6 resultados para WHO Child growth standards

em Aquatic Commons


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Die 28. Sitzung des Codex-Alimentarius-Komitees für Fische und Fischereierzeugnisse fand in Peking, China, vom 18. bis 22. September 2006 statt. Das Komitee folgte damit der in der letzten Sitzung ausgesprochenen Einladung der chinesischen Regierung und dem Ziel, die Codex-Sitzungen in verschiedenen Teilen der Welt abzuhalten. Geleitet wurde die Sitzung von Dr. Bjørn Røthe Knudsen, Regionaldirektor der norwegischen Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit. Professor Li Xiaochuan von der chinesischen Akademie für Fischforschung nahm die Rolle des Co-Chairman ein. Insgesamt 140 Delegierte, die 44 Mitgliedstaaten, die EU und eine internationale Organisation vertraten, nahmen an dieser Sitzung teil. Folgende Punkte wurden auf der diesjährigen Codex-Komitee-Sitzung diskutiert: 1. Erweiterung des Standards für Sardinen und sardinenähn-liche Erzeugnisse 2. Bearbeitung des Entwurfs eines Standards für Störkaviar 3. Überarbeitung des Entwurfs eines Standards für lebende und rohe Muscheln 4. Verhandlung über den Entwurf des Standards für geräu-cherten Fisch 5. Code of Practice für Fische und Fischereierzeugnisse 6. Zukünftige Arbeiten


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1963 wurde von der FAO und WHO die Codex-Alimentarius-Kommission gegründet, die Lebensmittelstandards, Richtlinien und Vorschriften wie Codes of practice im Rahmen des gemeinsamen FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme erarbeiten sollte. Hauptziel dieses Programmes ist der Schutz der Gesundheit der Verbraucher und die Sicherung fairer Praktiken im Lebensmittelhandel sowie die Koordinierung der Arbeiten zu Lebensmittelstandards, die von international, staatlichen und nicht-staatlichen Organisationen durchgeführt werden.


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Die Sitzung zeigte in diesem Jahr einmal mehr sehr deutlich, dass einzelne Länder bei bestimmten Fisch und Fischerzeugnissen konkrete wirtschaftliche Interessen verfolgen und versuchen, diese in die Gestaltung bzw. die Formulierung der Codex-Standards, sofern es möglich ist, einfließen zu lassen. Insbesondere zu Beginn der Ausarbeitung eines neuen Standardentwurfs steht die Frage nach dem globalen Handel im Vordergrund. Als Hauptkriterien für einen neuen Standard gelten die aktuelle, internationale wirtschaftliche Bedeutung des Fisches oder Fischerzeugnisses, bestehende wissenschaftliche Kenntnisse über dieses Erzeugnis und die Notwendigkeit einer Qualitäts-und Risikoeinstufung.


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The Age and Growth Program at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center is tasked with providing age data in order to improve the basic understanding of the ecology and fisheries dynamics of Alaskan fish species. The primary focus of the Age and Growth Program is to estimate ages from otoliths and other calcified structures for age-structured modeling of commercially exploited stocks; however, the program has recently expanded its interests to include numerous studies on topics ranging from age estimate validation to the growth and life history of non-target species. Because so many applications rely upon age data and particularly upon assurances as to their accuracy and precision, the Age and Growth Program has developed this practical guide to document the age determination of key groundfish species from Alaskan waters. The main objective of this manual is to describe techniques specific to the age determination of commercially and ecologically important species studied by the Age and Growth Program. The manual also provides general background information on otolith morphology, dissection, and preparation, as well as descriptions of methods used to measure precision and accuracy of age estimates. This manual is intended not only as a reference for age readers at the AFSC and other laboratories, but also to give insight into the quality of age estimates to scientists who routinely use such data.


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This study assessed the physico-chemical quality of River Ogun, Abeokuta, Ogun state, Southwestern Nigeria. Four locations were chosen spatially along the water course to reflect a consideration of all possible human activities that are capable of changing the quality of river water. The water samples were collected monthly for seven consecutive months (December 2011 – June 2012) at the four sampling stations. pH, air temperature (℃), water temperature (℃), conductivity (µs/cm) and total dissolved solids (mg/L) were conducted in-situ with the use of HANNA Combo pH and EC multi meter Hi 98129 and Mercury-in-glass thermometer while dissolved oxygen (mg/L), nitrate (mg/L), phosphate (mg/L), alkalinity (mg/L) and hardness (mg/L) were determined ex-situ using standard methods. Results showed that dissolved oxygen, hydrogen ion concentration, total hardness and nitrate were above the maximum permissible limit of National Administration for Food, Drugs and Control (NAFDAC), Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON), Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA), United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), European Union (EU) and World Health Organization (WHO) for drinking water during certain months of the study period. Results also showed that water temperature and conductivity were within the permissible limits of all the standards excluding FEPA. However, total dissolved solids and alkalinity were within the permissible limits of all the standards. Adejuwon and Adelakun, (2012) also reported similar findings on Rivers Lala, Yobo and Agodo in Ewekoro local government area of Ogun state, Nigeria. Since most of the parameters measured were above the maximum permissible limits of the national and international standards, it can be concluded that the water is unfit for domestic uses, drinking and aquacultural purposes and therefore needs to be treated if it is to be used at all. The low dissolved oxygen values for the first four months was too low i.e. < 5 mg/L. This is most likely as a result of the amount of effluents discharged into the river. To prevent mass extinction of aquatic organisms due to anoxic conditions, proper regulations should be implemented to reduce the organic load the river receives.


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In this research reared white western shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei ,Boone, 1931) with five diet with five different protein level contain 20%, 25%, 30%, 35% and 40% and three salinity level contain 15-17 ppt, 27-30 ppt,and 40-45 ppt researched protein percent effect and water salinity on growth, survival, feed conversion ratio, hemolymph osmolatity, hemolymph protein and corpse protein contain. In this research was 15 sorrow with 3 repeat and used from 45 tanks with 300 liters capacity. Shrimps first weight average was about 2 grams and after 60 days culture cropped down results: Shrimps biomass growth in 15-17 ppt salinity was higher than anther salinities who had meaning different with growth in 40-45 ppt salinity ( p< 0.05). But hadn’t meaning different with growth 27-30 ppt salinity. survival rate in 15-17 ppt salinity was 97.03 who was lower than another salinities. survival percent in 24-30 ppt salinity and 40-45 ppt salinity was 99.33% Highest biomass growth in different diets was in diet number 5 with 40 percent protein that it had meaning different with another diets (p<0.05) . although with informed to product expense in different diets. One kilogram shrimp product expense in different diets hadn’t meaning different (P<0.05) Survival rate in different diets hadn’t meaning different lowest feed conversion ratio was 1.67 in 15-14 salinity that hadn’t meaning different with another salinities also corpse protein quantity in different salinities and different diets hadn’t meaning different. Hemolymph Osmolality in 15-17 ppt salinity was 573.88 mOsm/kg had meaning different with hemolymph osmolality in 27-30 ppt salinity that was 650. 380 mOsm/kg and in 40-45 ppt salinity was 630.38 mOsm/kg. Hemolymph protein in 15-17 ppt salinity was 124.72 mg/ml had meaning different with hemlymph protein in 27-30 ppt salinity that was 136.52 mg/ml but hadn’t meaning different with hemolymph protein in 40-45 ppt salinity that was 128.84 mg/ml. Hemolymph protein in different diets hadn’t meaning different (p<0.05). Keywords: shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, protein , salinity, growth, survival rate, FCR, hemolymph osmolality, hemolymph protein.