33 resultados para WATER SOURCES

em Aquatic Commons


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Increasing the amount of detergent industries in world in spite of having abundant benefits; entering a new kind of contamination into environment and attract the attention of environment liable of different countries to itself. Entering detergents into an aqueous solution cause pollution of water sources and environment in respect of appearing e problem and charges like: nutritive phenomenon, decomposition of hard group of detergent and producing foam. After using Detergents, they were poured into rivers, seas and lakes and have destructive effect on environment. A lot of hygiene problems were attributed to the water having detergents more than allowed value. So, it is specified the importance of eliminating detergents from contaminated water and it is application for secondary use. In order to attain to this aim, we can use inorganic nano and micro-caolin. In this study the adsorptive properties of detergent on the micro and nano caolin adsorbents were studied and the effect of various parameters like the amount of adsorptive materials, initial concentration of detergent, speed of stirring, electrolyte, temperature, time and pH were determined. The surface area of micro- and nano-caoline was reported 11.867 and 49.1438 m2 g-1, respectively. That increasing in nano-caoline surface area confirms increasing in capacity and more rate of adsorption. The results gained by this research recommend using micro- and nano-caolin as a plentiful, available and effective adsorbents. Also in comparison, using nano-caoline was recommended in order to have more effectiveness.


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From October 1970 through February 1972, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, secchi depth and five major nutrients were observed at approximately monthly intervals in Elkhorn Slough and Moss Landing Harbor. In addition, similar hourly observations were made during two tidal studies during the wet and dry seasons. From the salinity measurements during the summer, a salt balance for Elkhorn Slough is formulated and rnean eddy diffusion coefficients are determined. The diffusion nlodel applied to longitudinal phosphate distributions yielded a mean diffusive flux of 12 kg P04/day (140 pg-at/m^2/day) for the area above the mean tidal prism. Consistent differences, apparently due to differing regenerati on ra tes, were observed in the phosphate and nitrogen distributions. Bottom sediments are proposed as a possible source for phosphate and as a sink for fixed nitrogen. Dairy farms located along central Elkhorn Slough are apparently a source for reduced nitrogen. During summer, nitrogen was found to be the limiting nutrient for primary production in the upper slough. Tidal observations indicated fresh water of high nutrient concentration consistently entered the harbor from fresh water sources to the south. This source water had a probable phosphate concentration of 40 to 60 ug-at/l and seasonally varying P:N ratio of 1:16 and 1:5 during the winter and summer respectively. Net production and respiration rates are calculated from diurnal variations in dissolved oxygen levels observed in upper Elkhorn Slough. Changes in phosphate associated with the variations in oxygen was close to the accepted ratio of 1:276 by atoms. Document is 88 pages.


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The Mediterranean region is characterised by a variable climate with most of the rain falling during the winter and frequent summer droughts. Such warm, dry periods are ideal for the growth of large algal blooms that often consist of potentially toxic Cyanobacteria. This makes the management of water for human use particularly challenging in such a climate and it is important to understand how such blooms can be avoided or at least be reduced in size. PROTECH (Phytoplankton RespOnses To Environmental CHange) is a model that simulates the dynamics of different species of phytoplankton populations in lakes and reservoirs. Its distinct advantage over similar models is its ability to simulate the relative composition of the algal flora, allowing both quantitative and qualitative conclusions to be drawn e.g. whether Cyanobacteria could be a potential problem. PROTECH has been applied primarily to lakes and reservoirs in northern Europe. Recently, however, the model has been applied to water bodies in lower latitudes, including Australia to a water supply reservoir in the south of Spain, El Gergal. El Gergal is the last in a chain of reservoirs that supply water to the city of Seville. It was brought into service in April 1979 and has a maximum storage volume of 35 000 000 m3. This article summarises the application of PROTECH in order to simulate the following problems: • the effect of a large influx of Ceratium biomass into El Gergal from another reservoir • the effect of using alternative water sources instead of the Guadalquivir River (used occasionally to raise water levels in El Gergal) • the effect of installing tertiary sewage treatment on the Cala River • the effect of simulated drought conditions on phytoplankton in the reservoir.


