12 resultados para gender and diversity

em Aquatic Commons


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We hypothesize that the richness and diversity of the biota in Lake Moraine (42°50’47”N, 75°31’39”W) in New York have been negatively impacted by 60 years of macrophyte and algae management to control Eurasian watermilfoil ( Myriophyllum spicatum L.) and associated noxious plants. To test this hypothesis we compare water quality characteristics, richness and selected indicators of plant diversity, zooplankton, benthic macroinvertebrates and fish in Lake Moraine with those in nearby Hatch Lake (42°50’06”N, 75°40’67”W). The latter is of similar size and would be expected to have similar biota, but has not been subjected to management. Measurements of temperature, pH, oxygen, conductivity, Secchi transparency, calcium, total phosphorus and nitrites + nitrates are comparable. Taxa richness and the diversity indices applied to the aquatic macrophytes are similar in both lakes. (PDF has 8 pages.)


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Mytilus californianus (Mollusca: Bivalvia), the California marine mussel, occurs in intertidal populations so derise that they are referred to as "Mussel beds." The mussel beds range in physical complexity from structurally simple, essentially mono-layered assemblages, to structurally complex, multi-layered assemblages. The internal environment within the bed varies accordingly. The mussel bed provides either directly or indirectly, habitat, food and shelter for a large community of associated invertebrates. This study examines the relationship between physical complexity of the mussel bed habitat and composition of the associated community.


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Surveys with a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) at four mudhabitat sites with different histories of ocean shrimp (Pandalus jordani) trawling showed measurable effects of trawling on macroinvertebrate abundance and diversity. Densities of the sea whip (Halipteris spp., P<0.01), the flat mud star (Luidia foliolata, P< 0.001), unidentified Asteroidea (P<0.05), and squat lobsters (unidentified Galathoidea, P<0.001) were lower at heavily trawled (HT) sites, as was invertebrate diversity based on the Shannon-Wiener index. Sea cucumbers (unidentified Holothuroidea) and unidentified corals (Hydrocoralia) were observed at lightly trawled (LT) sites but not at HT sites. Hagfish (Eptatretus spp.) burrows were the dominant structural feature of the sediment surface at all sites and were more abundant at the HT sites (P<0.05), a result potentially related to effects from fishery discards. Substantial heterogeneity was found between the northern and southern site pairs, indicating high site-to-site variability in macroinvertebrate densities in these deep (146–156 m) mud habitats. Two of the study sites were closed to trawling in June 2006. The data from this study can be used in combination with future surveys to measure recovery rates of deep, mud, seaf loor habitats from the effects of trawling, thus providing a critical piece of information for ecosystem-based management.


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The experiment was carried out to study the impacts of fish sanctuaries on the production and diversity of plankton in beels of haor region at Mithamain Upazila of Kishoreganj district in Bangladesh during July 2004 to June 2005. A total of 75 (60 phyto and 15 zooplankton) and 74 (59 phyto and 15 zooplankton) genera of plankton were recorded in T-1 and T-2 (with sanctuary) respectively while only 50 (39 phyto and 11 zooplankton) genera were obtained in T-3 (control). Chlorophyceae and Copepoda were the most dominant group of phytoplankton and zooplankton respectively in all the treatments. The total phytoplankton numbers were found to range from 5472 to 35,833 cells/l and 5250 to 40,472 cells/l and total zooplankton from 667 to 1722 cells/l and 611 to 1667 cells/l in T-1 and T-2 respectively in sanctuary sites whereas the ranges of phytoplankton and zooplankton in the control site were 1778 to 29,333 cells/l and 56 to 1056 cells/l respectively. The maximum phytoplankton and zooplankton were recorded during winter season in all the treatments. The ranges of total plankton were 6194 to 37,500 cells/l, 6028 to 41,806 cells/l and 1889 to 29,444 cells/l in T-1, T-2 and T-3 respectively. The phytoplankton, zooplankton and total plankton recorded in treatments with sanctuary were significantly higher (p<0.5) than the treatment without sanctuary (control) indicating positive impacts of sanctuaries on the production of plankton. Between two treatments of fish sanctuaries the total plankton populations were comparatively higher in T-2 than T-1.


