66 resultados para Uruguay Round (1987- )
em Aquatic Commons
La presente lista complementa a las publicadas en Biologa Acutica n 1 y n 3 por el Instituto de Limnologa "Dr. Ral A. Ringuelet" (ILPLA).
Reproduction, age and growth of Decapterus macrosoma Blecker, 1851 were studied. The data were collected in Sofala Bank from commercial bottom trawlers and surveys. A total of 5,500 individuals were examined during the period 1979-1982. The species is caught in the same areas as D. russellii, but appears in lower quantities. Two main spawning periods a year, one in December-February and another one in June-September were found. Ageing was determined by counting daily growth rings in the otoliths. The parameters of von Bertalanffy's growth equation were L infinity=26 cm and K=0,6/year. Males and females seem to grow at the same rate.
Missing November issue. (PDF contains 62 pages.)
El Ro de la Plata es uno de los cuerpos de agua ms importantes de Amrica del Sur. En la actualidad este ambiente es utilizado por el hombre con diferentes propsitos (GARIBOGLIO, 1987; DARRIGRAN, 2002): Con fines econmicos y de recreacin (pesca, deportiva y comercial; turismo; deportes; etc.). Como puerto. Como fuente de captacin de agua para consumo humano. Como receptor de efluentes industriales. Como cuerpo receptor de efluentes municipales, sin tratamiento previo. Estos distintos usos que el hombre le da a las aguas del Ro de la Plata, muchas veces incompatibles entre ellos, producen un impacto en dicho ambiente difcil de evaluar, debido al escaso conocimiento que existe sobre ese ecosistema. El estudio de la comunidad bentnica, como consecuencia de su limitada movilidad y ciclo de vida apropiado en su duracin, es un elemento importante para detectar y evaluar las alteraciones provocadas por la accin humana. En nuestro pas no existen estudios especficos sobre el bentos litoral del estuario del Ro de la Plata. Referidas a ciertas taxocenosis del macrobentos litoral de la costa argentina del Ro de la Plata, se encuentran los trabajos de Darrigran y Rioja (1988), Gullo y Darrigran (1991), relacionados a la distribucin de la fauna de ispodos talasoides e hirudneos, respectivamente. En los 90, existen los trabajos de Darrigran (1991 a y b; 1993; 1998/99); Darrigran y Lpez Armengol (1998), sobre moluscos litorales. Sobre la costa uruguaya del estuario, Scarabino, et al. (1975), realizan un estudio sobre las comunidades bentnicas en el sistema litoral del Departamento de Montevideo. Investigaciones sobre la malacofauna del macrobentos del litoral uruguayo del estuario del Ro de la Plata, se encuentran en Sprechmann (1978). En la dcada de los 90, investigadores del Uruguay, a travs de un Programa uruguayo-canadiense orientado hacia la sustentabilidad del estuario Ro de la Plata (EcoPlata, 1996), tratan al macrobentos litoral en forma monogrfica (Masello & Menafra, 1996). En el presente trabajo se consideran los muestreos de la taxocenosis de moluscos realizados en la zona interna y media de la costa argentina del estuario, antes de la introduccin del bivalvo invasor o mejilln dorado, Limnoperna fortunei (Dunker, 1857) a dicha costa (Darrigran & Pastorino, 1995). Cuando se introduce una especie, pueden ocurrir diferentes sucesos: que simplemente se adapte al lugar, en relativo equilibrio con la comunidad pre-existente, o cuando la especie introducida presenta ciertas caractersticas (alta tasa de crecimiento, alta capacidad reproductiva-adaptativa, gran poder de dispersin, etc.), sumadas a la falta de enemigos naturales (parsitos, depredadores y/o competidores por los recursos), esta especie est capacitada para realizar una ocupacin expansiva, rpida y efectiva del territorio. A esta especie se la denomina invasora. A partir de los asentamientos de Limnoperna fortunei, se han detectado severos impactos tanto en el ambiente humano (Darrigran, 1995), como en el ambiente natural (Martn & Darrigran, 1994; Darrigran, et. al, 1998). Estos hechos ponen de manifiesto la importancia de conocer la biodiversidad del bentos en general y de la malacofauna y su distribucin en particular, antes de la manifestacin de este tipo de contaminacin por especies (Rappoport, 1990), como as tambin, ante el continuo impacto que ejercen las grandes ciudades sobre este cuerpo de agua. Los objetivos de la presente contribucin son: 1) Establecer la composicin y distribucin de la malacofauna del litoral argentino del estuario del Ro de la Plata, existente hasta 1991, en relacin con dos factores: la salinidad y la contaminacin ambiental. 2) Proponer una zonacin longitudinal del litoral argentino del Ro de la Plata, de acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos a partir del primer objetivo. (Text in Spanish. PDF contains 41 pages.)