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Use of wastewater is an issue gaining importance throughout the (developing) world, as water sources become scarcer and competition for them increases. In Peru, research has shown the technical, economic and social feasibility of growing fish in wastewater. Such fish farms could recover 100% of the wastewater treatment costs.


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Tilapia from fresh water and brackish water-sources behaved differently during iced and frozen storage. The former showed an ice storage shelf life of about 13 days while the latter showed signs of spoilage beyond 10 days. In their respective freezing characteristics, the samples from the two sources exhibited far more significant variations. The fresh water type iced for 13 days preserved well for over 24 weeks when frozen and kept at a temperature of -18° C, while the brackish water variety held in ice for 10 days and subsequently frozen gave a shelf life of only 8 weeks under similar conditions.


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Artemia is a small crustacean that adapted to live in brine water and has been seen in different brine water sources in Iran. Considering the importance of genetic studies manifest inter population differences in species, to estimate genetic structure, detect difference at molecular level and separate different Artemia populations of Iran, also study of phylogenic relationships among them, samples of Artemia were collected from nine region: Urmia lake in West Azerbaijan, Shoor and Inche-Borun lakes in Golestan, Hoze-Soltan and Namak lakes in Qom, Maharloo and Bakhteghan lakes in Fars, Nough pool in Kerman and Mighan pool in Markazi and DNA extracted by phenol-chloroform method. Primers designed on a ribosomal fragment (16s rRNA) of mt DNA sequence and PCR was done. Digestion of the 1566 bp segment PCR product by 10 restriction endonuclease (Alu I, EcoR I, Eco47 I, Hae III, Hind III, Hinf I, Mbo I, Msp I, Rsa I, TaqI) showed 25 different haplotypes: 9 in Urmia, 4 in Shoor and Inche- Borun, 1 in Namak and Hoze-Soltan, 3 in Mighan, 1 in Bakhtegan Maharlo, 3 in Maharloo and 4 in Nough. Measurement of haplotype and nucleotide diversity intra population and nucleotide diversity and divergence inter populations and evolutionary distance between haplotypes showed a high diversity in mitochondrial genome of Artemia in studied regions whose results are similar to those explained for highly geographic expansion organism. In addition, results showed considerable heterogeneity between different populations and there are enough evidences in haplotypic level for separation of studied samples and division of Iranian Artemia to seven populations including Urmia, Shoor and Inche-Borun, Hoze-Soltan and Namak, Maharloo, Bakhteghan, Nough and Mighan. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA data set resulted strict consensus and neighbor joining distance trees, demonstrated that all samples were monophyletic and parthenogenetic form derivation from bisexual populations and genetically high resemblance to those of A. urmiana. Study of 270 specimens from different region showed the genus Artemia in Iran clustered into three clades including: 1- Shoor, Inche-Burun, Hoze-Soltan, Namak, Bakhtegan and Maharloo 2- Nough and Mighan 3- Urmia. Totally, obtained results indicated to ability of used techniques for study of inter species diversity, population structure, reveal of phylogenic relationship and dividing of different populations of Artemia in Iran.


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Economical achievement of optimal growth in developing countries may lead to sustainable poverty reduction. Agricultural activities play an important role in economy and human being welfare, which leads to establishment of food security and quality. Aquaculture products in developing countries share 51.4 percent of total agricultural production.7—percent in developed countries. Therefore undoutedly food production by means of quality and quantity has to be increased .The history of shirmp production goes back to 500 years ago. Today 50 countries of the world produce shirmp .In Islamic Republic of Iran shrimp production started since 1992 in the coastal region of Persian Gulf. The shrimp culture farms canbe classified in to 4 different categories; Extensive, semi-extensive, intensive and super instensive. Global ecological manitenanc is one of the major concerns of authorities Human manipulation of nature is the most destructive activity. Industrial sweage leakage in to the rivers and water sources is a big issue that causes reduction in the aquatic population. Heavy metals have an inhibitory effect in the production and growth of sealife. Human intake of food treated with anti microbial cause's allergy, hypersensitivity and develops microbial resistance. Organochlorine compounds contamination may found in hepato pancreatic tissues of aquatic products, Aresnic may transfer to man via plant & animal product contamination. In 1991 during Persian Gulf Mir 700 oil well set