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The impact of Petrochemical Special Economic Zone (PETZONE) activities on the health status of Jafari Creek was studied by assessing the changes in macroinvertebrate assemblages in nine sites during September 2006- January 2008. Furthermore to evaluate the ecological status of the Jafari Creek the WFD indices (i.e. AMBI, M-AMBI) were used. The relationship between spatial pattern of macro invertebrate assemblages and ambient factors (i.e. water temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solid, total hardness, total nitrogen, ammonia, total phosphorous, chemical oxygen demand, biological oxygen demand, sediment grain size distribution, sediment organic content, heavy metals contents) was measured. Background Enrichment indices, Contamination factor and Contamination degree, were used to assess the health status in the study area based on Nickel, Lead, Cadmium and Mercury contents of the sediments. The macrobenthic communities had a low diversity and were dominated by opportunistic taxa, and the AMBI and M-AMBI indices need to be calibrated before using in Persian Gulf and its coastal waters. The BIO-ENV analysis identified pH, dissolved oxygen, TDS, and the total organic content of sediments as the major environmental variables influencing the infaunal pattern. This suggests that management should attempt to ensure minimal disturbance to environmental variables underlying the spatial variation in macroinvertebrate assemblages. Background Enrichment indices showed that the health of Jafari Creek has declined over time due to the constant discharge of heavy metals to the Creek system. Furthermore WQS index shows that the quality condition of the water column in Jafari Creek, regard to the calculated number (3) is week. These indices also identified a significant degree of pollution in the study area. The decrease in the ecological potential of Jafari Creek was best highlighted by the alteration in macrobenthic assemblages.


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The Moosa Creek extends from its opening into the Persian Gulf, with some sub narrow creeks leading to it. Zangi creek is one of the main branches of Moosa creek. The creek contains numerous sources of organic pollution, including sewage outlet flows and boat waste. After establishing the Petrochemical special Economic Zone (PETZONE) in 1997 near to the Zangi Creek, the pipelines, streets and railway made it distinct from eastern and western parts of this creek. Industrial activities have released sludge and effluents in this creek along these years. A survey of the Zangi creek was performed, assessing water properties, organic pollution, and the population density, distribution and diversity of macrobenthic fauna through bi-monthly sampling from July 2006 to September 2007. Samples were collected from water near the bottom and sediment at 7 stations include 2 stations inside the distinct Zangi creek and 4 stations along a transect with 1 km distances between them in eastern free part and one reference station located at the Persian Gulf entrance to the Moosa creek. The environmental parameters such as temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, COD, turbidity, EC and heavy metals include Hg, Cd, Pb, Ni as well as percentage silt-clay and total organic matter of the sediment were measured. The faunal population density and their distribution are discussed in relation to the environmental changes. Results showed spatial heterogeneity in faunal distribution of the Zangi creek. Nine groups of macrofauna were identified out of distinct zangi creek. Polychaets formed the dominant group (48%) followed by bivalves (13%), gastropods (10%), Decapods (2%), Tanaids (5%), and all other groups (22%). The distinct creek was heavily polluted without any macrofauna communities probably as a consequence of the high pH, COD, low salinity and heavy metals contamination specially Cd and Pb. The other stations near to the disposal site were found with macrofauna communities commonly tolerant to organic pollution, At 3 km east of the disposal site, macrofauna is comparable to the surrounded creek, whereas macrofauna still indicate environmental degradation. Farther a way, faunal density decreases and equilibrium taxa gradually replace opportunistic species, while the other stations were far from polluted area contained lower pollution and relatively healthy macrofauna. The mean biomass of macrobenthic fauna were estimated for the whole studied area. The results are considered in Minimum density and biomass in surrounded creek and maximum density and biomass in 3 km of surrounded area. Biodiversity Indices were low in surrounded creek. The Shanon-weaver information index was used to describe the spatially variations in diversity. Macrofauna density, shanon and simpson index were significantly variable between surrounded and free parts of Zangi creek (p<0.05). The numerical abundance of macrobenthose varied from 221. m-2 in polluted area to 4346 m-2 in free part of Zangi creek. The Shanon-weaver information index varied from 0.4 in distinct area to 2.9 in reference station. The physico- chemical changes between distinct and free creeks showed significant variations such as pH, salinity and EC. Salinity and EC were significantly positive correlate to macrofauna density, whereas pH and TOM percentage indicated significantly negative correlation to density. Heavy metals concentrations in sediments were higher than water samples. Concentration pattern of heavy metals in sediments and water samples were Ni>Pb>Cd>Hg. Salinity and pH were significantly correlated to metals in sediments (p<0.01). No significant correlation were found between Macrofauna density and heavy metals (p<0.05).


