13 resultados para Villena, Isabel de, 1430-1490-Biografies

em Aquatic Commons


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Hurricane Isabel made landfall as a Category 2 Hurricane on 18 September 2003, on the North Carolina Outer Banks between Cape Lookout and Cape Hatteras, then coursed northwestward through Pamlico Sound and west of Chesapeake Bay where it downgraded to a tropical storm. Wind damage on the west and southwest shores of Pamlico Sound and the western shore of Chesapeake Bay was moderate, but major damage resulted from the storm tide. The NOAA, National Ocean Service, National Centers for Coastal Ocean Sciences, Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research at Beaufort, North Carolina and the Center for Coastal Environmental Health and Biomedical Research Branch at Oxford, Maryland have hurricane preparedness plans in place. These plans call for tropical storms and hurricanes to be tracked carefully through NOAA National Weather Service (NWS) watches, warnings, and advisories. When a hurricane watch changes to a hurricane warning for the areas of Beaufort or Oxford, documented hurricane preparation plans are activated. Isabel exacted some wind damage at both Beaufort and Oxford. Storm tide caused damage at Oxford, where area-wide flooding isolated the laboratory for many hours. Storm tide also caused damage at Beaufort. Because of their geographic locations on or near the open ocean (Beaufort) or on or near large estuaries (Beaufort and Oxford), storm tide poses a major threat to these NOAA facilities and the safety of federal employees. Damage from storm surge and windblown water depends on the track and intensity of a storm. One tool used to predict storm surge is the Sea, Lake, and Overland Surges from Hurricanes (SLOSH) model of the NWS, which provides valuable surge forecasts that aid in hurricane preparation.


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This series will include all those people who, by means of their contributions, great and small, played a part in the consolidation of ichthyology in Argentina. The general plan of this work consists of individual factsheets containing a list of works by each author, along with reference bibliography and, whenever possible, personal pictures and additional material. The datasheets will be published primarily in chronological order, although this is subject to change by the availability of materials for successive editions. This work represents another approach for the recovery and revalorization of those who set the foundations of Argentine ichthyology while in diverse historical circumstances. I expect this to be the beginning of a major work that achieves the description of such a significant part of the history of natural sciences in Argentina.


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Corría 1968. Yo era un estudiante enamorado de las ampularias, y alguien me regaló una separata del trabajo de María Isabel Hylton Scott titulado “Estudio morfológico y taxonómico de los ampulláridos de la República Argentina”. Hoy soy un profesor e investigador jubilado, … enamorado de las ampularias ¿Qué pasó en el medio? Por diversas circunstancias de mi vida comencé mi carrera estudiando roedores. Pero como canta un tango, “siempre se vuelve al primer amor” y dos décadas después (hacia 1990) conseguí algo de financiación para estudiar uno de estos extraordinarios animales: Pomacea canaliculata. Esto fue para mí un nuevo comienzo: poco a poco fui dejando mis estudios en ratones silvestres, y formando un grupo dedicado a esta ampularia ¡Fue un cambio de phylum! Pecado difícilmente perdonable en un ambiente científico cada vez más competitivo, pero que me llenó de satisfacción, por lo que me felicito de haberlo cometido. Desde entonces he dirigido a siete doctorandos en distintos aspectos de la morfología y la ecofisiología de este animal (Albrecht, 1998; Vega, 2005; Gamarra-Luques, 2007; Koch, 2008; Giraud-Billoud, 2009; Cueto, 2011; Giraud-Billoud, 2011), y sus tesis tienen al menos dos cosas en común: P. canaliculata casi siempre en el título, y el trabajo de Hylton Scott (1957) siempre citado en la bibliografía. Ella, “la doctora”, la “decana de los zoólogos argentinos” (como escribió Cazzaniga, 1991) fue para nosotros, atrevidos que no la conocimos personalmente, a quien llamábamos por sobrenombre “Doña Marisa”, y lo seguimos haciendo. Lo sigo haciendo yo, porque aunque jubilado “en los papeles”, sigo trabajando detrás de sus pasos. Hoy tengo un doctorando (C. Rodríguez) trabajando en P. canaliculata , el octavo de mis tesistas en esta especie, y deseo que no sea el último. Una revisión de la biología de ampuláridos actualmente en prensa en Malacologia (Hayes et al., 2015) cita repetidas veces el trabajo que hoy reedita ProBiota. Los autores provienen de un amplio “mundo”, porque “el mundo” de los ampuláridos se ha extendido antropocóricamente a lo que hoy es Estados Unidos, Europa, China y Japón. Esto no lo podría haber soñado Doña Marisa cuando comenzó sus pacientes estudios de la embriología de P. canaliculata hace ochenta años (Hylton Scott, 1934). Y si algún cientómetra quisiera calcular la vida media de sus citas, se encontraría con algo sorprendente: que la curva temporal de éstas no va decayendo ¡sino creciendo! Hoy no puedo imaginarme a mí mismo, como investigador, si no me hubiera topado con esa separata de cien páginas, escritas en un castellano elegante y hoy amarillentas, a las que guardo como un tesoro (porque las que usamos son sus fotocopias). Por eso, al acercarse los 25 años de la muerte de esta gran cordobesa (y platense por adopción) le propuse a mi amigo Hugo L. López esta reedición, que el aceptó con entusiasmo. Y también le propuse a mi alumno G. I. Prieto, excelente dibujante, que le diera nueva vida a una vieja foto de Doña Marisa que fue publicada por Cazzaniga (1992). Los que conocieron a “la doctora” personalmente, podrán decir si Prieto logró revivir su penetrante mirada. Creo que sí. Alfredo Castro-Vazquez


