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Seasonal variations in the occurrence and abundance of penaeid prawn larvae in the Mandovi and Zuari estuaries of Goa were studied. Larvae and post-larvae of commercially important species viz. Metapenaeus dobsoni (Miers), M.affinis (H. Milne Edwards). M. Monoceros (Fabricius), Penaeus merguiensis de Man and Parapenaeopsis stylifera (H. Milne Edwards) were recorded in that order of abundance. Protozoea and mysis stages were dominant in surface zooplankton collections while the post-larvae were more in the bottom samples. Based on larval density, M. dobsoni appeared to be a continuous breeder. The active spawning periods in other species were during the late post-monsoon and pre-monsoon seasons varying with the species. Peak recruitment of post-larvae in the estuaries was observed mostly during southwest monsoon months (June to September). Penaeid prawn larval ingression was more in the Zuari estuary compared to the Mandovi estuary. Their numerical abundance gradually decreased towards the upstream areas. The feasibility of large scale collection of penaeid prawn larvae for aquaculture is indicated.
The fecundity, morphometry and the post embryonic development of Caridina simoni which is the commonest atyid shrimp in Sri Lanka were studied. The fecundity values ranged from 12-55. There was a linear relationship between the logarithmic values of fecundity and body length and the same relationship was obtained for body length and weight. It was seen that the developmental period of this species was less than six days and during development it passed through six zoeal stages.
An assessment of the status of the Atlantic stock of red drum is conducted using recreational and commercial data from 1986 through 1998. This assessment updates data and analyses from the 1989, 1991, 1992 and 1995 stock assessments on Atlantic coast red drum (Vaughan and Helser, 1990; Vaughan 1992; 1993; 1996). Since 1981, coastwide recreational catches ranged between 762,300 pounds in 1980 and 2,623,900 pounds in 1984, while commercial landings ranged between 60,900 pounds in 1997 and 422,500 pounds in 1984. In weight of fish caught, Atlantic red drum constitute predominantly a recreational fishery (ranging between 85 and 95% during the 1990s). Commercially, red drum continue to be harvested as part of mixed species fisheries. Using available length-frequency distributions and age-length keys, recreational and commercial catches are converted to catch in numbers at age. Separable and tuned virtual population analyses are conducted on the catch in numbers at age to obtain estimates of fishing mortality rates and population size (including recruitment to age 1). In tum, these estimates of fishing mortality rates combined with estimates of growth (length and weight), sex ratios, sexual maturity and fecundity are used to estimate yield per recruit, escapement to age 4, and static (or equilibrium) spawning potential ratio (static SPR, based on both female biomass and egg production). Three virtual analysis approaches (separable, spreadsheet, and FADAPT) were applied to catch matrices for two time periods (early: 1986-1991, and late: 1992-1998) and two regions (Northern: North Carolina and north, and Southern: South Carolina through east coast of Florida). Additional catch matrices were developed based on different treatments for the catch-and-release recreationally-caught red drum (B2-type). These approaches included assuming 0% mortality (BASEO) versus 10% mortality for B2 fish. For the 10% mortality on B2 fish, sizes were assumed the same as caught fish (BASEl), or positive difference in size distribution between the early period and the later period (DELTA), or intermediate (PROP). Hence, a total of 8 catch matrices were developed (2 regions, and 4 B2 assumptions for 1986-1998) to which the three VPA approaches were applied. The question of when offshore emigration or reduced availability begins (during or after age 3) continues to be a source of bias that tends to result in overestimates of fishing mortality. Additionally, the continued assumption (Vaughan and Helser, 1990; Vaughan 1992; 1993; 1996) of no fishing mortality on adults (ages 6 and older), causes a bias that results in underestimates of fishing mortality for adult ages (0 versus some positive value). Because of emigration and the effect of the slot limit for the later period, a range in relative exploitations of age 3 to age 2 red drum was considered. Tuning indices were developed from the MRFSS, and state indices for use in the spreadsheet and FADAPT VPAs. The SAFMC Red Drum Assessment Group (Appendix A) favored the FADAPT approach with catch matrix based on DELTA and a selectivity for age 3 relative to age 2 of 0.70 for the northern region and 0.87 for the southern region. In the northern region, estimates of static SPR increased from