1 resultado para human environment
em Aquatic Commons
Over the years, degradation of the lakeshore resources has been going on due to human induced activities. Human activities notably house construction, fish smoking, boat construction and cooking at the landings impact the tree and forest cover along the lakeshore and Islands. The survey was conducted in ten districts surrounding Lake Victoria and the landings sampled were selected with the help of the District Fisheries Officers. Data was obtained from selected fishermen and Key informants at these landing sites. The study examined the extent of knowledge on importance, utilization, threats and conservation of trees/forests at the landings. Results showed that the fishers (98%) were aware of the benefits derived from the trees/forests. According to the respondents, the most commonly used tree species for boat construction were Mvule (40%), Mkibu (20%), Musizi (17%) and Mpewere (11 %). This was mainly because these trees were durable. For house construction, Nsambya (25%), Musizi (24%) and other materials (12%) were the most commonly used. For other activities like fish smoking and cooking at the landing, the Fisherfolk used any type of tree species readily available at the landings. As regards the status of the trees at the landings, most of the respondents (72%) J agreed that due to some fishery related activities some tree species had reduced more than others in the vicinity of most landings. Most respondents said that the, most reduced tree species around the landings were Mvule (36%) and Musizi (22%). Among the fishery related activities that had a significant impact on the trees/forests, construction of houses (44%) and boats (22%) emerged uppermost. Other activities such as fish smoking (14%) and cooking (12%) had the least impact on trees/forests. Generally, there was extensive reduction of trees at the landings. Therefore there was need to regulate cutting of trees and to have specific programmes targeting afforestation at and around fish landings.