20 resultados para Upper rio Paraná

em Aquatic Commons


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Estimates of the growth (K), natural mortality (M), consumption/biomass (Q/B) rate and trophic level (TL) for 35 species in the upper Paraná river floodplain and the Itaipu reservoir (interconnected ecosystems) are presented. A compilation of these biological statistics is made for comparison purposes and some general trends are briefly discussed.


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Upper Old Tampa Bay, a 17-square mile area of Old Tampa Bay, Florida, has been proposed for conversion to a fresh-water lake. The amount of runoff to the proposed lake and its chemical quality are both adequate to freshen and sustain a fresh-water lake in this part of the bay. During 1950-66 runoff to the proposed lake, including discharge from Lake Tarpon, would have averaged 134 mgd (million gallons per day) and would have displaced the volume of the proposed lake at normal pool stage (2.5 feet above mean sea level) about 1.7 times per year. Without discharge from Lake Tarpon, the volume of the proposed lake would have been displaced 1.2 times. If the lake level was initially at a normal pool stage during a critically dry year, such as 1956, the proposed lake would have declined 0.25 to 0.5 foot below the minimum design level, (1.5 feet above mean sea level). (44 page document)


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This paper introduces VERTEX, a multi-disciplinary research program dealing with various aspects of particle transport in the upper, high-energy layers (0-2000 m) of the ocean. Background information is presented on hydrography, biological composition of trapped particulates, and major component fluxes observed on a cruise off central California (VERTEX I). Organic C fluxes measured with two trap systems are compared with several other estimates taken from the literature. The intent of this overview paper is to provide a common setting in an economical manner, and avoid undue repetition of background and ancillary information in subsequent publications. (PDF is 43 pages).


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Los resultados científicos de las excursiones de estudio realizadas a principios de 1937 han sido importantes, como así también las colecciones efectuadas, no sólo por el número de ejemplares, sino por las observaciones realizadas al obtenerlos, según el hábitat, la estación, el estado de los individuos, etc. El estudio de los materiales del Museo comparativamente con los ya catalogados permite elaborar contribuciones que se darán a conocer progresivamente o al tiempo que este informe, de caracter general, para satisfacer el deseo de la Dirección del Instituto de que sé de cuenta sobre los viajes efectuados. Se comprende que es un anticipo de una monografía científica.


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Lista complementaria del trabajo de Pozzi sobre Sistemática y distribución de los peces de agua dulce de la República Argentina, donde se incluyen sólo los nombres faltantes o los extensivos a otras especies o los que tengan distinta significación.


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This is a student paper done for a University of California Berkeley Zoology class. Since UCB didn't have its own marine lab at the time, it rented space at Hopkins Marine Station where this work was done. Cadet Hand earned his Ph.D. from Berkeley and went on to become Director of the Bodega Marine Laboratory. Donald Putnam Abbott also earned his Ph.D. from Berkeley and later became a Stanford professor at Hopkins Marine Station. (PDF contains 26 pages)


