24 resultados para close range photogrammetry

em Aquatic Commons


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This report presents results of the first systematic study of the diversity and distribution of fishes and mussels in Avon Park Air Force Range (APR). We also provide information on crayfishes and aquatic snails taken during our fish and mussel sampling activities. Our surveys documented the presence of 46 species of fishes (43 native and 3 nonindigenous), 9 species of mussels (including 8 native and 1 nonindigenous species), 5 species of aquatic snails, and two crayfish species. (347 page document)


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Mollusks were sorted from samples of shell hash (obtained as bycatch during NOAA-sponsored studies of larval and juvenile fish distribution), and analyzed to gain qualitative insights on species composition, distribution and habitat affinities of the molluscan fauna on the continental shelf off Georgia. Samples came from beam trawls at 37 stations located in the immediate vicinity and offshore of the Gray’s Reef National Marine Sanctuary (GRNMS) at depths of 4.9 to 103 m. Two hundred sixty-three (263) taxa of mollusks (~58% as dead shells only) were collected, and nearly all (~99%) were identified to the species level. Ninety-seven of these taxa appeared in samples from one or more of the four stations established near the corners of the GRNMS. Samples were highly variable in terms of appearance, volume and species composition of mollusks, reflecting the extreme patchiness of benthic habitats within this region of the continental shelf. With very few exceptions, the mollusks were generally characteristic of either the Carolinian or Caribbean faunal provinces. The Georgia continental shelf, however, was outside the previously reported ranges for at least 16 of the species reported here. Most of these extralimital species were known previously from the East Coast of Florida, and represented northerly range extensions of 1-5° Latitude (110-560 km). One species represented a more significant range extension from the Bahamas and the southern Caribbean, and two represented southerly range extensions, known previously from only as close as off North Carolina. The high incidence of range extensions found in this study and the potential for discovery of additional species are discussed in the context of the diversity and patchiness of benthic habitats on the continental shelf of the region, and the sensitivity of species recruitment to variability in Gulf Stream patterns and global climate change. (PDF contains 52 pages)


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The Government of Pakistan and FAO have put into practice a participatory process that sought to involve as wide a range of stakeholders as possible, with two rounds of consultations ‘close’ to people in communities and in some cases, actually with poor people and women. This is the relation of one day of these consultations in a little Pakistani village called Chilya. (Pdf contains 5 pages).


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Established in early 2002, STREAM Vietnam has so far attained a number of good experiences and lessons in using participatory approaches for its work. The Country Office has been able to link to a wide range of stakeholders, and is working hard to build close relationships amongst them, so that institutional entities can better support the livelihoods of poor aquatic resources users, and support disadvantaged groups of people to improve their living standards by themselves. Reservoir fisheries and co-management are at early stage in Vietnam, but in certain places and industries co-management has brought about successful results by involving proactive participation of communities. Situated on the same continent and having many similarities, the interaction in agriculture and fisheries sector between Vietnam and Sri Lanka has brought the two countries closer. Being members of the STREAM family, there are great opportunities for exchange of experiences and lessons towards sustainable management of reservoir resources. (PDF has 11 pages.)


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Pacific coastal bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus gilli) have apparently moved to Monterey Bay as a result of a shift north of their known range. Between 1983 and 1993, 417 sightings were reported off central California. Eighty-four boat-based surveys, between October 1990 and November 1993, resulted in the photo-identification of 68 uniquely marked individuals. School size ranged between 2 and 35 animals (mean = 16.60, S.D. = 7.72). Forty-three (63%) of the dolphins identified were previously photographed in the Southern California Bight before 1989. Jolly-Seber population estimates indicated an increase in the Monterey Bay population from 1990 to 1993. At least 13 of the photo-identified dolphins were present in Monterey Bay throughout the study period. All but two of the calculated coefficients of association were 0.35, indicating a strong bond among resident animals. The occurrence of an El Niño from January 1992 to the end of 1993 may have affected the number of animals present in the bay: mean school size was significantly greater during El Niño.