about 1.3% for the period 1987-1991 to approximately 18% (15% and 20%) for the period 1992-1998. For the southern region, estimates of static SPR increased from about 0.5% for the period 1988-1991 to approximately 15% for the period 1992-1998. Population models used in this assessment (specifically yield per recruit and static spawning potential ratio) are based on equilibrium assumptions: because no direct estimates are available as to the current status of the adult stock, model results imply potential longer term, equilibrium effects. Because current status of the adult stock is unknown, a specific rebuilding schedule cannot be determined. However, the duration of a rebuilding schedule should reflect, in part, a measure of the generation time of the fish species under consideration. For a long-lived, but relatively early spawning, species as red drum, mean generation time would be on the order of 15 to 20 years based on age-specific egg production. Maximum age is 50 to 60 years for the northern region, and about 40 years for the southern region. The ASMFC Red Drum Board's first phase recovery goal of increasing %SPR to at least 10% appears to have been met. (PDF contains 79 pages)
For fully three decades there has been an almost steady decline in Maryland's oyster production... are alarmed for its future. Reasons for decline, data supplied,importance of brood oysters and clutch replenishment. Problems of warm weather and bacterial activity as well as tongs grinding the bottom. Conflicts in canning of early season oysters and late season crops like tomatoes. (PDF contains 16 pages)
This report is a summary of the results of 883 purse seine sets made for juvenile salmonids during 15 cruises off the coasts of Oregon and Washington during the springs and summers of 1981-1985. Juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) occurred most frequently, followed by chinook salmon (0. tshawytscha). The juveniles of these two species co-occurred more frequently than expected. Juvenile chum, pink and sockeye salmon (0. keta, O. gorbuscha, and O. nerka), steelhead (0. mykiss) and cutthroat trout (0. clarki clarki) were caught much less frequently and in lower numbers than coho or chinook salmon. We found no evidence of large schools ofjuvenile salmonids. A northerly movement of juvenile coho salmon wa~ suggested by decreased catches off Oregon and increased catches off Washington between early and late summer. Highest catch per set of juvenile coho salmon was usually found inshore of 37.2 km. Juvenile chinook salmon were usually found within 27.9 km of the coast. Juvenile salmonids were found over a broad range of surface salinities and temperatures. High catches of juvenile coho salmon occurred in both the low salinity waters of the Columbia River plume and in adjacent higher salinity waters. Preferences for specific salinities or temperatures were not obvious for any species, although catch rates of juvenile coho salmon were highest in years when chlorophyll content was also high. Based on expansions of fish with coded wire tags, we estimated that hatchery coho salmon smolts comprised 74%, on average, of the juvenile coho salmon catches. The remaining 26% were presumably wild fish or hatchery fish released as fingerlings. Hatchery coho salmon were caught roughly in proportion to the numbers released. However, hatchery fish from the Columbia River and private coastal facilities were caught at slightly higher rates while those from coastal Washington and public coastal Oregon hatcheries were caught at slightly lower rates than expected from the numbers released. No juvenile coho salmon with coded wire tags were caught that had originated from either California or Puget Sound hatcheries. (PDF file contains 88 pages.)
The aim of this study was to assess the suitability of Foxhouses and Grizedale Becks as nursery habitat for juvenile salmon. A comprehensive fish stock assessment survey of the Wyre catchment was carried out by the NRA in 1992. This survey found that juvenile salmon were absent from two sites studied in Foxhouses Beck. In one site in Grizedale Beck, 0+ salmon were found at very low densities. Juvenile trout were found in all three sites studied in 1992. On the basis of the results of the 1992 survey, these two becks were stocked in 1994 with 0+ salmon reared from Lune broodstock at the NRA's Witcherwell Hatchery. These salmon were stocked at a known density, following a pre-stocking survey. This report examines and compares the results of the pre-stocking survey consisting of fourteen sites in the two becks, carried out between 12/04/94 and 27/04/94 and a post- stocking survey of six sites, carried out between 12/10/94 and 19/10/94. Flow, habitat and in-river obstructions have been shown to affect juvenile salmonid densities. A habitat description is provided for each site surveyed during the course of this study.
