16 resultados para background traffic load

em Aquatic Commons


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This report is a compilation of five regional reviews that document the global status of tropical rivers and inland fisheries in three continents: Latin America, Africa and Asia. It explores the role of ‘valuation’ methods and their contribution to policy-making and river fishery management. From the compilation, the best estimate of the global value of inland fisheries for those three continents is US$ 5.58 billion (gross market value), which is equivalent to 19 percent of the current value of annual fish exports from developing countries (US$ 29 billion) for 2004. The compilation shows that there is a general shortage of information on inland fisheries, especially derived from conventional economic valuation methods, though information from economic impact assessment methods and socio-economic and livelihood analysis methods is more widely available. The status of knowledge about the impact of changes in river management on the value of tropical river fisheries is weak and patchy. Although the impacts of large dams on the hydrology, ecology and livelihood support attributes of tropical rivers are well-recognized, there have been only few valuation studies of these issues. The document highlights the need for further valuation studies of tropical river and inland fisheries in developing countries. It underlines how vital it is for policy-makers and other stakeholders to understand the importance of these natural resources in order to make appropriate decisions concerning their role in development policy and illustrates why capacity building in valuation should become a major priority for agencies concerned with fisheries management and policy-making.


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The purpose of this report is to present the results of the initial quantification of background water quality in each of the state's major potable aquifer systems. Results are presented and interpreted in light of the influencing factors which locally and regionally affect ambient ground-water quality. This initial data will serve as a baseline from which future sampling results can be compared. Future sampling of the Network will indicate the extent to which Florida's regional ground-water resources are improving or declining in quality. (Document has 378 pages.)


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(121 p.)


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A two day workshop was convened on February 2-3, 1998 in Charleston, SC with 20 invited experts in various areas of sea turtle research. The goal of this workshop was to review current information on sea turtles with repect to health and identify data gaps. The use of a suite of health assessment indicators will provide insight on the health status of sea turtle populations. Since the relationship of health factors of sea turtles is limited, a seconde workshop was planned. Using a tiered approach, the first workshop we identified and reviewed the available, pertinent baseline information and data gaps. The second workshop will focus on developing the framework for the research plan. The workshops will address the use of integrated set of health parameters; specific objectives are: 1) Identify reliable indicators of health in sea turtles: assess advantages and disadvantages; determine new indicators/biomarkers which may be useful; 2) Review existing sea turtle field sampling projects; 3) Identify field projects suitable for inclusion for health assessment sampling; 4) Identify data gaps, particularly environmental characterization; 5) Identify new health assessment sampling sites, including reference site(s); and 6) Develop integrated five-year research plan, with focus on health assessment of environmental characterization. (PDF contains 174 pages)


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In January 2006 the Maumee Remedial Action Plan (RAP) Committee submitted a State II Watershed Restoration Plan for the Maumee River Great Lakes Area of Concern (AOC) area located in NW Ohio to the State of Ohio for review and endorsement (MRAC, 2006). The plan was created in order to fulfill the requirements, needs and/or use of five water quality programs including: Ohio Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Watershed Coordinator Program; Ohio EPA Great Lakes RAP Program; Ohio DNR Coastal Non-point Source Pollution Control Program; Ohio EPA Total Maximum Daily Load Program; and US Fish & Wildlife Service Natural Resources Damage Program. The plan is intended to serve as a comprehensive regional management approach for all jurisdictions, agencies, organizations, and individuals who are working to restore the watershed, waterways and associated coastal zone. The plan includes: background information and mapping regarding hydrology, geology, ecoregions, and land use, and identifies key causes and sources for water quality concerns within the six 11-digit hydrological units (HUCs), and one large river unit that comprise the Maumee AOC. Tables were also prepared that contains detailed project lists for each major watershed and was organized to facilitate the prioritization of research and planning efforts. Also key to the plan and project tables is a reference to the Ohio DNR Coastal Management Measures that may benefit from the implementation of an identified project. This paper will examine the development of the measures and their importance for coastal management and watershed planning in the Maumee AOC. (PDF contains 4 pages)


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The physical effects of river regulation in the U.K. by impoundments have attracted most attention from hydrologists and engineers concerned with predicting and maintaining discharge regimes for water supply. Grimshaw & Lewin (1980) suggested two basic methods to investigate the effects of regulation on suspended sediment discharge: (i) Compare the river load before and after reservoir construction, and (ii) adopt a paired catchment approach. The former method assumes stationarity of process in the natural system. The latter method, involving selecting two adjacent catchments of similar physical attributes, one regulated and one unregulated, assumes constancy of process spatially. In this report both approaches are adopted to examine the turbidity and suspended sediment concentration regime of the regulated River Tees. Neither approach was entirely satisfactory in the present case. This report examines the discharge and turbidity record consisting of approximately 4000 paired data points, representative of an 11-year post-impoundment period, that has been examined for the River Tees at Broken Scar, Darlington. A small amount of suspended sediment concentration data was also processed: these data are representative of both the pre-impoundment and post-impoundment sediment regime.


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This report describes the general background to the project, defines the stations from which data sets have been obtained and lists the available data. The project had the following aims: To develop a more accurate and less labour-intensive system for the collection and processing of water temperature data from a number of stations within a stream/river system, and to use the River North Tyne downstream of the Kielder impoundment as a test bed for the system. This should yield useful information on the effects of impoundment upon downstream water temperatures.