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Ten limpets (4 Acmaea digitalis , 4 Acmaea scutum, 1 Acmaea limatula, and 1 Lottia gigantea) were marked and their movements observed over a thirteen day period. Recordings of positions were made on a map, and the path of each was drawn on the map from day to day. Acmaea digitalis showed the greatest range, mostly in a vertical direction, and moved usually at night during high tide. Acmaea scutum showed a more limited range in a horizontal direction, and moved both day and night during high tide. Acmaea limatula had a horizontal range similar to A. scutum,, but exhibited no movement during the day time. Lottia gigantea had the most restricted range of any limpet studied, and moved only at night during high tide. This is a student paper done for a University of California Berkeley Zoology class. Since UCB didn't have its own marine lab at the time, it rented space at Hopkins Marine Station where this work was done. Gene Haderlie went on to earn his Ph.D. from Berkeley and later became a Professor at the Naval Post Graduate School in Monterey. (PDF contains 23 pages)


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This research work involves the determination and modelling of water parameter such as pH, temperature, turbidity, chloride, hardness. The result of the analysis was used as important operating variables to generate a model equation of pH, hardness, temperature, turbidity and chloride. The values obtained from the model equation were compared with those from experiment. On an average bases the values were close. These parameters can be used to monitor the extent of pollution of pond water and to monitor stress and diseases of fish. The experimental data of pH was in the range of 6.7 to 6.9 while the modelled result was also between 6.7 to 7.0. The turbidity experimental value was close to the modelled value also. The chloride value for the experimental data was in the range of 25.32 to 35.0. The total hardness value ranges between 4.5 to 65.1 mg/l while the modelled result ranges between 11.025 to 68.402 mg/l. The result was within the acceptable limit of world health organization standard on water quality parameter.


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The signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus (Dana), a native of north-western North America, is now a common resident in some British fresh waters following its introduction to England in 1976 (Lowery & Holdich 1988). In 1984, signal crayfish were introduced into the River Great Ouse, the major lowland river in southern central England, where they have established a large breeding population. This study examines two sites near Thornborough Weir. For the measurement and description of home range a new eletronic microchip system and a modified capture-mark-recapture method were employed. Signal crayfish were marked or tagged to see if they gradually moved away from their burrows. This method proved to be successful for estimating population densities when a section of river is divided into several equidistant linear ”locations”.


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The report describes the results of preliminary analyses of data obtained from a series of water temperature loggers sited at various distances (0.8 to 21.8 km) downstream of Kielder dam on the River North Tyne and in two natural tributaries. The report deals with three aspects of the water temperature records: An analysis of an operational aspect of the data sets for selected stations, a simple examination of the effects of impoundment upon water temperature at or close to the point of release, relative to natural river temperatures, and an examination of rate of change of monthly means of daily mean, maximum, minimum and range (maximum - minimum) with distance downstream of the point of release during 1983.


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The Kemp's ridley turtle (Lepidochelys kempii) is an endangered species whose recovery depends in part on the identification and protection of required habitats. We used radio and sonic telemetry on subadult Kemp's ridley turtles to investigate home-range size and habitat use in the coastal waters of west-central Florida from 1994 to 1996. We tracked 9 turtles during May-August up to 70 days after release and fou.ld they occupied 5-30 km2 foraging ranges. Compositional analyses indicated that turtles used rock outcroppings in their foraging ranges at a significantly higher proportion than expected. based on availability within the study area. Additionally. turtles used live bottom (e.g .• sessile invertebrates) and green macroalgae habitats significantly more than seagrass habitat. Similar studies are needed through'mt the Kemp's ridley turtles' range to investigate regional and stage-specific differences in habitat use. which can then be used to conserve important foraging areas.