Little is known about the seasonality and distribution of grouper larvae (Serranidae: Epinephelini) in the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean off the coast of the southeast United States. Grouper larvae were collected from a transect across the Straits of Florida in 2003 and 2004 and during the Southeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program spring and fall surveys from 1982 through 2005. Analysis of these larval data provided information on location and timing of spawning, larval distribution patterns, and interannual occurrence for a group of species not easily studied as adults. Our analyses indicated that shelf-edge habitat is important for spawning of many species of grouper—some species for which data were not previously available. Spawning for some species may occur year-round, but two peak seasons are evident: late winter and late summer through early fall. Interannual variability in the use of three important subregions by species or groups of species was partially explained by environmental factors (surface temperature, surface salinity, and water depth). A shift in species dominance over the last three decades from spring-spawned species (most of the commercial species) to fall-spawned species also was documented. The results of these analyses expand our understanding of the basic distribution and spawning patterns of northwest Atlantic grouper species and indicate a need for further examination of the changing population structure of individual species and species dominance in the region.
We investigated estuarine spatial and temporal overlap of wild and marked hatchery chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) fry; the latter included two distinct size groups released near the Taku River estuary (Taku Inlet) in Southeast Alaska (early May releases of ~ 1.9 g and late May releases of ~ 3.9 g wet weight). Our objectives were to compare abundance, body size, and condition of wild chum salmon fry and hatchery chum salmon fry raised under early and late rearing strategies in different habitats of Taku Inlet and to document environmental factors that could potentially explain the distribution, size, and abundance of these chum salmon fr y. We used a sampling design stratified into inner and outer inlet and neritic and littoral habitats. Hatchery fry were rare in the inner estuary in both years but outnumbered wild fry 20:1 in the outer estuary. Hatchery fry were significantly larger than wild fry in both littoral and neritic samples. Abundances of wild and hatchery fry were positively correlated in the outer inlet, indicating the formation of mixed schools of hatchery and wild fry. Spatial and temporal overlap was greatest between wild and early hatchery fry in the outer inlet in both habitats. The early hatchery release coincided with peak abundances of wild fry in the outer inlet, and the distribution of wild and early hatchery fry overlapped for about three weeks. Our results demonstrate that the timing of release of hatchery fry may affect interactions with wild fry.
Rapid and detailed post-tsunami surveys carried out in the Langkawi archipelago in January 2005 showed that the coral reefs dOld_ID not suffer any significant structural damage. Nevertheless, there were signs of recent sediment resuspension at the sites studied. The diversity and abundance of coral reef fishes and invertebrates were low. However, this was not attributed to the tsunami effect but rather to the present environmental conditions. The extent of damage at the villages of Kubang Badak and Kuala Teriang may indicate that intact coastal ecosystems such as mangroves have the potential to protect lives and property during natural disasters.
The role of substrate, flow and larval supply to recruitment of the red abalone (Haliotis rufescens)
Precipitous declines in wild populations of the red abalone Haliotis rufescens and the eventual closure of the commercial and southern recreational fishery have led to renewed interest in supplementing wild stocks with hatchery-raised individuals. Most work to date has focused on releasing small juveniles and has had limited success. Although much is known about larval settlement, juvenile survivorship and growth of abalone, there is scanty information on natural processes in the field. The failure of many regulated fisheries worldwide suggests that both the larval and juvenile stages may be important in determining the future population, and that early juvenile mortality is more important than previously believed. This paper presents a series of experiments designed to examine factors and mechanisms that could affect settlement, survivorship, and growth of larvae and early post-settlers in the field. Laboratory trials under different flow regimes showed that red abalone larvae settled preferentially on substrates encrusted with coralline algae, and that settlement was rapid when exposed to crusts compared to other surfaces. Urchin grazing of films appeared to facilitate abalone settlement but only when urchins were removed. Initial field experiments showed that released larvae settled on natural cobble rock, and that settlement was at least one order of magnitude greater when settlement habitats were tented. I then examined post-settlement survivorship at one and two days after settlement, and found that although there was a large amount of variation, on average 10% of released larvae were found as newly-settled recruits after 1 day. Survivorship and growth of recruits were followed over at least one month in both Spring and Fall. Abalone settled at higher densities, survived better and grew faster in the warmer Fall months than in the Spring. The density of month-old abalone recruits was correlated with density of naturally-occurring gastropods in the Spring, but not in the Fall. These results suggest that settlement and survivorship can be extremely variable across space and time, and that oceanographic and local biotic conditions play a role and should be considered when planning larval seeding.