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A simple cohort model was used as the basis for selecting the appropriate periodicity and number of separate unit areas in a rotating harvest scheme for a sedentary species, the red coral, Corallium rubrum, in the General Fisheries Management Council for the Mediterranean area. The rotation period in years, and hence the minimum number of unit areas involved, was determined on the basis of the time to maximum biomass by a simple calculation of the yield-per-recruit type, requiring a knowledge of natural mortality and growth rates. Other criteria may be more important, however, and in general for a long-lived species, will result in shorter rotation periods. These criteria may include economic factors, criteria based on the preferred size or quality of product, or criteria that take into account the cumulative risk of illegal fishing of closed areas with time, hence the growing cost of enforcement as harvestable product accumulates. For red coral, although maximum biomass is predicted to be reached after some 15-44 years, the above considerations suggest that a rotation period ofsome 9-15 years would be close to optimal, taking into account a range ofthe above considerations. This article discusses the relative merits of rotating harvest schemes in contrast to quota management for sedentary and semi-sedentary resources or geographically isolated substocks ofa mobile resource, and concludes that this approach may have considerable potential as an alternative approach to resource management.


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Boat wakes in the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW) of North Carolina occur in environments not normally subjected to (wind) wave events, making sections of AIWW potentially vulnerable to extreme wave events generated by boat wakes. The Snow’s Cut area that links the Cape Fear River to the AIWW is an area identified by the Wilmington District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as having significant erosion issues; it was hypothesized that this erosion could be being exacerbated by boat wakes. We compared the boat wakes for six combinations of boat length and speed with the top 5% wind events. We also computed the benthic shear stress associated with boat wakes and whether sediment would move (erode) under those conditions. Finally, we compared the transit time across Snow’s Cut for each speed. We focused on two size classes of V-hulled boats (7 and 16m) representative of AIWW traffic and on three boat speeds (3, 10 and 20 knots). We found that at 10 knots when the boat was plowing and not yet on plane, boat wake height and potential erosion was greatest. Wakes and forecast erosion were slightly mitigated at higher, planing speeds. Vessel speeds greater than 7 knots were forecast to generate wakes and sediment movement zones greatly exceeding that arising from natural wind events. We posit that vessels larger than 7m in length transiting Snow’s Cut (and likely many other fetch-restricted areas of the AIWW) frequently generate wakes of heights that result in sediment movement over large extents of the AIWW nearshore area, substantially in exceedance of natural wind wave events. If the speed, particularly of large V-hulled vessels (here represented by the 16m length class), were reduced to pre-plowing levels (~ 7 knots down from 20), transit times for Snow’s Cut would be increased approximately 10 minutes but based on our simulations would likely substantially reduce the creation of erosion-generating boat wakes. It is likely that boat wakes significantly exceed wind wave background for much of the AIWW and similar analyses may be useful in identifying management options.


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The production of colour by homogenised fish material in a simplified sugar medium containing and acid indicator has been made use of for the rapid approximation of bacterial load in such products. The medium thus developed contains poptone, tryptone, yeast extract, sodium chloride and beef extract besides dextrose. The time of colour production is influenced to some extent by the level of sodium chloride in the medium and is almost always inversely proportional to the bacterial load in the homogenate.


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During the study period (August, 1993 to July,l994) the mean bacterial load in surface water was found to vary from 1.39 xl05 (July'94) to 3.llxl07CFU/ml (September'93), while that of botrom water ranged from l.Olxl06 (May'94) to 5.90xl07CFU/ml (October '93). The mean total number of bacterial load in body slime, liver and kidney was found to vary from 0.58xl03 (July'94) to 2.37xl07CFU/g (March'94),from 0.22xl03(July'94)to 9.64xl06 CFU/g (March'94) from O.l5xl03 (July'94) to 9.36xl06 CFU/g (March'94), respectively. Bacterial load in slime was significantly correlated with bacterial load in liver, bacterial load in slime was significantly correlated with bacterial load in kidney and bacterial load in liver was significantly correlated with bacterial load in kidney.


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A portable type warp load meter has been developed for the use in fishing trawlers. The instrument enables to monitor the warp load in fishing trawlers accurately and easily without disturbing the routine fishing operations. The instrument can be used in several other places like cranes, bollard tests for marine engines, dry docks etc. especially when the operation has to be conducted easily without disturbing the load system. The information displayed in micro ammeter in the range 0 to 1000 kg can be fed to continuous recorders for detailed analysis and permanent records.


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This report briefly describes the microbial status and storage properties of fish raised under composite fish culture in sewage fed ponds.


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Oil sardines in prime condition were subjected to onboard chilling. Two lots were chilled in CSW (samples C and CI), a third lot was chilled in crushed ice (sample I) and a fourth lot left not iced on deck (Sample AI). Upon landing sample AI was iced and sample CI was removed from the CSW and iced. All the four samples were kept in a chilled room for storage studies. The fish chilled and stored in CSW recorded the least, and the fish subjected to delayed icing, the highest values for all the indices of spoilage namely, free amino nitrogen, trimethylamine (TMA) and total volatile base nitrogen (TVBN). The total psychrophilic bacterial number also showed a similar trend. The organoleptic assessment of the cooked samples revealed C I, CI, AI to be the order of preference throughout the storage. This assessment was found to hold good for the rest of the parameters as well. The CSW held fishes were found to be distinctly superior to the iced ones for the first five days of storage. Such a marked prevalence in quality for five days would suffice for the fish to fetch a premium in the market over other landings of the same fish whether chilled or not chilled. Chilling on board in CSW and icing the same after landings, did not show encouraging results.