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Missing November issue. (PDF contains 62 pages.)


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La familia de la Compuestas (=Asteraceae) es la más numerosa de todas las fanerógamas con aproximadamente 23000 especies y más de 1500 géneros ampliamente distribuidos en todos los continentes excepto en la Antártida. En la República Argentina es la familia más abundante con 222 géneros nativos y 1490 especies, en tanto que en la provincia de Buenos Aires, las compuestas representan la sexta parte de la flora de plantas vasculares con 113 géneros y 356 especies, de las cuales 55 son adventicias y el resto indígenas. Muchas de las especies de esta familia son utilizadas por el hombre como plantas alimenticias o medicinales. Algunas especies son tóxicas para el ganado. Otras son utilizadas como repelentes de insectos o son perjudiciales por ser malezas invasoras en los campos y competir con las plantas cultivadas.


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The commercially important species of penaeoid shrimps comprise 4 families, 12 genera, and 37 species in the Americas, This key is supported by 49 figures including lateral views of whole shrimps in 10 of the 12 genera and detailed figures of male (petasma) and female (thelycum) genital structures of the species. A glossary of terms used in shrimp taxonomy plus a bibliography of references useful in identifying shrimps are included. (PDF file contains 38 pages.)


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El Vivero de la ECCD. Las Amenazadas Tortugas de Cerro Paloma, Isabel. El Daño de los Chivos al Volcán Alcedo. Las Colecciones del Museo de la ECCD. Chivos en Pinta, Otra Vez? Existe un Guadalupe River en Galápagos? Avistamiento de un Tirano del Este. Tomar Palabras del Pasado. ¡Es Scalesia Atractyloides! El Beagle, Bote de Investigación de la ECCD. Alcedo al Día. Exposición de Arte a Beneficio de Alcedo. Nueva Construcción. Actividad Geológica? Ciencia de Alta Tecnología. Mas Noticias Sobre Pinta. Primer Registro de la Garza Verde (Butorides Viriscens) en las Islas Galápagos. Un Vuelo sobre los Volcanes del Norte de Isabela.


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The on-offshore distributions of tuna larvae in near-reef waters of the Coral Sea, near Lizard Island (14°30ʹS, 145°27ʹE), Australia, were investigated during four cruises from November 1984 to February 1985 to test the hypothesis that larvae of these oceanic fishes are found in highest abundance near coral reefs. Oblique bongo net tows were made in five on-offshore blocks in the Coral Sea, ranging from 0–18.5 km offshore of the outer reefs of the Great Barrier Reef, as well as inside the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon. The smallest individuals (<3.2 mm SL) of the genus Thunnus could not be identified to species, and are referred to as Thunnus spp. We found species-specific distributional patterns. Thunnus spp. and T. alalunga (albacore) larvae were most abundant (up to 68 larvae/100 m2) in near-reef (0–5.5 km offshore) waters, whereas Katsuwonus pelamis (skipjack tuna) larvae increased in abundance in the offshore direction (up to 228 larvae/100 m2, 11.1–18.5 km offshore). Larvae of T. albacares (yellowfin tuna) and Euthynnus affinis (kawakawa) were relatively rare throughout the study region, and the patterns of their distributions were inconclusive. Few larvae of any tuna species were found in the lagoon. Size-frequency distributions revealed a greater proportion of small larvae inshore compared to offshore for K. pelamis and T. albacares. The absence of significant differences in size-frequency distributions for other species and during the other cruises was most likely due to the low numbers of larvae. Larval distributions probably resulted from a combination of patterns of spawning and vertical distribution, combined with wind-driven onshore advection and downwelling on the seaward side of the outer reefs.


