6 resultados para evaporation waves

em Aquatic Commons


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In this research I focused on the propagation of acoustic rays in shallow water areas then I selected the Persian Gulf and described sound transmission in this region with emphasize on physical properties of water masses and of sediments. Finally I studied on the sound speed variations and sound attention with data collected from this area (NE of Farsi Island & 50 kilometers south of Delware). Sound speed deviation in western part of Strait of Hormuz in winter is between 20-30 m/s and it is between 5-20 m/s in the Oman Sea. Minimum sound speed deviation is at 23-24 degree north & 60-62 degree east. In spring, this deviation varies from 25-35 m/s, which is greater than in winter. In winter, at east of 56 degree east, greater speed are in shallow water coastal areas. In summer, sound speeds are greater than in spring and vary from 35 to 55 m/s at western part of Strait of Hormuz and 20 to 40 m/s in Oman Sea. Finally in autumn, sound speed deviation is 30-45 m/s west of 56 degree east and in Oman Sea is the same. The greatest attenuation rate caused by absorption in Bandar Dayer is between 17 to 27 meters depth, which is from water masses with different densities.


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Interaction of ocean waves, currents and sea bed roughness is a complicated phenomena in fluid dynamic. This paper will describe the governing equations of motions of this phenomena in viscous and nonviscous conditions as well as study and analysis the experimental results of sets of physical models on waves, currents and artificial roughness, and consists of three parts: First, by establishing some typical patterns of roughness, the effects of sea bed roughness on a uniform current has been studied, as well as the manning coefficient of each type is reviewed to find the critical situation due to different arrangement. Second, the effect of roughness on wave parameters changes, such as wave height, wave length, and wave dispersion equations have been studied, third, superimposing, the waves + current + roughness patterns established in a flume, equipped with waves + currents generator, in this stage different analysis has been done to find the governing dimensionless numbers, and present the numbers to define the contortions and formulations of this phenomena. First step of the model is verified by the so called Chinese method, and the Second step by the Kamphius (1975), and third step by the van Rijn (1990) , and Brevik and Ass ( 1980), and in all cases reasonable agreements have been obtained. Finally new dimensionless parameters presented for this complicated phenomena.


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Generally the flow properties of rivers, estuaries and coastal seas are highly dependent on the bed morphology. These include mainly three flow parameters, as bed shear stress, velocity profile and turbulent fluctuations. Here we investigate the effects of permeate of the bed on these flow properties We consider the effects of suction (W0) injection (W0) on these flow properties particularly the bottom stress. Four types of bottom permeability with different size of sand have been tested. The results indicate a substantial reduction and enhancement of the bed stress under respectively injection and suction as has been observed by others on wave motion in shallow seas. We consider 5 waves to shore with this rang of wave steepness ( 0/015 < so < 0/05 ) . Cr Calculated used of mansard method (1980). We search the stream line of current in bed with a video camera and looking this. Near the surface and the deep of bed and consider V=W (in or su)/ U(ru or rd) and bottom stress for 6 period of this study with Canly and Inman studies (1994). All these results are shown by curves with the effects of permeable bed.


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The effect of swell on wind wave growth has been a topic of active research for many years with inconsistent results. The details are often contradictory among investigations. Further more, there remain a variety of competing theories to explain these phenomena. In this research, we consider waves and wind and temperature data in the Persian Gulf (Busher region) in years 1995, 1996 and 1999. This study provides estimations of wave conditions and the atmosphere stability that has an influence on wind wave. Results are also compared with data that have been recorded by a buoy in Caspian Sea (Neka region) during 1989. In the second part of this work we estimate non- dimensional energy and non-dimensional peak frequencies as a function of the non- dimensional fetch and Bulk Richardson numbers for the Persian Gulf (Busher region).This results also agree well with similar results for the Caspian Sea. The acquired relations can be used to compute the wind wave parameters. Also the results for the Persian Gulf show that the relationship of non-dimensional energy to as a function of wave age is independent of presence of swell. Finally the WAM model was run for the Persian Gulf during 3-8 September of 2002. The results show that swell on the Persian Gulf reduces the energy density of wind waves by up to 10%, but the growth rate at peak frequency is only reduced by up to 4%, and the spectral peak frequency is increased by only 1%.


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Determining of beach states and study of manner sediment transmission in beach profile, involves the evaluating the actions of hydrodynamic forces dominated over the beaches, in this research through determining the beach states by the help of Hanson and short method, different reactions of Mazandaran’s shoreline against wind waves was studied and investigated. For this reason, First, the kind of hydrodynamic forces dominated over the beaches of this province was studied and beaches of the this province was distinguished as wave–dominated beaches, afterwards eight stations are chosen throughout the shoreline and the waves qualities and the sediments regarding to different depth was evaluated in these stations by using software and laboratory actions. In this way the parameter of dimensionless fall velocity each station was calculated and the beach states and their changes according to time was studied. Finally, the gained information is located in the software area of Arc GIS, and the waves dynamics and the way of erosion and accretion was evaluated in each station. In this research by study of air photographs during a thirty years period we found that was no remarkable changes at shoreline in western and central parts and each type of change depends upon the delta, while eastern part of coast at the location of breakwaters in neighbouring of Farahabad Station, accretion features is quiet evident. In the main results of this research, it became obvious that the beach state in the stations Neca, Farahabad, Larim, Naftchal, Mazandaran university, Babolsar, Noor is dissipative and the beach in Nashtarood station is in intermediate (ridge and runnel) state to the extend that in the dissipation beaches from east to west, the degree of dissipation of the beaches is decreased continuously.


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The Persian Gulf (PG) is a semi-enclosed shallow sea which is connected to open ocean through the Strait of Hormuz. Thermocline as a suddenly decrease of temperature in subsurface layer in water column leading to stratification happens in the PG seasonally. The forcing comprise tide, river inflow, solar radiation, evaporation, northwesterly wind and water exchange with the Oman Sea that influence on this process. In this research, analysis of the field data and a numerical (Princeton Ocean Model, POM) study on the summer thermocline development in the PG are presented. The Mt. Mitchell cruise 1992 salinity and temperature observations show that the thermocline is effectively removed due to strong wind mixing and lower solar radiation in winter but is gradually formed and developed during spring and summer; in fact as a result of an increase in vertical convection through the water in winter, vertical gradient of temperature is decreased and thermocline is effectively removed. Thermocline development that evolves from east to west is studied using numerical simulation and some existing observations. Results show that as the northwesterly wind in winter, at summer transition period, weakens the fresher inflow from Oman Sea, solar radiation increases in this time interval; such these factors have been caused the thermocline to be formed and developed from winter to summer even over the northwestern part of the PG. The model results show that for the more realistic monthly averaged wind experiments the thermocline develops as is indicated by summer observations. The formation of thermocline also seems to decrease the dissolved oxygen in water column due to lack of mixing as a result of induced stratification. Over most of PG the temperature difference between surface and subsurface increases exponentially from March until May. Similar variations for salinity differences are also predicted, although with smaller values than observed. Indeed thermocline development happens more rapidly in the Persian Gulf from spring to summer. Vertical difference of temperature increases to 9 centigrade degrees in some parts of the case study zone from surface to bottom in summer. Correlation coefficients of temperature and salinity between the model results and measurements have been obtained 0.85 and 0.8 respectively. The rate of thermcline development was found to be between 0.1 to 0.2 meter per day in the Persian Gulf during the 6 months from winter to early summer. Also it is resulted from the used model that turbulence kinetic energy increases in the northwestern part of the PG from winter to early summer that could be due to increase in internal waves activities and stability intensified through water column during this time.