14 resultados para heat tolerance

em Aquatic Commons


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This study documents the relative tolerance of the common, weedy mat-forming green algae Hydrodictyon , Oedogonium , Pithophora , Rhizoclonium , and Spirogyra to copper. In addition, the copper tolerance of the cyanobacterial (blue-green algal) mat-forming Oscillatoria was assessed.


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Changes in sustainability of aquatic ecosystems are likely to be brought about by the global warming that has been widely predicted. In this article, the effects of water temperature on water-bodies (lakes, oceans and rivers) are reviewed followed by the effects of temperature on aquatic organisms. Almost all aquatic organisms require exogenous heat before they can metabolise efficiently. An organism that is adapted to warm temperatures will have a higher rate of metabolism of food organisms and this increases feeding rate. In addition, an increase in temperature raises the metabolism of food organisms, so food quality can be altered. Where populations have a different tolerance to temperature the result is habitat partitioning. One effect of prolonged high temperature is that it causes water to evaporate readily. In the marine littoral this is not an important problem as tides will replenish water in pools. Small rain pools are found in many tropical countries during the rainy season and these become incompletely dried at intervals. The biota of such pools must have resistant stages within the life cycle that enable them to cope with periods of drying. The most important potential effects of global warming include (i) the alteration of existing coastlines, (ii) the development of more deserts on some land masses, (iii) higher productivity producing higher crop production but a greater threat of algal blooms and (iv) the processing of organic matter at surface microlayers.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): The data of this paper differ from the Jones and Bradley papers [of 1982-1986] in that it represents an attempt to select thermal pollution free records rather than to include all available records. The specific long-term trends that this paper is trying to avoid are those illustrated by the heat islands of fast growing urban locations. One other major difference in this paper is that all of the records reported of this study are complete for the entire study period.


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Coral bleaching is a significant contributor to the worldwide degradation of coral reefs and is indicative of the termination of symbiosis between the coral host and its symbiotic algae (dinoflagellate; Symbiodinium sp. complex), usually by expulsion or xenophagy (symbiophagy) of its dinoflagellates. Herein, we provide evidence that during the earliest stages of environmentally induced bleaching, heat stress and light stress generate distinctly different pathomorphological changes in the chloroplasts, while a combined heat- and light-stress exposure induces both pathomorphologies; suggesting that these stressors act on the dinoflagellate by different mechanisms. Within the first 48 hours of a heat stress (32°C) under low-light conditions, heat stress induced decomposition of thylakoid structures before observation of extensive oxidative damage; thus it is the disorganization of the thylakoids that creates the conditions allowing photo-oxidative-stress. Conversely, during the first 48 hours of a light stress (2007 µmoles m−2 s−1 PAR) at 25°C, condensation or fusion of multiple thylakoid lamellae occurred coincidently with levels of oxidative damage products, implying that photo-oxidative stress causes the structural membrane damage within the chloroplasts. Exposure to combined heat- and light-stresses induced both pathomorphologies, confirming that these stressors acted on the dinoflagellate via different mechanisms. Within 72 hours of exposure to heat and/or light stresses, homeostatic processes (e.g., heat-shock protein and anti-oxidant enzyme response) were evident in the remaining intact dinoflagellates, regardless of the initiating stressor. Understanding the sequence of events during bleaching when triggered by different environmental stressors is important for predicting both severity and consequences of coral bleaching


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This paper summarizes progress in an ongoing study of California's temperature trends. It supplements studies reported at PACLIM in 1984, 1986, and 1987. ... Objectives of this study are twofold: to examine and map the trends in maximum and minimum temperatures for the warm and cool seasons separately, and to examine regional differences in maximum and minimum temperature trends in California.


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A total of sixteen bacterial species were isolated from mangrove soils of Karachi, Pakistan. Twelve of the isolates were gram positive while four were gram negative. All sixteen species showed resistance to high concentration of streptomycin, however, resistance to chloramphenicol and tetracycline was variable. The isolates tolerated up to 110‰ salinity and accumulated sodium form the media.


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In this study heat budget components and momentum flux for August and January 1992 over the north Arabian Sea are computed. The marine meteorological data measured on board during the cruises of PAK-US joint project (NASEER) are used for the computation. Significant differences were found in the heat budget components as well as in the momentum flux during different monsoon periods over the north Arabian Sea. The latent heat flux was always positive and attributed to the large vapour pressure gradient. The computed moisture and latent heat fluxes in January were higher than August The highest value of latent heat flux 309 W/m2 at station 8 was evaluated. These higher latent heat fluxes were due to the large vapour pressure gradient, air-sea temperature difference, the wind speed, and the prevailing wind direction (from north and northeast). Negative values of sensible heat fluxes in both seasons indicate that the heat transfer was from the atmosphere to the ocean. The negative values of net heat gain indicate that the sea surface field became an energy sink: or the sea surface supplied more energy to the atmosphere than it received from it. Large variation in the momentum flux mainly attributed to the variation in the wind speed. Aerial averages of heat and momentum fluxes were also computed.


