth regulator for Eurasian watermilfoil than hydrilla. Exogenously applied gibberellic acid (GA) did not completely overcome the inhibitory effect of mefluidide even when GA was added at a high concentration (10-5 M). In addition, the internodal lengths of stems treated with mefluidide were not reduced as they were when treated with gibberellin synthesis inhibitors. The reduction of main stem elongation by mefluidide appeared to be due to the inhibition of new cell and tissue development at the stem tip rather than from inhibition of GA biosynthesis.


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ENGLISH (pgs. 267-283): In the spring of 1963, the senior author, who is a member of the staff of the Nankai Regional Fisheries Research. Laboratory, Fisheries Agency, Japanese Government, came to the Institute of Marine Resources of the University of California as a visiting investigator, bringing with him catch statistical data from the fishery in the eastern Pacific, which had been collected at the Nankai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory (NRFRL) through September 1962, in order to conduct studies of these data in collaboration with the junior author, and with investigators of the InterAmerican Tropical Tuna Commission. A general review of the long-line fishery, based on the catch statistics of the commercial fishing fleet has been published by Suda and Schaefer (1965). In this paper we present an analysis of data respecting the size-composition of yellowfin tuna taken on long-line gear throughout the eastern Pacific between 1958 and 1962, and make some comparisons with data on size-composition of yellowfin tuna taken in the near-surface fishery, by bait boats and purse-seiners, in waters adjacent to the American coast. As has been shown by Suda and Schaefer (1965), the long-line fishery in the eastern Pacific is primarily directed toward the capture of bigeye tuna. However, considerable quantities of yellowfin tuna are also taken on this gear, and, in addition, there are substantial catches of albacore and of several species of spearfishes in some parts of the range of this fishery. Information respecting the catch rates of yellowfin tuna, and information respecting the size-composition of the stock of yellowfin tuna being exploited by the long-line fishery, is of particular interes~" because the yellowfin tuna population of the eastern Pacific is also subject to an intensive fishery by baitboats and purse-seiners which capture this species, together with skipjack, near the surface along the coast of the Americas, and around the outlying islands, in the region of California to northern Chile. SPANISH (pgs. 311-329): En la primavera de 1963, el autor principal, quien es miembro del personal del Nankai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory, Fisheries Agency del gobierno japonés, vino al Institute of Marine Resources de la Universidad de California en calidad de investigador visitante y trajo consigo datos estadísticos de las capturas de la pesquería en el Pacífico oriental, que habían sido recolectados en el Nankai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory (NRFRL) hasta septiembre de 1962, con el fin de hacer estudios de esos datos en colaboración con el coautor y con investigadores de la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical. Una revisión general de la pesquería con palangre, basada sobre las estadísticas de captura de la flota pesquera comercial, ha sido publicada por Suda y Schaefer (1965). En este trabajo presentamos un análisis de los datos correspondientes a la composición de tamaños del atún aleta amarilla capturado con equipo palangrero en todo el Pacífico oriental, entre 1958 y 1962, y hacemos algunas comparaciones con los datos sobre la composición de tamaños del atún aleta amarilla cogido en la pesquería superficial cercana, por barcos de carnada y rederos en aguas adyacentes a la costa americana. Como ha sido demostrado por Suda y Schaefer (1965) la pesquería con palangre en el Pacífico oriental tiene como principal objeto la captura del atún ojo grande. Sin embargo, considerables cantidades de atún aleta amarilla son capturadas también por este equipo y, además, hay también considerables capturas de albacora y de diversas especies de peces-espada en algunas partes de la región que abarca esta pesquería. La información respecto a las tasas de captura del atún aleta amarilla, y la relativa a la composición de tamaños del stock de esta especie que explota la pesquería con palangre, es de particular interés, a causa de que la población de atún aleta amarilla del Pacífico oriental es también objeto de una pesca intensiva por barcos de carnada y rederos que capturan esta especie, junto con el barrilete, cerca de la superficie a 10 largo de la costa de las Américas y alrededor de las islas mar afuera, en la región desde California hasta el norte de Chile.