Presentamos aqu una lista actualizada de los condrictios (tiburones, rayas, quimeras y pez elefante) que han sido citados de la Argentina y Uruguay, incluyendo las especies de agua dulce de la familia Potamotrygonidae. Cuando una especie est presente en Argentina o en Uruguay, se lo indica a continuacin de la especie; las dems, son compartidas. No se indica la distribucin de las especies en otras reas. Muchas de las especies conocidas de Uruguay terminan all su distribucin meridional, y ocasionalmente algunas entran a aguas argentinas y otras podran hacerlo. Estas presencias ocasionales parecen no ser muy comunes. La progresiva disminucin de las capturas de Dasyatis violacea con la disminucin de temperatura hacia el sur ha sido demostrada (Domingo et al., 2005). En 1981 Menni public una lista de las familias de peces que no sobrepasaban la latitud del Ro de La Plata, y de los condrictios mencionados, Orectolobidae, Ginglymostomatidae y Rhinopteridae, slo una especie de la ltima familia ha sido citada en aos recientes de Uruguay. Al contrario, especies que han sido citadas de la Argentina, como Sphyrna tudes de Mar del Plata por Berg (1895) o Narcine brasiliensis de la provincia de Buenos Aires por Lahille (1928), no han sido halladas de nuevo. La lista est basada en el catlogo crtico de Menni et al. (1984), y se han hecho las modificaciones taxonmicas necesarias y agregado las especies nuevas para el rea. Debido al carcter prctico de esta lista, slo se incluyen los autores de las especies y la fecha de su descripcin. En los nuevos registros se agrega un breve comentario fundamentando la inclusin. Estando disponible el catlogo de Eschmeyer (1998) y su versin on-line, nos pareci que ms detalles eran innecesarios. En la macrosistemtica de los holocfalos se sigue a Didier (2004), en la de los tiburones a Compagno (2005) y en la de los batoideos a McEachran & Aschliman (2004). Para las especies de Uruguay se ha seguido principalmente a Nion et al. (2002) y a Meneses y Paesch (1997), y deben mencionarse los trabajos anteriores de Ximnez (1962) y de Carrera (1991) que proveen referencias previas. La bibliografa se limita a trabajos generales que pueden ser de utilidad, los trabajos en que se basan las nuevas referencias, y los que corresponden a comentarios. No se han incluido numerosos trabajos sobre biologa y ecologa de estos organismos, que han modificado mucho la informacin resumida en Menni (1986), pero s algunos que muestran cambios considerables de distribucin. (PDF tiene 18 paginas.)
Sampling sites were located at: 1) a coastal area on Buenos Aires harbour where high concentrations of "sbalo" occur year round and which on account of its importance merits a specific program itself; 2) a coastal fringe from Buenos Aires harbour to Quilmes (34 10' - 58 10') and 3) different stations within the inner zone of the river, which were covered through a tagging campaign performed as part of an agreement among INIDEP-Argentina, CARP-Argentina, Uruguay, INAPE-Uruguay. At present (Winter 1989) recaptures from the first seven species have been obtained, with a total recovery of 3.81 o/o the highest percentages corresponding to pat, boga, armado and sbalo. (Document contains 25 pages.)
Document contains 82 pages.
La presente lista bibliogrfica complementa a la del primer nmero de la revista Biologa Acutica editada por el Instituto de Limnologa "Dr. Ral A. Rinquelet" (ILPLA). (Document contains 24 pages)
La presente lista constituye el tercer suplemento a las bibliografas de los peces de Agua Dulce de la Argentina y Uruguay (Lpez et al., 1981, 1982, 1986). Los criterios que sustentan la inclusin de los trabajos son los sealados en 1981. Se incluyen en este trabajo los artculos posteriores a 1986 y los que han pasado inadvertidos en las anteriores. Se mencionan las especies citadas, salvo cuando figuran en el ttulo del trabajo o su nmero es excesivo. (PDF tiene 36 paginas.)
A literature review was conducted to locate information on the flow of energy from primary producers to the fishery stocks of the Puerto Rican-Virgin Islands insular shelf. This report uses site-specific information to describe the major ecological subsystems, or habitats, of the region, to identify the more common species and the subsystems in which they occur, to quantify productivity and biomass, and to outline trophic relationships. Discussions on each topic and subsystem vary in substance and detail, being limited by the availability and accessibility of information. (PDF contains 189 pages) Seven distinct subsystems are described: mangrove estuary, seagrass bed, coral reef, algal plain, sand/mud bottom, shelf break, and overlying pelagic. Over 50 tables provide lists of species found in each habitat on various surveys dating back to 1956. Estimates of density, relative abundance, and productivity are provided when possible. We evaluated whether sufficient information exists to support an analysis of the energy basis of fishery production in the area, beginning with the design and development of an ecosystem model. Data needs in three categories - species lists, biomass, and trophic relations - were examined for each subsystem and for each of three species groups - primary producers, invertebrates, and fish. We concluded that adequate data, sufficient for modeling purposes, are available in 16 (25%) of 64 categories; limited data, those requiring greater extrapolation, are available in 35 (55%) categories; and no data are available in 13 (20%) categories. The best-studied subsystems are seagrass beds and coral reefs, with at least limited data in all categories. Invertebrates, the intermediate link in the food web between primary producers and fishes, are the least quantified group in the region. Primary production and fishes, however, are relatively well-studied, providing sufficient data to support an ecosystem-level analysis and to initiate a modeling effort.