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Economical achievement of optimal growth in developing countries may lead to sustainable poverty reduction. Agricultural activities play an important role in economy and human being welfare, which leads to establishment of food security and quality. Aquaculture products in developing countries share 51.4 percent of total agricultural production and 241 percent in developed countries. Therefore undoubtedly food production by means of quality and quantity has to be increased .The history of shrimp production goes back to 500 years ago. Today 50 countries of the world produce shrimp. In Islamic Republic of Iran shrimp production started since 1992 in the coastal region of Persian Gulf. The shrimp culture farms can be classified in to 4 different categories; extensive, semi-extensive, intensive and super intensive. Global ecological maintenance is one of the major concerns of authorities Human manipulation of nature is the most destructive activity. Industrial sewage leakage in to the rivers and water sources is a big issue that causes reduction in the aquatic population. Heavy metals have an inhibitory effect in the production and growth of sea life. Human intake of food treated with anti-microbial cause's allergy, hypersensitivity and develops microbial resistance. Organochlorine compounds contamination may found in hepatopancreatic tissue of aquatic products, Arsenic may transfer to man via plant and animal product contamination.


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Chalcalburnus mossulensis from the cyprinidae family is one of the indigenous fish in Gheshlag Lake of Kordestan-Iran. Ligula intestinalis is one of the infective parasites of this fish. In this study, the effect of this parasite on some biological aspects of this fish like weight, length, PI, CF, GSR, blood sex steroid hormones and gonadal tissue, was investigated. During one year, by seasonal sampling, 144 fish sample from mentioned species were collected using trap net. By considering the scale sample, the fish with the same age were separated and tested as the point of infection with the parasite. By biochemical and histopathological investigation of fish blood and gonad tissue, it was clear that increase in infection rate of fish, caused decrease in biological parameters. There was a significant difference (p<0.05) between the means of sex steroid hormones (17-B Estradiol and Testostreone) of infected and non-infected fish and this parameter was significantly lower in infected ones. This significant difference also was seen between the means of male and female gonads maturation steps of infected and non-infected samples. The reason for lack of maturation of gonads tissue is infection by Ligula intestinalis. Also in gonads of infected fish, abnormal degenerative changes like MMC (Melano-Macrophage Center), hemorrhage and necrosis were seen that were not reported by other researchers. So the spread of this parasite in different water sources should be consider as the point of the maintenance of native species and cultivated fish.


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Upward leakage of saline water from an artesian aquifer below 1,500 feet has caused an increase in chloride concentration in the lower Hawthorn aquifer from less than 1,000 mg/1 (milligrams per liter) to values ranging from about 1,300 to 15,000 mg/1. Similarly the higher temperatures of the intruding water has caused an increase in water temperatures in the aquifer from 82"F to values ranging from 83 to 93"F. The intruding water moves upward either through the open bore hole of deep wells or test holes, or along a fault or fracture system, which has been identified in the area. From these points of entry into the lower Hawthorn aquifer, the saline water spreads laterally toward the south and southeast, but is generally confined to components of the fault system. The saline water moves upward from the lower Hawthorn aquifer into the upper Hawthorn aquifer through the open bore hole of wells, which connect the aquifers. This movement has resulted in an increase in chloride from less than 200 mg/1 in the unaffected parts of the upper Hawthorn aquifer to values commonly ranging from about 300 to more than 3,000 mg/1 in parts of the aquifer affected by upward leakage. The upper Hawthorn aquifer is the principal source of ground-water supply for public water-supply systems in western Lee County. Similar effects have been noted in the water-table aquifer, where chloride increased from less than 100 to concentrations ranging from about 500 to more than 5,000 mg/1. This was caused by the downward infiltration of water discharged at land surface from wells tapping the lower Hawthorn aquifer. The spread of saline water throughout most of the McGregor Isles area is continuing as of 1971. (40 page document)


