22 resultados para Units of analysis

em Aquatic Commons


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Phosalone is a non systematic, wide spectrum organophosphate pesticide which was discovered in 1961 in the laboratories of the Societe des Usines Chimique Rhone-Poulenc in France. It has been approved for commercial use since 1964 in France, in Australia since 1966, in the United Kingdom in 1967 and in many other countries including Japan, Egypt, USSR and the USA. This study provides a full literature review on all aspects of phosalone including its physical, biological and chemical characteristics, and analytical methods of analysis with particular reference to soils/sediments. Furthermore, it aims to develop a method for the determintion of phosalone in aquatic sediments and to determine the adsorption of phosalone onto kaolinite.


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The legal and policy issues facing Newport as it revises and implements its ordinances are numerous. Most of the issues have not been squarely resolved for Rhode Island. While Newport may take guidance from other states, it will be Rhode Island's task going forward to define the reach of its PTD as applied to some novel issues raised by mooring administration. The benefit of the flexibility of the PTD is allowing smaller units of government like Newport to define their regulatory goals based on a locally-tailored balancing test of competing interests facing scarce ocean resources. This report was designed to facilitate decision-maker discussion of how to strike that delicate balance.


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In the present investigation, bulk and chemical partitioning of elements in the Shefa-Rud riverbed sediments are studied. Higher concentrations of elemental concentrations have been observed in estuarine zone when compared with riverine sediments (except for Al, Fe, Pb and Mn). Manganese is mobilized under anoxic conditions prevailing in the Caspian Sea. Lithogenous materials are greatly diluted in the estuarine zone by various pollutants present in the Caspian Sea. Organic metallic bonds are not significantly present in the area of study. Geological units of the area of study have resulted in the lower concentrations of elemental concentrations of riverbed sediments when compared with published values for mean crust and world sediments ones. Though, cluster analysis has clearly shown the importance of alumina-silicates in controlling the distribution of Fe and Mn in riverbed sediments but it could not depict controlling mechanism for other studied elements. Geochemical Index (Igeo) and Enrichment Factor (EF) values are indicative of a clean environment throughout the river course. These values are in a well agreement with results of chemical partitioning data. Quantification of EF values is not logically possible and therefore Igeo values can be used more effectively.


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Today , Providing drinking water and process water is one of the major problems in most countries ; the surface water often need to be treated to achieve necessary quality, and in this way, technological and also financial difficulties cause great restrictions in operating the treatment units. Although water supply by simple and cheap systems has been one of the important objectives in most scientific and research centers in the world, still a great percent of population in developing countries, especially in rural areas, don't benefit well quality water. One of the big and available sources for providing acceptable water is sea water. There are two ways to treat sea water first evaporation and second reverse osmosis system. Nowadays R.O system has been used for desalination because of low budget price and easily to operate and maintenance. The sea water should be pretreated before R.O plants, because there is some difficulties in raw sea water that can decrease yield point of membranes in R.O system. The subject of this research may be useful in this way, and we hope to be able to achieve complete success in design and construction of useful pretreatment systems for R.O plant. One of the most important units in the sea water pretreatment plant is filtration, the conventional method for filtration is pressurized sand filters, and the subject of this research is about new filtration which is called continuous back wash sand filtration (CBWSF). The CBWSF designed and tested in this research may be used more economically with less difficulty. It consists two main parts first shell body and second central part comprising of airlift pump, raw water feeding pipe, air supply hose, backwash chamber and sand washer as well as inlet and outlet connections. The CBWSF is a continuously operating filter, i.e. the filter does not have to be taken out of operation for backwashing or cleaning. Inlet water is fed through the sand bed while the sand bed is moving downwards. The water gets filtered while the sand becomes dirty. Simultaneously, the dirty sand is cleaned in the sand washer and the suspended solids are discharged in backwash water. We analyze the behavior of CBWSF in pretreatment of sea water instead of pressurized sand filter. There is one important factor which is not suitable for R.O membranes, it is bio-fouling. This factor is defined by Silt Density Index (SDI).measured by SDI. In this research has been focused on decreasing of SDI and NTU. Based on this goal, the prototype of pretreatment had been designed and manufactured to test. The system design was done mainly by using the design fundamentals of CBWSF. The automatic backwash sand filter can be used in small and also big water supply schemes. In big water treatment plants, the units of filters perform the filtration and backwash stages separately, and in small treatment plants, the unit is usually compacted to achieve less energy consumption. The analysis of the system showed that it may be used feasibly for water treating, especially for limited population. The construction is rapid, simple and economic, and its performance is high enough because no mobile mechanical part is used in it, so it may be proposed as an effective method to improve the water quality and consequently the hygiene level in the remote places of the country.


