18 resultados para color signals environmental effects

em Aquatic Commons


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This investigation was carried out to provide information on fish stocks and angling activity during 1997 in relation to the drought and, in particular, flows as influenced by Time Limited Licences. These abstractions will be for review in 1999. This report extends and updates the data presented for 1996. Fish population surveys (including eels) were undertaken on the main river and selected tributaries. Angler caught brown trout were examined, angler catch data have been reviewed, and observations by Environment Agency fisheries staff collated. It appeared that in River Wharfe both the fish populations and individual fish appeared to be in good condition and limited changes had occurred since the 1996 survey.


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This survey was the second year of a three year study to examine fish populations in relation to low flows, drought and abstraction in the River Ouse. To fully evaluate the possible effects on fisheries the study set out to encompass fish population surveys from fry to adult stock, analysis of angler catch data, reports from anglers and river reports from Environment Agency Fisheries staff.


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Many studies have been made of the effects of oil on marine invertebrates, plants (marine algae and phytoplankton), and vertebrates such as seabirds and marine mammals. An excellent review of these findings, which includes some references to fish and pathological effects of aromatic hydrocarbons, has been published by the Royal Society, London (Clark, 1982). That review dealt with the environmental effects of such major oil spills or releases such as those by the tankers Torry Canyon (119,000 t) on the south coast of England, Metula (50-56,000 t) in the Straits of Magellan, Argo Merchant (26,000 t) off Cape Cod, and the super tanker Amoco Cadiz (223,000 t) on the coast of northern Brittany. Those spills were studied to determine their effect on living resources. In contrast there are few references on the impact of oil spills on pelagic fishery resources.


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Summary: This cruise report is a summary of a field survey conducted within the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary (SBNMS), located between Cape Cod and Cape Ann at the mouth of Massachusetts Bay. The survey was conducted June 14 – June 21, 2008 on NOAA Ship NANCY FOSTER Cruise NF-08-09-CCEHBR. Multiple indicators of ecological condition and human dimensions were sampled synoptically at each of 30 stations throughout SBNMS using a random probabilistic sampling design. Samples were collected for the analysis of benthic community structure and composition; concentrations of chemical contaminants (metals, pesticides, PAHs, PCBs, PBDEs) in sediments and target demersal biota; nutrient and chlorophyll levels in the water column; and other basic habitat characteristics such as depth, salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, pH, sediment grain size, and organic carbon content. In addition to the fish samples that were collected for analysis of chemical contaminants relative to human-health consumption limits, other human-dimension indicators were sampled as well including presence or absence of fishing gear, vessels, surface trash, marine mammals, and noxious sediment odors. The overall purpose of the survey was to collect data to assess the status of ecosystem condition and potential stressor impacts throughout SBNMS, based on these various indicators and corresponding management thresholds, and to provide this information as a baseline for determining how such conditions may be changing with time. While sample analysis is still ongoing a few preliminary results and observations are reported here. A final report will be completed once all data have been processed. The results are anticipated to be of value in supporting goals of the SBNMS and National Marine Sanctuary Program aimed at the characterization, protection, and management of sanctuary resources (pursuant to the National Marine Sanctuary Reauthorization Act) as well as a new priority of NCCOS and NOAA to apply Ecosystem Based approaches to the Management of coastal resources (EBM) through Integrated Ecosystem Assessments (IEAs) conducted in various coastal regions of the U.S. including the Northeast Atlantic continental shelf. This was a multi-disciplinary partnership effort made possible by scientists from the following organizations:  NOAA, National Ocean Service (NOS), National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS), Center for Coastal Environmental Health and Biomolecular Research (CCEHBR), Charleston, SC.  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory (NHEERL), Atlantic Ecology Division (GED), Narragansett, RI.  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory (NHEERL), Gulf Ecology Division (GED), Gulf Breeze, FL.  U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), National Wetlands Research Center, Gulf Breeze Project Office, Gulf Breeze, FL.  NOAA, Office of Marine and Aviation Operations (OMAO), NOAA ship Nancy Foster. (31pp) (PDF contains 58 pages)


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This report is the final product of a two-year study conducted for the Office, Chief of Engineers, by the Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Moss Landing, California, under Contract No. DACW39-74-C-OI51 with the Environmental Effects Laboratory (EEL), U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES), Yicksburg, Mississippi. (PDF contains 192 pages)


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In this report we develop age-length keys and derive age-frequency data. We estimate striped bass and white perch mortality and growth rates, based on the otolith-aging analysis. We also report on hatch-date frequencies of striped bass and white perch larvae, and we discuss environmental effects on recruitment potential.


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Fishpen culture is a possible means to increase fish production in Casamance, Senegal and to develop aquaculture without negative environmental effects. To study this possibility, a fishpen study was conducted in two dammed valleys, Guidir and Balobar in the area. Wild Sarotherodon melanotheron from 7.7 to 25.4 g and Tilapia guineensis from 7.7 to 35.0 g were stocked at densities ranging from 1.5 to 2.5 individuals/ super(m). Results are summarized in this article.


