em Aquatic Commons


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Sponges are the most primitive of the multicellular, These organisms don’t have any mechanical defense system, so their early appearance in evolution has given them a lot of time for the development of advanced secondary metabolites as chemical defense system. Sponges have the potential to provide drugs from chemical components against diseases. In this investigation the sponge samples, which it is Ircina spp., were collected at depth of 15- 24 meter, from locations on the coastline of Island Kish in Persian Gulf of Iran. For identifying natural components, methanolic and diethyletter were used as extraction solvents, after removal of the solvents, the GC/MS spectra of the fraction were obtained. Then in vitro cytotoxic, antimicrobial and antifungal were identified. In vitro cytotoxity screening, by XTT assay, against KB/ C359 and HUT-56/ C365 cell line, was conducted in this study in 1 - 544 μg/ml. IC54 for winter diethyletter extract was 325 μg/ml, winter methanolic extract was 364 μg/ml, IC54 for summer diethyletter extract was 544 μg/ml, and summer methanolic extract was 454 μg/ml in HUT-56. IC54 for winter diethyletter extract was 454 μg/ml, winter methanolic extract was 444 μg/ml, IC54 for summer diethyletter extract was 344 μg/ml, and summer methanolic extract was 424 μg/ml in KB. In vitro antimicrobial activity by Broth Dilution Methods against clinical gram-positives and gram negatives (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis). The results conducted that the MIC values of winter diethyletter extract for Escherichia coli 24mg/ml, the MIC values of winter diethyletter extract for Escherichia coli 24mg/ml, the MIC and MBC values of winter diethyletter extract for Staphylococcus aureus was 2mg/ml and 24mg/ml. The MIC and MBC values of winter diethyletter extract for Bacillus subtilis was 1.5 mg/ml and 2mg/ml. In vitro antifungal activity by Broth Dilution Methods against clinical pathogens; Candida albicans and Aspergillus fumigatus. The results conducted that the aqueous extracts didn’t have any antifungal activities on pathogens, the MFC of the summer and winter diethyletter extract was 30 mg/ml and 2 mg/ml A. fumigates, the summer and winter methanolic extract was 0722 mg/ml and 2 mg/ml A. fumigates, the summer and winter methanolic was 4/75mg/ml, MFC 5 mg/ml on C. albicans.


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The use of antibiotics in aquaculture has been limited. Scientifics seeking for natural substitutes to prevent of aquatic animals diseases. Considering seaweeds are rich of nutritions and bioactive compounds, the purpose of this study is: investigation the potential and use possibility of native seaweeds from Persian Gulf in shrimp aquculture industry to improve growth, survival of postlarvae and to resistance against pathogens such as vibriosis. For this propose 7 macroalgae species from Bushehr province coast, inclouding: green algae (C. iyengarii), brown algae (S. angutifolium and S. ilicifolium) and red algae (L. snyderiae, K. alvarezii and G. corticata) were collected and identified. Then seaweed extracts abtained by Water, Ethanol, Methanol and Chloroform solvents by soaking method. In vitro antibacterial activity of extracts against Gr+ bacteria (S. aureus and B. subtilis) and Gr- bacteria (V. harveyi, V. alginolyticus and E. coli) was conducted by Agar diffusion, MIC and MBC methods. Antioxidant activity also by DPPH and EC50 methods was investigated. According to results of these two tests four seaweeds species (S. angutifolium, L. snyderiae, K. alvarezii and G. corticata) were selected for use in shrimp postlarvae (PL22) diets by Bio-Encapsulation (Artemia enrichment). Before of enrichment, toxicity effect of extracts to Artemia nauplii were evaluated by determination of LC50 24 h method. From results of this section Ethanol extracts were selected to bioencapsulation. After encapsulation shrimp postlarvae divided to 12 groups in triplicate, namely: C-, C+, S (200), S (400), S (600), L(200), L(400), L(600), G(300), G(600), K(300) and K(600). During 30 days of reared period C- and C+ use of basal diet and unenriched Artemia, but the other groups use of basal diet and enriched Artemia. Except C-, the shrimps in first day of culture put in 107 cfu/ml v. harveyi suspension for 30 minutes, and after water exchange 10 ml of this dose was added to reared aquaria. After 30 days survival percentage, obtained weight and SGR% were investigated. To evaluate vibrio loading, every 10 days 5 postlarvae were sampled randomly for vibrio count. Results showed that vibrio count in C- was less than the others and in C+ was more than the others. In treatments vibrio count in L(200) was the most and L(600) was the less. Survival rate in C- was the most and after that G(600) with 79.4±6.6% and then S(300) and K(600) were 73.3±7.3% and 70.6±6.6% respectively that were significantly compare the other (P < 0.01). Also the C+ was the less with 33.3±6.6% that difference was significant (P< 0.01). In this study growth parameters of all groups that fed by enriched Artemia were better than C+ (P<0.05). After cultre period 10 shrimp of every aquarium disinfected and reared for 10 days like before treatment. After 10 days the shrimps were challenged by 3×108 cfu/ml V. harveyi and mortality was recorded for 7 days. The all of animals in C- were survive but more than 90% of C+ were dead. And survival in all of treatments were better the C+ (P<0.05). The study showed the ethanol extracts of selected seaweed from Persian Gulf is a good source for growth, Survival and disease control in shrimp larviculture.