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ENGLISH: In this paper, a method of analysis described by Gulland (1963) has been used to estimate the fishing mortality rates of tagged yellowfin and skipjack tuna for specific areas and years. Fishing mortality rates obtained for tagged tunas will also represent those for the entire population from which the tagged fishes were drawn, provided the assumptions used and corrections made for these analyses are valid. Total mortality rates of tagged fishes have also been computed. These are not assumed to be directly equivalent to the total mortality rates of the untagged populations,since tagged fishes are subject to additional types of attrition. These additional sources of mortality are also examined in this study. SPANISH: En el presente trabajo se ha usado un método de análisis descrito por Gulland (1963), para estimar las tasas de mortalidad de pesca de los atunes aleta amarilla y barrilete marcados en áreas y años específicos. Las tasas de mortalidad de pesca obtenidas en atunes marcados representarán también las de toda la población, de la cual fueron extraídos, previendo que las suposiciones usadas y las correcciones hechas para estos análisis sean válidas. Las tasas de mortalidad total de los peces marcados también han sido computadas. No se supone que éstas sean directamente equivalentes a las tasas de mortalidad total de las poblaciones no marcadas, ya que los peces marcados están sujetos también a otros tipos de pérdida. Estas otras causas de mortalidad son examinadas también en el presente estudio.


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ENGLISH: Age composition of catch, and growth rate, of yellowfin tuna have been estimated by Hennemuth (1961a) and Davidoff (1963). The relative abundance and instantaneous total mortality rate of yellowfin tuna during 1954-1959 have been estimated by Hennenmuth (1961b). It is now possible to extend this work, because more data are available; these include data for 1951-1954, which were previously not available, and data for 1960-1962, which were collected subsequent to Hennemuth's (1961b) publication. In that publication, Hennemuth estimated the total instantaneous mortality rate (Z) during the entire time period a year class is present in the fishery following full recruitment. However, this method may lead to biased estimates of abundance, and hence mortality rates, because of both seasonal migrations into or out of specific fishing areas and possible seasonal differences in availability or vulnerability of the fish to the fishing gear. Schaefer, Chatwin and Broadhead (1961) and Joseph etl al. (1964) have indicated that seasonal migrations of yellowfin occur. A method of estimating mortality rates which is not biased by seasonal movements would be of value in computations of population dynamics. The method of analysis outlined and used in the present paper may obviate this bias by comparing the abundance of an individual yellowfin year class, following its period of maximum abundance, in an individual area during a specific quarter of the year with its abundance in the same area one year later. The method was suggested by Gulland (1955) and used by Chapman, Holt and Allen (1963) in assessing Antarctic whale stocks. This method, and the results of its use with data for yellowfin caught in the eastern tropical Pacific from 1951-1962 are described in this paper. SPANISH: La composición de edad de la captura, y la tasa de crecimiento del atún aleta amarilla, han sido estimadas por Hennemuth (1961a) y Davidoff (1963). Hennemuth (1961b), estimó la abundancia relativa y la tasa de mortalidad total instantánea del atún aleta amarilla durante 1954-1959. Se puede ampliar ahora, este trabajo, porque se dispone de más datos; éstos incluyen datos de 1951 1954, de los cuales no se disponía antes, y datos de 1960-1962 que fueron recolectados después de la publicación de Hennemuth (1961b). En esa obra, Hennemuth estimó la tasa de mortalidad total instantánea (Z) durante todo el período de tiempo en el cual una clase anual está presente en la pesquería, consecutiva al reclutamiento total. Sin embargo, este método puede conducir a estimaciones con bias (inclinación viciada) de abundancia, y de aquí las tasas de mortalidad, debidas tanto a migraciones estacionales dentro o fuera de las áreas determinadas de pesca, como a posibles diferencias estacionales en la disponibilidad y vulnerabilidad de los peces al equipo de pesca. Schaefer, Chatwin y Broadhead (1961) y Joseph et al. (1964) han indicado que ocurren migraciones estacionales de atún aleta amarilla. Un método para estimar las tasas de mortalidad el cual no tuviera bias debido a los movimientos estacionales, sería de valor en los cómputos de la dinámica de las poblaciones. El método de análisis delineado y usado en el presente estudio puede evitar este bias al comparar la abundancia de una clase anual individual de atún aleta amarilla, subsecuente a su período de abundancia máxima en un área individual, durante un trimestre específico del año, con su abundancia en la misma área un año más tarde. Este método fue sugerido por Gulland (1955) y empleado por Chapman, Holt y Allen (1963) en la declaración de los stocks de la ballena antártica. Este método y los resultados de su uso, en combinación con los datos del atún aleta amarilla capturado en el Pacífico oriental tropical desde 1951-1962, son descritos en este estudio.