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The Scientific Forum on the Gulf of Mexico: The Islands in the Stream Concept took place in January 2008 in Sarasota, Florida. The purpose of the meeting was to bring together scientists and managers from around the Gulf of Mexico to discuss a range of topics on our knowledge of the Gulf of Mexico, from its geology to larger-scale connectivity to the Caribbean region, and their applications to the concept of a more integrated approach to area-based management. The forum included six panels of invited experts who spoke on the oceanographic and biological features in the Gulf of Mexico, including connections with Mexico and the Mesoamerican barrier reef system, and the legal and regulatory structure currently in place. The charge to the group was to share information, identify gaps in our knowledge, identify additional potential areas for protection, and discuss available science about connectivity and the potential value of establishing a marine protected area network in the Gulf of Mexico. (PDF has 108 pages.)


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A basic analysis of sources, dates, authors for an Environmental Science Laboratory based at waters edge. (22 powerpoint slides)


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Larval kelp (Sebastes atrovirens), brown (S. auriculatus), and blackand-yellow (S. chrysomelas) rockfish were reared from known adults, to preflexion stage, nine days after birth for S. chrysomelas, to late postflexion stage for S. atrovirens, and to pelagic juvenile stage for S. auriculatus. Larval S. atrovirens and S. chrysomelas were about 4.6 mm body length (BL) and S. auriculatus about 5.2 mm BL at birth. Both S. atrovirens and S. auriculatus underwent notochord flexion at about 6–9 mm BL. Sebastes atrovirens transform to the pelagic juvenile stage at about 14–16 mm BL and S. auriculatus transformed at ca. 25 mm BL. Early larvae of all three species were characterized by melanistic pigment dorsally on the head, on the gut, on most of the ventral margin of the tail, and in a long series on the dorsal margin of the tail. Larval S. atrovirens and S. auriculatus developed a posterior bar on the tail during the flexion or postflexion stage. In S. atrovirens xanthic pigment resembled the melanistic pattern throughout larval development. Larval S. auriculatus lacked xanthophores except on the head until late preflexion stage, when a pattern much like the melanophore pattern gradually developed. Larval S. chrysomelas had extensive xanthic pigmentation dorsally, but none ventrally, in preflexion stage. All members of the Sebastes subgenus Pteropodus (S. atrovirens, S. auriculatus, S. carnatus, S. caurinus, S. chrysomelas, S. dalli, S. maliger, S. nebulosus, S. rastrelliger) are morphologically similar and all share the basic melanistic pigment pattern described here. Although the three species reared in this study can be distinguished on the basis of xanthic pigmentation, it seems unlikely that it will be possible to reliably identify field-collected larvae to species using traditional morphological and melanistic pigmentation characters. (PDF file contains 36 pages.)


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ENGLISH: The anchoveta, Cetengraulis mysticetus (Günther), is an important bait fish used to capture tunas in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean. Contributions to the early life history of this species in the Gulf of Panama were made by Simpson (1959), who was able to identify deductively the planktonic egg of the anchoveta from 10 other anchovy eggs concurrently present. He also reared these planktonic eggs in the laboratory and described the resultant larvae to the age of 48 hours after hatching. Because of the lack of differences among the anchovy larvae, this description does not permit the identification of anchoveta larvae from those of other engraulid species. Furthermore, while adult specimens are easily recognized, up to the present it has not been possible to extend the identification of the juvenile anchoveta to specimens smaller than about 25 mm. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to identify anchoveta from the time of hatching to about 25 mm. SPANISH: La anchoveta, Cetengraulis mysticetus (Günther), es un importante pez de carnada que se emplea en la captura de los atunes en el Océano Pacífico Oriental Tropical. Simpson (1959) logró identificar deductivamente el huevo planctónico de la anchoveta al separarlo de otros diez huevos de anchoas que se encuentran al mismo tiempo, contribuyendo de esta manera a conocer los primeros estados de la historia natural de esta especie en el Golfo de Panamá. El también estableció un criadero en el laboratorio con estos huevos planctónicos y describió las larvas resultantes hasta la edad de 48 horas después de la eclosión. Debido a que no hay diferencias entre las larvas de las anchoas, esta descripción no permite identificar las larvas de la anchoveta de las otras especies de engráulidos. Más aun, a pesar de que los especímenes adultos son fácilmente reconocibles, hasta ahora no ha sido posible identificar la anchoveta juvenil de menos de unos 25 mm. Consecuentemente, el propósito del presente estudio ha sido el de identificar al anchoveta desde el momento de la eclosión hasta que tiene unos 25 mm.