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A review is given of current information concerning small pelagic fishes exploited for tuna bait in the South Pacific. These fishes are usually caught over or near coral reefs using light attraction and lift nets. The most common and widespread species are anchovies (Engraulidae), sprats (Clupeidae), silversides (Atherinidae), and herrings (Clupeidae). Recorded yields ranged from 0.5 to 2.6t/km2, and methods are described to estimate potential yields empirically in the absence of catch data. Environmental effects on small pelagic fish production are discussed, and evidence is presented to suggest that rainfall markedly affects stolephorid anchovy production. Some species of small pelagic fish, such as Selar spp., Decapterus spp., and Herklotsichthys sp., have been fished traditionally by artisanal fishermen, but anchovy and sprat stocks were probably unexploited prior to pole-and-line tuna fishing in the South Pacific.


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This document is intended for use by scientists and other citizens concerned with the ecological condition of estuaries, as well as by managers and lawmakers interested in the sustained use of estuaries for commercial and recreational purposes. It also addresses public concerns about the aesthetic quality of coastal areas vital to tourism and recreation. By producing this report on the ecological condition of estuaries in the Gulf of Mexico, we have taken one step in assessing the health of this environmental resource. We have produced an environmental report card to be used as a guide in the evaluation of management decisions and research directions. This report is organized in three parts: (1) an introduction that gives background information on the Gulf of Mexico, estuarine ecology, and the factors that impact estuaries in the gulf, (2) the main section on priority ecological indicators used to measure the condition of estuaries in the gulf and (3) an ecological report card that summarizes the data on ecological indicators and provides a rating of the condition of estuaries in each gulf state and for gulf estuaries overall. Many of the ratings were based on the percent area of estuaries in each state exhibiting degraded or adverse levels of an indicator.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Examining secular changes in relative sea level along the U.S. west coast, we have identified strong tectonic signals. Tectonism exists not only on a coherent plate-wide scale (assuming a rigid plate approximation), but also on a sub-plate scale. In fact, differential tectonism between exotic or suspect geological terrain explains much of the spatial patterns of west coast tide-gauge data. Peltier's isostatic model appears not to explain the spatial pattern, implying glacio-isostatic adjustment is not the dominant contribution to the low-frequency signals. Eustatic effects cannot be identified unambiguously. These studies suggest several major questions/observations with regard to relative sea-level studies ...


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Technological innovation has made it possible to grow marine finfish in the coastal and open ocean. Along with this opportunity comes environmental risk. As a federal agency charged with stewardship of the nation’s marine resources, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) requires tools to evaluate the benefits and risks that aquaculture poses in the marine environment, to implement policies and regulations which safeguard our marine and coastal ecosystems, and to inform production designs and operational procedures compatible with marine stewardship. There is an opportunity to apply the best available science and globally proven best management practices to regulate and guide a sustainable United States (U.S.) marine finfish farming aquaculture industry. There are strong economic incentives to develop this industry, and doing so in an environmentally responsible way is possible if stakeholders, the public and regulatory agencies have a clear understanding of the relative risks to the environment and the feasible solutions to minimize, manage or eliminate those risks. This report spans many of the environmental challenges that marine finfish aquaculture faces. We believe that it will serve as a useful tool to those interested in and responsible for the industry and safeguarding the health, productivity and resilience of our marine ecosystems. This report aims to provide a comprehensive review of some predominant environmental risks that marine fish cage culture aquaculture, as it is currently conducted, poses in the marine environment and designs and practices now in use to address these environmental risks in the U.S. and elsewhere. Today’s finfish aquaculture industry has learned, adapted and improved to lessen or eliminate impacts to the marine habitats in which it operates. What progress has been made? What has been learned? How have practices changed and what are the results in terms of water quality, benthic, and other environmental effects? To answer these questions we conducted a critical review of the large body of scientific work published since 2000 on the environmental impacts of marine finfish aquaculture around the world. Our report includes results, findings and recommendations from over 420 papers, primarily from peer-reviewed professional journals. This report provides a broad overview of the twenty-first century marine finfish aquaculture industry, with a targeted focus on potential impacts to water quality, sediment chemistry, benthic communities, marine life and sensitive habitats. Other environmental issues including fish health, genetic issues, and feed formulation were beyond the scope of this report and are being addressed in other initiatives and reports. Also absent is detailed information about complex computer simulations that are used to model discharge, assimilation and accumulation of nutrient waste from farms. These tools are instrumental for siting and managing farms, and a comparative analysis of these models is underway by NOAA.