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An experiment was conducted to optimize the procedure of gynogenesis in African catfish, Clarias gariepinus by suppressing meiotic and mitotic cell divisions in fertilized eggs. Gynogensis was conducted by fertilizing normal eggs with UV-irradiated sperm followed by either heat or cold shocking Irradiation of spermatozoa was given for a duration of 1 min and the eggs were fertilized in vitro. Cold shock at a temperature of 3± 1°C for a duration of 30 and 60 min and heat shock at a temperature of 39± 1°C for a duration of 1 and 2 min was applied to induce diploidy. Higher percentage of hatching (68.66) was observed for meiotic gynogens at a shock temperature of 39± 1°C for a duration of 1 min, 5 min after fertilization (af). Higher percentage of mitotic gynogenetic induction (15.33) was observed at a temperature shock of 39± 1°C for a duration of 1 min, 30 min af.


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Salt tolerance of selected cultures of Pseudomonas, Moraxella, Vibrio, Micrococcus, Acinetobacter and Flavobacteria/ Cytophaga was determined. More than 80% of the cultures belonging to each of the above genera, were capable of growth in presence of 1.5 to 3.5% salt (NaCl) and at least 25 to 30% of the cultures in each group required 1.5 to 3.5% salt for growth. 40% each of Pseudomonas and Vibrio strains and 30% each of Moraxella, Micrococcus and Flavobacteria/Cytophaga strains tolerated 10% salt. Majority of the cultures belonging to the genera Pseudomonas, Vibrio, Moraxella, Micrococcus, Acinetobacter and Flavobacteria/Cytophaga were slightly halophilic (2 to 5% salt tolerant), about 25% especially of Micrococcus spp. moderately halophilic (5 to 20% salt tolerant) and none from Pseudomonas, Vibrio, Moraxella, Acinetobacter and Flavobacteria/Cytophaga spp. extremely halophilic (20 to 32% salt tolerant).


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Copper is used to deter the growth of bacterial, fungal and protozoan disease organism in fishes. Zoeae (Z SUB-1 ), myses (M SUB-1 ) and postlarvae (P SUB-1 ) were exposed to copper sulfate at concentrations of 0 . 025, 0 . 05, 0 . 75, 0 . 1 and 0 . 2 ppm from 24 to 96 hours. The number of surviving larvae were counted at the end of each 24-hour period and the percentage of survival is determined for each dose level. The LC SUB-50 for each of the larval stages was interpolated from the data whenever possible. Three trials with 2 replicates per trial were conducted. The physico-chemical characteristics of the bath taken before and at the end of the experimental period show insignificant differences between initial and final values in each trial. Results indicate that mortality rates of all larval stages increased with exposure time and that mortality rates of the experimental group is higher than the control. Interpolation of the LC SUB-50 is possible only for the 48-h and 72-h exposure times for both zoeae and myses and for the 48-h exposure time for the postlarvae. This is due to the high survival percentage of the 24-h group and the low survival percentage (below 50%) of the larvae exposed for 96 hours. The 48-hour LC SUB-50 for Z SUB-1 , M SUB-1 and P SUB-1 are 0 . 225, 0 . 350 and 0 . 125 ppm respectively. Postlarvae seem to be more sensitive than either of the 2 larval stages having a lower 48-h LC SUB-50 and a low survival rate after 72 hours. The larvae were observed to lose their balance and were lethargic, producing few swimming movements so that they were mostly confined to the bottom of the aquaria. Moribund larvae observed under the microscope had a faster but weak heartbeat compared to healthy larvae. Slight or complete loss of feeding ability indicated by empty guts and delayed molting of Z SUB-1 to Z SUB-2 were also noted.


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An examination was made of the rate of penetration of heat into fish sausage during processing at 115.6°C. Findings showed processing for 24 minutes to bring about complete destruction of Clostridium botulinum. A processing time of 30 minutes destroys almost all spoilage-causing organisms, thus prolonging the shelf life of the products.


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Four size groups of milkfish were tested, 4-18 g, 20-34 g, 35-95 g and 200-300 g. A number of fish from each group were placed separately in identical 1.2 m2 wooden tanks containing seawater filled up to 30 cm depth. The aggregate weight of fish per size group was approximately 1 kg. The fish were held for 72 h, fed with lab-lab and provided with continuous aeration to allow recovery from stress during transport and handling. After the recovery period, aeration was stopped and 200 g of the fine rice bran was spread over the water in each tank creating a film of bran particles on the water surface. This was designed to speed up depletion of dissolved oxygen considering the combined effects of the screening-off of sunlight, the reduction of air-water interface and the breakdown of the bran particles. It is probable that stress on milkfish in brackishwater ponds could start when oxygen level drops to about 1.4 ppm. A further decrease to 0.04 ppm could produce a total kill of all specimens above 4 grams with marketable size and bigger size fish dying first.


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The authors have attempted to compute the heat balance terms on the basis of formulas by Budyoko (1974). Some of the meteorological and oceanographic data were collected during the Trans Antarctic Expedition (1989-90). These data were supplemented by the data (1956-1988) made available by the national climatic center of NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). Monthly means of sea surface temperature in Antarctic waters and meteorological data at a station (77°51'S; 166°39'E) 33m above sea level are given.