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ENGLISH: Comparison of physical and biological environmental factors affecting the aggregation of tunas with the success of fishing by the commercial fleets, requires that catch and effort data be examined in greater detail than has been presented in these publications. Consequently, the United States Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, San Diego, to serve the needs of its program of research on causes of variations in tuna abundance, made arrangements with the Tuna Commission to summarize these catch and effort data by month, by one-degree area, by fishing vessel size-class, for the years 1951-1960 for bait boats and 1953-1960 for purse-seiners. The present paper describes the techniques employed in summarizing these data by automatic data processing methods. It also presents the catch and effort information by months, by five-degree areas and certain combinations of five-degree areas for use by fishermen, industry personnel, and research agencies. Because of space limitations and other considerations, the one-degree tabulations are not included but are available at the Tuna Commission and Bureau laboratories. SPANISH: La comparación de los factores ambientales físicos y biológicos que afectan la agrupación del atún, con el éxito obtenido en la pesca por las flotas comerciales, requiere que los datos sobre la captura y el esfuerzo sean examinados con mayor detalle de lo que han sido presentados en estas publicaciones. En consecuencia, el Laboratorio Biológico del Buró de Pesquerías Comerciales de los Estados Unidos, situado en San Diego, a fin de llenar los requisitos de su programa de investigación sobre las causas de las variaciones en la abundancia del atún, hizo arreglos con la Comisión del Atún para sumarizar esos datos sobre la captura y el esfuerzo por meses, por áreas de un grado, por clases de tamaño de las embarcaciones de pesca durante los años 1951-1960 en lo que concierne a los barcos de carnada y durante el período 1953-1960 en lo que respecta a los barcos rederos. El presente trabajo describe la técnica empleada en la sumarización de dichos datos mediante métodos automáticos de manejo de datos. También se da aquí la información sobre la captura y el esfuerzo por meses, por áreas de cinco grados y ciertas combinaciones de áreas de cinco grados para el uso de los pescadores, del personal de la industria y de las oficinas de investigación. Por falta de espacio y otras razones, las tabulaciones de las áreas de un grado no han sido incluídos en este trabajo, pero están a la disposición de quien tenga interés en los laboratorios de la Comisión del Atún y del Buró.


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ENGLISH: Between 1 October and 17 December 1955 investigations of the physical, chemical and biological oceanography of the Eastern Pacific Ocean in a region bounded approximately by 30° N. latitude, 9° S. latitude, 120° W. longitude and the mainland coast were conducted from the vessels Horizon and Spencer F. Baird of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography of the University of California. These were part of a cooperative operation, designated for convenience by the code name "Eastropic," in which a vessel of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service worked, during this same period, further west and a vessel of the Peruvian Navy worked further south, offshore from Peru. A vessel of the California State Fisheries Laboratory also conducted certain sub-surface tuna fishing operations and other studies in the same general region as the Scripps vessels. In addition to carrying out a number of special studies related to particular oceanographic features, the Scripps vessels occupied a considerable number of hydrographic stations. The locations of these stations, at each of which were made net-hauls for zooplankton, are shown in Figure 4 and Tables 2 and 3. At some of the hydrographic stations, and in Some places between stations, there were made from the Spencer F. Baird measurements of chlorophyll "a" and of primary production (by the C14 technique), both in situ and in a shipboard incubator. The purpose of this paper is to report on the results of these biological observations. SPANISH: Entre el 1° de octubre y el 17 de diciembre de 1955, a bordo de los barcos Horizon y Spencer F. Baird) de la Institución Scripps de Oceanografía de la Universidad de California, se hicieron investigaciones sobre la oceanografía física, química y biológica del Océano Pacífico Oriental, en una región limitada aproximadamente por los 30° N. de latitud, 9° S. de latitud, 120° O. de longitud y la costa continental. Estas investigaciones fueron parte de una operación que se realizó cooperativamente y a la que se convino darle el nombre codificado de "Eastropic". En ella, durante el mismo período, una embarcación del Servicio de Pesca y Vida Silvestre de los Estados Unidos (U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service) trabajó más hacia el oeste, y un barco de la armada peruana más hacia el sur, frente a la costa del Perú. También colaboró una nave del Laboratorio de Pesquerías del Estado de California (California State Fisheries Laboratory), realizando algunas operaciones de pesca de atún en aguas subsuperficiales, y otros estudios en la misma región general que recorrieron las embarcaciones de Scripps. Además de efectuar estudios especiales relacionados con las caracteristicas oceanográficas particulares de la región, las naves de Scripps establecieron un buen número de estaciones hidrográficas. La localización de estas estaciones se indica en la Figura 4 y en las Tablas 2 y 3; en cada una de ellas se hicieron rastreos con redes planctónicas para recoger muestras de zooplancton. En algunas de las estaciones hidrográficas, así como en algunos lugares entre estaciones, en el Spencer F. Baird se hicieron mediciones de la clorofila "a" y de la producción primaria (mediante la técnica del C14), tanto in situ como en una incubadora instalada a bordo. El propósito del presente trabajo es dar a conocer los resultados de estas observaciones biológicas. (PDF contains 44 pages.)


