44 resultados para West Asia and North Africa

em Aquatic Commons


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This paper provides a review of the valuation of river fisheries in West and Central Africa. It is the general perception that, compared to the biological and ecological aspects of river fisheries, this particular subject area has received relatively little attention. Economic valuation is concerned with finding expression for what is important in life for human society. It should, therefore, be a central and integral part of government decision-making and policy. The review started with concepts and methods for valuation. Three main types of valuation techniques were identified: conventional economic valuations, economic impact assessments and socioeconomic investigations, and livelihood analysis. On the basis of a literature review, valuation information was then synthesized for the major regional river basins and large lakes, and also used to develop a series of national fisheries profiles. To supplement this broad perspective, a series of case studies are also presented, which focus in particular on the impact of changes in water management regime. Finally, the paper presents an assessment of the three main types of valuation methodology and a set of conclusions and recommendations for future valuation studies.


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The broad distribution of Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax) along the Pacif ic coast of North America makes it difficult for fisheries managers to identify regional stocks of this dominant small pelagic species. An investigation of morphometric characteristics of otoliths of Pacific sardine across most of their range revealed regional differences in populations. In a survey of over 2000 otoliths, all ages (with an emphasis on age-1 recruits) were compared. Principal components analysis, multivariate analysis of variance, and a novel method derived from regression and residuals calculations, termed perimeter-weight profiles (PWPs), revealed otolith similarities and differences. The results of the different approaches to statistical comparisons did not always agree. Sardine otoliths from Mexican waters were generally lighter and more lobate than those from U.S. and Canadian populations. Age-1 otoliths from northern California in 2006–07 tended to be heavier and smoother than those from other areas, including year-class cohorts from southern California. Comparisons of age-groups and year-classes of northern California otoliths with the use of the PWP models indicated signif icant trends in year-to-year patterns. In conjunction with other established indices of population structure, otolith PWPs are a useful tool for identifying local and regional stocks of Pacific sardine and may help distinguish populations of other fish species as well.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Data were extracted from the U.S. Navy Fleet Numerical Oceanographic Center Master Oceanographic Observation Data Set for a 200 km to 300 km wide coastal strip on the west coast of the United States. These data were averaged for the September through February (winter) and March through August (summer) intervals. The resulting winter temperature anomaly values show the El Nino signal in the CCC [Coastal California Current] as positive temperature anomalies from the surface to at least 300 m.


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This paper reviews the published and gray literature concerning economic valuations of river fisheries in eastern and southern Africa, extracting the best available information on their direct economic values and on the impacts of changes in water management on this value. It then assesses the methods used and makes recommendations regarding approaches to be used in future. The review concentrates on rivers with their associated floodplains and major deltas. The values and issues associated with estuaries and lakes are not considered.


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The migratory population of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) (>400 mm total length[TL]) spends winter in the Atlantic Ocean off the Virginia and North Carolina coasts of the United States. Information on trophic dynamics for these large adults during winter is limited. Feeding habits and prey were described from stomach contents of 1154 striped bass ranging from 373 to 1250 mm TL, collected from trawls during winters of 1994-96, 2000, and 2002-03, and from the recreational fishery during 2005-07. Nineteen prey species were present in the diet. Overall, Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) and bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) dominated the diet by boimass (67.9%) and numerically (68.6%). The percent biomass of Atlantic menhaden during 1994-2003 to 87.0% during 2005-07. Demersal fish species such as Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus) and spot (Leiostomus xanthurus) represented <15% of the diet biomass, whereas alosines (Alosa spp.) were rarely observed. Invertebrates were least important, contributing <1.0% by biomass and numerically. Striped bass are capable of feeding on a wide range of prey sizes (2% to 43% of their total length). This study outlines the importance of clupeoid fishes to striped bass winter production and also shows that predation may be exerting pressure on one of their dominant prey, the Atlantic menhaden.


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The Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC), National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), hosted an international workshop, 'The Importance of Prerecruit Walleye Pollock to the Bering Sea and North Pacific Ecosystems," from 28 to 30 October 1993. This workshop was held in conjunction with the annual International North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) meeting held in Seattle. Nearly 100 representatives from government agencies, universities, and the fishing industry in Canada, Japan, the People's Republic of China, Russia, and the United States took part in the workshop to review and discuss current knowledge on juvenile pollock from the postlarval period to the time they recruit to the fisheries. In addition to its importance to humans as a major commercial species, pollock also serves as a major forage species for many marine fishes, birds, and mammals in the North Pacific region. (PDF file contains 236 pages.)


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A rapid and cost effective DNA test is described to identify European eel (Anguilla anguilla) and North American eel (Anguilla rostrata). By means of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique parts of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene are amplified with species specific primers which are designed to produce PCR fragments of different characteristic sizes for European and American eel. The size differences can easily be made visible by agarose gel electrophoresis


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The Zanzibar Workshop Proceedings consists of the report and the Statement of the Workshop and provides a rich understanding of the dynamics of traditional, indigenous, small-scale and artisanal fisheries and fishing communities in the Eastern and Southern African (ESA) context. The issues covered include: the saga of rights denied to coastal lands, fishing, and threats to livelihood arising from lack of recognition of traditional rights and the livelihood needs of people in the region; the aspirations of coastal and inland communities to maintain or improve their livelihoods; and a bottom-up perspective on access rights to fishing, post-harvest rights and economic and social rights. This report will be a valuable source of information for community organizers, trade union leaders, government officials and the donor community, including multilateral organizations, researchers and for all those who are interested in the well-being of ESA fishing communities.


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This present study investigates the influence of western Pacific tropical cyclone activity as possible centers of anomalous tropical heating on the large-scale circulation over the Pacific region. The characterization of tropical cyclone activity via an index based on anomalous 700 mb zonal wind is described first. Patterns of anomalous large-scale extratropical circulation anomalies based on composites of similar periods of tropical cyclone activity are then presented, followed by general conclusions.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): The dynamics and predictability of decadal climate variability over the North Pacific and North America are investigated by analyzing various observational datasets and the output of a state-of-the-art coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model, which was integrated for 120 years.


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The purpose of this output was to use the results of the baseline and participatory diagnostics analysis to develop alternative innovations for agricultural production, natural resource management and food security. The farming systems in the project areas were analysed to identify the innovations that communities had been using for agricultural production, natural resource management and food security. The innovative strategies were examined for their contribution to sustainable agriculture, food security and natural resource management. Comparative analysis of the agricultural productivity, food security and natural resource management in the different areas where the innovations have been put in place was undertaken. The best practices would be identified, which should be scaled-up, modified or sustained. The willingness and perceptions of the farmers to adopt the innovations would then be assessed.