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The paper examines the concept of the feminization of poverty and reviews the limited evidence on the extent of poverty among women. It then examines the arguments that poor women can be highly effective change agents for the eradication of poverty. However, all the women may be considered as instruments for eliminating poverty, lack of understanding an appreciation of the impact of their sex roles and of gender roles and stereotypes continue to prevent the realization of this potential. Therefore, the paper moves on to summarize the differences between sex and gender and examines how both women's sexes roles and the imp gender roles and stereotypes lead to the feminization of poverty and exclude women from the participation in development and programmes to eliminate poverty. The paper reviews the major approaches: women in development or WID, gender and development or GAD and extension of GAD known as mainstreaming. Finally, it considers the issue of poverty, women and gender in Nigeria. It also advances a number of recommendations on women and gender poverty and rural development for the consideration of policy-makers in Nigeria


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Six years of bottom-trawl survey data, including over 6000 trawls covering over 200 km2 of bottom area throughout Alaska’s subarctic marine waters, were analyzed for patterns in species richness, diversity, density, and distribution of skates. The Bering Sea continental shelf and slope, Aleutian Islands, and Gulf of Alaska regions were stratified by geographic subregion and depth. Species richness and relative density of skates increased with depth to the shelf break in all regions. The Bering Sea shelf was dominated by the Alaska skate (Bathyraja parmifera), but species richness and diversity were low. On the Bering Sea slope, richness and diversity were higher in the shallow stratum, and relative density appeared higher in subregions dominated by canyons. In the Aleutian Islands and Gulf of Alaska, species richness and relative density were generally highest in the deepest depth strata. The data and distribution maps presented here are based on species-level data collected throughout the marine waters of Alaska, and this article represents the most comprehensive summary of the skate fauna of the region published to date.


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Temporal variation in the abundance of fish populations and diversity of assemblages in different sections of the Neyyar River in the Western Ghats were investigated during the year 1984. A decreasing trend in the abundance of fishes from the headwaters downwards has been noted. The fish community is represented by 33 species assignable to 15 families. The diversity indices of Shannon-Wiener and Margalef and Pielou's evenness have been calculated. The diversity indices are discussed in the light of species richness in different sectors.


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There is increasing awareness that integrating gender into development frameworks is critical for effective implementation of development strategies. In working to alleviate rural poverty, the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS) recognizes that “business as usual” gender integration approaches will not deliver lasting and widespread improvements in agricultural productivity, poverty reduction and food security. In response, AAS operationalized a gender transformative approach. The approach is informed by conceptual frameworks that explicitly recognize the potent influence of social relations on creating and perpetuating gender inequalities. In this way, AAS aims to address the underlying causes of rural poverty and gender inequality in Zambia’s Barotse Floodplain, where people rely extensively on riverine and wetland ecosystems for food and livelihood security. A central question guiding the research program is “How do social norms and gendered power relations influence agricultural development outcomes?” The findings presented in this report provide insights that help answer this question. The report presents a review of literature relevant to livelihoods, ecosystem services, and gender and social relations in Zambia, with a specific focus on Western Province, where AAS is currently implemented. It also presents a synthesis of findings of a social and gender analysis conducted in 2013 in 10 focal communities situated in and around the Barotse Floodplain.