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This laboratory guide presents taxonomic information on eggs and larvae of fishes of the Northeast Pacific Ocean (north of California) and the eastern Bering Sea. Included are early-life-history series, illustrations, and comparative descriptions of 232 species expected to spawn here, out of a total 627 species known to occur in marine waters of this area. Meristic and general life-history data are included, as well as diagnostic characters to help identify eggs and larvae. Most of this information has been gleaned from literature, with the addition of 200 previously unpublished illustrations. (PDF file contains 654 pages.)


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ENGLISH: EASTROPIC Expedition was a cooperative oceanographic study of the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean conducted during the period 2 October through 16 December 1955. The five participating agencies and the ships they operated were: Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), Spencer F. Baird and Horizon; Pacific Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (POFI) of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, now Honolulu Biological Laboratory (HBL) of the U. S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Hugh M. Smith; California Department of Fish and Game, N. B. Scofield; the Peruvian Navy, Bondu; and the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission which operated no vessels but supplied equipment and personnel. In addition to these planned participations in EASTROPIC Expedition, valuable information was provided by CCOFI Cruise 5512 of the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations, conducted during the period 29 November -16 December 1955 with the two vessels Stranger and Black Douglas. While the observational programs of most of the agencies involved, in part, special hydrographic-biological studies of known features and processes in the region (see reports listed under Data Sources) the deployment of ships and therefore of observations was sufficient that EASTROPIC Expedition could be considered a survey of the eastern tropical Pacific. This report is concerned with that aspect of the Expedition and is a presentation in atlas form of most of the hydrographic data collected. For reasons given below, emphasis has been placed on the upper 300 m of the water column. SPANISH: La Expedición EASTROPIC es un estudio oceanográfico cooperativo del Océano Pacífico Oriental Tropical llevado a cabo durante el período del 2 de octubre al 16 de dícíembre de 1955. Las cinco agencias participantes y los barcos operados por ellas son los siguientes: Scrípps Instítutíon of Oceanography (SIO) , Spencer F. Baird y Horizon; Pacific Oceanic Fisheries Investigatíons (PO'FI) del U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, ahora Honolulu Biological Laboratory (BHL) del U. S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Hugh M. Smith; California Department of Fish and Game, N. B. Scofield; la Marina Peruana, Bondu; y la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical que no dirigió ningún barco pero proporcionó equipo y personal. Además de estas participaciones planeadas en la Expedición EASTROPIC, fué suministrada información de valor por el Crucero CCOFI 5512 del California Cooperative Fisheries Investigatíons, llevado a cabo durante el período del 29 de noviembre al 16 de diciembre de 1955 con los barcos Stranger y Black Douglas. Aunque los programas de observación de la mayoría de las agencias, comprendieron en parte estudios especiales hidrográficos y biológicos de las características y de los procesos conocidos de la región (véase los informes indicados bajo Fuente de Datos), el despliegue de los barcos, y por lo tanto, de las observaciones, fué suficiente para que la Expedición EASTROPIC pudiera ser considerada como una encuesta del Pacífico Oriental Tropical. Este informe se refiere a este aspecto de la Expedición y es una presentación, en forma de un atlas, de la mayoría de los datos hidrográficos recolectados. Por las razones que se dan a continuación, se le dió énfasis a los 300 m., superiores de la columna de agua. (PDF contains 136 pages.)