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In June 2008, the NOAA National Ocean Service (NOS), in conjunction with the EPA National Health and Environmental Effects Laboratory (NHEERL), conducted an assessment of the status of ecological condition of soft-bottom habitat and overlying waters within the boundaries of Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary (SBNMS). The sanctuary lies approximately 20 nautical miles east of Boston, MA in the southwest Gulf of Maine between Cape Ann and Cape Cod and encompassing 638 square nautical miles (2,181 km2). A total of 30 stations were targeted for sampling using standard methods and indicators applied in prior NOAA coastal studies and EPA’s Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) and National Coastal Assessment (NCA). A key feature adopted from these studies was the incorporation of a random probabilistic sampling design. Such a design provides a basis for making unbiased statistical estimates of the spatial extent of ecological condition relative to various measured indicators and corresponding thresholds of concern. Indicators included multiple measures of water quality, sediment quality, and biological condition (benthic fauna, fish tissue contaminant levels). Depths ranged from 31 – 137 m throughout the study area. About 76 % of the area had sediments composed of sands (< 20 % silt-clay), 17 % of the area was composed of intermediate muddy sands (20 – 80 % silt-clay), and 7 % of the sampled area consisted of mud (> 80 % siltclay). About 70 % of the area (represented by 21 sites) had sediment total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations < 5 mg/g and all but one site (located in Stellwagen Basin) had levels of TOC < 20 mg/g, which is well below the range potentially harmful to benthic fauna (> 50 mg/g). Surface salinities ranged from 30.6 – 31.5 psu, with the majority of the study region (approximately 80 % of the area) having surface salinities between 30.8 and 31.4 psu. Bottom salinities varied between 32.1 and 32.5 psu, with bottom salinities at all sites having values above the range of surface salinities. Surface-water temperatures varied between 12.1 and 16.8 ºC, while near-bottom waters ranged in temperature from 4.4 – 6.2 ºC. An index of density stratification (Δσt) indicated that the waters of SBNMS were stratified at the time of sampling. Values of Δσt at 29 of the 30 sites sampled in this study (96.7 % of the study area) varied from 2.1 – 3.2, which is within the range considered to be indicative of strong vertical stratification (Δσt > 2) and typical of the western Gulf of Maine in summer. Levels of dissolved oxygen (DO) were confined to a fairly narrow range in surface (8.8 – 10.4 mg/L) and bottom (8.5 – 9.6 mg/L) waters throughout the survey area. These levels are within the range considered indicative of good water quality (> 5 mg/L) with respect to DO. None of these waters had DO at low levels (< 2 mg/L) potentially harmful to benthic fauna and fish.


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In May 2006, the NOAA National Ocean Service (NOS), in conjunction with the EPA National Health and Environmental Effects Laboratory (NHEERL), conducted an assessment of the status of ecological condition of soft-bottom habitat and overlying waters throughout the mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB) portion of the eastern U.S. continental shelf. The study area encompassed the region from Cape Cod, MA and Nantucket Shoals in the northeast to Cape Hatteras in the south, and was defined using a one nautical mile buffer of the shoreline extended seaward to the shelf break (~100-m depth contour). A total of 50 stations were targeted for sampling using standard methods and indicators applied in prior NOAA coastal studies and EPA’s Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) and National Coastal Assessment (NCA). A key feature adopted from these studies was the incorporation of a random probabilistic sampling design. Such a design provides a basis for making unbiased statistical estimates of the spatial extent of ecological condition relative to various measured indicators and corresponding thresholds of concern. Indicators included multiple measures of water quality, sediment quality, and biological condition (benthic fauna). Through coordination with the NOAA Fisheries Service/Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NFS/NEFSC), samples of summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) also were obtained from 30 winter 2007 bottom-trawl survey stations in overlapping portions of the study area and used for analysis of chemical-contaminant body burdens.


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The effects of some environmental factors on the fecundity of Tilapia species (Family Cichilidae) was carried out at the Kigera dam. Four Tilapia species caught were Tilapia zilli, Hemichromis fasciatus, Sarotherodon galilaeus and Oreochromis niloticus while the environmental factors considered were water temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, pH value, level of rainfall and rate of sunshine and range of time. 43 fish comprising of 25 male with (58.1%) and 18 females having (41.9%) were studied with 74.42% been sexually matured. Both high levels of rainfall and dissolved oxygen favoured fecundity. The spawning peak occurred in (July), environmental factors monitored indicated that dissolved oxygen ranges from 3.7 to 4.45mg/lit rainfall ranges from (34.90mm to 237.80mm) sunshine ranges from (5hrs-8hrs) and pH ranges from (7.35-7.45). The spawning of these species in their natural or hatchery condition is therefore best achieved during the peak of raining season


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There is little doubt that both mammalian and teleost growth hormones can accelerate growth and increase food conversion efficiency in all commonly-reared species of salmonid fish. In those vertebrates that have been closely studied (predominantly mammals), the pituitary hormone somatotropin (GH or growth hormone) is a prime determinant of somatic growth. The hormone stimulates protein biosynthesis and tissue growth, enhances lipid utilization and lipid release from the adipose tissues (a protein-sparing effect) and suppresses the peripheral utilization of glucose. The present study is a prerequisite for future work on growth hormone physiology in salmonids and should contribute to our understanding of the mechanisms of growth suppression in stressed fish. Plasma growth hormone (GH) levels were measured in rainbow trout using a radioimmunoassay developed against chinook salmon growth hormone.