This atlas presents information on fish eggs and temperature data collected from broadscale ichthyoplankton surveys conducted off the U.S. northeast coast from ]977 to 1987. Distribution and abundance information is provided for 33 taxa in the form of graphs and contoured egg-density maps by month and survey. Comments are included on interannual and interseasonal trends in spawning intensity. Data on 14 additional but less numerous taxa are provided in tabular form. (PDF file contains 316 pages.)
This document is in Spanish. El Anuario Estadstico de Pesca 1986 se compone de cinco ca ptulos que describen diferentes aspectos de la actividad pesquera. Los cuatro primeros constituyen la cobertura b sica de las distintas fases de la actividad pesquera, desde la identificacin de sus propsitos especficos, segn sec tor de participacin~ medios y tcnicas con que se reali zan~ industrializacin y comercializacin Catch statistics for Mexican waters 1987. (PDF has 309 pages.)
Over a decade ago, in August 1977, the First Marine Mammal Stranding Workshop was convened in Athens, Georgia. That workshop, organized by j.R. Geraci and D.J. St. Aubin, not only considered biology and pathology of stranded marine mammals, but it also served as a springboard for the formation of regional marine mammal stranding networks in the United States. The ramifications have been extremely important to the field of marine mammalogy since, for some species, examination or rehabilitation of stranded specimens serves as virtually the only source of information on distribution, anatomy, physiology, reproduction, and pathology. The First Marine Mammal Stranding Workshop led to increased awareness of the marine mammals themselves, as well as the logistic and legal factors associated with effective handling of the animals. A number of individuals indicated that they felt that a Second Marine Mammal Stranding Workshop held prior to the Seventh Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals (Miami, Florida; December 1987) would be both timely and productive. Accordingly, we organized the workshop and scheduled it to occur on 3-5 December. Our goals for the workshop were several, including 1) providing descriptions of some research, especially new techniques, regarding stranded marine mammals; 2) providing a forum where scientists could interact and possibly initiate cooperative research activities; 3) presenting information regarding procedures used effectively to handle stranded animals; 4) assessing ways to standardize data and specimen collection, archiving, and retrieval; and 5) providing a forum for assessing accomplishments and status of regional stranding networks to date, as well as for making recommendations regarding future activities of the networks. Nearly 100 individuals representing Federal and State governments, academic institutions, the oceanarium industry, consulting groups, conservation organizations, and the private sector attended the workshop (see Workshop Participants, this volume). (PDF file contains 166 pages.)
The United States and Japanese counterpart panels on aquaculture were formed in 1969 under the United States-Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources (UJNR). The panels currently include specialists drawn from the federal departments most concerned with aquaculture. Charged with exploring and developing bilateral cooperation, the panels have focused their efforts on exchanging information related to aquaculture which could be of benefit to both countries. The UJNR was begun during the Third Cabinet-Level Meeting of the Joint United States-Japan Committee on Trade and Economic Affairs in January 1964. In addition to aquaculture, current subjects in the program include desalination of seawater, toxic microorganisms, air pollution, energy, forage crops, national park management, mycoplasmosis, wind and seismic effects, protein resources, forestry, and several joint panels and committees in marine resources research, development, and utilization. Accomplishments include: Increased communication and cooperation among technical specialists; exchanges of information, data, and research findings; annual meetings of the panels, a policy-coordinative body; administrative staff meetings; exchanges of equipment, materials, and samples; several major technical conferences; and beneficial effects on international relations. (PDF file contains 88 pages.)
The Cape Canaveral, Florida, marine ecosystem is unique. There are complex current and temperature regimes that form a faunal transition zone between Atlantic tropical and subtropical waters. This zone is rich faunistically and supports large commercial fISheries for fish, scallops, and shrimp. Canaveral is also unique because it has large numbers of sea turtles year-round, this turtle aggregation exhibiting patterned seasonal changes in numbers, size frequency, and sex ratio. Additionally, a significant portion of this turtle aggregation hibernates in the Canaveral ship channel, a phenomenon rare in marine turtle populations. The Cape Canaveral area has the largest year-round concentration of sea turtles in the United States. However, the ship channel is periodically dredged by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in order to keep Port Canaveral open to U.S. Navy vessels, and preliminary surveys showed that many sea turtles were incidentally killed during dredging operations. In order for the Corps of Engineers to fulfill its defense dredging responsibilities, and comply with the Endangered Species Act of 1973, an interagency Sea Turtle Task Force was formed to investigate methods of reducing turtle mortalities. This Task Force promptly implemented a sea turtle research plan to determine seasonal abundance, movement patterns, sex ratios, size frequencies, and other biological parameters necessary to help mitigate dredging conflicts in the channel. The Cape Canaveral Sea Turtle Workshop is a cooperative effort to comprehensively present research results of these important studies. I gratefully acknowledge the support of everyone involved in this Workshop, particularly the anonymous team of referees who painstakingly reviewed the manuscripts. The cover illustration was drawn by Jack C. Javech. (PDF file contains 86 pages.)