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ENGLISH: The average linear growth rate of skipjack in the eastern Pacific is less than 1 mm per day except for fish 375 to 424 mm in length at release. The growth rate shows a decrease with increasing length and increasing time at liberty. The growth rate of fish in the length range of about 43 to 57 cm is apparently more rapid in the eastern Pacific than in the western Pacific. Dsing data for the northeastern and southeastern Pacific combined, K and ~ were estimated to be 0.658 (on an annual basis) and 885 mm, respectively, by the ungrouped method and 0.829 and 846 mm, respectively, by the grouped method. Sensitivity analyses have shown however, that the estimates of these parameters are poorly determined by the sum of squares method used to derive them. Estimates of K and ~ for the eastern Pacific tend to be lower and higher, respectively, than those for the western Pacific. The average linear growth rate of yellowfin in the eastern Pacific is a little less than 1 mm per day for fish between about 25 and 100 cm in length at release. The growth appears to be most rapid in Area 2 (Revillagigedo Islands) and slowest in Areas 1 (Baja California), 5 (Central America- Colombia), and 6 (Ecuador-Peru). There is considerable variation in the growth rates of individual fish. The growth does not show a decrease with increasing length or increasing time at liberty so realistic estimates of the parameters of the von Bertalanffy or other similar equations cannot be calculated from these data. If realistic estimates of these parameters are to be secured larger fish must be tagged and released or many more long-term returns from fish to about 100 cm in length at release must be obtained. The growth patterns for the eastern Pacific, central Pacific and eastern Atlantic found by most other investigators differ from one another and from those found in the present study. Some of these differences may be real and others may be due to deficiencies in the data or the methods of analysis. Estimates obtained from tagging data are believed to be realistic provided the tags do not inhibit the growth of the fish. It appears that the growth rates of single- and double-tagged fish are the same; this indicates, though not unequivocally, that the tags do not inhibit the growth. SPANISH: La tasa media de crecimiento lineal del barrilete en el Pacífico oriental es inferior a lmm/día, excepto en el caso de peces de entre 375y 424mm de longitud de liberación. La tasa de crecimiento disminuye a medida que aumenta la longitud y el tiempo en libertad. La tasa de crecimiento de peces de entre unos 43 y 57 cm de longitud parece ser mayor en el Pacífico oriental que en el occidental. A partir de datos del Pacífico nororiental y suroriental combinados, se estimaron K y loo en 0.658 (anual) y 885mm, respectivamente, usando el método no agrupado, y 0.829 y 846mm, respectivamente, usando el método agrupado. Sin embargo, los análisis de sensitividad han demostrado que el método de suma de cuadrados utilizado para derivar las estimaciones de estos parámetros las determina con poca precisión. Las estimaciones de K y loo para el Pacífico oriental suelen ser inferiores y superiores, respectivamente, a los del Pacífico occidental. La tasa media de crecimiento lineal del aleta amarilla en el Pacífico oriental es ligeramente inferior a lmm/día para los peces de entre unos 25y 100cmde longitud de liberación. El crecimiento parece ser más rápido en el Area 2(Islas Revillagigedo),y más lento en las Areas 1(Baja California), 5 (Centroamérica-Colombia), y 6 (Ecuador-Perú). Las tasas de crecimiento de peces individuales varían considerablemente. El crecimiento no muestra una disminuciónconun aumento en la longitud o en el tiempo en libertad, y por consecuencia no se se pueden calcular estimaciones realistas de los parámetros de la ecuación de von Bertalanffy u otras ecuaciones similares a partir de estos datos. Para obtener estimaciones realistas de estos parámetros sería necesario marcar peces mayores u obtener muchas más devoluciones a largo plazo de marcas de peces de unos 100cm de longitud de liberación. Los patrones de crecimiento correspondientes al Pacífico oriental, Pacífico central, y Atlántico oriental descubiertos por la mayoría de los investigadores son diferentes entre síy también de los del presente estudio. Es posibleque algunas de estas diferencias sean verdaderas, mientras que otras se deban a faltas en los datos on en los métodos analíticos utilizados. Se considera que las estimaciones obtenidas a partir de los datos de marcado son realistas, suponiendo siempre que las marcas no impidan el crecimiento de los peces. Parece ser que las tasas de crecimiento de peces con una marca y con dos son idénticas, lo cual indica, aunque sin certeza total, que las marcas no ejercen tal efecto. (PDF contains 76 pages.)