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Submarine Landslides: An Introduction 1 By RIo Lee, W.C. Schwab, and J.S. Booth U.S. Atlantic Continental Slope Landslides: Their Distribution, General Anributes, and Implications 14 By J.S. Booth, D.W. O'Leary, Peter Popenoe, and W.W. Danforth Submarine Mass Movement, a Formative Process of Passive Continental Margins: The Munson-Nygren Landslide Complex and the Southeast New England Landslide Complex 23 By D.W. O'Leary The Cape Fear Landslide: Slope Failure Associated with Salt Diapirism and Gas Hydrate Decomposition 40 By Peter Popenoe, E.A. Schmuck, and W.P. Dillon Ancient Crustal Fractures Control the Location and Size of Collapsed Blocks at the Blake Escarpment, East of Florida 54 By W.P. Dillon, J.S. Risch, K.M. Scanlon, P.C. Valentine, and Q.J. Huggett Tectonic and Stratigraphic Control on a Giant Submarine Slope Failure: Puerto Rico Insular Slope 60 By W.C. Schwab, W.W. Danforth, and K.M. Scanlon Slope Failure of Carbonate Sediment on the West Florida Slope 69 By D.C. Twichell, P.C. Valentine, and L.M. Parson Slope Failures in an Area of High Sedimentation Rate: Offshore Mississippi River Delta 79 By J.M. Coleman, D.B. Prior, L.E. Garrison, and H.J. Lee Salt Tectonics and Slope Failure in an Area of Salt Domes in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico 92 By B.A. McGregor, R.G. Rothwell, N.H. Kenyon, and D.C. Twichell Slope Stability in Regions 01 Sea-Floor Gas Hydrate: Beaufort Sea Continental Slope 97 By R.E. Kayen and H.J. Lee Mass Movement Related to Large Submarine Canyons Along the Beringian Margin, Alaska 104 By P.R. Carlson, H.A. Karl, B.D. Edwards, J.V. Gardner, and R. Hall Comparison of Tectonic and Stratigraphic Control of Submarine Landslides on the Kodiak Upper Continental Slope, Alaska 117 By M.A. Hampton Submarine Landslides That Had a Significant Impact on Man and His Activities: Seward and Valdez, Alaska 123 By M.A. Hampton, R.W. Lemke, and H.W. Coulter Processes Controlling the Style of Mass Movement in Glaciomarine Sediment: Northeastern Gulf of Alaska 135 By W.C. Schwab and H.J. Lee Contents V VI Contents Liquefaction of Continental Shelf Sediment: The Northern California Earthquake of 1980 143 By M.E. Field A Submarine Landslide Associated with Shallow Sea-Floor Gas and Gas Hydrates off Northern California 151 By M.E. Field and J.H. Barber, Jr. Sur Submarine Landslide, a Deep-Water Sediment Slope Failure 158 By C.E. Gutmacher and W.R. Normark Seismically Induced Mudflow in Santa Barbara Basin, California 167 By B.D. Edwards, H.J. Lee, and M.E. Field Submarine Landslides in a Basin and Ridge Setting, Southern California 176 By M.E. Field and B.D. Edwards Giant Volcano-Related Landslides and the Development of the Hawaiian Islands 184 By W.R. Normark, J.G. Moore, and M.E. Torresan Submarine Slope Failures Initiated by Hurricane Iwa, Kahe Point, Oahu, Hawaii 197 By W.R. Normark, Pat Wilde, J.F. Campbell, T.E. Chase, and Bruce Tsutsui (PDF contains 210 pages)


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Ichthyoplankton surveys in the Potomac River and Upper Chesapeake Bay were carried out in 1989 to estimate striped bass egg productions, age specific spawning biomasses of adult females, cohort-specific larval growth and mortality rates, and hatch dates of 8.0 mm larvae survivors. Possible consequences to recruitment of environmental factors were examined in 1989 and for data collected in 1987-1988. The temporal and spatial occurrences and distributions of eggs and larvae In both spawning areas are described and discussed in relation to environmental factors (temperature, rainfall, river discharge, pH, conductivity, zooplankton abundances) (PDF contains 319 pages)


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Artisanal fishery is the main type of fishing practised occupationally by the fishermen along the upper sectors of the Cross River. No form of mechanised fishing has so far been introduced to the fishermen in these areas. This study has attempted to find out the different gears used, when and where used along the main river channel, its tributaries and flood plains. An effort has also been made to provide some information on the types of fishes caught with the different gears. Recommendation for effective management are also advanced


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The Shellfish Tympanotonus fuscatus fisheries was studied in the upper Bonny River of River State. Abundance and size distribution were evaluated through collection of the Shellfish from 4 sampling stations along the River System. Shell size differences were observed between the sampling stations. The periwinkles, which were harvested heavily by local women, were smaller. The results do suggest that the population of Tympanotonus fuscatus in the Mangrove swamps of the upper Bonny River Creeks are strongly influenced by the harvesting


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The work reported here results from material collected by the author made during 12 years residence in the East Usambaras in the 1950s and early 1960s, as well as a more recent visit. The faunal list the author has compiled comprises 45 species. As well as named species known to occur in the torrential section of the River Sigi, it includes those that are distinct but insufficiently well defined at present to have been formally described. For the sake of completeness, five species of Cloeon and one of Procloeon known to occur in ponds and pools formed by the damming of end-streams in forest clearings, have been included.


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O relatório anual da OKACOM, publicado pela primeira vez, cobrindo o primeiro período do plano de trabalho financiado por Sida de três anos, a partir de 2007 até 2009, durante o qual a Secretaria foi criada. (PDF contains 32 pages)