7 resultados para ghrelin gene

em Aquatic Commons


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As the atmospheric levels of CO2 rise from human activity, the carbonic acid levels of the ocean increase, causing ocean acidification. This increase in acidity breaks down the calcified bodies that many marine organisms depend upon. Upwelling regions such as Monterey Bay in California have pH levels that are not expected to reach the open ocean for a few decades. This study reviews one of the common intertidal animals of the California coast, the Owl Limpet Lottia gigantea, and its genetic variation of the plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase (PMCA) in relation to the acidity of its environment. The PMCA protein functions in the calcification process of many organisms. Specifically in limpets, this gene functions to form its protective shell. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were found among five sections of the gene to determine variation between the acidic environment population in Monterey, California and the non-acidic environment population in Santa Barbara, California. While some variation was determined, the Monterey Bay and Santa Barbara Lottia gigantea populations are not significantly distinct at the PMCA gene. Sections B, C, and D were found to be linked. Only one location in Section B was found to have an amino acid change within an exon. Section A has the strongest connection to the sampling location. Monterey individuals were seen to be more genetically recognizable, while Santa Barbara individuals showed slightly more variation. Understanding the trends of ocean acidification, upwelling region activities, and population genetics will assist in determining how the ocean environment will behave in the future.


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Molecular-based approaches for shark species identification have been driven largely by issues specific to the fishery. In an effort to establish a more comprehensive identification data set, we investigated DNA sequence variation of a 1.4-kb region from the mitochondrial genome covering partial sequences from the 12S rDNA, 16S rDNA, and the complete valine tRNA from 35 shark species from the Atlantic fishery. Generally, within-species variability was low in relation to interspecific divergence because species haloptypes formed monophyletic groups. Phylogenetic analyses resolved ordinal relationships among Carcharhiniformes and Lamniformes, and revealed support for the families Sphyrnidae and Triakidae (within Carcharhiniformes) and Lamnidae and Alopidae (within Lamniformes). The combination of limited intraspecific variability and sufficient between-species divergence indicates that this locus is suitable for species identification.


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Benni (Barbus sharpeyi) is valuable fish that Khuzastan fisheries office propagated it artificially in Susangerd Fish Propagation Center every year. Pituitary gland is used for this aim but female fish lost their fertilization power after 2-3 years, so in present research, new hormone, that is called Ghrelin. The aims of this research are histology, hormonal, zygote and larval generation studies and comparing the results with each other. Ghrelin is a multifunctional peptidyl hormone which increases GTH-II in fish, amphibian, and birds and mammalian so its effect on Benni sexual maturation was studied. Human Ghrelin (hGRL) was obtained from ANASPEC, Canada, with 28 amino acids. In the present study, three levels of ghrelin including 0 (sham treatments), 0.10 (treatment 1) and 0.15 μg/g (treatment 2) body wt and one level of pituitary gland 4000 μg/g (pituitary treatment) with two replications were used. 56 specimens were injected intraperitonealy and their ghrelin level was evaluated immediately after injection and after 24 h. Control fish(n=16) were just injected by physiological saline. For hormonal studies sham and experimental fish(n=40) were anesthetized with MS-222 at a concentration of 250 mg l-1, and blood samples were collected and kept at 4ْC, then spun to collect serum. Serum samples were stores at -20ْC until the RIA for CTH-II. For histology studies immediately after injection a piece of ovary was collected from control fish (Sham zero) after being anesthetized. The sampled ovaries were fixed in Buin solution and embedded in paraffin, and stained to Sections of 5–6 μm using haematoxylin and eosin. The ovarian samples were performed with a compound microscope. Histology and micrometry studies had done. The mature oocytes had given from mature fish, then weighted and the working fecundity were counted. The mature oocytes fertilized, the eggs were incubated and the percentage of fertilization was calculated. After 72h the eggs hatched and the percentage of hatch was counted. The percentage of hindrance was calculated after 6 days. Hormonal results indicate that ghrelin and pituitary increase significantly the GTH-II level in comparison to sham. Macroscopic observations (before taking ovary) showed that ovaries with green colored have couple oval structure located in the abdominal cavity. Microscopic studies of dissected ovaries indicated simultaneous growth of 127 oocytes with 6 stages. The type of the ovary is asynchronous. The results indicated that both of the ghrelin treatment increased the percentage of mature follicles followed by decrease of immature follicles. There were significant differences (P<0.05) between the number of mature and immature follicles. Average diameter of follicle in both of the ghrelin treatment was significantly (P<0.05) declined in the stages of the vitellogenesis when the result compared to the other treatment. Just treatment 1 and pituitary treatment can give mature oocytes. The fecundity of pituitary treatment significantly increase in comparision to ghrelin treatment (P<0.05). In food-restricted fish where endogenous ghrelin levels are known to be increased, a chronic administration of ghrelin induces overt negative effect in releasing mature oocytes. The percentage of fertilization was significantly increase (P<0.05) in ghrelin t. in comparison to pituitary t. and the percentage of hatch was significantly increase (P<0.05) in pituitary t. in comparison to ghrelin t. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in terms of percentage of hindrance between treatments. In conclusion, the present study demonstrated that ghrelin has positive effect on the level of GTH-II, oocyte maturation, ovarian vitellogenesis and the number of mature follicles of Barbus sharpeyi ovary. Increasing of the mature follicles number reduces their average diameter, indicating stimulating effect of ghrelin in sexual maturation of Barbus sharpeyi.The ghrelin and pituitary treatment have equal chance in the post-stage of spawning.