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The gut contents of Sardina pilchardus specimens captured in Izmir Bay were examined in order to determine their feeding regimes. Of the 365 stomachs examined, 321 (87.95%) contained food and 44 (12.05%) were empty. Analysis of gut contents verified that S. pilchardus feeds on zooplankton. The most important group in the diet of S. pilchardus was copepods (79.79%). Decapod crustacean larvae (8.17%) and bivalves (3.18%) were second and third, respectively, in order of importance. The application of analysis of variance to monthly data of numerical percentage, weight percentage, frequency of occurrence and index of relative importance indicated that there was no significant difference between months. Oncaea media was the most dominant species for six months of the year. Euterpina acutifrons, Centropages typicus, Calanoida, Oncaea sp. and Corycaeus sp. were the most dominant for March, April, May, September, October and December.


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For purposes ofthe Endangered Species Act (ESA), a "species" is defined to include "any distinct population segment of any species of vertebrate fish or wildlife which interbreeds when mature. "Federal agencies charged with carrying out the provisions of the ESA have struggled for over a decade to develop a consistent approach for interpreting the term "distinct population segment." This paper outlines such an approach and explains in some detail how it can be applied to ESA evaluations of anadromous Pacific salmonids. The following definition is proposed: A population (or group of populations) will be considered "distinct" (and hence a "species ")for purposes of the ESA if it represents an evolutionarily significant unit (ESU) of the biological species. A population must satisfy two criteria to be considered an ESU: 1) It must be substantially reproductively isolated from other conspecific population units, and 2) It must represent an important component in the evolutionary legacy of the species. Isolation does not have to be absolute, but it must be strong enough to permit evolutionarily important differences to accrue in different population units. The second criterion would be met if the population contributes substantially to the ecological/genetic diversity of the species as a whole. Insights into the extent of reproductive isolation can be provided by movements of tagged fish, natural recolonization rates observed in other populations, measurements of genetic differences between populations, and evaluations of the efficacy of natural barriers. Each of these methods has its limitations. Identification of physical barriers to genetic exchange can help define the geographic extent of distinct populations, but reliance on physical features alone can be misleading in the absence of supporting biological information. Physical tags provide information about the movements of individual fish but not the genetic consequences of migration. Furthermore, measurements ofc urrent straying or recolonization rates provide no direct information about the magnitude or consistency of such rates in the past. In this respect, data from protein electrophoresis or DNA analyses can be very useful because they reflect levels of gene flow that have occurred over evolutionary time scales. The best strategy is to use all available lines of evidence for or against reproductive isolation, recognizing the limitations of each and taking advantage of the often complementary nature of the different types of information. If available evidence indicates significant reproductive isolation, the next step is to determine whether the population in question is of substantial ecological/genetic importance to the species as a whole. In other words, if the population became extinct, would this event represent a significant loss to the ecological/genetic diversity of thes pecies? In making this determination, the following questions are relevant: 1) Is the population genetically distinct from other conspecific populations? 2) Does the population occupy unusual or distinctive habitat? 3) Does the population show evidence of unusual or distinctive adaptation to its environment? Several types of information are useful in addressing these questions. Again, the strengths and limitations of each should be kept in mind in making the evaluation. Phenotypic/life-history traits such as size, fecundity, and age and time of spawning may reflect local adaptations of evolutionary importance, but interpretation of these traits is complicated by their sensitivity to environmental conditions. Data from protein electrophoresis or DNA analyses provide valuable insight into theprocessofgenetic differentiation among populations but little direct information regarding the extent of adaptive genetic differences. Habitat differences suggest the possibility for local adaptations but do not prove that such adaptations exist. The framework suggested here provides a focal point for accomplishing the majorgoal of the Act-to conserve the genetic diversity of species and the ecosystems they inhabit. At the same time, it allows discretion in the listing of populations by requiring that they represent units of real evolutionary significance to the species. Further, this framework provides a means of addressing several issues of particular concern for Pacific salmon, including anadromous/nonanadromous population segments, differences in run-timing, groups of populations, introduced populations, and the role of hatchery fish.