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The Sierra Leone River Estuary is a relatively young drowned river valley, it is shallow except for a deep channel which passes close to the Freetown shoreline. The upper reaches merge into a network of creeks and channels fringed by large areas of mangrove swamps. It is a tidal estuary of the semi-mixed type with the saline oceanic water entering it on a diurnal cycle. The climate of Sierra Leone is marked by a very distinct change between a very wet rainy season and a dry season. The tidal range of the Estuary (spring 3.03m; neap 2.28m) does not impede normal use of the harbour. The tidal variations can be felt as far as 42 miles inland along the water courses of the Sierra Leone River and its tributaries. The volume of fresh water entering the Estuary is large during the rainy season and greatly reduced during the dry season. Consequently there is a marked fall in salinity during the rainy season and higher salinities due to the marine influence prevailing during the dry season. The nature of the shores and bottom, the hydrography and chemistry of the estuarine system have been outlined in relation to the prevailing climatic conditions.


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This paper gives the results of the Environment Agency's research into the canal close season to the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Review Group. It presents the findings of the research, explains why the research was undertaken and how it relates to the Agency's duties. The background for this report includes that angling representative bodies have long argued that the existing situation in which somecanals have a close season and others do not, is unsatisfactory.


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Whole-gear efficiency (the proportion of fish passing between the otter doors of a bottom trawl that are subsequently captured) was estimated from data collected during experiments to measure the herding efficiency of bridles and doors, the capture efficiency of the net, and the length of the bridles sufficiently close to the seafloor to elicit a herding response. The experiments were focused on four species of flatfish: arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes stomias), flathead sole (Hippoglossoides elassodon), rex sole (Glyptocephalus zachirus), and Dover sole (Microstomus pacificus). Whole-gear efficiency varied with fish length and reached maximum values between 40% and 50% for arrowtooth flounder, flathead sole, and rex sole. For Dover sole, however, whole-gear efficiency declined from a maximum of 33% over the length range sampled. Such efficiency estimates can be used to determine catchability, which, in turn, can be used to improve the accuracy of stock assessment models when the time series of a survey is short.


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Aquaculture is currently responsible for an insignificant proportion of total fish production in Uganda. However, given the increasing demand for fresh fish in urban and peri-urban araes, and threats to the supply of fish from natural catch fisheries, the potential exists for a strong market in aquaculture. Small-scale fish farmers located relatively close to markets or all-season roads, and who can supply consistent and high quality produce, will have the widest range of marketing opportunities, and will likely be within the area of operation of potential traders and intermediaries that deliver fish to markets. Fish farmers that are not close to roads, or produce unreliable quantities and variable quality products may face high transaction costs of marketing their product, and decreasing net returns to production. The authors found that significant on-farm labor, and access to input markets are important factors leading to positive net returns to fish production. Areas with high population density and relatively low wages will be well suited to labor intensive aquaculture. The authors concluded that aquaculture development has good potential in certain areas of Uganda and should therefore be pursued as a potential development pathway. However, policy makers should consider the importance of the price of fresh fish relative to the cost of labor, as well as other factors including the importance of smallholder credit and access to extension services, when directing investments in aquaculture technology.


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A simple cohort model was used as the basis for selecting the appropriate periodicity and number of separate unit areas in a rotating harvest scheme for a sedentary species, the red coral, Corallium rubrum, in the General Fisheries Management Council for the Mediterranean area. The rotation period in years, and hence the minimum number of unit areas involved, was determined on the basis of the time to maximum biomass by a simple calculation of the yield-per-recruit type, requiring a knowledge of natural mortality and growth rates. Other criteria may be more important, however, and in general for a long-lived species, will result in shorter rotation periods. These criteria may include economic factors, criteria based on the preferred size or quality of product, or criteria that take into account the cumulative risk of illegal fishing of closed areas with time, hence the growing cost of enforcement as harvestable product accumulates. For red coral, although maximum biomass is predicted to be reached after some 15-44 years, the above considerations suggest that a rotation period ofsome 9-15 years would be close to optimal, taking into account a range ofthe above considerations. This article discusses the relative merits of rotating harvest schemes in contrast to quota management for sedentary and semi-sedentary resources or geographically isolated substocks ofa mobile resource, and concludes that this approach may have considerable potential as an alternative approach to resource management.