As nearshore fish populations decline, many commercial fishermen have shifted fishing effort to deeper continental slope habitats to target fishes for which biological information is limited. One such fishery that developed in the northeastern Pacific Ocean in the early 1980s was for the blackgill rockfish (Sebastes melanostomus), a deep-dwelling (300−800 m) species that congregates over rocky pinnacles, mainly from southern California to southern Oregon. Growth zone-derived age estimates from otolith thin sections were compared to ages obtained from the radioactive disequilibria of 210Pb, in relation to its parent, 226Ra, in otolith cores of blackgill rockfish. Age estimates were validated up to 41 years, and a strong pattern of agreement supported a longevity exceeding 90 years. Age and length data fitted to the von Bertalanffy growth function indicated that blackgill rockfish are slow-growing (k= 0.040 females, 0.068 males) and that females grow slower than males, but reach a greater length. Age at 50% maturity, derived from previously published length-at-maturity estimates, was 17 years for males and 21 years for females. The results of this study agree with general life history traits already recognized for many Sebastes species, such as long life, slow growth, and late age at maturation. These traits may undermine the sustainability of blackgill rockfish populations when heavy fishing pressure, such as that which occurred in the 1980s, is applied.
Macrobrachium rosenbergii post-larvae were produced in 1992 and 1993 using Artemia nauplii and cultured zooplankton Brachionus plicatilis (rotifier), Apocyclops dengizicus (copepod) and Moina sp. (cladoceran) supplemented with chopped Tubifex worms. In 1992 (first trial) two experiments were carried out under water temperature range of 24.5 to 28°C and 26.0 to 28.5 °C respectively and corresponding post-larval production was 5.6% and 86.3%. The duration of experiments was 58 and 40 days. During second trial in 1993 water temperature varied between 25.0 to 27.0°C. At the end of 59 days the post-larvae were found to be 44% of the total number of larvae stocked on the first day.
In this study a total of 75 species were identified, from which 17 species, 9 genes and 6 families; belonged to Green Algae, 18 species, 7 genes and 4 families; belonged to Brown Algae, and 40 species, 18 genes and 11 families; belonged to Red Algae. From total times spent for sampling, it was determined that at lengeh harbor with 6 species, had the lowest diversity of green algae. The species diversity of brown algae at Michael location with 10 species each; had the highest, and Tahooneh location with 5 species; had the lowest species diversity. Species diversity of red algae at Michael location with 28 species; had the highest, and Sayeh Khosh location with 13 species; had the lowest diversity. From all locations where sampling took place, the highest species diversity regarding Time and Space for all three groups of algae; were associated to Late February (20th. Feb. ), and late March(20th. March). Coverage data of macroalgae and Ecological Evaluation Index indicate a high level of eutrophication for the Saieh khosh, and Bostaneh, They are classified as zones with a bad and poor ecological status. It has been proved that concentrations of biogenic elements and phytoplankton blooming are higher in these zones. The best values of the estimated metrics at Tahooneh and Michaeil could be explained with the good ecological conditions in that zone and the absence of pollution sources close to that transect . The values of abundance of macroalgae and Ecological Evaluation Index indicate a moderate ecological conditions for the Koohin, Lengeh and Chirooieh.