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A field study of the invertebrate communities of the Nabugabo lakes(Nabugabo,Kayanja and Kayugi)showed the occurrence of copepoda, cladocera and rotifera(micro-invertebrates or zooplankton); Ephemeroptera and Diptera(macro-invertebrates or zoo-benthos). The most commonly encountered taxa were thermocyclops neglectus, moinamicrura,several rotiferan species(micro-invertebrates);P.adusta,chironomus, tanipodinae and trichoptera(macro- invertebrates). These organisms are assumed to be readily available as food sources for fishes in the Nabugabo lakes. Higher abundance and diversity of invertebrates occurred in Lake Nabugabo compared to Kayanja and Kayugi. There were no major differences in diversity and abundance of organisms between inshore and offshore areas of the different lakes. The highest diversity of macro-invertebrates(up to 15 taxa)was recovered from roots of macrophyte(higher water-based plants)such as Miscanthidium and Papyrus. The zooplankton of Nabugabo lakes typify a tropical assemblage with few species among genera and dominance of the communities by small-bodied organisms. Some taxa,common to many other water bodies such as Mesocyclops spp.,Calanoids(Copepoda), Caridina nilotica (Decapoda)were noticeably missing in the Nabugabo lakes community, probably due to environmental limitations including low conductivity and pH. Where they occur,these missing taxa have been shown to be key forage items for fishes and therefore their absence in Nabugabo lakes may have implications with respect to potential for fishery production. However other valuable invertebrate types such as cyclopoid copepods,ephemeroptera, chironomid and chaoborid larvae do occur in sufficiently high diversity and abundance to support viable fisheries resources. The high diversity and abundance of invertebrates associated with aquatic macrophytes such as Papyrus and Miscanthidium need to be protected through control of access and utilisation of shoreline vegetation.


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This project was done for identifying and survey on distribution and diversity of true crabs in inter tidal and sub tidal zones of the Gulf of Oman (Sistan and Baluchistan province) during two year from 2009 to 2010. Specimens of inter tidal zones were carried out at 10 stations and 8 stations from sub tidal. The specimens were collected by hand and dip-net from inter tidal and by trawl net from sub tidal regions, preserved in 70% alcohol and carried to the laboratory. A total of 37 species belonged to 17 families from inter tidal and 23 species belonged to 9 families from sub tidal were identified. Of which 54 species were identified up to species level. 2 species from Matutidae, 1 species from Eriphiidae, Menippidae, Pseudoziidae, Plagusidae, Varunidae, Camptandriidae, Dromiidae and Dorippidae, 2 species from Oziidae, 3 species from Epialtidae, 2 species from Majidae, 4 species from Pilumnidae, 12 species from Portunidae, 6 species from Xanthidae, 2 species from Grapsidae, 3 species from Dotillidae, 3 species from Macrophthalmidae, 3 species from Ocypodidae, 3 species from Calappidae, 2 species from Parthenopidae and 1 species from Galenidae were identified. All specimens are deposited in the Zoological Museum, University of Tehran (ZUTC). The results of the present study revealed that family Portunidae with 6 species from inter tidal and 9 species from sub tidal regions have the highest species richness among the 22 families. Maximum similarity (Sorenson's Index) was obtained among the stations Breis, Lipar, Pozm and Gordim, and minimum was obtained among the stations Chazire-Kharchang with Pasabandar, Beris, Lipar, Daria-Bozorg, Pozm and Gordim in intertidal regions. In sub tidal regions maximum similarity (Sorenson's Index) was obtained among the stations Pasa bandar with Berisand minimum was obtained among the stations Govatr with Ramin and Gordim, Ramin with Pozm. Also maximum species richness was observed at Tiss in inter tidal and Chabahar in sub tidal stations, whereas minimum was obtained at Beris, Pozm, Gordim and Lipar in inter tidal and Govatr and Pozm in sub tidal stations. Family Ocypodidae in inter tidal and Portunidae in sub tidal regions have the highest distribution. In all of the species length and Breadth of carapace showed significant relation.