6 resultados para Velasco
em Aquatic Commons
Within the frame of the EU Data Collection Regulation (DCR), Germany is obliged since 2002 to collect basic fisheries data to support the Common Fisheries Policy. Various governmental institutions are involved in the collection of landings and effort data, biological and economic data of the German fisheries. About 200 trips on commercial fishery vessels were sampled from 2002 to 2006. Additional stock data are collected on research surveys. The landings of cod in the recreational fisheries in the North and Baltic Seas were recorded within a pilot study. In order to assess the economic situation of the fishing fleet and processing industry, economic data were collected. The collected data are being stored in a national database and being made available for scientific working groups. At present, the legal regulations within the DCR framework are being reviewed and adapted to the changing requirements of fisheries management.
El pejerrey Odontesthes bonariensis es uno de los peces de aguas continentales más emblemáticos de la Argentina y una de las especies más estudiada desde diferentes aspectos: ecológico, sistemático, morfológico, fisiológico, genético, etc. (López et al. 1991). Durante los años 1891 y 1892 se realizaron las primeras experiencias de piscicultura,lográndose por primera vez la reproducción artificial en 1904. Su amplia distribución actual es consecuencia de las siembras que se realizaron desde el antiguo Vivero de Piscicultura del Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería de la Nación y de la Estación Hidrobiológica del Ministerio de Asuntos Agrarios de la provincia de Buenos Aires, ambos establecimientos ubicados en la ciudad de Chascomús. En el presente trabajo se realiza una aproximación a la historia de la piscicultura del pejerrey en Chascomús, la que se divide en tres períodos: 1) Antecedentes de piscicultura, importancia de la pesca comercial en el sistema de lagunas Encadenadas de Chascomús y primeras medidas tomadas para conservar la explotación de las lagunas hacia fines del siglo XIX. 2) Etapa del antiguo Vivero (Ministerio de Agricultura de la Nación), desde 1904 hasta 1939. 3) Etapa de la Estación Hidrobiológica (Ministerio de Asuntos Agrarios, provincia de Buenos Aires), desde 1943 hasta el presente.
Cod captured by commercial fi shery in the Bornholm Basin in quarter 2 of 2001 were not suitable for the mechanical processing due to low condition and weight. The absolute mean weight of cod captured by the commercial fishery in the Arkona Sea and Bornholm Basin in the same quarter during the last fi ve years was studied to describe its development. The results of a GLM (Generalized Linear Model) analysis showed similar development of body weight in the Bornholm Basin and in the Arkona Sea between 2007 and 2011. The mean weight of cod in the Bornholm Basin increased from 2007 to 2008 in both areas followed by a relative stable weight until 2009 and a decrease until 2011. In the Arkona Sea the mean weight of cod 2009 has decreased in comparison to 2008, then have increased 2010 slightly and last have decreased in 2011. The analyses showed that the weight of cod is signifi cantly infl uenced by length, age and maturity of individuals.
Biochemical (electrophoresis and mitochondrial DNA) and morphological analysis are important tools for the characterization of strains. Reference is made to studies conducted in the framework of the Genetic Improvement of Farmed Tilapias project to establish a new base tilapia population for culture purposes, describing the basic concepts of electrophoresis and morphometric analysis.
The relationship between length (L) and weight (W) was estimated for 80 species belonging to 50 families of marine fishes from the shelf and upper slope of southern Brazil (lat. 28°S - 34°S). Sample sizes (n) for different species ranged from 11 to 14 741 specimens collected from commercial landings and research surveys. The fit of the equations (W=aLb) with a and b parameters estimated from regular and functional regression (of log-transformed weight and length data) as well as from a non-linear iterative process using the quasi-Newton algorithm were compared. The non-linear method gave the most accurate estimates in terms of residual sum of squares. Differences were less than 2.3% for n>500 compared with predictive regressions and 1.5% compared with functional regressions. No difference was observed between both predictive and functional regressions. Determination coefficients (r2) increased with sample size, and the highest r2 were obtained for 50