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Molecular markers based on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) are extensively used to study genetic relationships. mtDNA has been used in phylogenetic studies to understand the evolutionary history of species because it is maternally inherited and is not subject to genetic recombination (Gyllensten et al., 1991). The high mutation rate of mtDNA makes it a useful tool for differentiating between closely related species (Brown et al., 1979)—a tool that is especially important when significant variations occur between species, but not within species (Hill et al., 2001; Blair et al., 2006; Chow et al., 2006a).


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This report is a literature review on Food and Nutrition Security in Solomon Islands, based on data from surveys conducted by Solomon Islands National Statistical Office, as well as from national and international organizations working in Solomon Islands. The purpose of the report is to present information outlining the current food and nutrition situation in Solomon Islands before implementation of the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS), led by WorldFish. The aim of the AAS program is to enhance production in natural freshwater and/or coastal ecosystems to improve household livelihood, including income and food security. This report summarizes national statistics and also focuses in more detail on a subset of provinces: Guadalcanal, Malaita and Western. In 2012, the AAS program was rolled out in Guadalcanal, Central and Malaita Provinces, designated the Central Hub. In 2013, roll out is beginning in the Western Hub (Western and Isabel Provinces). The priority province for the Central Hub has been identified as Malaita.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Each summer between 1976 and 1984 research was conducted on the Quelccaya Ice Cap with one central objective, to recover an ice core to bedrock from which an approximate 1000 year climatic history for tropical South America could be reconstructed. In 1983 that central objective was accomplished by recovering one core 155 meters in length containing 1350 years and a second core of 163.6 meters containing more than 1500 years of climatic history. ... The most significant climatic event in tropical South America over the last 1500 years was the "Little Ice Age" which is recorded between 1490 to 1880 A.D. in these ice core records. Records from the summit of the Quelccaya Ice Cap show that during the "Little Ice Age" period there was (1) a general increase in particulates (both insoluble and soluble, starting around 1490 A.D. and ending abruptly in 1880 A.D.; (2) an initial increase in net accumulation (1500-1720 A.D.) followed by a period of decreased net accumulation (1720-1860 A.D.); (3) more negative delta-O-18 values beginning in the 1520's and ending around 1880 A.D. The "Little Ice Age" event is evident as a perturbation in all five ice core parameters.


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Hurricanes can cause extensive damage to the coastline and coastal communities due to wind-generated waves and storm surge. While extensive modeling efforts have been conducted regarding storm surge, there is far less information about the effects of waves on these communities and ecosystems as storms make landfall. This report describes a preliminary use of NCCOS’ WEMo (Wave Exposure Model; Fonseca and Malhotra 2010) to compute the wind wave exposure within an area of approximately 25 miles radius from Beaufort, North Carolina for estuarine waters encompassing Bogue Sound, Back Sound and Core Sound during three hurricane landfall scenarios. The wind wave heights and energy of a site was a computation based on wind speed, direction, fetch and local bathymetry. We used our local area (Beaufort, North Carolina) as a test bed for this product because it is frequently impacted by hurricanes and we had confidence in the bathymetry data. Our test bed conditions were based on two recent Hurricanes that strongly affected this area. First, we used hurricane Isabel which made landfall near Beaufort in September 2003. Two hurricane simulations were run first by passing hurricane Isabel along its actual path (east of Beaufort) and second by passing the same storm to the west of Beaufort to show the potential effect of the reversed wind field. We then simulated impacts by a hurricane (Ophelia) with a different landfall track, which occurred in September of 2005. The simulations produced a geographic description of wave heights revealing the changing wind and wave exposure of the region as a consequence of landfall location and storm intensity. This highly conservative simulation (water levels were that of low tide) revealed that many inhabited and developed shorelines would receive wind waves for prolonged periods of time at heights far above that found during even the top few percent of non-hurricane events. The simulations also provided a sense for how rapidly conditions could transition from moderate to highly threatening; wave heights were shown to far exceed normal conditions often long before the main body of the storm arrived and importantly, at many locations that could impede and endanger late-fleeing vessels seeking safe harbor. When joined with other factors, such as storm surge and event duration, we anticipate that the WEMo forecasting tool will have significant use by local emergency agencies and the public to anticipate the relative exposure of their property arising as a function of storm location and may also be used by resource managers to examine the effects of storms in a quantitative fashion on local living marine resources.