22 resultados para Turbidity currents.

em Aquatic Commons


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In clear water, diquat [6,7-dihydrodipyrido (1,2-1a:2',1'-c) pyrazinediium dibromide] provides excellent submersed Plant control at low concentrations, such as <0.5 mg active ingredient (ai) L-1: however. turbid water conditions can interfere with the activity and effectiveness of this herbicide. Little work has been done to examine what ranges of turbidity caused by different Suspended sediment types affect diquat efficacy against a target species. A growth chamber study was conducted rising diquat against the submersed macrophyte -egeria (Egeria densa Planch.) under a range Of turbid conditions. Two materials were used to create turbid beater conditions: 100% bentonite clay for a "worst-case" scenario and a natural partial-clav (20% clay). Results indicated that a high rate of diquat (2 mg ai L-1) controlled egeria under relatively low levels of turbidity (5-10 NTU) using bentonite clay: however. higher levels (25 to 50 NTU) of turbidity essentially blocked effectiveness of diquat when applied at all rates tested (0.5. 1, 2 mg ai L-1). When using a natural partial-clay sediment, rates of 1 to 2 mg ai L-1 diquat provided good control of egeria in moderately turbid water (15 NTU). Additional evaluations rising different clay types would be useful to determine the effect of inorganic turbidity oil diquat efficacy.


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ENGLISH: During the period extending from late August to early October 1958 the United States Navy Hydrographic Office (now the United States Oceanographic Office) undertook a program of current observations in the western part of Panama Bay. The specifications of the survey called for half-hourly monitoring of currents at three depths at each of six locations, one for thirty days and five for five days. Although not all these objectives were realized because of instrument malfunctions and failures, sufficient data were collected at five stations to provide a fairly detailed description of the current pattern as it existed at the times of observation. This report is concerned first with a discussion of those data and the procedures used to reduce them to the tidal and net current components and second, with the effects on the current pattern of tidal amplitude, bottom topography and bottom friction. SPANISH: Durante el período entre fines de agosto y principios de octubre de 1958, la United States Navy Hydrographic Office (ahora la United States Navy Oceanographic Office) tomó a su cargo un programa para observar las corrientes en la parte occidental de la Bahía de Panamá. De acuerdo con las especificaciones del proyecto, las observaciones de las corrientes debían hacerse cada media hora a tres profundidades en cada una de seis localidades; en una de ellas durante treinta días yen las otras cinco durante cinco días. A pesar de que no todos estos objetivos fueron cumplidos a causa del mal funcionamiento y fallas instrumentales, se recogieron suficientes datos en cinco estaciones, como para proporcionar una descripción bastante detallada de la pauta de las corrientes, tal como existía durante las observaciones. Este informe se refiere, primero, al análisis y examen de dichos datos y a los procedimientos empleados para reducir éstos a los componentes de las corrientes netas y a los componentes de las corrientes durante la mareas, y segundo, al efecto que tienen sobre la pauta de las corrientes la fluctuación de las mareas, la topografía del fondo y la fricción del fondo.


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ENGLISH: A primary objective of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission is a knowledge of the ecology of tunas which inhabit the Eastern Tropical Pacific. This paper presents some results of the work in physical oceanography, which, it is hoped, will be useful to the biological work and at the same time of interest to physical oceanographers. The work presented here was begun in connection with simple observable facts; the thermocline is very close to the sea surface in a region off Costa Rica (Wooster and Cromwell, 1958), and this region is biologically productive (Holmes, et al. 1957; Brandhorst, 1958). It is the main object of this study to describe and explain these facts, insofar as possible. SPANISH: Uno de los principales objetivos de la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical es el conocimiento de la ecología de los atunes que viven en el Pacífico Oriental Tropical. Este informe presenta algunos de los resultados del estudio en oceanografía física, los cuales se espera que serán útiles en la investigación biológica y, al mismo tiempo, de interés para los oceanógrafos físicos. El trabajo presentado aquí se inició en conexión con sencillos hechos observables; mar afuera de Costa Rica, la termoclina queda muy cerca de la superficie del mar (Wooster y Cromwell, 1958) y esta región es biológicamente productiva (Holmes, el al., 1957; Brandhorst, 1958). El objeto principal de este estudio es describir y explicar estos hechos, hasta donde sea posible. (PDF contains 32 pages.)