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The CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems (CRP AAS) was approved by the CGIAR Fund Council in July, 2011. Solomon Islands, one of five countries targeted by the program, began its rollout with a five month planning phase between August and December of 2011. Subsequent steps of the Program rollout include scoping, diagnosis and design. This report is the first to be produced during the scoping phase in Solomon Islands; it addresses the national setting and provides basic information on the context within which the AAS Program will operate. The macro level subjects of analysis provide initial baselines of national level indicators, policy context, power relationships and other factors relevant to the Program.


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From the 1940s until 2003, portions of the island of Vieques, a municipality within the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, were used by the US Navy as a base and training facility, resulting in development and zoning history that differ in comparison to other Caribbean islands. The majority of former Navy lands are now under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Interior’s Fish and Wildlife Service as a National Wildlife Refuge, while a smaller percentage of land was transferred to the Vieques municipality and the Puerto Rico Conservation Trust. An analysis of the distribution and status of the marine resources is timely in light of the recent land transfer, increases in development and tourism, and potential changes in marine zoning around the island. To meet this need, NOAA’s Biogeography Branch, in cooperation with the Office of Response and Restoration and other local and regional partners, conducted Part I of an ecological characterization to integrate historical data and research into a synthesis report. The overall objective of this report is to provide resource managers and residents a comprehensive characterization of the marine resources of Vieques to support research, monitoring, and management. For example, knowledge of the spatial distribution of physical features, habitats, and biological communities is necessary to make an informed decision of the establishment and placement of a marine protected area (MPA). The report is divided into chapters based on the physical environment (e.g., climate, geology, bathymetry), habitat types (e.g., reefs and hardbottom, seagrasses, mangroves) and major faunal groups (e.g. fish, turtles, birds). Each section includes five subsections: an overview, description of the relevant literature, methods of analysis, information on the distribution, status and trends of the particular resource, and a discussion of ecological linkages with other components of the Vieques marine ecosystem and surrounding environment. The physical environment of Vieques is similar to other islands within the Greater Antilles chain, with some distinctions. The warm, tropical climate of Vieques, mediated by the northeasterly trade winds, is characterized by a dry season (December-April) and a rainy season (May-November), the latter of which is characterized by the occasional passage of tropical cyclones. Compared to mainland Puerto Rico, Vieques is characterized by lower elevation, less annual precipitation, and higher average temperatures. The amount of annual precipitation also varies spatially within Vieques, with the western portion of the island receiving higher amounts of rainfall than further east. While the North Equatorial Current dominates the circulation pattern in the Greater Antilles region, small scale current patterns specific to Vieques are not as well characterized. These physical processes are important factors mitigating the distribution and composition of marine benthic habitats around Vieques. In general, the topography of Vieques is characterized by rolling hills. Mt. Pirata, the tallest point at 301 m, is located near the southwest coast. In the absence of island wide sedimentation measurements, information on land cover, slope, precipitation, and soil type were used to estimate relative erosion potential and sediment delivery for each watershed. While slope and precipitation amount are the primary driving factors controlling runoff, land use practices such as urban development, military activity, road construction, and agriculture can increase the delivery of pollution and sediments to coastal waters. Due to the recent land transfer, increased development and tourism is expected, which may result in changes in the input of sediments to the coastal environment.


