3 resultados para bachelor

em Aquatic Commons


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The names: bachelor, campbellite, white bass, camp lighter, sac-a-lait, silver crappie, speckled bass, tinmouth, bar fish, Oswego bass, razorback, grassback, shiner, john demon, calico bass, strawberry bass and "crap'pee," along with 10-20 others, all refer to two rather than one species of fish. Most Maryland fishermen when applying these time honored names do not realize they are referring to two distinct species of fish. These species are the black crappie, Pornoxis nigromaculatus, and the white crappie, Pornoxis annulars. Contrary to common belief, the white crappie does not change into a black crappie during parts of the year nor are these two fish just color phases of one species. Crappies are members of the freshwater sunfish family of fishes, Centrarchidae. (PDF contains 4 pages)


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Kurzfassung Im Rahmen einer Bachelorarbeit wurde untersucht, ob die Larven des frühjahrslaichenden Herings der westlichen Ostsee im Greifswalder Bodden eine inhomogene vertikale Verteilung aufweisen, da in bisherigen Studien aufgrund der niedrigen Gewässertiefe des Boddens von hydrografischer Durchmischung und somit homogener Ichthyoplanktonverteilung ausgegangen wurde. Dazu wurden zwei Nullhypothesen überprüft, eine, die annimmt, dass Heringslarven allgemein im Greifswalder Bodden homogen verteilt sind, eine zweite, nach der auch verschiedenen Längenklassen der Heringe homogen verteilt sind. Die Proben, die Mitte April an drei verschiedenen Stationen im Greifswalder Bodden genommen wurden, zeigten signifikante Unterschiede der Larvenabundanzen allgemein zwischen den beprobten Tiefenstufen als auch der Längenklassen zwischen den Tiefenstufen, sodass beide Nullhypothesen abzulehnen sind. Eine homogene Verteilung der Heringslarven kann ausgeschlossen werden. Abstract Larvae of the Western Baltic Spring Spawning Herring were sampled in the Greifswalder Bodden in the course of a Bachelor Thesis to investigate whether they are inhomogeneously vertically distributed. Previous research assumed homogeneous vertical distribution because of the shallowness of the Greifswalder Bodden due to hydrographical mixing of the water and the ichthyoplankton. Two null hypotheses were tested, one which presumes even vertical distribution of the herring larvae and another which presumes even vertical distribution within different length classes in the Greifswalder Bodden. Sampling took place at three different stations in the Greifswalder Bodden during April and results showed significant differences of the larvae abundances between the sampled depths and also significant differences of the length classes between the sampled depths. Therefore both null hypotheses can be rejected and a homogeneous vertical distribution of the herring larvae in the Greifswalder Bodden can be excluded.


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On the basis of fish culture status 96 ponds of the study area were classified into 4 categories like wild stock (27%), extensive culture (24%), improved extensive culture (33%) and semi-intensive culture (16%). Percentage of small, medium and large ponds were 38, 44, and 18 respectively whereas education levels below SSC, below Bachelor and above were 43, 38 and 19 respectively and single owners belonged to 54% of the ponds. Per hectare yields of extensive, improved extensive and semi-intensive categories of culture were 1.3, 2.12 and 4.0 metric tons respectively and their net return were 46, 63 and 92 thousand taka respectively. Considering the problems of fish culture, multiple ownership was found to be the most important one.