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The Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) Workshop entitled "Technologies for Measuring Currents in Coastal Environments" was held in Portland, Maine, October 26-28, 2005, with sponsorship by the Gulf of Maine Ocean Observing System (GoMOOS), an ACT partner organization. The primary goals of the event were to summarize recent trends in nearshore research and management applications for current meter technologies, identify how current meters can assist coastal managers to fulfill their regulatory and management objectives, and to recommend actions to overcome barriers to use of the technologies. The workshop was attended by 25 participants representing state and federal environmental management agencies, manufacturers of current meter technologies, and researchers from academic institutions and private industry. Common themes that were discussed during the workshop included 1) advantages and limitations of existing current measuring equipment, 2) reliability and ease of use with each instrument type, 3) data decoding and interpretation procedures, and 4) mechanisms to facilitate better training and guidance to a broad user group. Seven key recommendations, which were ranked in order of importance during the last day of the workshop are listed below. 1. Forums should be developed to facilitate the exchange of information among users and industry: a) On-line forums that not only provide information on specific instruments and technologies, but also provide an avenue for the exchange of user experiences with various instruments (i.e. problems encountered, cautions, tips, advantages, etc). (see References for manufacturer websites with links to application and technical forums at end of report) b) Regional training/meetings for operational managers to exchange ideas on methods for measuring currents and evaluating data. c) Organize mini-meetings or tutorial sessions within larger conference venues. 2. A committee of major stakeholders should be convened to develop common standards (similar to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) committee) that enable users to switch sensors without losing software or display capabilities. (pdf contains 28 pages)


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A three day workshop on turbidity measurements was held at the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology from August 3 1 to September 2, 2005. The workshop was attended by 30 participants from industry, coastal management agencies, and academic institutions. All groups recognized common issues regarding the definition of turbidity, limitations of consistent calibration, and the large variety of instrumentation that nominally measure "turbidity." The major recommendations, in order of importance for the coastal monitoring community are listed below: 1. The community of users in coastal ecosystems should tighten instrument design configurations to minimize inter-instrument variability, choosing a set of specifications that are best suited for coastal waters. The IS0 7027 design standard is not tight enough. Advice on these design criteria should be solicited through the ASTM as well as Federal and State regulatory agencies representing the majority of turbidity sensor end users. Parties interested in making turbidity measurements in coastal waters should develop design specifications for these water types rather than relying on design standards made for the analysis of drinking water. 2. The coastal observing groups should assemble a community database relating output of specific sensors to different environmental parameters, so that the entire community of users can benefit from shared information. This would include an unbiased, parallel study of different turbidity sensors, employing a variety of designs and configuration in the broadest range of coastal environments. 3. Turbidity should be used as a measure of relative change in water quality rather than an absolute measure of water quality. Thus, this is a recommendation for managers to develop their own local calibrations. See next recommendation. 4. If the end user specifically wants to use a turbidity sensor to measure a specific water quality parameter such as suspended particle concentration, then direct measurement of that water quality parameter is necessary to correlate with 'turbidity1 for a particular environment. These correlations, however, will be specific to the environment in which they are measured. This works because there are many environments in which water composition is relatively stable but varies in magnitude or concentration. (pdf contains 22 pages)


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(PDF contains 39 pages.)