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Red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) in the United States waters of the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) has been considered a single unit stock since management of the species began in 1991. The validity of this assumption is essential to management decisions because measures of growth can differ for nonmixing populations. We examined growth rates, size-at-age, and length and weight information of red snapper collected from the recreational harvests of Alabama (n=2010), Louisiana (n=1905), and Texas (n =1277) from 1999 to 2001. Ages were obtained from 5035 otolith sections and ranged from one to 45 years. Fork length, total weight, and age-frequency distributions differed significantly among all states; Texas, however, had a much higher proportion of smaller, younger fish. All red snapper showed rapid growth until about age 10 years, after which growth slowed considerably. Von Bertalanffy growth models of both mean fork length and mean total weight-at-age predicted significantly smaller fish at age from Texas, whereas no differences were found between Alabama and Louisiana models. Texas red snapper were also shown to differ significantly from both Alabama and Louisiana red snapper in regressions of mean weight at age. Demographic variation in growth rates may indicate the existence of separate management units of red snapper in the GOM. Our data indicate that the red snapper inhabiting the waters off Texas are reaching smaller maximum sizes at a faster rate and have a consistently smaller total weight at age than those collected from Louisiana and Alabama waters. Whether these differences are environmentally induced or are the result of genetic divergence remains to be determined, but they should be considered for future management regulations.


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There are two groups of factors, namely fishery independent factors such as current, temperature and salinity and fishery dependent factors such as types of fishing, namely trawling, gill netting etc. with different mesh sizes and intensity of fishing indicating the number of units of each type of fishing. Hence assessment of capture fishery resources remains a puzzle even today. However, attempts have been made to develop suitable mathematical and statistical models for assessing them and for offering suggestions for judicious management of the resources. This paper indicates in brief the important characteristics of the capture fisheries, their assessment and management with particular reference to India.


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Pelagic resources around Sri Lanka may be categorized into three major groups: (1) the small pelagic varieties such as the sprats, halmessa, sardines (salaya, soodaya), and herrings (hurulla). (2) the medium size pelagic species such as the mackerel (kumbala and bolla), barracuda (jeela), seer Spanish mackerel (thora), frigate mackeral (alagoduwa), mackerel tuna (atawalla) and the skipjack (balaya). (3) the large size fishes such as yellow fin tuna (kelawalla), big eye tuna, marlins (koppora and gappara), sail fish (thalapath), sharks (mora) and rays (maduwa). Production levels of exploited resources are noted, and seasonal patterns and annual in their abundance are considered. On the basis of observations and estimations of the existing fisheries, and the results of experimental fishing, figures are presented of the potential yield of those species already exploited. The development of that potential depends on the development of modern techniques of pole and line fishing, application of tuna longline and shark longline, increasing the number of units of drift nets and the introduction of a bait fishery for the longline and pole line fishery. Some features upon which the successes of any venture to exploit such resources are noted, particularly those which relate to the nature of the fishing vessels used.


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Fishing conducted off Saurashtra coast during 1971-74 with 27 units of nylon gill nets using 210/2/3, 210/3/3 and 210/4/3 twines with 51, 57 and 63 mm bar mesh and 0.70, 0 60 and 0.50 hanging coefficients have helped in standardizing an optimum gear for exploitation of commercial size group of Hilsa toli and Pampus argenteus. Gill nets of 210/2/3 with 51 mm bar mesh and 0.60 hanging coefficient for Hilsa toli and 210/2/3 with 63 mm bar and 0.60 hanging coefficient for Pampus argenteus are recommended for the commercial exploitation of these two species of fishes.