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The hydrographic structure of the northern Red Sea indicated that, the surface waters of temperature around 22°C, salinity of 40.1OO%o and dt = 28.1 might sink to depths between 400-500 m by convective overturn, contributing to the formation of the mid-deep Red Sea waters. Below the 500 db depth down to the bottom the water column is stable. The geostrophic circulation clearly indicated an inflow of water from the Red Sea towards NNW, along the main axis of the sea. Arriving at the northern edge of the sea, it sends a branch in the Gulf of Aqaba, turns to the west, and sends another branch to the Gulf of Suez, but its main mass reaches the African coast where it sets southward along this coast. A large cyclonic gyre centered near 27 deg 30'N and 34 deg l0'E is detected at the head of the Red Sea deep waters. The effect of the outflow of the bottom water of the Gulf of Suez on the formation of the deep water of the Red Sea is limited.


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The principal sources of surface-water supplies inBaker County are the St. Marys River and its tributaries. However, the flow of many of the small tributaries is intermittent, and without storage they are not dependable sources of supply during sustained periods of deficient rainfall. Of the six stream-gaging stations in Baker County for which complete records are available, one has been in operation for 31 years and provides a long-term record upon which to base correlative estimates for extending the short-term records at the other stations. All available streamflow data to 1957 have been summarized in graphic or tabular form. The hydrologic balance between minimum streamflows and increased evaporation losses afforded by potential shallow reservoirs provides design criteria for determining the maximum surface area of effective reservoir that can be created at a selected site within Baker County. This information has been presented in graphic and tabular form in the report. (PDF has 37 pages.)


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Kainji Lake Basin is the first man-made Lake in Nigeria with a surface area of 1270km super(2). Since its creation in 1968 research activities were carried out on biological, socio-economic, hydrological and limnological characteristics of the water body. Extension activities concentrated on the dissemination of proven technologies developed by the Research scientists. Most of the socio-economic and extension activities focused on fishermen as women were regarded as homemakers and their activities concentrated in the home. The situation is even compounded by the Islamic injunction of seclusion. The intervention of NGKLFPP in 1993 has introduced many changes into the research and extension activities directed at the beneficiaries of the project because women were considered as a major stakeholder around the Lake area. The intervention of the project in Kainji Lake in the introduction of alternative income generating activities to women is enumerated in this paper. The intervention has improved the living standard of women and to a certain level reduced poverty among women in the area


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The bulk of the European Community's water policy legislation was developed between the mid 1970s and the early 1990s. These directives addressed specific substances, sources, uses or processes but caused problems with differing methods definitions and aims. The Water Framework Directive (WFD) aims to resolve the piecemeal approach. The Environemnt Agency (EA) welcomes and supported the overall objective of establishing a coherent legislative framework. The EA has been discussing the implications of the WFD with European partners and has developed a timetable for the implementation and a special team will commission necessary research.


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Tap water is not sterile; it contains organisms which grow in water distribution systems or inside taps and their fittings. The absence of known pathogenic bacteria is assured by the absence of the indicator organisms but concerns have been raised in the past few years that drinking water fulfilling the standards laid down in the EC Directive ECC 80/778 may still cause disease. These concerns have arisen from several sources: the fact that a cause has been identified in only half of all suspected waterborne outbreaks of disease; reports have suggested that heterotrophic bacteria possessing single pathogenic mechanisms such as haemolysin may cause disease; reports of heterotrophic organisms causing water contact diseases in hospitals. These concerns led to a reappraisal of the pathogenic potential of heteretrophic bacteria, by carrying out an extensive literature search and review commissioned by the UK Water Research Company. This research identified many papers showing an association between drinking water and heterotrophic bacteria but only very few reports of suspected waterborne disease associated with the heterotrophs. The organisms demonstrating potential to cause disease were species of Aeromonas and Yersinia, but typing of organisms identified in patients and isolated from the water revealed very few similarities. The potential of Aeromonas and Yersinia to cause waterborne disease is thought to be very low and the Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre database of laboratory infections due to these two genera of organisms was analysed to produce population-related incidences for each health region in England and Wales. Additionally a laboratory questionnaire revealed different levels of ascertainment of these two organisms in different laboratories of the Public Health Laboratory Service.