5 resultados para Web of things

em Aquatic Commons


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Benthic food webs often derive a significant fraction of their nutrient inputs from phytoplankton in the overlying waters. If the phytoplankton include harmful algal species like Pseudo-nitzschia australis, a diatom capable of producing the neurotoxin domoic acid (DA), the benthic food web can become a depository for phycotoxins. We tested the general hypothesis that DA contaminates benthic organisms during local blooms of P. australis, a widespread toxin producer along the US west coast. To test for trophic transfer and uptake of DA into the benthic food web, we sampled 8 benthic species comprising 4 feeding groups: filter feeders (Emerita analoga and Urechis caupo); a predator (Citharichthys sordidus); scavengers (Nassarius fossatus and Pagurus samuelis) and deposit feeders (Neotrypaea californiensis, Dendraster excentricus and Olivella biplicata). Sampling occurred before, during and after blooms of P. australis in Monterey Bay, CA, USA during 2000 and 2001. DA was detected in all 8 species, with contamination persisting over variable time scales. Maximum DA levels in N. fossatus (674 ppm), E. analoga (278 ppm), C. sordidus (515 ppm), N. californiensis (145 ppm), P. samuelis (56 ppm), D. excentricus (15 ppm) and O. biplicata (3 ppm) coincided with P. australis blooms, while DA levels in U. caupo remained above 200 ppm (max. = 751 ppm) throughout the study period. DA in 6 species exceeded levels thought to be safe for higher level consumers (i.e. ≥20 ppm) and thus is likely to have deleterious effects on marine birds, sea lions and the endangered California sea otter, known to prey upon these benthic species.


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Since the introduction of Common carp Cyprinus carpio in Oyo State (Nigeria) from Israel in 1964, various local breeding methods have been employed in carp rearing to improve the survival rate at all stages of development during breeding. The physico-chemical parameters of the ponds which were simultaneously investigated for carp rearing in this study includes temperature (t), dissolved oxygen (DO) and hydrogen-ion concentration (pH). However, high rates of water displacement in the breeding ponds were unfavourable to the development of zooplankton which play important role in the food web of C. carpio. The survival rates of 15.88-69.50% and 19.60-33.83% obtained for the egg-hatchling and hatchling-fingerling stages respectively were encouraging. A breeding performance of this magnitude was found to be viable, breaking even in the fourth year. However, an increase in size of this trial project would be more profitable and increase fingerling supply as well as provide employment opportunities. This study thereby provides some baseline information on some local techniques and progress in the propagation of C. carpio and scope for further improvement


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Geographic Information Systems can help improve ocean literacy and inform our understanding of the human dimensions of marine resource use. This paper describes a pilot project where GIS is used to illustrate the connections between fish stocks and the social, cultural, and economic components of the fishery on land. This method of presenting and merging qualitative and quantitative data represents a new approach to assist fishery managers, participants, policy-makers, and other stakeholders in visualizing an often confusing and poorly understood web of interactions. The Atlantic herring fishery serves as a case study and maps from this pilot project are presented and methods reviewed.


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Blooms of the brevetoxin-producing dinoflagellate Karenia brevis have been linked to high mortality of bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus on Florida’s Gulf of Mexico coast. A clear understanding of trophic transfer of brevetoxin from its algal source up the food web to top predators is needed to assess exposure of affected dolphin populations. Prey fish constitute a means of accumulating and transferring brevetoxins and are potential vectors of brevetoxin to dolphins frequently exposed to K. brevis blooms. Here we report results of brevetoxin analyses of the primary fish species consumed by long-term resident bottlenose dolphins inhabiting Sarasota Bay, Florida. Fish collected during K. brevis blooms in 2003 to 2006 were analyzed by competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and had brevetoxin concentrations ranging from 4 to 10844 ng PbTx-3 eq g–1 tissue. Receptor binding assay (RBA) and liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS) analysis confirmed toxicity and the presence of parent brevetoxins and known metabolites. Fish collected in the absence of K. brevis blooms tested positive for brevetoxin by ELISA and RBA, with concentrations up to 1500 ng PbTx-3 eq g–1 tissue. These findings implicate prey fish exposed to K. brevis blooms as brevetoxin vectors for their dolphin predators and provide a critical analysis of persistent brevetoxin loads in the food web of dolphins repeatedly exposed to Florida red tides.


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The 1992 PACLIM meeting featured the Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) program, sponsored by the National Science Foundation. Ranging from hot to cold and wet to dry climatic regimes, these 18 sites are attempting to understand the web of relationships in different locations as communities evolve over time scales of years to decades to centuries. During this time they are subject to external forcings, including those that vary smoothly and somewhat predictably, like the seasons, upon which are superimposed random "shocks" of various magnitudes.