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The physical effects of river regulation in the U.K. by impoundments have attracted most attention from hydrologists and engineers concerned with predicting and maintaining discharge regimes for water supply. Grimshaw & Lewin (1980) suggested two basic methods to investigate the effects of regulation on suspended sediment discharge: (i) Compare the river load before and after reservoir construction, and (ii) adopt a paired catchment approach. The former method assumes stationarity of process in the natural system. The latter method, involving selecting two adjacent catchments of similar physical attributes, one regulated and one unregulated, assumes constancy of process spatially. In this report both approaches are adopted to examine the turbidity and suspended sediment concentration regime of the regulated River Tees. Neither approach was entirely satisfactory in the present case. This report examines the discharge and turbidity record consisting of approximately 4000 paired data points, representative of an 11-year post-impoundment period, that has been examined for the River Tees at Broken Scar, Darlington. A small amount of suspended sediment concentration data was also processed: these data are representative of both the pre-impoundment and post-impoundment sediment regime.


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High suspended sediment loads may be deleterious to adult salmonids and invertebrates in gravel-bedded streams. Further, the accumulation of fine material in the interstices of the gravel may have an adverse impact on the recruitment of the young stages of salmonids. It is important therefore not only to quantify the rates and degrees of silting but also to identify sediment sources and to determine both, the frequency of sediment inputs to the system and the duration of high sediment concentrations. This report explores the application of variance spectrum analysis to the isolation of sediment periodicities. For the particular river chosen for examination the method demonstrated the essentially undisturbed nature of the catchment. The regulated river chosen for examination is the River Tees in Northern England. Variance spectrum analysis was applied to a series of over 4000 paired daily turbidity and discharge readings.


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The River Great Ouse is a highly managed large lowland river in eastern England. It drains rich arable land in the Midlands and Eastern England and over the years nutrient concentrations have increased and there is a general perception that the clarity of the water has decreased. The main river channels have been dredged a number of times partly for flood control reasons but also for recreational boating and navigation activities. The period covered by this first report has been used to develop specific methodology and instrumentation for measuring turbidity, suspended solids and underwater irradiance for conditions found in the middle abd lower reaches of the River Great Ouse. Sampling strategies have been developed and an extensive sampling programme is now underway covering phytoplankton, suspended solids and turbidity in relation to algal epiphyte growth on underwater macrophytes. Preliminary data are presented relating light levels on the river bed to the river bed profile, turbidity levels and phytoplankton chlorophyll a concentrations. Studies are underway concerning the extent of macrophyte cover and periphyton densities.


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Light traps are one of a number of different gears used to sample pelagic larval and juvenile fishes. In contrast to conventional towed nets, light traps primarily collect larger size classes, including settlement-size larvae (Choat et al., 1993; Hickford and Schiel, 1999 ; Hernandez and Shaw, 2003), and, therefore, have become important tools for discerning recruitment dynamics (Sponaugle and Cowen, 1996; Wilson, 2001). The relative ease with which multiple synoptic light trap samples can be taken means that larval distribution patterns can be mapped with greater spatial resolution (Doherty, 1987). Light traps are also useful for sampling shallow or structurally complex habitats where towed nets are ineffective or prohibited (Gregory and Powles, 1985; Brogan, 1994; Hernandez and Shaw, 2003).


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This report presents the results of a two-year investigation and summary of oceanographic satellite data obtained from multiple operational data providers and sources, spanning years of operational data collection. Long-term summaries of Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and SST fronts, Sea Surface Height Anomalies (SSHA), surface currents, ocean color chlorophyll and turbidity, and winds are provided. Merged satellite oceanographic data revealed information on: (1) seasonal cycles and timing of transition periods; (2) linkages between seasonal effects (warming and cooling), upwelling processes and transport; and (3) nutrient/sediment sources, sinks, and physical limiting factors controlling surface response for Olympic Coast marine environments. These data and information can be used for building relevant hind cast models, ecological forecasts, and regional environmental indices (e.g. upwelling, climate, “hot spot”) on biological distribution and/or response in the PNW.